End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 22, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
September 22, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


CHINA: China is trying to build a new world order starting in Asia

CHINA: What’s Wrong With Hong Kong? – Remember when the British turned over Hong Kong to the Chinese.  HK’s future isn’t nearly so bright as was then predicted.

AUSTRALIA: Morrison sees votes in anti-Muslim strategy – It’s a hard thing to monitor false religions.  But this one has consequences for the end times.

AUSTRALIA: Alien eggs on Sydney’s beaches?

CANADA: Canadian government warns citizens of US police robbing them – Repeat of a story a few weeks ago.

RUSSIA: Moscow airport has robot check-in

IRAN: Suspicions run deep in Iran that Islamic State and CIA are one in the same

World War 3 Watch: September 22, 2014


The CIA used to have a Commute-by-canoe Clue – One of those “Let’s-Make-the-CIA-Seem-Cute” articles. The CIA is just like you or I–except they steal, kill and destroy.  And they do it secretly.

IN FACT, this article is under the heading (at the website which ran it) “Historical Treasures, Oddities and Delights.”

Odd.  They left out “Propaganda.”

Secret Service may screen White House tourists

Tax refunds may be cut for those on ObamaCare

Large number of employees leaving Homeland Security; tough to keep up with threats – Yeah, that’s the ticket.

This US Navy battleship went to war with two swimming pools


The Many Layers of End Times Deception: Deception in the Church

Philadelphia is about to become the largest city in America to decriminalize marijuana

The observations – A list of 15 observations about Christianity that manages to leave out the gospel.  This is normal for those who claim to speak for Christianity today: a lot of deceptive touchy-feely gobbledygook that sounds really good but which evades the center of true Christianity.

Maybe it is only a coincidence that this happens so much in the Church today?

A sample:

We are forgiven in Christ, but we must still come to terms with our life’s deeds that we might truly grow as spiritual beings. During the Judgment, we will stand in the presence of the Lord Jesus Who loves us, and through His grace, we will learn the meaning of our life experiences; why things happened as they did. And we will truly come to understand.

The site says it is devoted to two things:

  • Walking with God through Jesus Christ our Lord
  • Watching the signs of the times “for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come”

A third might truthfully be added: Confusing anyone who get near the site about biblical salvation through Jesus Christ.

I Had A Stroke At 33

Surviving as a Christian

Botched Execution: The death that could kill lethal injection – This type of article is a Corporate Media specialty: it portrays a condemned killer in the most sympathetic way possible, attempting to get the reader to say in his mind “It wasn’t his fault.  He should not be executed.”  It presents the killer’s family, his inner thoughts, his conflicts.  In short, it presents the killer as human as you or me.

IF ONLY the condemned killer had had a fraction of this sympathy for his victims, who largely go unreported in this apology for the wicked, he would not have been sitting on Death Row.  The fact that they had to search for a useable vein for the needle is given as the beginning of the “horrible” execution.  Anyone who has had much experience with giving blood has likely had this same “horrible” experience.

One suspects that soon, lethal injection will be pushed to the side as a “humane” method of execution.  One also suspects that the guillotine will be making its way to the top of the human execution methods.

Likewise, one suspects that executions for wicked behavior will disappear altogether–to be replaced by executions for what one believes or fails to believe.

(VIDEO) Man races subway train – Interesting little (2+ minutes) video.

Report: One North Carolina prison locked down for eight months

IN THE EMAIL: (h/t:JD) Goldwater Posters – The website only sells one item: original posters from Barry Goldwater’s 1964 run for the US presidency.

In the next 30 seconds… – You are busier than you think.  Nice work!


(VIDEO) Ron Paul’s 1984 warning about government computer surveillance – (h/t:F) Do not think that Paul has some sort of foresight: the Texas congressman was a total pawn of the mystery of iniquity and as such, had a good idea of where the game plan was going.  Other tools such as H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Jules Verne and other “science fiction” writers operated on the same principle.

(VIDEO) Ron Paul’s 2010 warning to us all – Interesting video.  Those who think that Paul is outside of the system are deceived.  When called upon, Paul will happily help lead his followers to the slaughter–and some will protest that it wasn’t Ron’s fault all the way to the very end.  Some of these will be paid to voice that protest, while others will do so out of ignorance.

A new low in anti-Muslim bias – Are there evil men doing evil in the name of Islam?  Of course.  Are there evil men committing evil in the name of Christianity?  The Bible says one is coming soon who will deceive the whole world.

The Hidden World Of Facebook ‘Like Farms’ – Who cares?  Apparently some do–enough to pay for “likes”

(PHOTOS) Frozen wave on Antarctic – From a site named “Earth Landscapes.

Starbucks Is Experimenting With A Latte That Takes Like Guinness Beer

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16

power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-ChristTHE GOSPEL

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Why not make people pay to leave a comment on an Internet article? – Free speech is getting costly. The author thinks her idea is “ingenious!”  She also wants to PAY people if “their comments reach a certain value.”  Ahhh, and who determines this “value?”  A gatekeeper!  Voila!  The Corporate Media will have erected yet another fence around that practically-nonexistent, most elusive quality of their organizations: free speech.  IF there is a way to totally eliminate free speech, one can be sure the American “Free Press” will be promoting it.

(VIDEO) Old Spice Robot Hot Tub commercial – Old Spice has presented an entire campaign using a robot.  Gee, that must have been a coincidence, huh?  Here’s a second OS commercial featuring the robot.  And a third: Robot at nightclub.

(VIDEO) The latest in a  commercial consumer robot – (h/t:F)

(VIDEO) The most awesome robots – (h/t:F)  Most of these latest robots come with facial recognition technology.  Wonder why?  The chief engineer at Honda’s robot works keeps emphasizing that “We want to create a robot that helps mankind.”  But seriously, Honda is doing it to make $$$.  If the government offers Honda more $$$ to create a robot guard to oversee human slaves, then Honda will get busy making robot overseers.

Science and the Bible – Info such as this is interesting and edifying for those who already believe.

However, there are those who continue to believe that because the Bible is scientifically sound, atheists will be converted.  Atheists must hear the preaching of the gospel to be converted, not the Periodic Table.

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”
1 Corinthians 1:18,21

Mom Arrested for blocking sidewalk while waiting for husband and children to use bathroom – The usual  (after suffering arrest, incarceration and anxiety) is for the charges to be later dropped (they were).  What’s not usual is the filing of a federal lawsuit–which is what this attorney did.

(PHOTOS) The evolution of Flying Ships

Child porn case leads to questions about military’s role in law enforcement – The narrative of this story is that there are limits to the military’s random snooping into civilian lives.  One suspects the reality is much different.


Love is of God, little children, so love everybody and all will be well. Thus speaks the devil, using Holy Scripture falsely for his evil purpose; and it is nothing short of tragic how many of God’s people are taken in by his sweet talk. The shepherd becomes afraid to use his club and the wolf gets the sheep. The watchman is charmed into believing that there is no danger, and the city falls to the enemy without a shot. So Satan destroys us by appealing to our virtues.
–AW Tozer, Recognizing Satan’s Strategic Initiative

This Day in the Secret History: September 21, 2014

(VIDEO) Repairing the Christ the Redeemer statue – (h/t:B) If the reader is afraid of heights, he may want to avoid watching this.


US Troops arrive in Liberia to fight EBOLA


CDC tells airlines to treat all body fluids as infectious

QUAKE: 5.5 off east coast of North Island, New Zealand

QUAKE: 5.5 Fiji Island region

QUAKE: 2.5 Nevada


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

Why Men Never Remember Anything

INTEL OFFICIALS: Khorasan terror group may be worse than ISIS

It’s all scripted! Ebola outbreak and impossibly rapid vaccine response clearly scripted; U.S. govt. patented Ebola in 2010 and now owns all victims’ blood – The Corporate Media runs stories like this quite frequently.  The reason?  To discredit legitimate “conspiracy theories” and real research being done into alternative views (from the ones presented by government/Corporate Media).This article is by noted NWO tool, Mike Adams of Natural News.  Adams’ specialty is occasionally running nutball articles to discredit others who are doing legitimate research.  From time-to-time, readers have wondered by Natural News will have “really interesting stories and then he goes off into some crazy stuff!” ?

Now you know. Which is a primary reason Natural News is rarely linked to at ETPR.

Meet the respectable JFK conspiracy theorists – They’re Corporate Media approved! There are two types of respectable (approved) conspiracy theorists: 1- those who do not challenge the government/media’s version of events; and, 2- those who are so purposely ludicrous that none would believe their versions.

Is the U.S. Military Manufacturing Ebola Vaccines to Be Tested on its Soldiers to “Advance US Ability to Wage War”?

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 20-21, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 26, 2014 – Memorial Day

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 26, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


AFGHANISTAN: Karzai refused to meet with Obama – The press–which is supposedly rabidly pro-Obama–provides more evidence to the public that he is President MomJeans.  Those who condemn the press for its unfailing “pro-liberal slant” never explain such articles–which are damning to their thesis.

AFGHANISTAN: Obama pledges to end war in Afghanistan by year’s end – It’s only been 12 1/2 years.

CHINA: China’s fighters almost get into it with Japanese planes – Continuing to stoke the China-Japan tensions.

ISRAEL: Pope extends invitation to Israel, Palestinians for Vatican Peace Summit – Next month.

ISRAEL: Pope Openly Endorses ‘The State Of Palestine’

MAP: Divorce rates around the world

World War 3 Watch: May 26, 2014



It’s time to deal with Chinese espionage

The 10 Most Sinister US Military Psyops Mission Patches – A repeat because it’s popular.  Below is one that didn’t even make the list.



He mimicked America Psycho – he wanted to be a star: Killer virgin acted out film role because he felt like failure in reality, says criminologist – The latest event reflecting the rotten society that surrounds us–and Satan’s Mouthpiece, the Corporate Media, rushes to provide the latest boatload of nonsensical narratives about why such things must be.

Who was Elliott Rodger? – Let the narratives begin!

Bodies In Santa Barbara Shooter’s Home Were Stabbed To Death – Will this lead to the registering of knives?

Three Dead After Shooting In South Carolina

Teachers turned sisters into death cultists

Pope prays in Bethlehem – But to who?

MEMORIAL DAY: 20 Memorial Day 2014 Quotes to Enjoy your Cookout By


“In these last days seems the world is going farther and farther south.  It becomes more and more difficult to find truth in this saturated market of televangelists, churches on every corner, and everyone is a Christian, but our society grows ever so wicked.”
About Living in the Last Hour

AMERICA: Pills more deadly than car wrecks – The USA is the most medicated country on the face of the earth.

Why rolling down your car’s windows is more fuel efficient than using the car’s AC


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Are you a sinner?  Do you know Jesus?

Hannah Arendt: American Education

The state uses education as an tool of indoctrination–and it could be argued that the American system of indoctrination has been the most widely successful in the history of such undertakings.

Not the least is because in the American system, the indoctrination leaves the indoctrinated with the not only the belief that they are free from all such influences, but that the indoctrinated is living in a state of perfect liberty.

The most effective counter to all such propaganda has traditionally been the family.

To counter the influence the family has on a child, the state has turned to lowering the age of compulsory education.  Target: the state’s ideal age is two-years-old. There are other areas of culture (there’s that word again!) which aid and abet the state’s war on parents.The Corporate Media, rather than an adversary of the state, is an arm of the state.  By combining the powers of the state, the media, entertainment and education, the true Christian family is at a decided disadvantage.

To balance this unfair equation, the Christian family has prayer (which the state doesn’t understand and discounts).

But Christian prayer is more than enough to balance this unequal situation.

IF it is used.

However, many do not pray and are overwhelmed by the power of public education–which helps explain the current state of things,

The Most expensive fruits in the world

Writer wonders how earthlings will communicate with aliens – Demons have wonderful communication skills.

Opening the Third Eye: Christians Beware!

Man finds his lost mother in an Amazon tribe – She’s always in the last place you look.

Wheat and Tares – In the times in which we live, fake Christians who look exactly like real Christians abound.

This abandoned wasteland was once America’s largest mall

A few days ago [End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 22, 2014], we linked to an article: Why I miss being a born-again Christian. Which prompted the following:

A Response to “Why I miss being a Born-Again Christian

The Truth about Girl Scout Cookies?

Evanscandal – There’s been more than enough evangelical scandals lately–and that’s just the ones that haven’t been swept under the carpet.

California Mother Kills Three Daughters; Husband Blames “Demon”

Fearing God, falling on faces worshiping or wailing before the Lord – What would you do if Jesus showed up?

‘Route 66: The Road and the Romance’ on Exhibit


Guinea announces 2 new Ebola cases

Experts alleviate concerns over major earthquake – Experts,huh?  They’re always the first to flee the area when things start shaking.

QUAKE: 3.1 Puget Sound area Washington

QUAKE: 2.8 northern California

QUAKE: 5.2 off coast of Guatemala

Research shows Yellowstone volcano less of a menace – So, should we believe the Corporate Media now when they’re telling us Yellowstone is no big deal?  Or, should we believe the Corporate Media over the last several years when they were insisting that Yellowstone had the power to wipe out half of the USA?

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 24-25, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

1- Vigilant Citizen

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

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World War 3 Watch: May 26, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

May 26, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations

NEWS about World War 3.

Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

May 26 – The world has finally quieted down.

At least for this past week.

One more quiet week and WW3W will go back to bi-monthly status.

Ukraine is finally quiet.  Japan and China are trading words but that is all. The pope is getting involved in Israel’s “peace process.” Syria and Afghanistan drag on.

“World War 3” and “World War III” were both terms which were not used in a major Corporate Media headline over the past week.  This is the first time that’s happened in 13 weeks.

Asia was very quiet.

Most of the action over the last week was in the press, with various leaders or ex-leaders acting like carnival barkers or WWE wrestlers and talking tough.  But even that was at a minimum.

Is this the calm before the storm?


Enjoy the relative peace and quiet.  It won’t last long.

UPDATES [May 26, 2014]

General World War 3 Assessment for May 26, 2014:

Tensions are further simmering down in Ukraine, at least in the public view.  The Corporate Media, always a good indicator, was quiet.  29% chance of World War III is DOWN 3%.   That’s an 11% drop over the last two weeks.  Even the continuing clashes between pro-Russian and pro-Western Ukrainian groups in eastern Ukraine have subsided.  The reported clashes have a decidedly manufactured feel to them.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack [+60%] leading to war in the Middle East before October 2016.

Asia was unusually quiet, as was the Middle East.

Some sporadic activity in Africa.

The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.


  1. North Korea – down
  2. Ukraine – down
  3. Syria – steady with sporadic activity.  Big battle shaping up this week.
  4. Jordan – down
  5. East Africa – down – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – down
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – down. Libya, steady with outbreaks of violence
  9. Russia – down.
  10. USA – down
  11. Great Britain – down
  12. Egypt – down with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – down
  14. Israel – down.  Vatican invites Israelis, Palestinians to Rome next month to pray.
  15. NATO (New) – down due to not paying much attention to world events other than global warming.

May 26, 2014 -Ukraine has cooled, but don’t expect that to last.  Violence could erupt virtually overnight.

The rest of the world continues to be quiet on the surface.

Again: is this the calm before the storm?

SPECULATION: Look for something big in 2015 leading to something bigger in 2016 with full-blown World War by 2017.

Overall Tension Assessment: The crisis mode has receded and quiet reigns over much of the globe though sporadic unrest plagues Africa and many places in Asia.

Syria, Israel, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon and the middle east in general haven’t gone away: these future trouble spots are all quiet for right now.


World War 3!
World War 3! [image: Wikipedia]
“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. World War III
  6. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?
World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?
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End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 24-25, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 24-25, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


RUSSIA: Putin slams Obama: Who is he to judge, seriously?

CHINA: Chinese-Russian relations warming up

CHINA: A Glimpse Into China’s Hacker Army

UKRAINE: This Photo Shows How Things Got Ugly At A Donetsk Checkpoint Friday Morning

BRAZIL: Thousands rally in Brazil against World Cup – But the Corporate Media will still run the “Everyone is a big happy family through sports” stories.

“The organizing committee for the 2016 Olympics in Rio just announced that 38 percent of the venues are completed. When asked if they’d be done in time for the Summer Games, Rio said, “Wait — SUMMER games?”
–Jimmy Fallon

FRANCE: Mayor castrated, killed love rival

TANZANIA: Witch doctors arrested for murder of albino woman for potions

IRAQ: 1,455,590 Iraqi deaths since the US invasion – Liberation, baby!

SYRIA: Obama about to face new Syria crisis –  It’s about time for Syria to heat back up.

ITALY: Cocaine Sales To Boost Italian GDP In Boon For Budget  – Italy will include cocaine sales and prostitution in its  GDP for the first time this year.

The Police State uses Sin to Enslave People


61 percent still think Congress is doing a poor job – Only 61 percent?

Ephesians511 Blog announces the “Ministry to the NSA” – One blog’s biblical response to the pervasive spying that takes place in our society–and the little extra spying that occurs if one is a member of a particular group or two.

Nancy Pelosi blames Bush for VA Scandal – Because that’s what everyone in Washington does: they blame people.  ObamaCare is a mess, prices are high and going higher and any industry with good-paying jobs has a target on it.  No one–Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Tea Party, Communists, Anarchists, whatever–does anything but blame others.  The Corporate Media is only too happy to publish it all.  It keeps Americans divided.


The Wrong Fight – Americans in general and American Christians in particular: It’s all about the culture.  The linked article is ostensibly about Rick Santorum and his possible run for president again in 2016.  But the article serves as a reminder that politics and religion and culture are fast becoming one idea.

Politics is downstream from culture.

Andrew Breitbart is the most famous recent purveyor of that American truism, but the Right is slowly waking up to the fact that the loss of nearly all the vehicles driving American culture to the Left has had a devastating effect on conservative electability. The loss of academia puts many if not most Millennial voters out of Republican reach. The inability to penetrate the TV, movie, and record industry outside of a few redoubts like country music makes low-information voters almost monolithically Democrat. The ghettoization of conservative media into talk radio, Fox News, and the conservative blogosphere insures that conservative politicians will be hounded by loud accusations of bigotry and worse.

Anti-Christ Preparing the Way

Last year, I wrote an article on the “seven mountains of culture” message spreading across American churches. YWAM founder Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright (1921-2003), founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, created this concept in 1975. I dismissed it as just another false gospel. But last week, I learned that the “seven mountains” concept is so much more. This false gospel is literally preparing the way for the anti-Christ.

Culture will be presented as a battleground. Those who sit in Christian churches will be urged to unequally yoke to join in the battle.  The American church is little more than a web of compromise, apostasy and ungodly worldliness.  It has become so conditioned to unequally yoking, accommodating the world and “Christianizing” pagan and occult rituals and practices, it does not have the discernment to know that it is being set up.

SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF CULTURE: Whore Church game plan for World Dominion
SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF CULTURE: Whore Church game plan for World Dominion

Seven Cultural Mountains

Finally Found!  The Roots of the Seven Mountains Cultural Mandate – The story of how the Seven Mountains came to be.  Like all works of the mystery of iniquity, the power behind it is satanic/demonic.

Seven Mountains: Set to Go Viral

“And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”
Revelation 17:9

The end times are not coming.  The end times are upon us.

False apostles and false prophets are abroad in the land.  Many of these are run-of-the-mill wolves in sheep’s clothing, but many others are even worse: they are little tyrants hungering for a kingdom of their own on earth. They are seeking a time in the not-too-distant future when they will be calling the shots and when they will wield the power of life and death over the saints–even if it’s only a small geographic area.

These men and women are animated by another spirit: the spirit of antichrist.  They will be a part of the system that makes war with the saints and overcomes them–for a season.

Is your calling and election sure?

Do You Know Jesus?

USDA Warns of Sticker Shock on Ground Beef as grilling season starts – They will never run out of reasons why, either.  All Corporate Media stories promote lies and this one is no exception.  The story promotes the lies that “retail food prices for 2013 were essentially flat” meaning no inflation.  People who don’t shop might buy that one.

Rick Perry and Ted Cruz battle to be top dog in Texas – Both man have their own network of apostles and prophets, but Perry seems to have a slight edge in that department.

Feds back data collection technology on every child


Doctors fighting illness with fist bumps instead of handshakes – The medical profession was looked on a LOT less favorably 100 years ago.  The last four or five American generations have given doctors and medicine way too much respect and authority–including the Church.

Church of England approves female bishops

“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; “
1 Timothy 3:2

“If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;”
Titus 1:6-7

PAUL EHRLICH: Bodies of Doom and eating the bodies of your dead
PAUL EHRLICH: Bodies of Doom and eating the bodies of your dead

Debunked Alarmist Paul Ehrlich predicts need to “eat the bodies of your dead”

Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist famous for his widely debunked book “The Population Bomb,” doubled down on his climate change and overpopulation fear-mongering with HuffPost Live on May 21. Ehrlich warned host Josh Zepps that the dangers of overpopulation are growing, blaming Republicans and the media for failing to take action.

Ehrlich, after falsely predicting  human “oblivion” 46 years ago, told Zepps humans must soon begin contemplating “eat[ing] the bodies of your dead” after resources are depleted (fava beans and a nice Chianti optional, apparently).

Ehrlich is widely known for his 1968 publication of “The Population Bomb” which called for “population control” to prevent global crises from overpopulation. In this book he predicted that “In the 1970’s the world will undergo famines – hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death” and “[our children] will inherit a totally different world, a world in which the standards, politics, and economics of the 1960’s are dead.” (Would that the politics of the 1960s finally die!)

It’s suspected that Paul Ehrlich may have–at last–offered a prediction which has a chance of happening.  Not because Paul Ehrlich is very good at making predictions; to the contrary, Ehrlich has a deplorable record.

No, the only reason for suspecting that Paul Ehrlich may at last have hit on a correct prediction: Paul Ehrlich is a tool of the New World Order.  As such,  he likely is privy to a bit of “inside” information.  At last, Ehrlich just might be correct.

MORE: Bad news from Paul Ehrlich: We might eventually have to start eating our dead

“Judge Judy was on all night long in prime time here on CBS. She makes about $50 million a year. Now to be fair, most of that is from bribes.”
–David Letterman

Wheat and Tares – Tares look a lot like wheat.  Is your calling and election sure?

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
2 Peter 1:10

“I would only rob banks for my family” – Some families have very strange secrets.

Pope Francis faces serious health concerns ahead of trip to Holy Land

Brotherly Love

On Being Stoned – A Ph.D spends some time defending the self-absorbed.  Perhaps he was stoned when he wrote this?

“If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”
1 Peter 2:3 – (h/t:B)

Sola Sisters: Former Sovereign Grace Youth Leader Convicted of Sexual Abuse, CJ Mahaney and Joshua Harris Resign From TGC

Samsung working on smart watch that will take the place of smartphone

Heresy: Dominion Theology – Dominion Theology replaces the rapture with a man-centered, man-ruled kingdom on earth. Dominionists say “The rapture is a crutch.”  The rapture is 100% Biblical–unlike most of Dominion Theology.

Study Finds Pedophiles’ Brains Wired To Find Children Attractive – The “Born this way” lie makes it around to pedophilia.  The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece: it will excuse and justify any and all sinful behavior.

Richard Wurmbrand’s Son, Michael Wurmbrand, Comes Forth – Asks VOM to Allow Independent Investigation – It’s a very sad situation when outsiders achieve control of a formerly Christian foundation and continue to use the good name of those who were persecuted for Christ.  Donors have a reasonable expectation that their donations go to help those suffering for Jesus and not a $28 million headquarter building in Oklahoma.  (A repeat of last month.)

Why Memorial Day Traffic Will Be Even Worse This Year  – When the Corporate Media includes “Why” or “How” in the headline, what follows is a narrative; i.e., a nice little story for the natives.

(VIDEO) Hungarians mount two jet engines on top of a tank and put out oil field fires – Good old Hungarian know-how!

The Military Is Shutting Down Its Weather-Controlling Death Beam – The HAARP site in Alaska is the best-known but hardly the only HAARP site the military employs.  Several countries have more than one, including China and Russia.

GPS coordinates for 20 of the Top HAARP facilities

It’s interesting how this story tries to make the concept of weather control into a “conspiracy theory.”  Weather control was confirmed as far back as 1997 by the Secretary of Defense in testimony before Congress.

Conspiracy Theorists vindicated: HAARP weather manipulation confirmed

Living in the midst of ta Rebellious Age

Many today look at the society our rebellion has vomited into existence, and continually tell themselves that we are better off than our parents and grandparents. Who needs affection when you have Twitter? Who needs love when you have Facebook? Who needs a loving, caring, involved two parent home when you have streaming video and on demand movies?

Some have even taken to looking back on the idyllic times of yesteryear and mocking them ceaselessly, because it’s just absurd to consider a family sitting down for dinner together, holding hands, saying a prayer, talking about their day, and being involved in each other’s lives.

A tower of power: Bizarre half-mile-high structure could produce as much electricity as 100,000 wind turbines – (h/t:E)

Warning: Posting on Social Media in the Age of Surveillance is Informing on Yourself

“In other invasive technology news, Facebook has a terrifying new feature. It uses the microphone in your smartphone to listen to what music, movies, or TV shows you’re watching or hearing, and then it posts them to your Facebook page. You have to hand it to Facebook. Each time I figure Facebook has become as creepy as possible, somehow they find a way to be even creepier.”
–Jimmy Kimmel

(AUDIO) Ten Shekels and a Shirt – Some have called this the best-preached sermon in the 20th century.  Very powerful indictment of humanism masquerading as Christianity.

Paris Reidhead preaches what could be called one of the most influential sermons of the 20th century. The real point of this sermon is an indictment of individuals and organizations practising humanism behind a mask of Christianity! “This sermon should be preached on a regular basis in every church in America!”

This sermon led to this powerful Testimony–which led to this: Street Preaching Tonight.

Parents sue after teachers ‘indoctrinated their daughters into a cult that celebrates death leaving them with suicidal thoughts and speaking a secret language as part of a coven’ – (h/t:E)

What Do You Know For Sure? Part 2 (1 John 5:6–21)


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Interview with a KJV Onlyist

Mexican Drug Cartels Use Dummies hanging from billboards: Move into Texas – This been coming. The “drug cartels” will be legalized violence that will conveniently strike at particular times, at particular groups of people or at particular inconvenient people.  It’s suspected that the violence will not strike those apostles and prophets of the satanic whore Church–because they will have their god’s  protection.

The History Of The Ramen Noodle

The Wickedness of Popular “Christian” Websites

These Are America’s Deadliest Cities For Pedestrians


Did you see the first-ever Camelopardalid meteor shower?

Portland issues boil order for e.coli in water system – There will always be a reason…

(VIDEO) Thunderstorm Supercell Time Lapse – Majestic and awe-inspiring

QUAKE: 3.0 central California

QUAKE: 2.5 central California

QUAKE: 6.8 Aegean Sea

QUAKE: 5.7 Myanmar-China border region

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 23, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier


© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

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End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 22, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 22, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION

Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner.  Don’t forget the meteor shower tomorrow night (link below).

Tomorrow’s Headlines will be a special, one-year anniversary edition.


SWITZERLAND: Swiss Court approves Nazi Salute

SOUTH KOREA: Warning shots fired at NKorean boat

NIGERIA: Obama sends US troops to look for missing girls

LIBYA: What a US military evacuation in Libya might look like

CHINA: China, Russia sign 30-year deal for natural gas

World War 3 Watch: May 19, 2014


US FREEDOM ACT: The bill that allows the NSA to continue to spy on Americans – More freedom through more spying. Now that’s a slogan!

46 percent view a major cyber attack as an act of war – Convenient.  For almost half of the country, there’s no longer any need to kill or stage an attack in order to go to war.  A “major cyber attack” will suffice and of course, the government will inform the country who the culprits were.  Convenient.

Dem Congressman: We’ve proved that Communism works – Well, it depends on one’s definition of “works” is.  But it’s hard to argue otherwise.

83 percent think that Americans are not informed voters – So, pretty much the entire country is convinced that the other guy doesn’t have a clue.  The Corporate Media has done their work well.

$4.5 billion for new Dept of Homeland Security Headquarters

47 percent of the Unemployed have completely given up looking for a job

POSTAL SERVICE: Millions to lose door-to-door delivery unless they pay “delivery tax” – House is debating the bill Chairman Darrel Issa acknowledges the bill doesn’t go far enough.

The Patriot Act , US Government Vs the US Constitution


METEOR SHOWER: Memorial Day Meteor Show Debuts

Scientists are creating new incurable diseases in laboratories – Wonder if they have a vaccination for any of them?

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:”
2 Peter 1:10

How Hard can it be to seal food in a Mylar bag for long-term storage?

OFFICIALS: Mysterious Lights over Hawaii caused by missile launch

Why I Miss Being A Born-Again Christian – Many young people have publicly blamed Ken Ham–but not this one.

This case is a good example of the legions of Americans who felt they were born again because they recited the “sinner’s prayer” at a “revival.”  From the young man’s testimony, he never experienced a new birth.  Now he joins millions of “backsliders” (not a New Testament term) in slandering the Christianity they never knew–but were told they did.

Freedom from the false spirits of Revival

The following information was a great help to me in getting rid of those wild manifestations presented by false revivals and revivalists, teachers, evangelists, apostles and prophets, the big-named elitists as well as those considered  nameless, faceless but false non- the- less, through the word of faith, false prophetic, healing, and all other ungodly teachings and impartations, anointings, giftings and visitations, dreams and visions through improper teaching and improper use of “laying on of hands”, and the anointing with oil,  and by way of agreement and acceptance of these things by the deceived believer.   The demonic, sensual, and much sought after tangible presence of and voice of “god”,  to entice the believer to expect a physical touch, feeling, experience, or emotional response from God, or to speak in other, often several different languages that he himself does not know, otherwise known as “diverse tongues”. Additionally to expect to receive new revelation, gifts, power, authority, and healings, prophetic or creative ability by way of visitation and impartation by angels or by way of impartation by another person individually or through “fire tunnels” who claims the God-given ability to pass these on.

All these have set themselves against the Holiness of all that is God, His deity, person, and presence of the one and only true Holy Spirit and the infallible word of God through salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ and the true message of the Gospel, the way Father God intended from the beginning.

(I think that covers it.)

The Covert Strategies of the False Revival – Part 3: The Altered Consciousness

“Bad news. Red Lobster is going out of business. Here’s how I found out. CBS had to move my retirement dinner to Olive Garden.”–David Letterman

Walt Disney family feud: Claims of incest and brainwashing

CNN’s Anderson Cooper rides to the rescue of Michael Sam’s kiss- Which was re-broadcast a gazillion times.  Of all of the manufactured Corporate Media words, “homophobic” is the most misused–ever. [No link for the CNN video. Google it?!]


WORSHIP OF SELF: Living in an Age of Self in a country of the Self-Absorbed and Self-Reliant.
WORSHIP OF SELF: Living in an Age of Self in a country of the Self-Absorbed and Self-Reliant.

WORSHIP OF SELF: Living in an Age of Self in a country of the Self-Absorbed and Self-Reliant.

MAN OF SIN: Self-Worship in America<

I have learned… – A collection of what one writer has learned.  A few samples follow.

I’ve learned- that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back.

I’ve learned- that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I’ve learned- that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up.

The Internet seems to be loaded with such sites of self-absorbed youth, anxious to share the experiences of their young jaded lives, all in the name of “helping others” by imparting their “wisdom.”  These sites abound because they pander to the self-absorbed.  They appeal to a person’s ego–both the reader and the writer.

Before the Internet, back in the 1980s, a man by the name of Jack Handey parodied these types of pretensions with his Deep Thoughts.  Here are a few Deep Thoughts.

“I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.”

“I think people tend to forget that trees are living creatures. They’re sort of like dogs. Huge, quiet, motionless dogs, with bark instead of fur.”

“If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is “God is crying.” And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is “Probably because of something you did.”

“The first thing was, I learned to forgive myself. Then, I told myself, “Go ahead and do whatever you want, it’s okay by me.”

“It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.”

The 1970s and 80s were known as “The Me Generation.”  The self-absorbed of that era was the group at which Handey poked fun.  But the Me Generation were amateurs compared to the Millennial naval-gazing that takes place in 2014 America.The self-absorbed naturally concentrate on themselves. Their journeys are mostly inward and involve self-discovery. Their deep thoughts revolve around themselves, who they are, what they presume, and what they believe.  These self-centered thoughts may passed along to others disguised as “advice.”

The Millennials are the ultimate Me Generation.  Raised on self-esteem, lectured on the benefits of self-actualization, self-awareness and self-aggrandizing: the one trait they seem to lack is self-control.

However, it’s hard to fault the Millennials: they have been programmed by TV, society, their schools, their religions, their culture–even their parents in many cases–to look first to themselves for answers.

It’s no accident that the most celebrated art form of the Millennials is that perfect symbol of self-celebration: the “selfie.”


THE SELFIE: Symbol of a Generation
THE SELFIE: Symbol of a Generation

All the preceding has been noted to make the following observations.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.“
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

When the man of sin comes onto the scene, he will appeal to the “good in people.”  Though he will speak great swelling words of a false brotherhood and unity (for all of those who follow him; death for those who disagree), he will invite each person to search for the good that is within. The appeal will be that “You’re a good person.  Unleash the goodness that dwells within for the benefit of all mankind.”

This directly contradicts Christianity, which teaches that man is wicked, sinful and lost without a savior.

Read the rest: MAN OF SIN: Self-Worship in America

Do You Know Jesus?

Anti-Fracking Movie funded by Middle East oil tycoon? – All one has to do to boost Americans’ faith in something is to run a few Corporate Media stories about opponents being “Middle East oil tycoons” or “international bankers.”  If those two groups were against it, many Americans would support murdering little old ladies–most especially the rich and celebrated of Hollywood.

Have aliens already visited Earth? NASA book suggests that ancient rock art could have been created by extraterrestrials – Every day, “science” is getting involved with the spiritual/supernatural.  Wonder why?

On the Loneliness of the Remnant – As apostasy grows, more and more in the Body of Christ will face the challenges of having to disconnect from churches that worship counterfeits.

Why are we so busy?

The Myth that Americans are busier than ever – Sometimes, the Corporate Media lets readers have a choice.

“Christian College” in Tennessee starts teaching the religion of Evolution; a debate ensues


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Everything is broken

Grady’s Six Really Bad Charismatic Doctrines and My Five Additional Ones

Phobias – Handy list of common–and not so common–fears.

Ignorance is NOT bliss

The Untold Story Of What Happened At An Overcrowded West Virginia Jail After The Chemical Spill

Will You be able to pay that student loan?  – Unfortunately, for most, the answer is “NO.”

Bill Johnson’s Christology: A New Age Christ?  part one

Can You Clean Your Jeans By Freezing Them? – Bachelors and college kids, listen up!

Whore of Babylon: Is Your Church Preparing for Whoredom?

Rocky Sunset Panorama – A peaceful photo


METEOR SHOWER: Memorial Day Meteor Show Debuts

Scientist on PBS: We should lock up anyone who question climate change – It’s part of the New Science!

“Scientists in London say they have invented a process that can actually turn light into matter, but warned people that their results won’t be visible to the human eye. Well, in that case, I invented it too.”
–Jimmy Fallon

QUAKE: 2.9 offshore northern California

QUAKE: 6.0 Bay of Bengal India

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 21, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

1, 2 – Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

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End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 21, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 21, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION

No news is good news. The quiet lull continues.

But for how long?


RUSSIA: Russian Prime Minister: We are approaching a second Cold War

RUSSIA: Russian prime minister warns Obama is bringing the world to the brink of ‘a second Cold War that nobody needs’

CHINA: The create a desert and call it an oasis: How Nature played a cruel joke on over-ambitious Chinese city planners

CHINA: The East is red again: Vladimir Putin turns to China for new alliance with Russia’s biggest neighbour and ‘reliable friend’ in sign of renewed Cold War


Judge Throws Out Pennsylvania’s Ban On Gay Marriage – On this issue, the elite shadow government is intent on making sure that Americans are aware of its existence.  Why do you suppose that is?

Federal Biosurveillance plan seeks access private health records

President to declare vast new monument along Mexican border in New Mexico


The Patriot Act , US Government Vs the US Constitution

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying To You In An Email


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)


SECOND PENTECOST? The apostasy that will look like a revival to those in the apostate church.
SECOND PENTECOST? The apostasy that will look like a revival to those in the apostate church.

Second Pentecost?  The hope of an end times Repeat of Pentecost?!

The Latter Rain movement of the mid-century added a number of new teachings to the Latter Rain of the Azusa Street:

  1. A restored order of apostles and prophets who were to govern the last days church with ongoing extra-biblical revelations.
  2. This Latter Rain last generation church was tasked to give birth to a new-breed of mature believers who will conquer all demons and every enemy of God. This new breed will also finally defeat death itself. These “Manifest Sons of God” will also take dominion over the whole earth, judge all sinners and establish the “New Jerusalem” upon the earth.
  3. These Latter Rain believers will receive a “spiritual second coming” of Jesus who will be incarnated into their “many-membered” body of believers. This spiritual return of Jesus will be birthed by the body of Christ. The current Latter-Rain faithful will be impregnated with Jesus and this endtime church will give birth to a spiritual return of Jesus to his many-membered body. This is crassly (and erroneously) based on the “birth of a manchild” of Revelation. The church will become an end time “Mary” to birth the spiritual return of Jesus. This will make it unnecessarily for Jesus to return bodily from heaven. There is a difference of opinion, and some Latter Rain teachers believe Jesus will return from heaven at the end of all these things.

An antichrist church empowered by an antichrist spirit, opposed to the Jesus of the Bible, is already taking shape.

For further reading see Ed Tarkowski’s article series on the Toronto laughing revival:
Part I: From South Africa To St. Louis To Toronto To Your Church
Part II: The Impregnation Of The Church: The Man-Child Of Joy
Part III: The Abrahamic Covenant And Joyous Feast Of Tabernacles
Part IV: Laughing: Deeper Realities
Part V: The Consummation: Where Are We Headed?
Part VI: The End Of The Birth PangsSee the recent Herescope 6-part series “The Passion of the Presence & the Purpose of the Passion,”
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3
Read Part 4
Read Part 5
Read Part 6

The Latter Rain cult believes the endtimes Feast of Tabernacles will culminate with a mature (perfected) body that will be in-filled with a spiritual incarnation of Jesus into their corporate body. This is a Gnostic belief in a spiritual return of Jesus into his body. In this spiritual return of Jesus the perfected body will become one with Christ and become one substance with Christ. Christ incarnated into this body is the whole body of Christ. They teach the heresy that these elite, perfected and matured “Sons of God” then corporately become God every bit as much as Christ is God.

ONE BODY: Gnostic Teachings in American Churches Divide the Body of Christ

The early Church battled the gnostics and so does the end times Church.

For some, gnosticism is hard to resist because it offers a way into a super-spiritual elite.  Gnosticism ALWAYS splits the Body of Christ into two parts: the hyper-spiritual elite who have secret teachings, experiences and revelations–and the rest of Christ’s Church, who have to make do with the Bible alone.

Gnosticism got its biggest end times boost with the wholesale acceptance of the Left Behind series (63 million+ copies sold) and its teaching of a secret, pre-tribulation rapture of the best of Christ’s Church, while other, less-qualified members of the Body would be “left behind” to face the horrors of a seven-year tribulation.

It’s all been rejected by earlier generations of American Christians as being heretical.  But in the end times apostate Church with its legions of lukewarm pew-sitters, heresy has found a cozy home.

They speak openly of the fulfilling the “Feast of Tabernacles.” They teach a church that will conquer the Anti-Christ. The maturing and perfection teaching of the Latter-Rain is called now called “100% obedience.“ by Mike Bickle. In his Song of Solomon allegory, Christ the Bridegroom is now romancing the bride, etc.

The author of the linked piece also has an earlier, more in-depth article: A Second Pentacost?

Is It Possible To Create An Anti-Love Drug?


OF INTEREST: Independent Thoughts from Around the Internet May 21, 2014

A Wednesday Round-up

From the Websites we find of interest (for whatever reason).

Links are given as is, without endorsement, sometimes with comment; sometimes not. Independent thought is usually rewarded, though not always.


QUAKE: 3.0 offshore northern California

QUAKE: 5.7 Chiapas Mexico

QUAKE: 5.5 Taiwan

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 20, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

image: ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

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End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 20, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 20, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


CHINA: US, China in Internet Tiff

CHINA:How China’s Army Hacked America

ISRAEL: Israeli defense official warns of storm on horizon – Does this mean the Israelis are now reading the New Testament?

THAILAND: Thai army invokes martial law to quell unrest

LIBYA: US moves forces closer to Libya as unrest grows – But, but but..isn’t everyone in Libya ecstatic now that the evil tyrant Ghaddafi is gone?

RUSSIA: Putin arrives in China hoping to close deal on sale of natural gas

World War 3 Watch: May 19, 2014


38 percent say that Presidential Candidates should disclose medical records

US BOOTS ON THE GROUND and Christian Persecution
US BOOTS ON THE GROUND and Christian Persecution


Why does Christian persecution get worse in every country the USA liberates? – Well, whaddya know?  Someone else who’s asking the same (rhetorical) question that this writer has been asking for quite some time now!

Seriously, Americans are fed a never-ending stream of the most vile anti-Muslim propaganda, which is designed to make Americans angry at those subhuman Muslims.  It’s the biggest propaganda attack on a religious group since Germany’s pre-WWII propaganda onslaught against the Jews.

And the propaganda aimed at the Muslims has become almost as laughably, over-the-top bad as what the Nazis used to prime the German people for the Holocaust.  There are mainstream sites quoted by the American Corporate Media every day who churn out stories with headlines like the following.

Muslims Take Christian Man As He Prays, “Blood of Jesus cover me.” And Then They Shoot Him In The Face

Muslims “cut hands, cut heads, play with corpses” Of Their Victims

Muslim Man Stabs His 22 Year Old Sister To Death After Finding Out She Was Watching A Christian CD

Christian Pastor Looks Into The Eyes Of A Muslim And Says, “[Jesus] said anyone that denied Him, He’s gonna deny them in the presence of his Dad in heaven.” And Then The Muslim Shoots Him To Death

The Coming Slaughter Of Christians That Will Be Being Done By Hindu Savages –  Oops!  How’d that one get in there?

This is just a sampling of ONE WEBSITE over the last 10 days.

It’s fairly easy to find such emotions as the following amplified on smaller sites scattered around the web.

Muslims are completely devoid of any capacity to love. There’s just nothing there. Nothing. The Buddhist in Myanmar are fully right: They are satanic. There is no other sensible explanation how a 1.5 billion population is the endless source of bottomless subhuman cruelty. They can’t love their own children, can’t love their wives, can’t love their sisters or brothers, can’t love their neighbors. What a strange people these Muslims are!

And yet, it is working.  This writer has heard people who sit in Christian churches say things like “I think it would be better if there weren’t any Muslims anymore.”

So, the propaganda barrage of the last 20 years has been successful.

When American Babylon–which supplies the shock troops for the New World Order–goes to war against the Muslims in the Middle East, most of America will be cheering them on.  Not only that but will likely be begging the US government to “Nuke em!

Yet those same Americans blissfully go about their business each day, ignorant of the condition of the Christians in EVERY country “liberated” by the US military.  Must just be a huge, unfortunate coincidence, huh?

The absolute WORST thing that can happen to a Christian community is for US “boots on the ground” to take place.  It’s not long afterwards Christians congregations which thrived for thousands of years disappear.

No doubt some readers are already muttering to themselves, “It’s the Muslims!”

Sure it is.  Christian areas which peacefully existed among Muslims for centuries have suddenly up and vanished as soon as the US military makes it on the scene.  Right, it’s those dirty Moolims!

But, but but…my precious little Junebug is serving in Iraq (or Afghanistan or Yemen or Libya or Syria or Jordan or wherever) and Junebug would never do anything to hurt Christians!  He loves Jesus!”

And Junebug tells you EVERYTHING that goes on during a time of war, doesn’t he?

It’s little wonder that it’s the foreign press that brings these matters to the attention of the world while the “World’s Freest Press!™” just as quickly covers up such happenings.  Such as Sarah Palin’s next-door neighbor getting caught with thousands of photos (over 4000 which were published by the German press) showing that he and his unit had killed Afghan teens and old people and posed their dead bodies in any number of amusing ways before cutting off “souvenirs” such as fingers and such.  A number of pictures of Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, with the soldier’s sister then were posted on the Internet.  For some reason, most are now long gone.

But almost forgot: they hate us for our freedoms, don’t they?

Right about now is the time that hackneyed phrase “Wake up people!” is inserted.  But, unfortunately, one suspects it’s too late to wake up those who have been spiritually deceived.  After the strong delusion comes, the Bible states the  obvious: there’s no waking up the spiritually dead.  All will be damned who didn’t previously love the truth.

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

US Higher Education is becoming a joke – Sorry.  US higher education became a joke long ago.  But the joke was on all who spent thousands and thousands of dollars for worthless degrees.

How federal student debt is stunting the economy

How An Anti-Government Militia Grew On A Military Base

Wife Of Deceased Female Soldier To Receive Death Benefits


What I realized when I finally decided to sign up for Food Stamps – It will be there a little while longer.

Second Pentacost?  Is there hope of an end times repeat of Pentacost?! – There is if this is what one has been taught.

MAN OF SIN: The Man of Sin is Coming

MAN OF SIN: Satan is Raising Up an End Times Army part 2

MAN OF SIN: Arising from the Midst of the Apostate Church

BIRDS OF A FEATHER: Chuck Missler, UFO Chronicles, LA Marzulli, Benny Hinn, UFO Hunters, Tom Horn, David Icke, Francis I, Chris Putnam, Adolfo Nicolás, David Rockefeller, Balaam, TBN, et al.

‘Botched’ Oklahoma Execution: It’s time to bring back the Guillotine – The Corporate Media campaign to bring back the guillotine is starting to get louder.  This is one of the few points on which the Corporate Media agrees with the Bible.

Another Judge strikes down same-sex marriage ban; this time in Oregon – Will of the People in the Land of the Free, baby!

(VIDEO) Interesting: Hologram of Michael Jackson performs for music award audience – Readers may judge how lifelike the hologram appears.  Also, at the 3:34 mark, why are the dancers wearing those wings?  Are they angels?  Or maybe just the fallen variety?  But the main point to consider is how lifelike the image is–and what the public knows about is 30 years behind the technology which exists.

All very entertaining until one considers the following.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
Revelation 13:15

New McDonald’s Mascot rates high on creepiness scale

(VIDEO) What Happened To Detroit’s Abandoned Football Stadium? – One suspects that we will soon find out.

Burger King’s new advertising slogan: Be Your Way – Sounds like something the old Eastern mystic would say in an episode of Kung Fu.

IN THE EMAIL – (h/t:B)
Quiet timeThere is nothing better than other people praying for you.  We’re not getting older, just getting closer to home!Be Still. The instructions are to pick four people you want God to bless. I pick you.Please pass this to at least four people you want to pray for and a copy back to me.

This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards.

Let’s always pray for one another.

The prayer :   Father, Thank You for each and every day You have blessed us here on earth.

Thank You for Your tender mercies.  Thank You for giving us friends and family to share these Internet joys with.

I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those I care deeply for, who are reading this right now.

Where there is joy, give them continued joy, where there is pain; give them your peace and mercy.

Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence. Where there is need, fulfill their needs.

Bless their homestead, families, finances, their going out and their coming in’s…In Jesus’ name; Amen.

Brain Implant Makes Man A Johnny Cash Fan

The Future Of ‘Microimplants’ In Your Body


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Nearly Two Million Pounds of Ground Beef Recalled Announces the USDA

When Does God love you less?

What has the Church (the temple of God) in America allowed itself to become?

The church (each individual) in America has allowed itself (the temple of God) to become a house of merchandise and a den of thieves. We each have defiled the temple of God with the love (philos) of money and allowed “Christian” merchandisers to defile the temple of God. It’s pretty much impossible to live in America and not do this. Nobody (including this author) escapes and we all know it in ourselves, let’s be honest.

This Year’s New Dictionary Words

Pepsi and Coca-Cola Used As Pesticide In India Because They’re Cheap and Get The Job Done

Logos Apologia – A website of one of the New Prophets of Science Fiction Eschatology, which sometimes does good work (which makes the bad work even the worse).  This site’s singular accomplishment however is elevating the credentials of man to the highest authority.

When something spoken by the false prophets of Nephilim-dom is challenged, the author of this site rushes to the scene of the crime and immediately asks “What are her credentials?”

Besides attacking the person asking the questions, this approach also has the added advantage of never having to answer Scriptural questions.  Of which there are many.

The Radical Beliefs of the New Apostles/Prophets etc

Satan’s lies about prayer – A good start.  There are others–especially coming out of the Emergent/Eastern mysticism movement. But this is a good start.


Dozens of Texas communities with only 90 days of water – Water is the new gold.

Hundreds evacuated as volcanic activity in El Salvador increases

Bay Area earthquake cluster scenario

Wild Wyoming cloud wows weatherwatchers – Spectacular photo.

Thousands Of Dead Fish Blanket Waters Of Marina Del Rey

Vaccination and Autism–Why Do People Insist There Is a Link?

QUAKE; 3.9 southern California

QUAKE: 2.8 southern California

QUAKE: 5.6 South Sandwich Islands region

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 19, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

images: Salvatore Vuono, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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