End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 17, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
September 17, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION

13 Dead in Navy Yard Shooting; Possible Suspect at Large – The following key information will undoubtedly be dropped from later editions of the story.

“But even hours after the rampage began, it was still unclear whether the shooting was the act of a lone gunman, or if other shooters were involved. Lanier initially said authorities were looking for two more potential shooters dressed in military style clothing. But shortly after she announced a detailed description of two suspects, city officials said one had been located and cleared.”

MASS SHOOTING: 13 dead in Navy Yards shooting
ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING: 13 dead in Navy Yards shooting

Mass Shooting in Washington D.C. Leaves 13 DeadNavy Yard rampage likely to renew debate over security at U.S. military installations

LAST WEEK: Al-Qaeda calls for small-scale attacks inside the USA – It’s remarkable that once a political atmosphere developed to take advantage of mass shootings, how many of them has occurred.

It’s also remarkable how useful al-Qaeda has become as a scapegoat.  Like Snowball the pig in George Orwell‘s Animal Farm, al-Qaeda is conveniently blamed for almost everything which goes wrong.  What a coincidence!

U.S. Capitol on Guard: SWAT-style teams deployed in wake of Navy shootings – We are already seeing results from this attack.“I’ve lost some weight. I am on that new Obama diet. Every day I let Vladimir Putin eat my lunch.”
–Jay Leno

Britain won’t ‘stand by’ as atrocities committed in Syria, PM says at Holocaust event

In public shift, Israel calls for Assad’s fall

Russia and France disagree on Syria sarin attack

CVS pharmacies caught lying about risks of high-dose flu vaccines pushed onto senior citizens with aggressive ‘bribery’ schemes – (h/t:L)

Newest MA Scandal Costs Taxpayers $3.5 Million –  “Scandal” and “fraud” sound so much nicer than “They’re stealing all of our money.”

CDC: Drug Resistant SuperBugs an Urgent Threat

Israel commits to ending water fluoridation by 2014, citing major health concerns – (h/t:L) Don’t the Israelis want shiny, white teeth?

41% give Obama good marks on Health Care – Polls have taken the place of sick jokes in the American Corporate Media.

Gonorrhea Among Drug-Resisting Germs Sickening Millions

Bizarre Cricket Infestation blankets Wichita, Kansas

Woman, 80, swept to her death in relentless Colorado floods as she cowered in her home while more than 1,200 people continue to remain unaccounted for – Good flood pix and a reminder that weather is one of God’s “weapons of His indignation.”

59% think that the USA is more exceptional than other nations – This shows the limits of public school indoctrination.  100% of public school children are taught the exceptional-ness of the USA.

QUAKE: 3.7 Nevada

QUAKE: 5.3 Greece

Scientists find potential catalyst for earthquakes on U.S. East Coast

Scotland experiences four seasons in a day: lashed by 100 mph wind gusts

Rain apocalypse slams Mexico: Rare twin storms leave 34 dead

NFL players line up to star in men’s toilet wipes’ commercials – Moistened toilet paper for men, the next big market?

Hacked, attacked and burned to the ground; Are forces trying to silence researcher? –  Oh no!  Are evil forces out to silence Tom Horn, a writer who targets Christians with his extra-Biblical speculations masquerading as Christianity?

Or, is Horn using the oldest trick in the Gnostic book to gin up street cred among Christians?

“THEY are trying to keep the secret knowledge I possess from getting into your hands!  Quick!  Buy one of my books and help me fight back against these evil forces!”

IF “the forces of evil” really are involved, they should be writing checks to Horn to help promote his books.

Steven Hawking backs assisted suicide – Of course…

“Dr. Phil is on the program tonight. You’ve got to hand it to Dr. Phil. He is a smart guy. He turned a phony medical degree into a media empire.”
–David Letterman

“In the last 20 years the ambient temperature of the planet Earth has increased two degrees. That’s two more degrees than Dr. Phil has.”
–David Letterman

Residents near Colorado are reporting that the recent flood has taken out multiple fracking sites, releasing toxic chemical – Fracking and toxic water go together like a hand in a glove.

NWO-New World Order
New World Order: 37 NRO quotes on the coming One-world government, one-world religion and one-world financial system

VIDEO – PAUL HARVEY: 1965 If I Were the Devil – (h/t:T) This is a fairly famous piece by radio/TV man Paul Harvey from 1965.  Some people marvel that Harvey had great insight or perhaps, powers of prophecy.  It was neither.

Like H.G. Wells, George Orwell, Ray Bradbury and Aldous Huxley, Harvey was a member-in-good-standing of the New World Order Promotion Brigade.  When you know the game plan, it’s easy to write or broadcast about it and seem “prescient.”

“Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it.”
–H.G.Wells, 1939 The New World Order [taken from 37 quotes about the NWO, the one-world government and one-world religion]

Was HG Wells remarkable for writing these words in 1939?  No, he was just better informed than his readers about what was planned for the future.

Was Paul Harvey remarkable for broadcasting his piece in 1965?  No, he was just better informed than his listeners about what was planned for the future.

All that Harvey broadcast had been written about in 1903 in a document that has been denounced as a fraud and a hoax: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  The document IS a hoax in that it was not written by “Jews.”  However, anyone reading it today cannot but be impressed how its agenda has been carried out almost 100% in the United States of America 110 years later.

Down to the part about creating “distractions,” especially public sporting events, to keep the masses occupied from more important news and business.

“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. His heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.”
Psalm 112:7 (h/t:B)

Providence and Promise: How God rules His universe for the good of His people – Large swaths of American Christianity has been paganized.  One reason for this sad situation is that more “Christians” in 2013 America are familiar with the doctrines of TV preachers than the Word of God.

“People’s lack of knowledge of the doctrine of providence (or their failure to believe it) has practical implications. The most profound is that Christians begin to think like pagans, resorting to spiritual warfare teachings to ward off curses or bad fate. They resort to divination to seek to divine information that supposedly will ensure good outcomes to their endeavors. All of this is a result of their not believing that God can care for us unless we obtain new, secret information.The purpose of this article is to help rectify this situation by describing and defending the doctrine of providence. The doctrine itself is revealed in the Bible for our comfort and for God’s glory.”

Murder Rate Rises Across Country

The Obvious Lies, part 1 – Some lies we tell ourselves are more destructive than others…

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: Septermber 16, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.