End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 2, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
October 2, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


IRAQ: ISIS within a mile of Baghdad

IRAQ: Baghdad priest: Christianity could be at an end here – Truly the situation in the Middle East is amazing.  It is a fact that there are countless communities in which Christians and Muslims have lived in peace side-by-side for centuries. HOWEVER, not long after American “boots on the ground” or “bombs in the air” invade a Muslim country, for some reason, Christian communities THEN disappear from locales they’ve been in for hundreds of years.

Yet, Americans are led to believe it is the bloodthirsty Muslims who are doing this.  That is the power of deception. Because they are deceived, most Americans will never question the information they are receiving from a source they know they can’t trust: the Corporate Media.  That’s another head-scratcher.

If the information one receives is faulty, the judgments one makes using that information will be faulty as well.

ISRAEL: Netanyahu claims Iran must not get nukes

NORWAY: Norway named Best country in which to grow old

MEXICO:Mexican Drug Cartel Leader Beltran-Leyva Believed Captured

VENEZUELA: Venezuela’s Military Rises To Power

World War 3 Watch: September 29, 2014


Rafael Cruz: Stop Electing the Village Idiot – In which Ted Cruz’s father wows a crowd, plugs the Bible and freedom and stumps for his son’s presidential ambitions.

Ted Cruz is the new Sarah Palin

Pentagon group sued over testing Internet voting system – Internet voting system?  Oh, that should be secure!

The odds of George Clooney running for president just doubled – The country has a real shortage of celebrities in politics. The USA is becoming a 2014 version of Idiocracy.

Secret Service in Turmoil – That’s the Corporate Media meme.  See yesterday’s “NATIONAL section” for the details on why.

Meet Joseph Clancy, The New Acting Secret Service Chief

Kissinger’s Plans to Attack Cuba – Crazy Henry’s Used New World Order…Get your today!


Arkansas shooting range declares itself “Muslim-Free Zone” – Soon, it will be open season.  Just a matter of time.

Business owner in Ferguson calls nighttime protesters “terrorists” – Soon, everyone in America but the super-elite will be “terrorists.”

Grand Jury Considering Ferguson Shooting Being Investigated For Misconduct

Welcome to Suicide Bomber Rehab

(VIDEO) Ed – Is Ed real?  Can you tell from the beginning of this 46-second video?

(w/VIDEO) Terrifying cannibal shark on shark attack caught on camera


END TIMES DECEPTION: So many layers of deception, Satan ought to be ashamed of himself: it's a massive overkill.
END TIMES DECEPTION: So many layers of deception, Satan ought to be ashamed of himself: it’s a massive overkill.

The great city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified (w/VIDEOS) – Some good information.

Satanic Egyptian Kabbalah white and black magic is now commercialized in Jerusalem

Want to build world peace?  Build third temple –  Organization launches campaign to raise funds for draft plans of site, which, if built, it says, would ‘usher in universal harmony’
But Richman did not set a target date for breaking ground for the construction project. The temple will be built, he told JTA, when “the world will want us to build the temple.”

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
1 Thessalonians 5:3Temple Institute In Israel Raises $100k for Third Temple Plans

Third Jewish Temple: The Temple of God? part 1

Third Jewish Temple: The Temple of God? part 2

The temple article goes on to claim: “The Jews have to represent good in the world, light in the world.”

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
John 8:12The satanic eschatology taught by most of the American Church will deceive those who inhabit the churches into following the coming man of sin.

MAN OF SIN: The Man of Sin is Coming

Because so many do not have the Holy Spirit–and therefore have no discernment–American pew-sitters will believe the man of sin and his whore Church to be “of God,” They will flock to fill the whore Church which will look like Christianity, but is from Satan.

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Revelation 13:11

American church-goers–who cannot discern obvious antichrist wolves such as TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, Pat Robertson, John Hagee and Billy Graham–will rush to embrace the man of sin and his whore Church of the end times apostasy.

This apostasy will be so great and widespread, to the pseudo-Christian it will look like a “revival”–and it will be: a great, worldwide satanic revival for the dragon’s man of sin.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”
2 Thessalonians 2:3

Because so many have gone after false teachers and antichrist doctrines for so long and had not a love for the truth, God promises he will blind those with a “strong delusion.”  ALL that receive the strong delusion are damned.  This includes the vast majority of the American Church.

STRONG DELUSION: Strong Delusion is Coming

“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

Confessions of a Gamer: ‘Shadow Of Mordor’ Is Morally Repulsive And I Can’t Stop Playing It

One in 12 Americans use illegal drugs

Louisiana is disappearing into the sea

Lawrence followed the trail of body parts to Charity Hospital. The manhole that led into the hospital’s sewer line was clogged with flesh. Lawrence asked hospital administrators why they were dumping bodies into the sewer. They explained that, until recently, they had incinerated all unclaimed corpses. The stench was abhorrent, however, so they had installed a $1 million, 15-horsepower grinder pump. The machine ground the bodies into a slurry, but small parts escaped the blades. Lawrence ordered the hospital to remove the grinder. As he was backed by the force of City Hall, the hospital had no choice but to comply.

The new New Math: Byzantine subtraction in Common Core  –  Though many will disagree, it is part of the intentional dumbing down of America.

The Psychology Of Free Samples

POLL: Voters strongly oppose Legal Rights, Government benefits for Illegal Immigrants – Not that what voters think matters to those making the decisions in the USA.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16



“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Your Life is Not a Vapor: Devil’s Greatest Trick

Save for the Gospel

The church is rapidly accepting occult, channeled books as divinely inspired – Actually, the acceptance of the occult (as well as the outright pagan and demonic) into the Church happened long ago.  It’s not “happening,” it has already happened.  More at some places than at others. The article details the obviously demonic “automatic writing” of some claimed Christians. The article contains a lot of good information on the practice of automatic writing.

NOTE: It’s amusing; the site at which this article originally came from writes about the occult while it features an occult “marker” in its header.  These occult markers are a way letting others know one’s true allegiance.  They are like graphic satanic hand signs–and they are featured at an incredible number of sites which claim to be Christian.

Or, it could be just a coincidence.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4


EBOLA scare in Hawaii

U.S. Ebola Patient Was Sent Home With Antibiotics After Telling Doctor He Was Visiting From Liberia

Officials say only one EBOLA case, but panicked parents pulls children from schools

L. FARRAKHAN: Whites created EBOLA to kill Blacks

Second possible case in Dallas

What Preppers are doing about EBOLA – Unfortunately, the world is trying to physically prepare for that which the Bible says they cannot.

Child’s mystery virus comes to Maine

First child dies from mystery virus

What quarantines in the USA look like

A Hospital from Hell

QUAKE: 3.9 Nevada

QUAKE: 3.2 Nevada


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

What is Media Mush?

The Corporate Media

The Jihadis Next Door – ISIS in America.  See yesterday’s INTERNATIONAL section for “The Enemy Among Us.”

Wait, you can have EBOLA and still board a plane?

The Politics Of The Automated Future

New Evidence Says The ‘Man In The Moon’ Came From Lunar Plumbing, Not An Asteroid Impact

The Enforcers Of The Death Penalty

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 1, 2014

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Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

Updates, corrections and late additions to this information 24/7 at END TIMES PROPHECY REPORT.


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

image: ETPR/Salvatore Vuono, ponsulak, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3 Watch: September 15, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Ukraine-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Ukraine-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Ukraine-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-ISIS-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

September 15, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations – Ukraine – ISIS

NEWS about World War 3.
Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

September 15– The past week was a busy one as far as media talk about World War 3 was concerned.

Although there were no “earthshaking” violent events on the World War 3 radar, two speeches highlighted World War 3 coverage.  Pope Francis gave a speech in which he claimed that World War III has already begun. US President Barack Obama gave a televised nationwide speech in which he outlined his strategy for combating the Islamic State.

For those few who still are wearing rose-colored glasses, world war has happened before. The Bible says it will happen once more before Jesus returns.

There were more updates this past week addressing the topic of “World War 3” and “World War III” than any other week for the past year. Both speeches contributed to this WW3 media attention. Effectively, the Corporate Media talked more World War III talk this week than any other previous week.

General chatter about World War III usually goes up a week or two before the next violent event focuses world attention back on the nuts and bolts (violent events) of world war. So World War 3 Watchers might stay alert over the next 7-10 days for that violent event.


While chances for a domestic terror attack are up (due to increased media activity warning of an impending terror attack) in the near future, it is suspected that the IMMEDIATE chances of a domestic terror attack are in a holding pattern awaiting one more level of escalation in the pre-war propaganda campaign that has been taking place in the US Corporate Media over the six weeks.

Once more: for a little while longer, the regular media cycle will predominate.

1- An event takes place which could spark war; 2- The media covers said event 24/7; 3- Speculation continues about the event and its likelihood of causing World War III; 4- An uneasy return to “normal” until the next event.

Events in Ukraine will serve as distractions for actions in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. The current news cycle concerning Ukraine has just about outlived its usefulness. If Ukraine is to continue in this manner, new, more violent actions will have to take place in Ukraine. Those violent actions appeared to take place this past week with Russia allegedly moving tanks into eastern Ukraine.

The Ebola threat continued to be magnified by the media this past week. As did the constant media threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack.

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

As always, regardless of what hot spot the media is featuring this week, one suspects that when WW3 does finally begin, it will begin in that most volatile of regions, the Middle East.

THE CALL: The only thing moving faster than the seemingly-unstoppable victories of ISIS is the Western pre-war propaganda campaign. President Obama sent more US troops (under 500) to Iraq.

The Corporate Media will continue to keep the focus on the Islamic State (ISIS) with Ukraine running interference as a convenient distraction. Events in Syria have morphed from a civil war narrative to a tale of massive chaos not unlike a pro wrestling Battle Royal event. One suspects that ISIS will be the last man standing in the Syria storyline.

THE BAD NEWS: The propaganda campaign, which is necessary to prepare a country for total war, continued to escalate this past week–as it has for the last four-six weeks. This passes the full month mark of full non-stop pre-war propaganda in the US Corporate Media.

THE GOOD NEWS: Asia has continued to be quiet. It is about time for a flare-up in one of the traditional Asian hot spots (North and South Korea, Japan, China) sometime in September.

What will this coming week bring?

UPDATES [September 15, 2014]

  1. Pope says world’s many conflicts amount to piecemeal World War Three
  2. Pope Francis decries world’s conflicts as piecemeal world war
  3. Pope Francis: Global conflicts have become WWIII
  4. Pope Francis warns of World War III with crimes, massacres, destruction
  5. Ukraine truce threatened by heavy fighting
  6. Leaders talk peace, some Ukrainians contemplate guerrilla war
  7. World War 3: Russia’s nuclear weapons threat has Ukraine discussing restoring nukes
  8. World War 3: Russia’s nuclear weapons fired; Vladamir Putin warns USA of more corresponding countermeasures
  9. World War 3 worries loom after Russia’s comments
  10. World War 3? Obama’s talk on combating ISIS gets support
  11. Destroying ISIS could take years, US officials say
  12. Will World War 3 happen soon? 53 percent of Chinese say ‘Yes’
  13. This is the third world war–and this time we are on the fringes
  14. Redrawing the map of the Russian Federation: Partitioning Russia after World War III?
  15. Congressman Yoho: Wrong moves by US could lead to World War III


World War 3: ANALYSIS

Ukraine – Violence flared as talk of a guerrilla war and Ukraine activating nukes made the headlines.  A shaky “truce” was threatened by heavy fighting between both sides in eastern Ukraine.

Baltic States (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia) – Attention has been slowly shifting to the Russian threats to the Baltic States (as was predicted here in the spring).  Events are already happening which will soon shift heavy media attention to these three small countries (which were all previously part of the old Soviet Union). That began this past week in Estonia.

LIBYA: Chaos and violence in Libya continues to slowly increase in the power vacuum left by the USA/NATO bombing campaign which deposed long-time ruler Mohamar Ghaddafi. From the way the propaganda is shaking out, our guess is that LIBYA will eventually become a part of a sprawling Islamic State.

IRAQ: Media chatter over the Caliphate continues. The world seems powerless to stop ISIS. Bombs don’t seem to stop them. It’s looking like only a full-scale war will do it. Iraq will be the epicenter of the Islamic State.

Turkey: At some point in the future, it’s expected that Turkey will get involved in some manner in the Islamic State.

GAZA: Israel and Hamas continue to kill each other’s civilians. One media piece this past week claimed that ISIS is the USA’s Hamas.

SYRIA: Chaos and violence continue in Israel’s next-door neighbor. Syrian violence has degenerated into a sort of free-for-all among the many factions who are all basically playing for the same team.

There’s a 42% chance of World War III; which is steady%. This is NO CHANGE from last week. This is the immediate likelihood of the commencement of World War 3. The long view is 100%. The number is due to the continued strong prewar propaganda push targeting the USA.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack before October 2016 leading to war in the Middle East : [+77%}. That’s No Change. Continued talk in the media of a Muslim terror attack, terror cells already in the USA and terrorists coming across the purposely porous US southern border. The tone of the pre-war propaganda escalated sharply the past month. Expect this number to gradually increase until the actual attack.

Asia continues “Quiet.”

Africa – quiet.

Nothing has changed over the last year in the following assessment: The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.

TENSION ASSESSMENT: September 15, 2014

  1. North Korea – down
  2. Ukraine – steady in spite of renewed heavy fighting
  3. Syria – HIGH on media talk of a Syrian front in the ISIS war. Talk over the last week is that the USA will bomb ISIS in Syria.
  4. Jordan – down
  5. East Africa – steady – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – down
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – up slightly because of  Libya, which has had renewed outbreaks of violence. Libya continues to generate its share of WWIII news due to the intentional “power vacuum” left by the US/West’s overthrow of longtime Libyan strongman, Muammar Ghaddafi.
  9. Russia – steady, with continued interest in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq, and the Baltic States.
  10. USA – steady with Iraq and Syrian war talk. Government interest in Ukraine is minimal; interest in Israel/Gaza is hands-off.
  11. Israel – steady. Ground war in Gaza grinding on.
  12. Egypt – steady with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – Quiet, though action of elite Iranian units in Iraq were reported.
  14. NATO – quiet
  15. Iraq – constant level of violence. Continued chaos by “ISIS.” USA has resumed its public war in Iraq, though it really never stopped.

The world is on a steady march to World War 3. There will be periods of calm, periods of violence. Even during the periods of quiet, nothing will deter the beginning of World War 3. It’s only a matter of “When?

The one question that never gets asked: How did the media know the latest events will lead to World War 3? The WW3 headlines began back last year in 2013.

In May of 2013 this writer had a conversation with a fellow about the media using the term “World War 3.” The fellow claimed “I haven’t seen it.” The response? “It’s just beginning.” At that time, the question was asked “How does the media know the events will lead to World War 3? Why is this outcome written as if it’s a foregone conclusion?

September 15, 2014 – ISIS continues to be the main focus of World War III speculation with the bulk of attention on Iraq and Syria. The Corporate Media is presenting the events in Iraq and Syria as the beginning of an Islamic juggernaut that will take total war to stop. Libya, Lebanon and other pieces of the ISIS puzzle will fall into place in the near future.

The pre-war propaganda concerning ISIS continues to escalate which is significant for World War 3 watchers.

SPECULATION: Ukraine continues to have violence, but this is a decoy. Even an outbreak of war in Ukraine will not bring about WW3. Events in Ukraine could be rolled into WWIII once it begins, but the spark will likely come from somewhere in the Middle East OR ACTIONS ATTRIBUTED TO ISIS from a domestic US terror attack.

One suspects that there will be violence and chaos erupting soon from the Baltic States as well.

Overall Tension Assessment: After a few weeks of relative quiet, Ukraine is heating back up.

Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are about to join Ukraine as pieces of the Soviet Reunion.

Libya periodically erupts into violence but events over the past two weeks threaten to make Libya a daily place to watch.

Iraqi violence continues.

Syria is a mess.

Israel-Gaza is a gritty, grinding, depressing little war.

It is suspected that Syria, Libya, Iran and China will take turns leading the World War III discussion before war actually breaks out.

The coming terror attack will be unexpected and it will feature something new; perhaps a bio attack or more likely an “EMP.”  The next domestic terror attack will 1- provide the casus belli for WWIII; and, 2- provide a reason for authorities to clamp down further on the US population.

The next major domestic terror attack will likely see the introduction of auto check points throughout the USA, as well as further government controls on cash, movement and liberty. In the meantime, the US government pretends it is powerless to stop the “flood of jihadis” coming across the USA southern border. This is, of course, part of the narrative.

The world is still relatively quiet but time is running out. The media continues to stoke war fear. People are clearly nervous about the potential for World War 3. Enjoy the relative peace for at a little while longer.

World War 3 Watch is nearing its one-year anniversary.

The most disconcerting item is the lull which continues two weeks after the Labor Day holiday. There are signs the lull is about over.

Will this week bring bad news? We’ll see.

Do You Know Jesus?


World War 3!

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. III World War?
  6. World War III
  7. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?

World War 3 Watch: September 1, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Ukraine-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

September 1, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations

NEWS about World War 3.
Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

September 1– Today is the 75th anniversary of the beginning of World War II. It’s mentioned only as a reminder that world war has occurred several times in the past 100 years.  It also effectively occurred a few times prior to the 20th century.

This week Ukraine split time in the Corporate Media with ISIS/Iraq/Syria.  That has been the pattern the Media has fallen into over the last three-four weeks.

Last week we wondered:  Is a similar lull in store for the ending of summer [2014]?

And an uneasy lull has settled over the USA heading into the Labor Day weekend.

The lull might be the scariest part of the media cycle.  It’s usually after a lull of a week or so, another event which leads the world further down the road to World War 3 occurs.

For readers who have missed the last two installments of World War3 Watch, the pre-conditions to World War 3 were discussed and listed.

For a fuller discussion of these points, the reader may refer to World War 3 Watch: August 18, 2014 and World War 3 Watch: August 25, 2014.

Once more: for a little while longer, the regular media cycle will predominate.

1- An event takes place which could spark war; 2- The media covers said event 24/7; 3- Speculation continues about the event and its likelihood of causing World War III; 4- An uneasy return to “normal” until the next event.

Events in Ukraine will serve as distractions for actions in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. The current news cycle concerning Ukraine has just about outlived its usefulness. If Ukraine is to continue in this manner, new, more violent actions will have to take place in Ukraine. Those violent actions appeared to take place this past week with Russia allegedly moving tanks into eastern Ukraine.

The Ebola threat continued to be magnified by the media this past week. As did the constant media threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack.

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

Again, regardless of what hot spot the media is featuring this week, one suspects that when WW3 does finally begin, it will begin in that most volatile of regions, the Middle East.

THE CALL: Regardless of the seriousness of the events in the Ukraine, ISIS and the Islamic State is the name of the game where WW3 is concerned. Propaganda over ISIS will escalate faster than the events.

The Corporate Media will continue to keep the focus on the Islamic State (ISIS) with Ukraine serving as a convenient distraction.  Events in Syria have consolidated into ISIS coverage.  Expect the media to further morph ISIS coverage so that eventually, all Middle Eastern Muslim coverage will fall under the umbrella of ISIS in some manner.

THE BAD NEWS: The propaganda campaign, which is necessary to prepare a country for total war, continued to escalate this past week. This acceleration has occurred over the last four weeks. Expect a continued media focus on Muslim atrocities and Christian persecution.

THE GOOD NEWS: Once again, Asia and all of the other “hot spots continue to be relatively quiet last week. North Korea did test fire three missiles two weeks ago. China receives random coverage over actions claimed to be threatening to the USA.

What will this coming week bring?

UPDATES [September 1, 2014]

  1. The Road to World War 3: Russia and Ukraine are now engaged in a shooting war
  2. World War 3 coming?  Russian forces have now entered Ukraine
  3. World War 3: Russian invasion of Ukraine could lead to wider war
  4. Poroshenko says Ukraine near to full-scale war
  5. World War Four?
  6. World War 3 Rumors: Ukrainian president dissolves parliament
  7. Coast Guard narrowly avoids sparking World War III
  8. World War III: Russia, Is Ukraine worth it?
  9. Who is the man who fears we could be on the eve of World War III?


Ukraine – Continues to simmer. Events are on an up-and-down pattern. This past week, violence was UP. However, these events are distractions EVEN THOUGH full-scale war may be about to break out in Ukraine.

IRAQ: The hand-wringing over a Caliphate continues. The world seems powerless to stop ISIS. Bombs don’t seem to stop them. It’s looking like only a full-scale war will do it. The escalation of the propaganda involving ISIS and Iraq this past week continue last week’s ominous turn. ISIS will continue to grow until Americans are convinced ISIS poses an existential threat to America.

GAZA: Israel and Hamas continue to kill each other’s civilians.

SYRIA: Syria continues to be the possible new front in the “War against ISIS.” Once war begins, it will be hard for it to not escalate in one capacity or another.

There’s a 42% chance of World War III; which is steady%. This is the immediate likelihood of the commencement of World War 3. The long view is 100%. The number is due to the continued strong prewar propaganda push targeting the USA.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack before October 2016 leading to war in the Middle East : [+77%}. That’s No Change. Continued talk in the media of a Muslim terror attack, terror cells already in the USA and terrorists coming across the purposely porous US southern border. The tone of the pre-war propaganda escalated sharply the past three weeks. Expect this number to gradually increase until the actual attack.

Asia continues “Quiet.”

Africa – quiet.

Nothing has changed over the last year in the following assessment: The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.

TENSION ASSESSMENT: September 1, 2014

  1. North Korea – steady
  2. Ukraine – up
  3. Syria – up slightly on media talk of a Syrian front in the ISIS war
  4. Jordan – down
  5. East Africa – steady – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – down
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – up slightly in Libya, which has had renewed outbreaks of violence
  9. Russia – up, with continued interest in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq.
  10. USA – steady with Iraq and Syrian war talk. Government interest in Ukraine is minimal; interest in Israel/Gaza is hands-off.
  11. Israel – steady. Ground war in Gaza grinding on.
  12. Egypt – steady with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – Steady, though action of elite Iranian units in Iraq were reported.
  14. NATO – quiet
  15. Iraq – steady. Continued chaos by “ISIS.” USA talking of resuming war.

The world is on a steady march to World War 3. There will be periods of calm, periods of violence. Even during the periods of quiet, nothing will deter the beginning of World War 3. It’s only a matter of timing.

The one question that never gets asked: How did the media know the latest events will lead to World War 3? The WW3 headlines began back last year in 2013.

In May of 2013 this writer had a conversation with a fellow about the media using the term “World War 3.” The fellow claimed “I haven’t seen it.” The response? “It’s just beginning.” At that time, the question was asked “How does the media know the events will lead to World War 3? Why is this outcome written as if it’s a foregone conclusion?

September 1, 2014 – On this 75th anniversary of World War II, there is talk of another World War: World War III.  Iraq continues to be the focus but Syria is beginning to enter the picture as well. It’s all about the spectre of the Islamic State (ISIS) and the West’s seeming inability to stop what the media portrays as a “juggernaut.”

The pre-war propaganda concerning ISIS continues to escalate which is significant for World War 3 watchers.

SPECULATION: Ukraine continues to have violence, but this is a decoy. Even war in Ukraine will not bring about WW3.  Iraq and Syria are where events in a future start to WW3 will center, after, it’s imagined, a terror attack on the USA happens.

Overall Tension Assessment: Ukraine has heated up. Iraqi violence continues. Syria is opening up as a front. Israel-Gaza is churning. It is suspected that Syria, Libya, Iran and China will take turns leading the World War III discussion before war actually breaks out.

The world is still relatively quiet but time is running out. The media continues to stoke war fear. People are clearly nervous about the potential for World War 3. Enjoy the relative peace for at a little while longer.

The most disconcerting item which happened is the lull surrounding Labor Day. Will Tuesday bring bad news?  We’ll see.

Do You Know Jesus?


World War 3!

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. III World War?
  6. World War III
  7. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.
World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?


End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 28, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 28, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


UKRAINE: Did Peace just break out in Ukraine? – Sure it did.

SYRIA: Obama to deploy “military advisers” to Syria – Gee, wasn’t that how the Vietnam War began?  Why, I believe it was!

AFGHANISTAN: NSA mass recording Afghan phone calls – This article was a Public Service Announcement for the NSA.

UNITED KINGDOM:Royal privacy row as German tabloid publishes picture of the Duchess of Cambridge’s bare behind when her skirt blew up during Australia tour.  The Duchess of Cambridge was fulfilling her duty as a role model.

LIBYA: USA deploys ship with marines off coast of Libya

LIBYA: State Department tells U.S. citizens to leave Libya immediately

CHINA: Here’s What Happens When You Introduce Airport-Style Security To The World’s Busiest Subway

NATO: NATO Scrambles F-16 Jets Over Lithuania After Russian Warplanes Allegedly Enter Airspace!

ISRAEL: Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s First Cashless Society

World War 3 Watch: May 26, 2014


US Military burns Bibles, provides for Wicca witchcraft and Church of Satan

Dems get a second helping of carbon pain – No, actually the “Dems” won’t receive any such pain.  The ones receiving the “carbon pain” will be all those whose electric bills will “necessarily skyrocket” (Obama’s words before the 2008 election)–and that’s when electricity will be available.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Why is the USA the only country where seemingly “random” rampages and killing sprees occur?  Bonus question: And why is this a fairly recent phenomena?

47 percent say the USA is safer today because of Guantanamo Bay


Unruly Crowds plague South Florida; Police arrest dozens – Lawlessness.  The spirit of lawlessness is definitely in the land.

Faithful Sayings, part 5

Donald Trump now thinks there’s ‘a very good chance’ Obama dodged a $50 million offer to see his student records because Obama PRETENDED to be Kenyan in order to attract financial aid – Donald Trump is such a huge tool, it’s a wonder he doesn’t have a Black & Decker label on his forehead.

Why Do These Tank Cars Carrying Oil Keep Blowing Up?– A question asked in these parts almost a year ago.  Also the source of a recent discussion involving the Keystone XL pipeline.

So, who knew such a supposedly ultra-lib Corporate Media member like Mother Jones would be acting as a mouthpiece for the XL Pipeline folks?  Because it’s clear that’s what this article is.  Wonder if the article will be counted among their paid advertising?

Massive Explosions after Freight Train derailment in Quebec Province town

Lac-Megantic Train Wreck, Explosion: Conspiracy or Grey Terror?

Lac-Megantic Train Wreck, Explosion: No Warning given to Authorities


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Did Christians get Gay Marriage Right – Totally clueless analysis by a writer clearly out of his element–not that it matters.  The Corporate Media is not interested in “getting it right.”  The CM is only interested in getting Christians–as will soon be apparent to even the most disinterested of observers.

Brokers use billions of data points to profile Americans – Much of the data is supplied by Americans themselves.

WARNING: Posting on Social Media in the Age of Surveillance is Informing on Yourself

Canoninzing Forbidden Texts and Vision:  Part one, Secrets of Fatima and Marian Apparitions – Here’s a handy guide about “Marian” visions.  Marian = demonic.  That’s all one needs to know.

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
2 Corinthians 11:14

The Catholic Church doesn’t want its adherents to read the Bible.  The Church is afraid the people will misconstrue what they read without the interpretation of a priest.  What’s there to misinterpret about 2 Corinthians 11:14?

Our Lady of the Apocalypse: A comparison of the original words of Fatima with God’s Holy Word – 23-part series from Ed Tarkowski.

iPhones frozen by hackers demanding ransom – How long before there will be calls for the government to “do something!“–and the government will oblige?


FIGHTING FOR THE FAITH: Chris Rosebrough is tough on the obviously apostate targets.  Others, not so much.
FIGHTING FOR THE FAITH: Chris Rosebrough is tough on the obviously apostate targets. Others, not so much.

Used to enjoy listening to Chris Rosebrough’s Fighting for the Faith program.  Then it was noticed that for someone supposedly contending for the faith, Rosebrough offered comfort to the enemy.

The first disturbing moment came when Rosebrough interviewed Jonathan Cahn (of the Harbinger).  A bigger softball, puff piece interview could not be imagined.  Frankly, it was shocking and made this writer re-think Fighting for the Faith.

But anyone can make a mistake.

Then it was noticed that Rosebrough picked particularly easy targets.  All of the time.  Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, emergent church: Rosebrough’s a bulldog on the obviously apostate.

In Christian Distractions, Christian Lightning Rods: Obviously Apostate, Obviously Lost, we covered the easy targets that occupy Christians’ time and give them a false sense of discernment. Does one even need discernment to know the Church of Satan is bad?

Not much was said about the easy targets (Joel Osteen, Word of Faith, emergent church, Church of Satan) providing the basis for a whole industry of false discernment ministries. But it appears to be the subject for a necessary future article.

Rosebrough on The New Prophets of Science Fiction Eschatology?


In fact,  Rosebrough gave comfort and support to Cris Putnam–a dealer of poison to the Body of Christ and one of the New Science Fiction Prophets. That was the third strike.

It’s not that Rosebrough can’t do good work, he can.  And that’s the problem.  When you know that they know better–and yet they don’t.  Still, Truth + Error = Error.  That’s Satan’s equation for corrupting the Church, whether people follow it knowingly or not.  Steer clear of Fighting for the Faith and Pirate Christian Radio.

The name alone should be a red flag.

MIND CONTROL: Pilots fly plane simulator using thoughts alone

The basis of mass mind control – A spin agent, but a very readable one.

Abolish the Week! – Entertaining revisionist history served up with the usual helping of media attitude and disdain for the Bible.

TV producer seeking teens as young as 13 who ‘party like rock stars’ for new reality show – Glorifying lawlessness: it’s what the Corporate Media does.

Google Glass users gang up on restaurant after ban – Here is the media portraying all who wear the Google Glass–the absolute latest in personal surveillance technology–as cutting edge, cool-beyond-words rebels.  And if the reader will only purchase and wear Google Glass, the reader can also be a cutting edge, cool-beyond words rebel.

Some might say, “But that’s not what I read.

Fair enough.  But remember who this article is written for.  It’s written for future potential purchasers of Google Glass, of whom many, coincidentally, happen to identify with the self-assertive nerd class.

Welcome to the brainiacs club! Spelling Bee contestants bond over being ‘nerdy and weird’

30 Top Secret Restaurant Recipes – 30 great top secret restaurant recipes copied by the Food Network Magazine.

‘Perfect Christian family of four’ found dead inside house in upscale Orange County neighborhood in ‘murder-suicide’ – If Satan’s Mouthpiece, the Corporate Media, is holding up a family as a “perfect Christian family of four,” the world is about to find out why they were no such thing.

Forget robots.  We’ll soon be fusing technology with living matter – Quick, someone call Tom Horn, there’s another book for the science fiction church here somewhere.  Oh, that’s right, he’s already covered that ground.

Video: Outrage grows over Sudan death sentence for pregnant Christian – Amazing how photogenic this “persecuted Christian” is.  Has there been any fact checking this story?  Actually none, that this writer can find.

Lewis Carroll’s Photographs Of Alice Liddell, The Inspiration For ‘Alice In Wonderland’  – The world honors its own–and so a closet pedophile is honored with this long apologetic.

Many of Carroll’s photographs of Alice and other children can seem downright prurient to our eyes. As Carroll’s biographer Jenny Woolf writes in a 2010 essay for the Smithsonian, “of the approximately 3,000 photographs Dodgson made in his life, just over half are of children—30 of whom are depicted nude or semi-nude.”

Some of his portraits—even those in which the model is clothed—might shock 2010 sensibilities, but by Victorian standards they were… well, rather conventional. Photographs of nude children sometimes appeared on postcards or birthday cards, and nude portraits—skillfully done—were praised as art studies […]. Victorians saw childhood as a state of grace; even nude photographs of children were considered pictures of innocence itself.

You see how they do that?  Naked kids?  No big deal.  Everybody was doing it back then.

In fact, the evidence is so overwhelming that even this pedophile puff piece has to admit “The evidence for Carroll’s possible pedophilia is highly suggestive but hardly conclusive.”

MAP:America’s Sources Of Immigrants Through The Years

Sex abuse within the Catholic church is bad as ‘satanic Mass’ says Pope as he announces that he will meet with victims at the Vatican next month

A Bum Without A Country

The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water – (h/t: WCB)

The Coming Water Shortage: Is drinking water disappearing from the planet?



From the Websites we find of interest (for whatever reason).

Links are given as is, without endorsement, sometimes with comment; sometimes not. Independent thought is usually rewarded, though not always.

Apostate America, apostate Church, apostate Heidi Baker: all of that and more in our weekly roundup of independent thought in our corner of the Internet for the week ending May 28, 2014.

OF INTEREST: Independent Thoughts from Around the Internet May 28, 2014



CNN Removes Post About Giant Asteroid Colliding With Earth

Search called off for three ranchers feared dead after four mile long mudslide wiped out Colorado hillside

QUAKE: 3.0 southern California

QUAKE: 2.5 northern California

QUAKE: 5.1 near coast of central Chile

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 27, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

1- Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

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End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 27, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 27, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


UKRAINE: Tense standoff in battle for Donetsk airport

CHINA: Chinese ship attacks, sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

SWITZERLAND: Swiss to allow for assisted dying for elderly who are not ill – A recipe for disaster?  A generation raised on the insatiable appetites of “Me, me, me” meets the inconvenient elderly.  Of course, the generation of the elderly were raised on sacrificing inconvenient babies on the altar of convenience, so perhaps it’s poetic justice?

IRAN: Supreme Leader: Jihad will continue until America is no more – The puppets in Iran and the puppets in Washington are all on the same team.  The puppet in Iran’s statement was intentionally provocative.  The statement was intended to stir up fear and loathing in Americans.Are you scared?  Are you angry?  Do you hate Iran?  Do you hate Muslims?

If you answered “Yes,” you are in luck.  The puppet-masters are soon to take the USA to war with the Muslim Middle East.  It will help immensely if Americans are screaming “Nuke ’em!” when it happens.

EUROPEAN UNION: This is one peasants revolt that Brussels can’t just brush aside – We will see.  The political forces in the EU–as they have been doing in the USA–have been whipping the citizenry into a frenzy by its outrageously favoring illegal immigrants over the native population.  This has caused the rise of ultra-nationalist (Neo-Nazi) parties, which voters flock to because the mainstream puppet parties have ignored their concerns.

The Corporate Media–an arm of the government–has shamelessly promoted anger and hatred by its relentless trumpeting of extra-legal rights for those who disdain the countries in which they have settled.  The endgame?  Neo-Nazi ultra-nationalist parties get stronger while anger and hatred grow as a remedy for bureaucrats and non-responsive government.

It’s all a dress rehearsal for the United States, which is in the formative stages of such manipulation now.

EUROPEAN UNION: The voters have expressed skepticism with the EU.  Will the bureaucrats listen?

NORWAY: Artist eats his own hip with potatoes and wine – Another “mainstreaming cannibalism” article–actually self-cannibalism.

World War 3 Watch: May 26, 2014


Thousands of bikers in Washington for rally on POWs – Because many biker groups were originally started by ex-servicemen.

John Edwards, chasing ambulances again

Former Sen. John Edwards came within a few electoral votes of being vice president of the United States. But now, after a loss in the 2004 election, a brief run in 2008 ended by spectacular adultery and love-child scandal, a hung jury in a multiple-felony campaign-finance case, and the death of wife Elizabeth, Edwards has returned to the occupation in which he first made his name: the practice of personal injury law.

Edwards actually was on the short list of two to be Barack Obama’s vice president in 2008.  Then the National Enquirer cornered Edwards in the Beverly Hilton with his mistress and love child.  Back in the day when this writer was a heathen, the Enquirer pursued Edwards and we pursued them both.

Thank You for being Expendable – That’s the message the country and the VA has for veterans.

The coming explosion on power plant regs – We’ll have extensive comments later this week.  It’s approaching Armageddon in the “Fed’s War on Electricity.”


One-third of Detroit’s pregnancies are aborted

Faithful Sayings, part 4 – Is your calling and election sure?

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.”
Psalm 55:22 – (h/t:B)

Fools despise Wisdom and Instruction

Suspended animation trials to begin on humans – Thousands of years after the Garden of Eden, humans still fall for the serpent’s lie to Eve.

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:”
Genesis 3:4

Today’s Teens are the Best-Behaved Generation on RecordThis article should do wonders for their self-esteem.

QUESTION: IS the candlelight vigil the most useless of modern American institutions?

What does it accomplish?  It is like so many other ceremonies in America: it allows people to feel involved without having to actually do anything.  It allows Americans to feel like they are “taking action” without taking any action that matters.

In this regard, it is very similar to the endless pro-life marches.

The candlelight vigils resemble the rocking chair: they both give a person something to do, but no one ever goes anywhere.

39 percent consider Memorial Day one of the most important holidays


Why online games turn players into psychopaths – If the Corporate Media uses “why” in a headline, they are presenting a narrative; a bedtime story; an indoctrinating fable.

The Whole Economy is Rife with Ponzi Schemes

We’re living in a Golden Age


Christian Homophobia and Westboro Baptist


At an Internet aggregator called Christian Homophobia, a variety of linked articles purporting to demonstrate that Christians hate homosexuals. The author, one Gerrit Visser, is at an immediate disadvantage due to the title of his site.  There are homophobes and there are Christians, but the term “Christian homophobe” is itself a contradiction in terms.

If the person hates homosexuals, that person is committing as great a sin as the homosexual.  A true Christian is not to exhibit hatred, which is the same as murder in the eyes of God.  A person who has hate in his heart is separated from God.

“Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”
1 John 3:15

Now, there are the Westboro Baptist folks (“God hates fags“)–who are neither Baptists nor Christians–and other of their ilk who do what they do. Someone is paying the Westboro cult very good money to do what they do–which is to bring reproach to the name of Christ.  But again, they are not Christians.  They are a group of no more than two dozen who profit handsomely from their ungodly behavior.

Christians are commanded to love the homosexual, but they are also commanded to hate sin.  Jesus died for the homosexuals just as he did for all sinners who will turn from their sin and believe on Him.

Just as He loves all of His creation, God does not desire that any should perish.  God loves homosexuals–right up until the moment they die.  Then the Perfect Judge must judge perfectly.  Christians are to tell the homosexual of his sin and, more importantly, that God in His mercy, made a way for them to be free of sin’s shackles through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Mr. Visser defines his own terms as far as what constitutes a “homophobe.” In so doing, he rejects Biblical authority and creates his own basis for his authority.

“The existence of christian homophobia is fueled by bible interpretation. It is expressed in the condemnation of homosexual behavior. Christian homophobes label the homosexual orientation as sin. As a consequence christian fundamentalists don’t fully accept LGBT identities as categories.”

Ironically, this rejection of Biblical authority places Gerrit Visser on the same level as the Westboro performers.  Perhaps if he tires of running his Christian Homophobia website, Mr. Visser might make a little money on the side by joining the Phelps clan to do a little Westboro-style preaching about hatred?

They both appear to be cut from the same cloth.

Guy throws 50-yard pass and catches it himself – Yes, he does.

When dreams overtake Scripture in Authority: Neo-Pentecostalism and its dangerous effects – When dreams and other new revelation are elevated to the level of the Bible, confusion reigns.  It’s also a seedbed for deception–as the American Church, with its packs of self-appointed self-anointed “prophets and apostles” roaming the sanctuaries, is finding out.

Scientists create antibody that blocks pain and itchiness – “Create” is a rather loosely used word here.  They used the building blocks already created to form something new.

Loyal Leadership – Are the leaders in today’s churches like King Saul?  Or is that being too kind?

Leftover change – Some people are just natural go-getters.

The Supernatural Worldview – Ah, the “Christian apologist” Cris Putnam!  Putnam shows his true colors by penning a book in which he completes his public transformation into an apologist for the occult.  Putnam had previously set up the deception by mainstreaming occultism into Christianity under the guise of breathless reporting (see Petrus Romanus).

From Prepare for the Paranormal Paradigm Shift!

1. Misinformed or misguided Christians – The Supernatural Worldview seeks to encourage Christians to consider that perhaps the things they THOUGHT they understood about the supernatural world might not be a complete or accurate scriptural understanding. Putnam challenges notions firmly held by many Christians today. Are all matters related to ghosts, hauntings, psi phenomena etc demonically driven, or does the Bible itself provide us with alternate ways to view such events? Putnam challenges the accepted answers, and uses sound logic as well as ample scripture references to cause one to consider other possibilities.

A quick look at his M.O. will show that Mr. Putnam’s “challenges” to anyone disagreeing with his unbiblical assertions usually consists of Putnam repeatedly asking “What are your credentials?” instead of simply responding to any questions.

Which is all he can do really.  How badly he can torture the Scripture he uses to give his work that deceptive christian veneer appears to be Putnam’s primary use for the Bible.

Putnam–along with co-defendant Tom Horn–has been a shameless promoter for the occult, pagan and gnostic worldviews hiding behind a mask of Christianity.  In this latest effort, he simply drops all pretenses and makes it official.

Christian beware!

UPDATED: Tom Horn and Cris Putnam: Satan’s Vatican Heralds

Pope to meet with sex abuse victims next month


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

False Prophet: The Second Beast to have Mass above King David’s tomb in Jerusalem – Well, the pope will play the part of the false prophet in the NWO iteration of the Left Behind/Hal Lindsey/Scofield/Darby false scenario.

Will having kids destroy the planet?

“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”
Psalm 127:3

Even making college free wouldn’t reduce the wealth gap – Why not try it and make sure?  Of course, with no job market, it’s hard to see how the wealth gap could ever be reduced–which seemed to be the plan all along.

Going Dark The Internet behind the Internet

Why is Christianity Today ignoring Billy Graham’s end times prophecy? – 1- Because Billy Graham is no prophet; and, 2- unless Graham has repented of various public statements he has made over the last several years, Billy is not even a Christian.  Of course, the Christian mass media pretends they don’t know about Graham’s heretical statements that there are ways to heaven other than Jesus–even though he made one of them on CNN’s Larry King before a national audience.  This article continues the pretending.  Although there are claims of Graham’s organization addressing his Freemasonry, Graham himself has never has addressed the issue that we’re aware of.

Pope Francis wants Catholics to doubt the Church – Preparing the way for the man of sin.


The Mysterious disease riding the winds of the Pacific

QUAKE: 2.9 Baja California Mexico

QUAKE: 3.3 northern California

QUAKE: 5.1 near coast of northern Chile

QUAKE: 5.1 near coast of Guatemala

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 26, 2014 – Memorial Day

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

1- Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3 Watch: May 26, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

May 26, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations

NEWS about World War 3.

Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

May 26 – The world has finally quieted down.

At least for this past week.

One more quiet week and WW3W will go back to bi-monthly status.

Ukraine is finally quiet.  Japan and China are trading words but that is all. The pope is getting involved in Israel’s “peace process.” Syria and Afghanistan drag on.

“World War 3” and “World War III” were both terms which were not used in a major Corporate Media headline over the past week.  This is the first time that’s happened in 13 weeks.

Asia was very quiet.

Most of the action over the last week was in the press, with various leaders or ex-leaders acting like carnival barkers or WWE wrestlers and talking tough.  But even that was at a minimum.

Is this the calm before the storm?


Enjoy the relative peace and quiet.  It won’t last long.

UPDATES [May 26, 2014]

General World War 3 Assessment for May 26, 2014:

Tensions are further simmering down in Ukraine, at least in the public view.  The Corporate Media, always a good indicator, was quiet.  29% chance of World War III is DOWN 3%.   That’s an 11% drop over the last two weeks.  Even the continuing clashes between pro-Russian and pro-Western Ukrainian groups in eastern Ukraine have subsided.  The reported clashes have a decidedly manufactured feel to them.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack [+60%] leading to war in the Middle East before October 2016.

Asia was unusually quiet, as was the Middle East.

Some sporadic activity in Africa.

The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.


  1. North Korea – down
  2. Ukraine – down
  3. Syria – steady with sporadic activity.  Big battle shaping up this week.
  4. Jordan – down
  5. East Africa – down – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – down
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – down. Libya, steady with outbreaks of violence
  9. Russia – down.
  10. USA – down
  11. Great Britain – down
  12. Egypt – down with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – down
  14. Israel – down.  Vatican invites Israelis, Palestinians to Rome next month to pray.
  15. NATO (New) – down due to not paying much attention to world events other than global warming.

May 26, 2014 -Ukraine has cooled, but don’t expect that to last.  Violence could erupt virtually overnight.

The rest of the world continues to be quiet on the surface.

Again: is this the calm before the storm?

SPECULATION: Look for something big in 2015 leading to something bigger in 2016 with full-blown World War by 2017.

Overall Tension Assessment: The crisis mode has receded and quiet reigns over much of the globe though sporadic unrest plagues Africa and many places in Asia.

Syria, Israel, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon and the middle east in general haven’t gone away: these future trouble spots are all quiet for right now.


World War 3!
World War 3! [image: Wikipedia]
“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. World War III
  6. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?
World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?
Enhanced by Zemanta

End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 24-25, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
May 24-25, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


RUSSIA: Putin slams Obama: Who is he to judge, seriously?

CHINA: Chinese-Russian relations warming up

CHINA: A Glimpse Into China’s Hacker Army

UKRAINE: This Photo Shows How Things Got Ugly At A Donetsk Checkpoint Friday Morning

BRAZIL: Thousands rally in Brazil against World Cup – But the Corporate Media will still run the “Everyone is a big happy family through sports” stories.

“The organizing committee for the 2016 Olympics in Rio just announced that 38 percent of the venues are completed. When asked if they’d be done in time for the Summer Games, Rio said, “Wait — SUMMER games?”
–Jimmy Fallon

FRANCE: Mayor castrated, killed love rival

TANZANIA: Witch doctors arrested for murder of albino woman for potions

IRAQ: 1,455,590 Iraqi deaths since the US invasion – Liberation, baby!

SYRIA: Obama about to face new Syria crisis –  It’s about time for Syria to heat back up.

ITALY: Cocaine Sales To Boost Italian GDP In Boon For Budget  – Italy will include cocaine sales and prostitution in its  GDP for the first time this year.

The Police State uses Sin to Enslave People


61 percent still think Congress is doing a poor job – Only 61 percent?

Ephesians511 Blog announces the “Ministry to the NSA” – One blog’s biblical response to the pervasive spying that takes place in our society–and the little extra spying that occurs if one is a member of a particular group or two.

Nancy Pelosi blames Bush for VA Scandal – Because that’s what everyone in Washington does: they blame people.  ObamaCare is a mess, prices are high and going higher and any industry with good-paying jobs has a target on it.  No one–Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Tea Party, Communists, Anarchists, whatever–does anything but blame others.  The Corporate Media is only too happy to publish it all.  It keeps Americans divided.


The Wrong Fight – Americans in general and American Christians in particular: It’s all about the culture.  The linked article is ostensibly about Rick Santorum and his possible run for president again in 2016.  But the article serves as a reminder that politics and religion and culture are fast becoming one idea.

Politics is downstream from culture.

Andrew Breitbart is the most famous recent purveyor of that American truism, but the Right is slowly waking up to the fact that the loss of nearly all the vehicles driving American culture to the Left has had a devastating effect on conservative electability. The loss of academia puts many if not most Millennial voters out of Republican reach. The inability to penetrate the TV, movie, and record industry outside of a few redoubts like country music makes low-information voters almost monolithically Democrat. The ghettoization of conservative media into talk radio, Fox News, and the conservative blogosphere insures that conservative politicians will be hounded by loud accusations of bigotry and worse.

Anti-Christ Preparing the Way

Last year, I wrote an article on the “seven mountains of culture” message spreading across American churches. YWAM founder Loren Cunningham and Bill Bright (1921-2003), founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, created this concept in 1975. I dismissed it as just another false gospel. But last week, I learned that the “seven mountains” concept is so much more. This false gospel is literally preparing the way for the anti-Christ.

Culture will be presented as a battleground. Those who sit in Christian churches will be urged to unequally yoke to join in the battle.  The American church is little more than a web of compromise, apostasy and ungodly worldliness.  It has become so conditioned to unequally yoking, accommodating the world and “Christianizing” pagan and occult rituals and practices, it does not have the discernment to know that it is being set up.

SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF CULTURE: Whore Church game plan for World Dominion
SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF CULTURE: Whore Church game plan for World Dominion

Seven Cultural Mountains

Finally Found!  The Roots of the Seven Mountains Cultural Mandate – The story of how the Seven Mountains came to be.  Like all works of the mystery of iniquity, the power behind it is satanic/demonic.

Seven Mountains: Set to Go Viral

“And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”
Revelation 17:9

The end times are not coming.  The end times are upon us.

False apostles and false prophets are abroad in the land.  Many of these are run-of-the-mill wolves in sheep’s clothing, but many others are even worse: they are little tyrants hungering for a kingdom of their own on earth. They are seeking a time in the not-too-distant future when they will be calling the shots and when they will wield the power of life and death over the saints–even if it’s only a small geographic area.

These men and women are animated by another spirit: the spirit of antichrist.  They will be a part of the system that makes war with the saints and overcomes them–for a season.

Is your calling and election sure?

Do You Know Jesus?

USDA Warns of Sticker Shock on Ground Beef as grilling season starts – They will never run out of reasons why, either.  All Corporate Media stories promote lies and this one is no exception.  The story promotes the lies that “retail food prices for 2013 were essentially flat” meaning no inflation.  People who don’t shop might buy that one.

Rick Perry and Ted Cruz battle to be top dog in Texas – Both man have their own network of apostles and prophets, but Perry seems to have a slight edge in that department.

Feds back data collection technology on every child


Doctors fighting illness with fist bumps instead of handshakes – The medical profession was looked on a LOT less favorably 100 years ago.  The last four or five American generations have given doctors and medicine way too much respect and authority–including the Church.

Church of England approves female bishops

“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; “
1 Timothy 3:2

“If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;”
Titus 1:6-7

PAUL EHRLICH: Bodies of Doom and eating the bodies of your dead
PAUL EHRLICH: Bodies of Doom and eating the bodies of your dead

Debunked Alarmist Paul Ehrlich predicts need to “eat the bodies of your dead”

Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist famous for his widely debunked book “The Population Bomb,” doubled down on his climate change and overpopulation fear-mongering with HuffPost Live on May 21. Ehrlich warned host Josh Zepps that the dangers of overpopulation are growing, blaming Republicans and the media for failing to take action.

Ehrlich, after falsely predicting  human “oblivion” 46 years ago, told Zepps humans must soon begin contemplating “eat[ing] the bodies of your dead” after resources are depleted (fava beans and a nice Chianti optional, apparently).

Ehrlich is widely known for his 1968 publication of “The Population Bomb” which called for “population control” to prevent global crises from overpopulation. In this book he predicted that “In the 1970’s the world will undergo famines – hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death” and “[our children] will inherit a totally different world, a world in which the standards, politics, and economics of the 1960’s are dead.” (Would that the politics of the 1960s finally die!)

It’s suspected that Paul Ehrlich may have–at last–offered a prediction which has a chance of happening.  Not because Paul Ehrlich is very good at making predictions; to the contrary, Ehrlich has a deplorable record.

No, the only reason for suspecting that Paul Ehrlich may at last have hit on a correct prediction: Paul Ehrlich is a tool of the New World Order.  As such,  he likely is privy to a bit of “inside” information.  At last, Ehrlich just might be correct.

MORE: Bad news from Paul Ehrlich: We might eventually have to start eating our dead

“Judge Judy was on all night long in prime time here on CBS. She makes about $50 million a year. Now to be fair, most of that is from bribes.”
–David Letterman

Wheat and Tares – Tares look a lot like wheat.  Is your calling and election sure?

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
2 Peter 1:10

“I would only rob banks for my family” – Some families have very strange secrets.

Pope Francis faces serious health concerns ahead of trip to Holy Land

Brotherly Love

On Being Stoned – A Ph.D spends some time defending the self-absorbed.  Perhaps he was stoned when he wrote this?

“If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”
1 Peter 2:3 – (h/t:B)

Sola Sisters: Former Sovereign Grace Youth Leader Convicted of Sexual Abuse, CJ Mahaney and Joshua Harris Resign From TGC

Samsung working on smart watch that will take the place of smartphone

Heresy: Dominion Theology – Dominion Theology replaces the rapture with a man-centered, man-ruled kingdom on earth. Dominionists say “The rapture is a crutch.”  The rapture is 100% Biblical–unlike most of Dominion Theology.

Study Finds Pedophiles’ Brains Wired To Find Children Attractive – The “Born this way” lie makes it around to pedophilia.  The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece: it will excuse and justify any and all sinful behavior.

Richard Wurmbrand’s Son, Michael Wurmbrand, Comes Forth – Asks VOM to Allow Independent Investigation – It’s a very sad situation when outsiders achieve control of a formerly Christian foundation and continue to use the good name of those who were persecuted for Christ.  Donors have a reasonable expectation that their donations go to help those suffering for Jesus and not a $28 million headquarter building in Oklahoma.  (A repeat of last month.)

Why Memorial Day Traffic Will Be Even Worse This Year  – When the Corporate Media includes “Why” or “How” in the headline, what follows is a narrative; i.e., a nice little story for the natives.

(VIDEO) Hungarians mount two jet engines on top of a tank and put out oil field fires – Good old Hungarian know-how!

The Military Is Shutting Down Its Weather-Controlling Death Beam – The HAARP site in Alaska is the best-known but hardly the only HAARP site the military employs.  Several countries have more than one, including China and Russia.

GPS coordinates for 20 of the Top HAARP facilities

It’s interesting how this story tries to make the concept of weather control into a “conspiracy theory.”  Weather control was confirmed as far back as 1997 by the Secretary of Defense in testimony before Congress.

Conspiracy Theorists vindicated: HAARP weather manipulation confirmed

Living in the midst of ta Rebellious Age

Many today look at the society our rebellion has vomited into existence, and continually tell themselves that we are better off than our parents and grandparents. Who needs affection when you have Twitter? Who needs love when you have Facebook? Who needs a loving, caring, involved two parent home when you have streaming video and on demand movies?

Some have even taken to looking back on the idyllic times of yesteryear and mocking them ceaselessly, because it’s just absurd to consider a family sitting down for dinner together, holding hands, saying a prayer, talking about their day, and being involved in each other’s lives.

A tower of power: Bizarre half-mile-high structure could produce as much electricity as 100,000 wind turbines – (h/t:E)

Warning: Posting on Social Media in the Age of Surveillance is Informing on Yourself

“In other invasive technology news, Facebook has a terrifying new feature. It uses the microphone in your smartphone to listen to what music, movies, or TV shows you’re watching or hearing, and then it posts them to your Facebook page. You have to hand it to Facebook. Each time I figure Facebook has become as creepy as possible, somehow they find a way to be even creepier.”
–Jimmy Kimmel

(AUDIO) Ten Shekels and a Shirt – Some have called this the best-preached sermon in the 20th century.  Very powerful indictment of humanism masquerading as Christianity.

Paris Reidhead preaches what could be called one of the most influential sermons of the 20th century. The real point of this sermon is an indictment of individuals and organizations practising humanism behind a mask of Christianity! “This sermon should be preached on a regular basis in every church in America!”

This sermon led to this powerful Testimony–which led to this: Street Preaching Tonight.

Parents sue after teachers ‘indoctrinated their daughters into a cult that celebrates death leaving them with suicidal thoughts and speaking a secret language as part of a coven’ – (h/t:E)

What Do You Know For Sure? Part 2 (1 John 5:6–21)


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Interview with a KJV Onlyist

Mexican Drug Cartels Use Dummies hanging from billboards: Move into Texas – This been coming. The “drug cartels” will be legalized violence that will conveniently strike at particular times, at particular groups of people or at particular inconvenient people.  It’s suspected that the violence will not strike those apostles and prophets of the satanic whore Church–because they will have their god’s  protection.

The History Of The Ramen Noodle

The Wickedness of Popular “Christian” Websites

These Are America’s Deadliest Cities For Pedestrians


Did you see the first-ever Camelopardalid meteor shower?

Portland issues boil order for e.coli in water system – There will always be a reason…

(VIDEO) Thunderstorm Supercell Time Lapse – Majestic and awe-inspiring

QUAKE: 3.0 central California

QUAKE: 2.5 central California

QUAKE: 6.8 Aegean Sea

QUAKE: 5.7 Myanmar-China border region

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 23, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier


© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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