End Times Prophecy Headlines: February 27, 2015

Bible prophecy in Today's news headlines
Bible prophecy in Today’s news headlines

End Times Prophecy Report
February 27, 2015

CommentaryAnd OPINION


JAPAN: Why immigration won’t save Japan from demographic decline – Land of the setting sun?

SOUTH KOREA: S Korea decriminalizes adultery – Age of Lawlessness

NORTH KOREA: Is Kim Jong Un The Last Bad Bond Guy?

ISIS: ISIS releases video showing them smashing artifacts in Mosul – The two busiest jobs in the world appear to be ISIS PR Manager and the guy shooting videos for ISIS.

SYRIA: Warning in Syria: More Mass Killing of Christians – Because the media is so concerned about Christians.

HUNGARY: You Can Rent An Entire Hungarian Village, including horses, cows and a bus stop

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan


The shocking vulnerability of the US military – IF the US military is vulnerable, it is not for a lack of funding.  The USA spends more on its military than the NEXT TEN COUNTRIES COMBINED. So if the US military is vulnerable, that would indeed be shocking.

Top Intel Official: U.S. Facing ‘Unprecedented’ Array Of Threats – Ditto for the intelligence services, who constantly beg for more money and respond with nothing but excuses when the terror attacks hits.

Scott Walker thrills packed house at CPAC – It’s about a year until the first votes are to be cast in the primaries.  Until then, the only way to gauge various “candidates” is their performance at various made-for-the-media events.  Like CPAC.

Obama to ban bullets, threatens top-selling AR-15 – Can anyone please stop this runaway undercover Muslim president?  Has the Republican Congress no shame?  Have they no power?  Oh, help! Help!

This is the mindset of 9/11, when airplanes flew around the USA for over an hour, flying into buildings while the rest of the country watched on TV–including apparently, the US Air Force.

Of course, the “pro-Obama” media has regularly threatened Americans with banning guns for the last six years.  Record gun sales have resulted along with the stockpiling of vast quantities of ammo.  The gun and ammo manufacturers don’t have a better friend for business than Barack Obama.

NRA donations increase post-Sandy Hook; up to 96.4 million in 2013 – Obama has been very good for the NRA as well.  They’re going to hate to see him go.

Jeb Bush wouldn’t hesitate to start “Third Bush War”

“Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald got in some hot water this week for saying that he served in the military’s Special Forces when he never did. It gets even worse when you find out the place he actually served was Old Navy.”
–Jimmy Fallon

Attorney General nominee Lynch clears committee vote with 3 Republican votes – They always seem to find just enough votes to get done what the elite string-pullers need done.  When the people want something done?  Nope.  There are never enough votes and the Corporate Media will spend weeks explaining to readers/viewers the many reasons why.

They never run out of reasons why.

POLL: Most voters want Congress to ignore Obama veto threats

FCC votes in favor of Net Neutrality plan

Ron Paul: Internet RIP? – We’ll see.  Who was it who developed the Internet?  Oh, right: the US military.

And the Internet remains the single best surveillance and data gathering tool available to those who wish to gather data and surveill.

It’s not going anywhere.

Air Marshals’ Flight Schedules Rearranged For Trysts, Employees Say

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16



“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)


Pre-War Propaganda, Rock Musicians and Christian Websites

First human head transplant could happen within two years

The World Raises up Alternate Authorities to the Bible

DC Comics’ Catwoman comes out as bisexual – Many people complain the culture has imploded.  Not true.

American culture was always a filth hole.  But Americans were too busy being seduced by it to really pay attention.  NOW, when it’s no longer able to hide in plain sight, many Americans are suddenly waking up to the fact that their “culture” is vile.

Facebook add new gender option for users: Fill in the Blank

More Amazing Facts which aren’t: Weird and fun facts about our world

The United States have six different languages considered official: Arabic, Chinese, English, French Russian and Spanish. This amount of foreign languages declared official is due to America’s large cultural diversity.

​The USA doesn’t even have one official language–not even English.​

Probably one of the most annoying things about the “fact” websites is when they quiz the reader about the fake information involved in their fake facts.

Fun facts, awesome facts and other types of fake facts have not only taken over the Internet, they have contributed to the transformation of the USA into a real life Idiocracy.​

​Coffee’s millennial problem: tea increasingly popular among young Americans – Both are caffeinated.

Ad company uses drones to monitor cellphone, WiFi signals​ – Yet the myth of privacy in America continues to be passed along and believed.  Just another of those mythical “rights” we so rarely see but of which we hear so much about and which Americans are certain that they have.

“When you think about it, the tooth fairy is definitely the creepiest lie we tell our kids, right?”
–Jimmy Kimmel

Demons USA: Demons in Everyday Life

Arkansas Ban of Pro-Life Signs on Public Property is Unconstitutional – This is the type of “victory” the pro-life movement is famous for.​

Weed Vending Machines Have Hit The U.S.

“Salvation is of the Lord.”
Jonah 2:9 – (h/t:B)​

Six Women Accuse Bikram Yoga Founder Of Sex Assaults, Groping

Yoga for Christians? Rooted in Hinduism

Can God Lie? -​ A blasphemous fable disguised as “history” and “information.”​

​”​God is not a man, that he should lie;”
Numbers 23:19​


Fake Epidemic Saves a Village from Nazis

​California transit warning comes after second commuter come down with measles​

“Disneyland just raised its ticket prices to $99 a day for kids over 10. However, kids with measles still get in free.”

Mysterious boom in skies over Texas​

Should Californians Resurrect A Plan To Pipe In Water From Alaska?

​QUAKE: 5.0 south of the Aleutian Islands Alaska​

​QUAKE: 3.0 Puerto Rico region​


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

“Things are never quite what they seem.  Events are never close to the ways that the media and history portray them.

Who Killed Tony The Tiger?

​How ISIS threatens Europe​ – When the manufactured threat reaches the pretend defenses, it will created a manufactured crisis.

Why Everyone Was Wrong About Net Neutrality

​This is what it is like to be dead according to the guy who died twice​

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”
Hebrews 9:27

‘Pics Or It Didn’t Happen’ – The lie that social media is the same as real life.​

Facebook Will Now Reach Out To Users Whose Friends Think They Are Suicidal – The creepy social media equivalent to caring about someone.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: February 26, 2015

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by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

images: ETPR/xedos4, Danillo Rizutti, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR

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