This Day in the Secret History: November 19, 2014

THIS DAY in the Secret History
THIS DAY in the Secret History

SECRET HISTORY: Originally, secret histories were designed as non-fictional, revealing or claiming to reveal the truth behind the “spin”: one such example is the Secret History of the Mongols. Secret histories can range from standard historical revisionism with proper critical reexamination of historical facts to negative historical revisionism wherein facts are deliberately omitted, suppressed or distorted.

NOVEMBER 19, 2014
On This Day
End Times Prophecy Report

HISTORY. Conspiracies, murder, secret societies, torture, assassination, war: What REALLY happened on this day in history? The stories behind the grand narrative we call “history” for November 19.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:”
2 Thessalonians 2:7

1095 – The Council of Clermont, called by Pope Urban II to discuss sending the First Crusade to the Holy Land, begins. The mystery of iniquity’s war machine gears up.

1863 – American Civil War: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the dedication ceremony for the military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

1916 – Samuel Goldwyn and Edgar Selwyn establish Goldwyn Pictures. This forerunner of MGM will become a key player in Big Entertainment and Big Media for the mystery of iniquity.

1954 – Télé Monte Carlo, Europe’s oldest private television channel, is launched by Prince Rainier III.

1955 – National Review publishes its first issue. This piece of Corporate Media is the brainchild of C.I.A. man, William F. Buckley.

1979 – Iran hostage crisis: Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini orders the release of 13 female and black American hostages being held at the US Embassy in Tehran, making Khomeini an Equal Opportunity Terrorist.

1985 – Police in Baling, Malaysia, lay siege to houses occupied by an Islamic sect of about 400 people led by Ibrahim Mahmud. This is a pre-War on Terror event.

1998 – Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against U.S. President Bill Clinton.


by Mondo Frazier

primary source: November 19.

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