End Time Prophecy Headlines: May 14, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report: Headlines, News Commentary
Bible Prophecy in Today’s headlines

End Time Prophecy Report
May 14, 2013

Justice Dept: Parents have no right to homeschool their children – (h/t:L)

Police seek 3 in New Orleans shooting – 19 wounded during Mothers Day Parade attack

Two new viruses could spark Global outbreak – pestilences

DEEPEST TRENCH IN THE WORLD: Area of the Mariana Islands Experiencing 7.0 Earthquakes

Tinderbox-Dry Western U.S. at High Risk of Major Wildfires

Aurora cinema shooting: Judge approves ‘truth serum’ interrogation

“There is a big movie out today: “The Great Gatsby.” Leonardo DiCaprio is a millionaire who can have any woman he wants, yet he never seems happy. I don’t know who he plays in the movie. “
–Craig Ferguson

New study links GMO foods to luekemia

Texas man arrested with explosive device in West Texas explosion – (h/t:D) Is he a fall guy?

Is Obama going to charge 14 governors with treason? – Not going to say ‘Won’t happen,’ but at this point, it’s speculation.  At least for now…

U.S. aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea

Google Maps about to change?

Texas votes to nullify Federal laws – (h/t:L) Not hard to see where this is headed…

Top 10 most bizarre science questions adults want answered – Can someone get killed by a coin falling off the Empire State Building?  Can you survive a lightening strike?  …plus eight more!


Empire State Building as seen from Top of the Rock
Empire State Building as seen from Top of the Rock (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Best Commercial for a Soft Drink Ever (Video) – 50 seconds of pure commercial

1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps from U.S. Gov’t — $2 Billion in 2012

“The movie [The Great Gatsby] has marketing tie-ins everywhere. Brooks Brothers has “Gatsby suits.” The Plaza Hotel in New York is opening a “Fitzgerald suite.” I think that is lovely. A room named after an alcoholic with tuberculosis who drove his wife mad before dying in his 40s. I want to stay in that room!”
–Craig Ferguson

Hal Lindsey Report: 5/10/2013: CNN DUMB OR DEVIOUS? – Do we only get to pick one?

10 Scenes From The Economic Collapse That Is Sweeping Across The Planet – #4 is “7000 building abandoned in Dayton OH”  The city of Dayton is going to spend $5.2 million to tear down over 470 buildings that stand empty.  Sounds like Wheeling, WV.  There is no money to fix roads or house homeless–but there’s money to tear down buildings.  Why not let the homeless stay in a few of the buildings?  Never mind…

New forensic technique for estimating time of death by checking internal clock of the human brain – sounds easily manipulated, but this writer is not a forensic pathologist…

U.N. says ‘Why not eat more insects?” – Because the UN is all about helping people.  Get ready for the answer to skyrocketing food prices…

Poll: Americans see Doom and Gloom in the future – At last: poll numbers that can be believed.  Of course, the corporate media has been writing about doom and gloom for almost five years.  Before mid-2008, if one wrote about doom and gloom independently, one was called a “conspiracy theorist”…

Terrorist coalition to strike within USA – From the article:

“The source said the regime views the Boston bombing as a successful terrorist attack in which fear was created, U.S. intelligence questioned and a sense of security diminished. There has yet to be any link to a specific group or country.”

Except for readers of this email, who would link Boston and future coming attacks to Russia.  And that is the country the corporate media dares not speak its name…

Think about this: with all of the increased security, pervasive surveillance and billions upon billions of government spending, is the nation any safer?  Will there ever come a time when the government will announce, “We have enough “security” and the American public is now safe”?  Will “terrorist” attacks lessen?

No, no and no…

Video: Strange Sky Phenomena escalating worldwide – 27-minute interesting video.  Question: how many times did you read or hear of asteroids–and the newest, the ‘fireball in the sky’–almost hitting the planet before the year 2000?  Now, it seems that every few months an asteroid “almost strikes the earth.”  Every week, videos of fireballs pop up on YouTube.

Two other phenomena that have markedly increased in the last five years: 1-the appearance of UFOs “accidentally” on newscast footage.  It started with Inauguration Day 2008 and hasn’t slacked up since.  This video feature several.  2- The uploading to YouTube of videos that “ordinary people” have captured on their ever-present cellphone cameras.  Whether it is pictures/video of craft during the day or flashing lights of craft during the night, most days hundreds of new ones are uploaded to YouTube.

Particularly interesting is the image of what appeared over Ankara, Turkey (it’s at the 20:40 mark of the video).

Personally, five people that this writer knows has seen some sort of UFOs over the last two years alone.  Expect that number to rapidly increase in the months ahead.  Apparently, whatever “ETs” have been appearing sporadically over the last 65 years–since shortly after WW2–have decided that they are NOW almost desperate to let us know they are here.

Notice the reaction of the people in the video to UFOs.  Multiply the reaction by 100.  One person said, “It could be Jesus coming to pick us up.”  (at apprx. 10:40)  Imagine the reactions if the world were immersed in World War–or worse.  Hopefully, some sort of deception won’t be taking place.  Hmmm….

Physician-assisted suicide one vote away from law in Vermont – Love of many waxes cold in the Culture of Death..

DOJ Secretly Obtains Months Of AP Phone Records; AP Condemns ‘Unprecedented Intrusion’ – The AP gets the full Obama

The IRS admits to ‘targeting’ conservative groups

“A new poll found that 54 percent of Americans are tired of Justin Bieber. It gets even worse when you hear that they polled only 54 percent of Americans.”
–Jimmy Fallon

So much for spring… here come the snow showers!

Angelina Jolie has both breasts removed – Some might call this preventive medicine.  Others, self-mutilation on an extreme scale.  This entire story smells.

by Jeremiah J. Jameson

with Mondo Frazier