End Times Prophecy Headlines: July 11, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
July 11, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


ISRAEL: More to come in Gaza operation

NORTH KOREA:North Korea’s Hidden Car Culture

NORTH KOREA: North Korea’s Creepy Fake Civilian Village Fools No One

JAPAN: Japan Is Building The Ferrari Of Trains


THE 24/7 IMMIGRATION MEDIA CIRCUS: Texas Militia sets up Texas command center to fight for national sovereignty – If there’s one thing worse than a cheap politician grandstanding for the camera, it’s a cheap militia doing the same thing.

Another media story about the Dollar fading – There’s a sense that, at some point, the dollar will fade.  However, there’s also the sense that the Corporate Media has been warning Americans of this possibility for the last five years–every week.

Three reasons to impeach Obama

Wall Street Journal: The Impeachment Delusion – Let’s see, roll back the clock eight years and what was happening?  Oh, Democrats were scheming to impeach George W. Bush.  In 2014, talk continues about impeaching Obama.  16 years ago, what was happening? Bill Clinton was in the middle of being impeached.  It will be 16 years this December. Ten years before Clinton, the talk was of a Reagan impeachment.

Does anyone see a pattern here?

The media will feed dissatisfaction with the chosen puppets by stoking talk of impeachment.  All it is is talk.  If Congress couldn’t decide on finding Bill Clinton of impeachment, Barack Obama has nothing to fear.  Of course, a periodic impeachment or resignation (Nixon’s resignation happened nearly 40 years ago) is used as evidence that “the system works.”  Oh, it works alright.


Woman grows nose on back years after stem cell injection

Miami police urging residents to arm themselves after local budget cuts – The only time citizens will be told to “arm themselves” is if there’s a political point to be made.

Emmy’s make history with first transgendered nominee – Americans are suckers for being the “first” in “history.”  And the Corporate Media never misses an opportunity to remind Americans how “historic” occasions like the Emmy’s would be.  Wonder if this will ever be on a future history test?

The Grid – A grid of man-made doctrines has been laid over the Bible, corrupting and distorting God’s Word by man.  Five-part series on what some of these infernal doctrines.

Short sleeps may lead to brain aging

Yes, Millennials Actually Are Living In Their Parents’ Basements


Buzz Aldrin not done spinning tall tales about his days in space – Buzz is everywhere telling his yarns about space aliens. Aldrin’s latest whoppers have nothing to do about the good old days when NASA sent him and his buddies to the moon–something NASA admits they do not possess the technology to do in 2014.  No, these tall tales involve Buzz and the Aliens.

Buzz and the Aliens?  Wasn’t that a 1970s rock group?

Those who depend on the Corporate Media for their news are an unthinking bunch: supposedly there’s been a worldwide conspiracy by the government to keep people in the dark about UFOs and alien/ETs. Yet, government types such as Aldrin regularly appear on media tours to gin up interest in UFO/ETs.  This will continue because there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people noticing that huge disconnect.

The U.S. government has been promoting UFOs/ETs for the last 65 years.  Hollywood and TV has been promoting UFOs/ETs for the last 65 years.  The US military has been promoting UFOs/ETs for the last 65 years.  The media has been promoting UFOs/ETs for the last 65 years.  In 1949, before all of the endless promotion began, TWO PERCENT of Americans believed in UFOs and ETs.  65 years later, after the “conspiracy” to silence UFO/ET information, 75 percent of Americans believe in UFOs/ETs.

Something to think about: They couldn’t have done any better job of educating the public there exists UFOs and ETs if they had meant to do it.

The implanted birth control chip could deliver birth control for 16 years – At some point, all of the hyperventilating church-goers need to stop and ask themselves: “Why do I know about implanted microchips?”

ANSWER: Because stories of chips, chip technology, chip stories, the latest chip updates, chip scare stories, chip speculation and other chip-o-mania has been a regular feature of the Corporate Media for the last few decades.  Now, here’s the next question: “Does the reader think these stories are being run because the Corporate Media is trying to warn Christians about implanted microchips?”

Here’s the last question (promise): “Why does the reader suppose the antichrist Corporate Media runs so many implanted chip stories?  It’s almost like they want church-goers to be afraid of chips.  Wonder why?  (Okay, that last one was rhetorical question.  It doesn’t count.)



WARNING!  Christians take heed!
WARNING! Christians take heed!

It is suspected one reason the Corporate Media runs an almost 24/7 Scare Warning cycle of news (financial collapse, imminent invasion by the Russians, martial law, etc) is so that real warning will go largely unheeded.  Like the terror alerts in the days after 9/11, after awhile the public begins to tune the warnings out.

After all, there’s life to be lived.

“For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Matthew 24:38-39

“They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;”Luke 17:27-28

Luke and Matthew are describing the way people will be living before the Second Coming of Jesus.  This is different from the man-made counterfeits of the enemy.

This is not to say that financial collapse, the Russians, martial law, the rest will not at some point take place.  But the reader may rest assured–because it is in the Bible–that when these events happen, they will NOT be preceded by warnings in the media (and especially, the Corporate Alternative Media).  When they happen, there will be NO warning.  They will be sudden and destructive.

However, this writer would call attention to one warning which does need to be heeded.  This warning concerns primarily those who culturally identify as “Christians”–a group that makes up 98 percent of American church attendance. True believers have already received and HEEDED this warning.  It’s the other 98 percent who need to listen up.

The warning is this: No one is who he seems–most especially in the American churches.

The Church as been infiltrated by pretenders–including many who man the pulpits.  Many have the tendency to make the claim “Oh yes!  I know it is a problem!  But not in my church.”  The infiltration extends not just to churches.  It extends to those who appears on TV or radio in the guise of advising, warning, encouraging Christians.  It extends to those who are “watchdogs.”  It extends to “watchmen.”

In short, this infiltration affects every facet of Christianity.

The Bible warned of these days and now, they’re here.  The Church is a mess, yet people talk of revival.  Sin and repentance are the biggest-kept secrets of the modern Church.  Yet, revival is going to take place and convert the world for Jesus!

The Bible warns of a worldwide revival in the end times.  It is Satan who is the architect of this revival, not God.

“…and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
Revelation 13:7-8

Who will this revival be worshiping?

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:
Revelation 13:4

It’s imagined that many a reader will be protesting about now.

“No, no!  You have it all wrong!  I’d NEVER worship the dragon (Satan)!”


Many churches worship him now.  They certainly worship Satan’s seducing spirits.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
1 Timothy 4:1

Who is it that Paul says will “give heed” to seducing spirits?  Is it those who are in the world and clearly heathens?

No.  It is those who are sitting in the end times Church; those who have “departed from the faith.”  The churches are full of these lukewarm, deceived individuals.  The lukewarm and the hopelessly deceived who believe they are “part of an army God is raising up.”  That’s who are in most American churches.

MAN OF SIN: Satan is Raising Up an End Times Army

Many true believers have already gotten out of Dodge, lamenting the entire time at the ungodliness that has invaded the Church.

COUNTERFEIT HOLY SPIRIT: Lying Spirits of Deception in the Churches

Faith No Longer Needed in American Church: The Sight-Walkers

Assemblies of God Leader Insists ‘This Generation Is Hungry’ for Supernatural Power

The Bible says this generation will get their fill of supernatural power.  It will be from Satan. [Rev 13:11, 13; 2 Thessalonians 2:3; Matthew 24:24).  But don’t bring up the Bible’s many clear warnings: those who inhabit the Church do not want to hear that “their god” is not going to perform miracles.  Bring up a warning of what the Bible says, and the pew-sitters have twenty different ways of asking “Surely not!  I think you have it all wrong? Hath God said?”

God’s Word is clear: in the last days, Satan’s supernatural power will be on display and it will be deceiving the whole world.  It’s already deceived most of the Church.

The seducing spirits are already here.  The apostasy has begun.  It’s almost SHOWTIME! and everyone is living their lives, ignoring their Bibles and depending on wolves and charlatans to “pour the Word into them.”

Power is seductive and power deceives.  And power will not save those “of this generation who hunger for supernatural power.”

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11

“Sure. sure. When the time comes, I’ll stand up for Jesus. But that time is not now.  Later.  I’ll do it later when it really gets bad.”

Only one thing will save them and–while Jesus is on the lips of many showing up in churches–when the rubber meets the road, the flesh will always provide reasons not to obey.  Or worse, to engage in some activity which the church-goer is convinced is “working for Jesus.”  There are no end to counterfeit activities to keep the pew-sitters occupied and entertained.

Take heed.  The time is now.

 “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4

Questions about the Holy Spirit: What Is the Spiritual Gift of Healing?

The Bizarre (And Criminal) History Of The Vatican Bank

Is it time for the four-day work week?

“Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.”
Ezekiel 16:49-50

Yes, Sodom was guilty of rampant homosexuality.  But on the list of five sins listed by Ezekiel, it was last.  First was PRIDE.

Second was “fulness of bread.”  Third, “abundance of idleness.”

Sound like any countries the reader is familiar with?

How Domino’s Lost Its Mascot

Now Sharing Your Faith Is “Bullying” – Christian Employee Banned From Talking About Faith At Work – This writer is also familiar with a case in his local area this is true.

Car Insurance Companies Want To Track Your Every Move — And You’re Going To Let Them


The Polar Vortex returns in July!  – Didn’t get enough of the polar vortex in the winter?  It’s coming around for a return engagement next week!

America’s impending tuberculosis epidemic

HIV Infection Returns In Girl Thought Cured

Bird Declines Linked To Popular Pesticides

The Weather Channel Apocalypse – Bravo!

QUAKE: 3.3 Southern California

QUAKE: 3.2 Central California


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events

Why Pop Lyrics Make No Sense – Oh they make sense.

What’s The Best Way To Invest A Single Dollar?

The Immigrant Children Crossing The Border Are Probably Better-Vaccinated Than Kids In Texas

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: July 10, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives:

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

image: Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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