End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 17, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
June 17, 2013

Louisiana rocked by second chemical plant blast in a week – (h/t:E)

The UN prepares to go to war for the first time, with a 3,000-strong task force sent to fight rebels in the Congo  – But not, one suspects, for the last time…

Pope: Antichrist?
English: woodcut of the pope selling indulgences, from Passionary of the Christ and Antichrist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Israel’s capitulation to the Vatican’s plans for the Old City and the Temple Mount

Syrian forces training to storm Israel’s border

Syrian Rebels kill all in a Christian village; Why do Republicans call for arming them? – From a Tea Party website.  Answer: because the Republicans and Obama are all playing for the same team–and it’s not the one–at least that’s the assumption–that  the author of this piece is on.

Putin attacks arming Syrian rebels – The only question left for this drama: how long will it continue?

G8: Putin rips the West for supporting Cannibals in Syria; West… has… no… Coherent… Response – Okay, maybe there is another question: When will this drama reach its climax?

World Conflict: Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid Syria – U.S. urges allies to supply arms in conflict

Saudi Arabia wants missiles for the Syrian “rebels” – Long as we’re talking about “wants,” this writer would like a new set of tires and a bigger bank account.

Who has Crossed the ‘Red Line’? Barack Obama and John Kerry are Supporting a Terrorist Organization on the State Department List

Huge blast rocks Damascus military airport – What’s the world coming to when the Russian media appears at least as good as the American version?

IDF not commenting on report that Israel attacked Syrian airport

Turkish police fight protesters without mercy – The peoples of this world will learn very soon just how outmoded the concept of”mercy” is in these End Times.  Do you know Jesus?

New ID rules would threaten citizens’ rights:Under the guise of ‘reform,’these trample fundamental rights and freedoms. – Seriously.

Bread shortage hits Egypt – (h/t:E) According to the report, riots too.  Won’t be long now…

Egypt: ‘Do not sacrifice your children’- Muslims threaten Christians not to demonstrate against Muslim Brotherhood president

Second Alaska Peninsula volcano spurts ash, lava and steam

Extreme weather caused $110 billion in damage in 2012

Third volcano acting up in Southwest Alaska

Strong 6.2 magnitude earthquake shakes southern Greece

South Pacific Ocean – Macquarie Island region 2 EQ’s 5.7 and 5.0 June 17th , 2013

5.8 Earthquake strikes south of Mexico City

Mega-Earthquake Forecasted To Hit British Columbia, Pacific Coast For First Time in 11,000 Years

The Sword Drops on Food Stamps:It’s official: Congress will slash food stamp funding in the midst of a deep economic recession, when more people rely on food stamps than ever before.

English: President Obama had called on the two...
English: President Obama had called on the two former Presidents to help. During their public remarks in the Rose Garden, President Clinton had said about President Bush, ‘I’ve already figured out how I can get him to do some things that he didn’t sign on for.’ Later, back in the Oval, President Bush is jokingly asking President Clinton what were those things he had in mind. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Obama Denies NSA Surveillance Programs Violate Privacy Rights – Americans who remember Bill Clinton were amazed at the brazenness of the lies of the Bush administration. Americans who remember Bush II are amazed that the sheer arrogance of the Obama administration.

Americans who can remember further back than Bill Clinton usually weep for their country most every day.

Healthcare for elderly may become unaffordable – doctor – That’s the plan.  Which is another reason older Americans usually weep…

Favorite Bible Verses: 60 Beloved Favorite Bible Verses

77% do not trust Television news – Are you kidding me?  Why isn’t this 100%?  More fruit of the American educational system.

(VIDEO) Why it’s not a good idea to celebrate too early

The History of America’s Secret Wars: Corporate Espionage and the Outsourcing of National Security

Will Iran’s New President Hassan Rowhani Rehabilitate Foreign Relations with the West and Israel?“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”  That’s a line from the song, ‘Won’t get fooled again.”  Good advice, rarely taken, in these End Times in which we find ourselves.  In fact, for some reason, the lyrics seem more relevant  today than when they were originally sung by the Who. The song was a bit of predictive programming, circa 1971…

Revealed: Yahoo FOUGHT against NSA’s warrantless spying program but lost and was forced by secret court to join PRISM

The Wrath of God

MIT studies of the H5N1 and H7N9 influenza viruses reveal genetic mutations that could result in pandemic flu.

Flu cases in Ohio make huge jump over past years

U.S. High School recites Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic; “One Nation under Allah” – This can’t be good, can it?

Colorado high school principal defends ‘One Nation Under Allah’ – Sure he does. What’s up with Colorado these days?  The state has become ground zero for NWO tools implementing Orwellian ideas.  Of course, every state has its NWO tools–which includes the vast majority of those now in office…

Youth, Schools and Church

Last words – a collection of the last words uttered, at the edge of eternity. – Once upon a time, this writer did an article on this subject, which is always an interesting.  Man coming face-to-face with his mortality is always a fascinating topic of discussion.  Do you know Jesus?

41% Believe Supreme Court Too Hostile Towards Religion, 15% Too Friendly  – BIG assumption: that this poll is correct.  (Like I said, BIG assumption.)  Think of all of the people you know.  Now, answer these two questions.  1- Is the 15% a ‘hard’ 15%.  In other words, Is that 15% squarely against Christianity?  (Because face it, when they’re talking about religion, they’re talking about Christianity–at least for a little while longer.)  2- Is the 41% a ‘soft’ 41%.  How many of the 41% do you think would stand up under any type of persecution?  I thought so.

Video of the Day: Ron Paul Warns of Electronic Surveillance back in…1984 – Do you think it was maybe because he knew back then?  Wonder how he knew?  Is Ron Paul some kind of prophet?  I hate to break this to the Paulians (I liked RP back in the days before I knew that all of the federal-level politicians were compromised.): Ron Paul is one of them.  I know there will be howls.  But he is.  So sorry, but there are no heroes at the national-level power political level.  Paul was groomed for the role he has played–and continues to play.

Asking in Jesus name – A short, excellent read.

Rabid fox attacks 7-year-old boy in PA – (h/t:E) Be careful out there!  Happened in Armstrong County, which is northeast of Pittsburgh around Kittanning.

Flashback: NSA intercepted and mocked soldiers’ phone calls as far back as 2008;

(VIDEO) Wildfires?  How to Save a House – About 5 minutes.  Fascinating video of Colorado Springs Fire Dept. standing around a house and keeping it from burning down.  Worth the watch.

Immigration bill has 70 votes in Senate to pass – Was there ever any doubt?  Maybe if this were the 80s or 90s, but not in 2013.  The immigration bill was passed by senators bought, sold and paid-for by the NWO mystery of iniquity.

Pope blesses hundreds of Harley-Davidsons – That’s good.  If only ‘blessing’ Harleys was all the popes ever did, the world would be a different place.  Kinda like if all politicians did was kiss babies, the world would be a better place.

Fluffy Pope Francis blesses hundreds of bikers WEARING HELL’S ANGELS COATS is he giving another message to the unsuspecting masses – At some point, one would expect the masses to awaken from their slumber and be “unsuspecting” no more.  But events roll on and most people don’t want to be bothered much by anything that doesn’t directly involve them.  A very dangerous way of thinking–which will be brought home to the masses all too soon.  Do you know Jesus today?

7 Dead, 32 wounded in Gun-controlled Chicago weekend violence – just a little sneak peak into the future for the rest of the USA after the remainder of the Constitution goes down…

(VIDEO) Remember back in 1951 when they used to set off atomic bombs in Nevada? – You don’t?  Well, here’s a 48-second video to remind you how it looked from an airplane…

PSALM 12:1 – A good prayer to remember for times such as these: “Help Lord!”

China asks USA to explain Internet surveillance – This is so much smoke for the masses.  Chinese leaders already know everything they need to know.  One interesting item from the article:

“At the briefing, [Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying] rejected a suggestion that Snowden was a spy for China.”

Hua called the ‘suggestion’ ‘sheer nonsense.”  As stated, this entire affair is smoke, smoke and a few mirrors.

Obama’s Monica moment – Article begins with a howler from the East Asia Times: The entire moral edifice on which Obama built up his presidency and the values he espoused at the core of his “audacity of hope” when he began his long march to the White House five years ago – transparency, accountability, legitimacy, multilateralism, consensus – lie exposed today as a pack of lies.”

The most important thing to keep in mind: Obama had no “moral edifice”–neither have any of our other presidents.  The recent string of presidents inhabiting the Oval Office have known no law higher than themselves; that has been their “moral edifice.”

NOTE: Obama started “his long march to the White House” SIX years ago.  He announced as a presidential candidate in Feb 2007.

Gulf War Syndrome kills thousands of veterans each year – One example of the two-faced policies of NWO governments: out of one side of their mouths, they extol the virtues of never-ending war and those who fight them for the elites.  Out of the other side of their mouth, they order cuts to veterans’ services and hospitals.

Teacher asks students to compose suicide notes for homework – This is actually the subject of an upcoming article.  This teacher was not the first to do this (h/t:E for the research on that subject).  In the Culture of Death that has enveloped the world, suicide notes for homework is only the beginning.  It will be the assignments in high school “science labs” that will ultimately proclaim to doubters that the Culture of Death is officially the New Order of the Ages.

Father’s Day and the Future of Faith – Faith in the one, true God has a firm, unshakeable future–but it will not be without its very rocky moments very soon…

The Testing of Faith – A daily occurrence these days…

(VIDEO) Chimps on Ice – Who can resist?

Internet Surveillance – What are the implications for Christians?

Rotting, Decaying And Bankrupt – If You Want To See The Future Of America Just Look At Detroit – It only took the powers that be 30 or 40 years to ruin what was once a decent place to live…

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15-16, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.