This Day in the Secret History: January 16, 2015

THIS DAY in the Secret History
THIS DAY in the Secret History

HISTORY. Conspiracies, murder, secret societies, torture, assassination, war: What REALLY happened on this day in history? The stories behind the grand narrative we call “history” for January 16.

JANUARY 16, 2015
On This Day
End Times Prophecy Report

SECRET HISTORY: Originally, secret histories were designed as non-fictional, revealing or claiming to reveal the truth behind the “spin”: one such example is the Secret History of the Mongols. Secret histories can range from standard historical revisionism with proper critical reexamination of historical facts to negative historical revisionism wherein facts are deliberately omitted, suppressed or distorted.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:”
2 Thessalonians 2:7

1412 – The Medici family is appointed official banker of the Papacy.

Without a doubt, the House of Medici was one of the most influential–and depraved–families in Europe.

“The Medici produced four Popes of the Catholic Church—Pope Leo X (1513–1521), Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), Pope Pius IV (1559–1565), and Pope Leo XI (1605). ”

When he became pope, Leo X is reported to have said to his brother Giuliano: “Since God has given us the Papacy, let us enjoy it.” The living arrangements of Leo X led some of his contemporaries to accuse him of “unnatural vice” (homosexuality). He was the last non-priest to be elected pope. The target of an alleged poisoning plot, Leo sparked the Reformation by infamously selling indulgences for those who donated to reconstruct St. Peter’s Basilica.

Clement VII was born the son of unmarried parents. England went Protestant under Clement’s watch. When Clement died, some suspected poisoning.

Leo XI was pope for 27 days.

Like most members of the mystery of iniquity, they were extremely wealthy and financed kings, popes, wars and trade throughout Europe, but especially in the Italian peninsula. The family crest of the Medici’s features the occult phoenix.

“The Medici Bank was one of the most prosperous and most respected institutions in Europe. There are some estimates that the Medici family were the wealthiest family in Europe for a time. ” The family used their wealth to obtain political power.  The House of Medici was a prime example of those who pursued an earthly kingdom: a hallmark of the mystery of iniquity throughout history.

1547 – Ivan IV of Russia aka Ivan the Terrible becomes Czar of Russia.

Ivan was responsible for the Massacre of Novgorod in which 60,000 died.

1581 – The English Parliament outlaws Roman Catholicism.

1786 – Virginia enacted the Statute for Religious Freedom authored by Thomas Jefferson. Though much was made of “freedom of religion, this Jeffersonian invention became the basis of the doctrine of “separation of church and state.”

1919 – The United States ratifies the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, authorizing Prohibition in the United States one year after ratification. The amendment has the effect of transferring millions of dollars into the hands of criminals and outlaw bootleggers. Nothing established alcohol in the American consciousness as did the Eighteenth Amendment.  It was repealed in 1933 by the adoption of the 21st Amendment.

1979 – The last Iranian Shah flees Iran with his family for good and relocates to Egypt.

1991 – The Coalition Forces go to war with Iraq, beginning the Gulf War (U.S. Time).


by Mondo Frazier

This Day in the Secret History: ARCHIVES

primary source: January 16.

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