End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15-16, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report: Headlines, News Commentary
Bible Prophecy in Today’s headlines

End Times Prophecy Report
Weekend Edition
June 15-16, 2013

Russia hits back at USA over Syria – Watching the Syrian Middle Eastern pot being stirred is like watching a slow motion train wreck in a B movie…

Egypt cuts all ties with Damascus

American troops on Syrian border – At least we’ve admitted that much…

Palin On Syria: ‘Let Allah Sort It Out’

Is Obama Starting A War With Syria Just To Distract Us From All The Scandals – This is the Corporate Media’s way of asking the question.  THE REAL QUESTION: Are all the scandals a distraction from the president preparing the coming War with Syria?  Who else is asking that question?

Panama Canal
Panama Canal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The $40 billion Chinese plan to build a canal across Nicaragua sounds ridiculous
A– Maybe the Chinese plan on building something else?  I’m not sure why the writer would speculate that it sounds ridiculous?!?  1- It’s a fact that the Panama Canal is too small for the biggest ocean-going vessels nowadays.  2- Before the USA built the Panama Canal, Nicaragua was one of the several potential sites for a canal that engineers looked at before settling on Panama.

B– Maybe the Chinese have a different objective than merely building a canal?  This from the article: “Environmentalists say it would devastate Lake Nicaragua, the country’s primary source of fresh water,”  Fresh water is the new Gold.  The less of it there is, the more valuable it becomes.  And, unlike gold: water can be used to control the world’s populations.

6.6 quake strikes 56 miles from Managua, Nicaragua

Ecuador To Sell A Third Of Its Amazon Rainforest To Chinese Oil Companies – Lots of Chinese fingers in a lot of pies…

California Votes to Allow Boys to Shower with Girls in Public Schools

Detroit Defaults – This should tell us how magnificent the Motor City was at one time.  They’ve been beating ceaselessly on Detroit for decades and it’s only in 2013 that the town finally has gone belly up.

Bye bye Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: So long, farewell, bye-bye. [Cox & Forkum]

So long Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! – If the Iranian poster child does step down, another just like him will take his place–the same as in the USA or China or Russia or any of the key players.  There are no heroes or villains at the international level of power politics–only players for the “mystery of iniquity.”

Protesters vs. Heavy security forces at G-8

Back Alley in Plain Sight – Compelling story of the selling of abortion in plain sight in 2013 America.

Rand Paul’s Message To Evangelicals: ‘There is a war on Christianity’  – How right the Senator–who lives in DC–is!  And that war is being waged by those who control the politicians in Washington DC.

Train wreck in Argentina leaves hundreds of casualties

“The world’s oldest human tumor has been found on the rib of a Neanderthal skeleton in Croatia. The tumor would have been discovered sooner, but they have government healthcare over there.”
–Jay Leno

Huge Mysterious Structures Found Middle Of Gobi Desert

SPECIAL REPORT: Iran, the USA and the ‘cup of poison’

6.7- magnitude quake strikes off Indonesia’s Java

Earthquake: M6.2 – 61km S of Pirgos, Greece

Coldest Spring since 1996 – Was 1996 really 17 years ago?

Japan’s Sakurajima volcano awakes with a series of powerful explosions

Storms state-by-state: 4 dead, much damage

Why MERS Virus is Terrifying Scientists Throughout the World

RE-DO:  Beware of those promoting a new Great Awakening – Tim Wirth – Worth a second look…

Ominous! Matt Drudge Tweets Spell Doom – “Is Matt Drudge a prophet?”  No.  It doesn’t take any special gift of prophecy to look outside your windows, read the “news” and gather that hard times have hit the USA–and are only getting worse.  Even the most worldly recognize that.  These days, the only ones not discerning the times are Christians…

And  by “the times,” that observation is meant to include all of the ones  who think they have it all figured out; the ones who’ve studied the doctrines of men–instead of studying their Bibles–and who are convinced that there is no persecution on the horizon because they will be whisked away at the first sign of trouble.

Those guys in the ’60s cartoons really did have it right.  You know, the guys pictured with a sign which read “Repent!  Prepare – for the End is near!”  Those guys.

Pope: Antichrist?
English: woodcut of the pope selling indulgences, from Passionary of the Christ and Antichrist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Understanding the End Times Vatican-Alien Connection – Want to understand the End Times?  Jesus is coming back.  Are you ready to meet Him?  If not, you’d better prepare yourself.

If you are ready, then double down:  it’s closer than you think!

All else is the vanity of  diversion.

“Edward Snowden shows up in a hotel in Hong Kong and announces to the
world that he’s leaked confidential National Security Agency memos and documents. He’s now gone. Where is this guy? Gosh, if only there was a way to keep track of people.”

–David Letterman

Is the Hyperloop the Future of Transportation? – Why does one strongly suspect that this concept is already a reality?

Fifty-Two Churches Destroyed In Nigeria – Nigeria is ground zero in the world’s persecution of Christians.  Coming soon to a country near you!

Rubio declares that “I’m done” if immigration bill includes gay couple allowance – Whatever.  It’s too late, Marco: you can’t unscramble an egg.

What Is Soros Funded, Church-Backed National Immigration Forum?
57% Fear Government Will Use NSA Data to Harass Political Opponents  – Why does one feel that the proper response to this headline is: Too late?!

Mondoi-sm: “Polls are just another way for the Corporate Media to disseminate disinformation and lies so that, using numbers, fractions and percentages, a lie  appears to be scientifically true.”

And nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it (new Jerusalem ), but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
–Revelation 21:27

El Paso sheriff refusing to enforce some gun laws

Lies from the Father of Lies – Why we are losing a generation of Christians to the lies of Satan.

Superman crashes and burns – One man’s opinion on the differences between the movie versions of the Man of Steel and Batman…

German PM has advice for unemployed: Move! – You reap what you sow, Andrea.  You reap what you sow…

Locust swarm over the Sinai – (h/t:E) Fairly impressive picture of swarming locusts.

Another very impressive pic of a locust swarm from last year – (h/t:E)

What’s worse than a locust swarm?

How about a Cyborg cockroach controlled by Smartphone – From the article: “Next time you happen across an enormous cockroach, check to see whether it’s got a backpack on.”  More information about the Robo-roach mentioned here a few days ago.

French priest defrocked after refusing to give up Freemasonry – (h/t:E) Yet another story which pretends that the Vatican and the Masons are on opposite teams.  Just like the Republicans and Democrats pretend.  Just like the Federal government and the Media pretend.  Everyone is pretending.  Which is why the people who believe the Media dishes out real “news” are caught up in a real world which doesn’t make much sense.

(VIDEO) Incredible sandstorm turns day into night – And what a very dark night, too!  Impressive 2:13 video.

CBS News confirms multiple breaches of Sharon Attkinsson’s computer – Give me a break!  Here’s the question: why would the government want to spy on one of its cheerleaders?  This article pretends that the Federal government and the Corporate Media are on opposite sides, like the Republicans and Democrats.  Again: the only two teams in play in 2013 are US and THEM–and THEM is holding most of the earthly high cards…

Massachusetts five who broke into Lowell reservoir not charged with any crimes – (h/t:E) Very very odd.  The police in the case wanted them charged–at least with trespassing, which was obvious.  They destroyed a lock to gain access to the site.  This goes into the Grey Terror file.

“Kate Middleton made her final public appearance today before she goes on maternity leave. Of course, the public had a lot of questions for her, like, “Maternity leave from what?”
–Jimmy Fallon

What your supermarket will look like if bees die out: Empty shelves, scant produce options

Germans accuse U.S. of Stasi tactics before Obama visit – How bad is it getting when the Germans accuse you of employing police state tactics?

Senators skip classified briefing on NSA snooping to catch flights home: – This is surprising only if you think that senators 1-care; and 2- didn’t know.

Thousands Of Companies Have Been Handing Over Your Personal Data To The NSA

(VIDEO) Beautiful rotating supercell near Booker, Texas – Impressive.

Bill Clinton: History Will Judge Obama the “Fool” Over Syria Inaction –  If you believe, as Winston Churchill did that “history is written by the victors” (articles often leave out the second part of Churchill’s famous quote: “History is written by the victors.  History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.*“), then Bill Clinton’s judgment of Obama’s “Syria inaction” is nonsense.

In America–and for much of the world over the last 1000 years–history has been written by the Corporate Media and its predecessors: the pay-for-history writers.  Those have been controlled by the “mystery of iniquity.”  Therefore, the NWO history writers will judge Obama as they have all who have done their bidding: in an exceedingly kindly manner.

Survival Medicine vs. Emergency Medicine – There is a difference.  You never know, it might come in handy one day…

Is America being set up for another Bush-Clinton election in 2016? – Actually, the video is Jeb Bush talking about Hillary Clinton, but the headline suggests that a nice article might be in there somewhere…

Most Americans cheering for Spurs in the NBA finals – Finally!  A believable poll!

Controlled Corporate Media pushes Chelsea Clinton down the throats of readers one more time

The Romans 9 problem – A very good discussion of Romans 9 and the fad and fashion of covenant theology

(VIDEO) Two guys do a Michael Jackson song in a most unusual, difficult way – One of the most difficult things to accomplish is to perform in a way no one else has done before.  I have never seen anything like this before.

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.