World War 3 Watch: October 6, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Ukraine-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Ukraine-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Ukraine-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-ISIS-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

October 6, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations – Ukraine – ISIS

NEWS about World War 3.
Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

October 6 – After three straight weeks of increased World War III chatter, the Corporate Media took a week off to concentrate on the Ebola virus. This week’s number of media articles dealing with World War 3 dropped in half.

Does this mean things have quieted down?


It only means the Corporate Media has other fish to fry–and most of those fish have “Ebola” written all over them.

Ukraine, Iraq and Syria remain the hot spots. Violence is a normal thing for much of these three countries. In a normal week, these three would still be at the top of the media rotation.  But this was the week the media unleashed the “Ebola is here!” floodgates.

That story temporarily has driven World War 3 from the top of the news.

But, one suspects, not for long.

The Bible warns of world war before Jesus returns. After the fall of the Soviet Union, this scenario was laughed at in some quarters. In the 1990s, president Bill Clinton even declared a “peace dividend” and funneled money from defense to other items on his domestic wish list.

Still, the US military got funded in the 1990s–and quite handsomely too.


General chatter about World War III usually goes up a week or two before the next violent event focuses world attention back on the nuts and bolts (violent events) of world war. So World War 3 Watchers might stay alert over the next 7-10 days for that violent event.

The Corporate Media will continue to keep the focus on the Islamic State (ISIS) with Ukraine running interference as a convenient distraction. Events in Syria have morphed from a civil war narrative to a tale of massive chaos not unlike a pro wrestling Battle Royal event. One suspects that ISIS will be the last man standing in the Syria storyline.

More claimed beheadings in ISIS-controlled territory kept war in many Americans’ minds this past week.

Also, the normal buzz about Islamic terrorists coming across the unprotected southern border continued.


While chances for a domestic terror attack are up (due to increased media activity warning of an impending terror attack) in the near future, it is suspected that the IMMEDIATE chances of a domestic terror attack are in a holding pattern awaiting one more level of escalation in the pre-war propaganda campaign that has been taking place in the US Corporate Media over the two months.


Once more: for a little while longer, the regular media cycle will predominate.

1- An event takes place which could spark war; 2- The media covers said event 24/7; 3- Speculation continues about the event and its likelihood of causing World War III; 4- An uneasy return to “normal” until the next event.

Events in Ukraine will serve as distractions for actions in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. The current news cycle concerning Ukraine has just about outlived its usefulness. If Ukraine is to continue in this manner, new, more violent actions will have to take place in Ukraine. Those violent actions appeared to take place this past week with Russia allegedly moving tanks into eastern Ukraine.

The Ebola threat continued to be magnified by the media this past week. As did the constant media threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack.

Ebola is back at the top of the news.

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

As always, regardless of what hot spot the media is featuring this week, one suspects that when WW3 does finally begin, it will begin in that most volatile of regions, the Middle East.

THE CALL: Regardless of the fear promoted in the media, World War 3 is still down the road. But rest assured, it is coming. Only the exact timing is unknown.

Do You Know Jesus?

This is not a rhetorical question; not for the times in which we live.

THE BAD NEWS: The propaganda campaign, which is necessary to prepare a country for total war, continued to escalate over the last week–as it has for the last two months. This writer covered a Tea Party event this part week and the last speaker devoted half his time on stage to stoking fear of the Muslims.

The speaker markets himself as a Christian.

Fear in America – Who will You Believe: the Media or the Word of God?

THE GOOD NEWS: Asia has continued to be quiet. It is about time for a flare-up in one of the traditional Asian hot spots (North and South Korea, Japan, China) sometime in September.

Will that flare-up be in North Korea?  There were reports that Kim Jong Un has lost control of the country.  There were other reports that he is very sick. Sounds like a change may be bubbling under the surface of the Hermit Kingdom.

What will this coming week bring?

UPDATES [October 6, 2014]

  1. World War 3 Rumors – Russian FM: US, NATO won’t abandon Cold War “genetic code”
  2. World War III fought on the high seas?  A Chinese scholar thinks China should prepare
  3. Russia’s Lavrov: Amid World War 3 chatter, Kremlin talks “Peace Do-Over” with West
  4. World War 3 averted? Russian foreign minister says “reset” needed
  5. Ukraine: Donetsk rebels retain appetite for war
  6. Revealed: The red flags signaling World War III Obama was hoping you’d ignore
  7. Is America sleepwalking into World War III?
  8. Islamic State is the start of third World War


World War 3: ANALYSIS

Not much has changed over the past week.  Ebola was  the media fear being promoted instead of world war this past week.

Ukraine – Violence in Ukraine has settled into a grinding guerilla-type warfare. Accusations from both sides continue, as do Russian threats.

Baltic States (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia) – Russia is growling at the Baltic States. No major threats over the last week. All the three small countries can do is hope the West honors its commitments.

LIBYA: Chaos and violence in Libya continues. From the way the propaganda is shaking out, our guess is that LIBYA will eventually become a part of a sprawling Islamic State.

IRAQ: The bombs are dropping once more in Iraq. The media meme now is “Bombs are not enough!”

Turkey: Turkey is involving itself along the fringes with a number of actors in the Middle East. At some point in the future, it’s expected that Turkey will get involved in some manner in the Islamic State.

GAZA: How long has the Gaza War been going on? Israel and Hamas continue to kill each other’s civilians. The killing grinds on–while the media is conveniently focused elsewhere. Even the combatants seem preoccupied, with Netanyahu’s media appearances over the last week focused on the threat of Iran once more.

SYRIA: Syria is a free-for-all.  Bombs from the West, mercs from all over and the USA sponsoring all types of destabilizing events within the country. Syria is a mess.

There’s a 41% chance of World War III; which is down 2%. This is not because of any peace efforts. There is just a feeling that World War 3 has a little time before kicking off. The long term view is 100%. This is also no change from last week. The number is due to the continued strong prewar propaganda push targeting the USA. Pre-war propaganda in the USA continues at a moderately-high level.

The Corporate Media is continues to hype fear in the homeland.  Fear of Ebola, fear of terrorist attack, fear of one’s neighbors, of the police: in short, fear of everything and everyone.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack before October 2016 leading to war in the Middle East : [+78%}. That’s up 1% on continued talk in the media of a Muslim terror attack, terror cells already in the USA and terrorists coming across the purposely porous US southern border. The tone of the pre-war propaganda escalated sharply over the past two months. Expect this number to gradually increase until the actual attack takes place.

Asia continues “Quiet.” This, of course, can change at any time. As proof, there was media chatter that North Korean strongman, Kim Jong Un, was ill. Chinese media has been talking of being prepared for WW3.

Africa – quiet; North Africa and Horn of Africa remains turbulent, but quiet.

Nothing has changed over the last year in the following assessment: The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.


  1. North Korea – up slightly on news of Kim Jung Un’s possible illness.
  2. Ukraine – steady in spite of sporadic heavy fighting
  3. Syria – high
  4. Jordan – down
  5. East Africa – steady – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – down
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over the last month.
  8. North Africa – up slightly because of Libya, which has had renewed outbreaks of violence. Libya continues to generate its share of WWIII news due to the intentional “power vacuum” left by the US/West’s overthrow of longtime Libyan strongman, Muammar Ghaddafi.
  9. Russia – steady, with continued interest in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq, and the Baltic States. Poland appears to be about ready to enter this sphere.
  10. USA – Trending up. Government interest in Ukraine is minimal; interest in Israel/Gaza is hands-off.
  11. Israel – steady. Ground war in Gaza grinding on. Israel is starting to stoke the Iran with a nuke fears again.
  12. Egypt – down with continued pockets of domestic unrest.
  13. Iran – Quiet. Rumbles of Iran getting involved in Iraq continue.
  14. NATO – quiet
  15. Iraq – constant level of violence. Continued chaos by “ISIS.” USA has resumed its public war in Iraq, though it really never stopped. Public announcement of airstrikes on Iraq commenced.

    The world is on a steady march to World War 3. There will be periods of calm, periods of violence. Even during the periods of quiet, nothing will deter the beginning of World War 3. It’s only a matter of “When?

The one question that never gets asked: How did the media know the latest events will lead to World War 3? The WW3 headlines began back last year in 2013.

In May of 2013 this writer had a conversation with a fellow about the media using the term “World War 3.” The fellow claimed “I haven’t seen it.” The response? “It’s just beginning.” At that time, the question was asked “How does the media know the events will lead to World War 3? Why is this outcome written as if it’s a foregone conclusion?

October, 2014 – ISIS continues in the headlines–as does Syria.

The pre-war propaganda is beginning to morph from ISIS to Muslims in general. This is especially true in the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time Alternative Corporate Media.

SPECULATION: Pieces continue to be moved into place for World War 3. As the war gets closer, “war fever” will continue to be built in the USA via the Corporate Media.

“I have a fever and the only prescription is War with ISIS!”

Social media continues in this mode.

SPECULATION: The next terror attack on US soil could see allegations of domestic terror groups involved. This would lead to increased crackdown on the civilian US population, including, one suspects, highway checkpoints.

One suspects that there will be violence and chaos erupting soon from the Baltic States or Poland as well. Our under/over on Poland or the Baltic States is six months to bloodshed. [From September 29–that would be by the end of March. We’ll see.]

Overall Tension Assessment: Ukraine is bloody and steady.

Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are about to join Ukraine as pieces of the Soviet Reunion.

Libya and Syria are both a mess.

Bombs are flying again in Iraq.

Israel-Gaza is a gritty, grinding, depressing little war.

It is suspected that Syria, Libya, Iran and China will take turns leading the World War III discussion before war actually breaks out.

The coming terror attack will be unexpected and it will feature something new; perhaps a bio attack or more likely an “EMP.” The next domestic terror attack will 1- provide the casus belli for WWIII; and, 2- provide a reason for authorities to clamp down further on the US population.

The next major domestic terror attack will likely see the introduction of auto check points throughout the USA, as well as further government controls on cash, movement and liberty. In the meantime, the US government pretends it is powerless to stop the “flood of jihadis” coming across the USA southern border. This is, of course, part of the narrative.

CONCLUSION: The only thing holding back war is the time table.  It appears it is not quite right yet.  There is still more fear to promote and other themes which need a bit more time to develop.

No one appears to be in a hurry to commence World War III.

Will this week bring bad news? We’ll see.

Do You Know Jesus?


World War 3!

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. III World War?
  6. World War III
  7. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.


End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 23, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
September 23, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


SYRIA: US and Allies hit ISIS air targets in Syria – After two months of nonstop Corporate Media coverage about how ISIS is the most evil thing to ever walk the earth, many Americans are on board with the plans to pummel Syria by air. Just a thought, but has anyone asked the Russians how they feel about this?  Remember it was only about ten months ago that many were sure the USA was going to war with Russia in Syria?

It’s not too late for that to happen.

SYRIA: US begins massive airstrikes in Syria – Looks like the headline on the article got “toned down” a little.

IRAQ: Despite airstrikes, ISIS appears to hold its ground in Iraq – Gee, looks like it’s going to take an all-out war to root these guys out?!?  Who could have seen that coming?

IRAQ: ISIS beats up on Iraqi army once more

ISIS: Why ISIS emphasizes beheading

ISIS: ISIS Vs. The Kurds

ISIS: Changing Name: What to call the group the USA is bombing in Iraq and Syria

CHAD: Chad becomes 37th African country to seek ban on homosexuality – This is one reason Africa will take it on the chin in the upcoming worldwide chaos.

NORTH KOREA: North Korea developing tactical nuclear missiles

ISRAEL: Mossad’s Greatest Female Assassin

ISRAEL: Mohammed Is The Most Popular Baby Name In Israel

World War 3 Watch: September 22, 2014


John Kerry: Threat from climate change is just like ISIS – You know, he’s right.  They’re both manufactured problems. BUT the real reason for this link is the pic at the top of the page of Kerry flashing the 666 hand sign.  It’s the new normal in 2014.

GOP congressmen demand Obama release details of amnesty plan – The next time someone goes on about how important the upcoming (or any) election is, show them this article.  Obama pretends to have extra-constitutional power, congress pretends he has this power and the result is: the president can do pretty much anything he wants and congress acts like there’s nothing they can do about it.  IN FACT, this way, congressmen can whine to their constituents that “it wasn’t my fault.”  So everyone wins–except the American people.

“People who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
Joseph Stalin, dictator, Soviet Union 1924-1953

Obama thrusts US army directly into Syria’s civil war – And there are those who swear that Obama is not effective.

Supreme Court justice Kagan officiates her first same-sex marriage – Putting the stamp of approval of the highest court in the land on an abomination.

TEXAS to have four favorite son presidential candidates in 2016 – Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and 2 others who readers know.

Hillary Clinton’s supporters are calling on her to be more herself, after some of her recent appearances seemed to be too scripted. Hillary said, “I don’t know where you guys get this stuff. Shrug and shake head.”
–Jimmy Fallon<

House passes bill to audit Federal Reserve – This has been a battlecry for so many for so long.  We’ll see if anything changes.


Light in a Dark World: Ye are the Light of the World

Buckminister Fuller – (h/t:F) A man many called a “genius.” His photo in this Wikipedia article shows Fuller flashing the 666 hand sign in front of a crowd in 1972.  That demonstrates Bucky’s loyalty to the mystery of iniquity.

Crazy Drone with Arms turns wheel in midair (w/VIDEO) – The article mentions it can unscrew bottle caps (or open doors?)

COMING: Robots will learn through repetition, not programming – Since what is announced is usually 25-30 years behind what can be done, this is already reality.

What does human meat taste like? – Demonic barbarism often masquerades curiosity.

The American Middle Class Hasn’t Gotten A Raise In 15 Years

Marian Apparitions: The Devil’s Deception – Good article on ministers of Satan who appear as ministers of righteousness.

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
2 Corinthians 11:14-15

The article quotes the demonic entity masquerading as Mary.

“Mary” of Fatima states:

“Here you see hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart… Pray, pray a great deal and make sacrifices for sinners. So many souls go to hell because there is no one to pray and sacrifice for them.”

Sinners choose to go to hell by following their father and becoming the children of disobedience, not because “there is no one to pray and sacrifice for them.”

“For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.”
Ephesians 5:5-6

Marian apparitions are demonic. They are indeed the “devil’s deception.

First cousin marriages in Muslim countries are putting hundreds of children at risk – Inbreeding!

New smartphone app gives sight to the blind – The Corporate Media (Satan’s Mouthpiece) invents new ways to blaspheme God and His Anointed every day.

Woman has surgery to add a third breast

The Many Layers of End Times Deception: Deception in the Church

Bottles and Cans: Living With Someone Else’s Alcoholism – Continuing the lie that alcoholism is a medical problem.  Though this is a fairly recent lie, it is one that has grown to the point where information to the contrary is practically unavailable.  It is a lie which pleases everyone.  The alcoholic and his enablers escapes responsibility. The medical establishment gets paid. The government gains control of what was once a moral problem. Everyone can claim they are doing something about it by doing nothing.

Everybody’s happy–except those who have to deal with it.

Dining With An Overweight Person Makes You Eat More – Another example of escaping responsibility for one’s actions. It’s what all of the cool kids in 2014 America are doing.

A Guide to Tattoos – Found in the Washington Post’s health section.

Cats and music – The Procatinator.  If the reader enjoys cats (?) and music, this Spanish site might just be for you.

The Battle Between A Strip Club And A Church

The most-banned sex-ed book for children in the USA

Deception Hot Line – Articles and videos on DECEPTION.

Digital twins will make decisions for humans in 5 years – Apparently, robots will be taking over some of the duties the Corporate Media now performs.

Public Outcry: More than 215,000 People Say Stop the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma City – That’s 215,000 Americans who believe they have spiritual discernment because they can recognize satanism as evil.

“I will rejoice over them to do them good.”
Jeremiah 32:41 – (h/t:B)

Only 33 percent of Americans can find Scotland on a map

When To Say No To Your Doctor

Man who was wrongfully imprisoned for 23 years, suddenly dies days before lawsuit to begin

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16

power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-ChristTHE GOSPEL

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)


Warning: Over one million EBOLA cases by January – Sounds like a plan…

New Effort to fight EBOLA would move patients out of their home – This is the UN (WHO) plan. It sounds very good.  After all, moving highly contagious patients out into public is what health officials normally do in a crisis, isn’t it?

(PHOTOS) Californians living in a desert blaming everyone else because there’s no water

QUAKE: 5.1 Icleand


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

Are we too dysfunctional for a new war on terror? – What this article is really asking is “Are we too dysfunctional for another round of crackdowns on the U.S. civilian population?”

How Two Men Unlocked Modern Encryption – Or “Why nothing will be private ever again, if it ever was

The Danger in not recognizing campus religious groups – When many Americans see “religious,” they immediately think “Christianity”–or at least the pale apostate American version of it.  But increasingly, “religious” means satanism, paganism or some other antichrist counterfeit.  Still, Americans get baited into these traps and, like rats, can’t wait to get at that cheese.

Carless Cities – Outside of the uber-wealthy, who will have the money to pay for a car?

The two-party system is killing America – America has never had a two-party system–except in the fantasies contained in old civics textbooks.

Why Are We Making More Nuclear Weapons?

Now That Cars Have Black Boxes, Am I Being Tracked? – Does the reader really believe that Big Government and Big Business is concerned about his well-being? Seriously, what other reason is there for having them?

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 9, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report



by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.


End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 19, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
September 19, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


SCOTLAND: Independence Referendum goes down, NO wins with 53 percent

SCOTLAND: Scotland rejects Independence

EUROPE: IF Scotland breaks away (it didn’t), these eight place in Europe could be next

EUROPE: The EU was supposed to kill nationalism, but it gave it new life instead

CHINA:Deep Inside The Wild World Of China’s Fracking Boom

RUSSIA: Putin boasts Russia could invade five NATO capitals in two days

ISIS:New British Hostage ‘Hosts’ Latest ISIS Propaganda Video – All the best terrorist groups have their own production facilities.

World War 3 Watch: September 15, 2014


Air Force removes “So Help me God” from required Oath

Republicans, Democrats in House unite to fund ObamaCare – The ruling elite wants Americans to know that everyone in Washington is playing for the same team–and that, the system we now have is a complete failure.  But don’t worry, there will come a man who will promise to fix EVERYTHING!

CENSUS: Marriage rate in USA down to 93-year-low

John McCain’s photo with ISIS last year causes controversy

REPORT: Poor fitness in military poses a peril – Of course it does.  But the military does not care.  It puts a higher priority on how many women, homosexuals, transgenders, witches, satanists and other elements of diversity are in the barracks than on its primary mission.  IN FACT, now the USA military’s primary mission is to lose the next big war–as Americans who have placed their trust in the military will find out.

Some in the hinterlands believe ALL the US military is like their Junebug, who is serving in Iraq, Afghanistan or wherever.  It is not–unless Junebug is riddled with perverseness. Other believe the US military is the same as it was in 30-40-50 years ago when THEY served.  It is not.

U.S. Senate Passes Bill Authorizing Arms And Training For Syrian Rebels

Obama is not sending troops to fight ISIS but the next president might – Actually, Americans can count on it.


This Day in the Secret History: September 19, 2014

Islamic Terrorists operating in border city of Ciudad Juarez – And the authorities will be powerless to stop them–until AFTER they carry out another “terror attack” on US soil.  THEN, the authorities will be on every channel trying to convince Americans that the US military can stop terrorists by going to war in other countries other than our own.

Ultimately, the authorities will use the terror attack to crack down on Americans who had NOTHING to do with the terror attack.  Just like after  9/11.

(VIDEO) Remember the XFL? – Since pro football is (distracting) entertainment, it was surprising that the XFL–which was run by pro wrestling’s Vince McMahon–failed.  Maybe pro football fans didn’t want the fantasy to be that obvious?

One suspects that the XFL was ahead of its time.  Many pro football fans were not ready to admit that the games are scripted like the rest of the major real-world events–and the XFL made that fairly obvious.  Although the XFL publicized ideas that XFL football was like the Hunger Games with helmets was a good narrative touch.

As far as this article, it serves as a narrative (lie) about how pristine the XFL games were; how very different the XFL and the NFL were; and, why the XFL failed because it was not like the NFL.

US School Districts load up on free grenade launchers, armored vehicles – Johnny may not be able to read, but he will learn to fear the police state.

(PHOTO) Why there are power outages – Who knew?  Who could have guessed?

STUDY: Anti-depressants rapidly alter brain structure – And yet, doctors continue to hand them out like candy.  The modern American medical approach is not to solve a patient’s problem.  It is to stop the patient from complaining about the problem.  So load him up with anti-depressants.

He may have gangrene or cancer–but he won’t care.

Man uses banana to hold up convenience store

Repentance and Salvation in Scripture, part 1 – There are a great many claims about repentance which are simply not true. This is one of those subjects (and articles) which needs to be studied at length.  Bible students, dig in!  We’ll postpone further comment until further readings.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16

power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-ChristTHE GOSPEL

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Device warns of drone activity in area – Before the reader runs out to buy one, something should be considered.  IF a device warns of drones, the device can be tracked–thereby alerting the drones to the presence of the “tracker.”  Just something to keep in mind…

First Robot with Ethics makes deadly decisions – A robot with morals makes a good story in the Corporate Media.  They should do a story on computers with morals.  Because a robot would be using a computer to “think.”

Autistic children given robot friends for study

SURVEY: Majority of Americans can’t name the three branches of government – The logical end of the mass dumbing-down of Americans through public education.  People won’t miss what they don’t know or understand. American public education has been instrumental in breeding several generations of ready-made slaves.

Boeing Is Going To Sell Rides On NASA’s New ‘Space Taxi’

Nine Biggest Triggers of Bi-Polar Mood Swings

It’s all Connected – The Unified Field Theory of Conspiracies, Creativity and the Paranormal all wrapped into one convenient media delivery system.

Implants could give humans self-healing powers – When the man of sin offers his mark, Americans (and the world) will rush to get it.  All he has to do is claim that it will give the wearer the powers of a super-hero.  Oh, and it will be considered very “cool.”

These People Can Make Student Loans Disappear

Daily word 17 September 2014 – Ephesians 1:7-8

New Apple encryption will lock police out of your email – Do you believe this?  What’s amusing is that most of the people who would fall for this are the same ones calling everyone else “sheeple” or “lemmings.”

New Jersey town considering giving police broad powers to search homes without warrants looking for underage drinkers – Who knew it was so simple to invalidate the constitution?


Mystery Virus appearing coast-to-coast – Enterovirus.

Sierra Leonne to shut down for three days to slow EBOLA virus

UN: EBOLA threatens global peace and security

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
1 Thessalonians 5:3

White House makes EBOLA a national security priority

The Summer Of 2014 Was The Warmest Ever Recorded On Earth


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

Why I hope to die at 75

What Can The Ocean Tell Us About Ourselves?

How Targeted Ads Work

The Plan to Nuke the Moon and other Cold War plots revealed in secret documents – 100% pure narrative.  The Corporate Media has learned a thing or two from the National Enquirer (the word “reveal”)  and from the gnostics (use the word “secret”).  Humans have a hard time resisting either word. [Repeat]

MIT’s Futuristic Spacesuit Works Like Shrink Wrap – Can’t be any worse than the pseudo-spacesuits that Playtex made for our early astronauts.

Should democracies use torture to defend themselves against terrorism? – What the question REALLY is: Should (fake) democracies act more like terrorists to avoid losing to terrorists?  Hint: They already use torture.

Imagining Football In A Non-NFL World

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 18, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 18, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
September 18, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


SCOTLAND: Independence referendum vote today

This week Scotland will vote on whether it wants to leave the United Kingdom. If Scotland votes “yes,” it will also leave the European Union and NATO and be responsible for defending itself. Or as Vladimir Putin put it, “I got dibs!”
–Jimmy Fallon

RUSSIA: Russian navy drills in Arctic

CHINA: (VIDEO) See how the Chinese Government deleted history

JAPAN: The Only Place In The World Where People Still Buy CDs

GERMANY: Rebuilding A Nazi Church

World War 3 Watch: September 15, 2014


Obama reaffirms opposition to ground troops in Iraq – Like most things that surround the president, he says one thing, does another.  He sends troops to Iraq while claiming he is against such actions.  Since Obama is supposed to be playing the part of President Momjeans, he will protest that he is against troops in Iraq, war in Iraq, violence in Iraq–all the while the USA is bombing Iraqis. Meanwhile, president Momjeans will get blamed for “not standing up for the USA.”  Which is exactly what the script says will happen.

Oh my: I think Romney’s going to run, says top Wall Street backer – The only possible way someone like Romney could win would be to have him follow an Obama.  This seems to have been the recipe for a successive group of chowderheads as USA leaders. Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, ???

All of this planned buffoonery will make the man of sin look like a boy wonder when he shows up.

Guess which senator uses tax money to pay for his chartered flights – (h/t:B)

House Votes To Arm Syrian Rebels – Of course, this vote was to PUBLICLY admit the USA will arm the Syrian rebels.  The USA has been arming them all along.

Senate Republicans will need to sweep this year to hold onto their Senate majority in 2016 – Does anyone believe the country will “turn around” if either Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Communists, whatever gain power?  Putting your trust in government, politics and the schemes of man is a sure recipe for eternal disappointment.

Do You Know Jesus?

NASA’s Cold War Plan to Nuke the Moon


An Attack on Marriage – From 2010.

(VIDEO) Shah of Iran is very open when interviewed by 60 minutes back in 1974 – The shah talked about the corruption of American Media among other things.

Memphis man arrested with severed head in backyard trash bag

USA Separatists inspired by Scottish referendum vote

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16

power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-ChristTHE GOSPEL

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

POLL: Voters still say NO to DC statehood

Facebook deletes profiles of drag queens

CLAIM: Mysterious fireball was Russian spy satellite?

Satanic Coloring books distributed to Florida public schools

“A group that worships Satan wants to give educational activity books to Florida children. However, officials say it violates two of Florida’s strongest taboos — Satan and education.”

Public university requires students to submit their sexual history

American Rebel or Child of God: Make Your Choice

POLL: Trust in mass media at all-time low – Talk is cheap.  Americans may say they don’t trust the media, but then they repeat what they hear in the media as if it was gospel truth–and Americans believe anyone who disbelieves the media (especially the local media) is a kook.

Price of Ground Beef hits four dollars for the first time

There are now one billion websites

Pop Tarts celebrates its 50th Birthday: A ranking of its most delicious flavors.

Engineers develop flying robot with mechanical arm

POLL: Most Americans no longer think a college education is important – This meme is helped along by the colleges themselves.

Cooking marijuana into hash oil causing disastrous fires – One has to suspect that the real reason for official concern over “hash oil” has to do with the last line of the following quote.

Major Christopher Eckert works in the State Fire Marshal’s Office in New Jersey…Major Eckert says this is something that can potentially put anyone in jeopardy. “

You don’t know what your neighbors are doing,” Eckert said.

The Media/government wants Americans to know that “you don’t know what your neighbor is doing.”

Town bans bad body odor in public places

STUDY: Artificial sweeteners boost diabetes risk

Adrian Peterson and the false gossip of spanking – Since the Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece, it would, of course, be against all methods of self-control and discipline.  That is one reason the favorite word of rebels is “freedom” which really means “license.”  To this end, parental discipline is strictly discouraged, especially any discipline which is  Bible-based.


New radar-gun device will work to catch texting drivers – So texting gives the authorities another reason to randomly stop cars?!?  Authorities can always claim that they thought the driver was texting.


EBOLA can be weaponized – Of course it can.  Anyone who read the 1996 Tom Clancy novel, Executive Orders, knows that story line (which is playing out in 2014).  In the novel, Islamic terrorists weaponize Ebola and use it to attack the USA.  At the same time, an Islamic State is being formed in the Middle East.  After the Ebola attack, the US president institutes martial law and severely restricts movement in the USA.  Americans go along with it because they are so frightened of Ebola.

Who says real life is stranger than fiction that is stranger than real life?

EBOLA’s Warning for an Unprepared America – One rule for propaganda is “Repeat it over and over.”  That is the rule of the daily Ebola coverage.

Mystery Illness now in Virginia – One suspects there will be a great many “mystery illnesses” in the near future.

QUAKE: 4.0 Puget Sound region, Washington


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

The Last Amazon: the Secret Past of Wonder Woman – A comic book heroine created by a psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard?  Anyone who doesn’t believe comics–and the media in general–are not propaganda need only read what the creator of Wonder Woman declared.  Wonder Woman was psychological feminist propaganda beginning in the 1940s. For Americans.

[Wonder Woman] was created by William Moulton Marston, a psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard. A press release explained, “ ‘Wonder Woman’ was conceived by Dr. Marston to set up a standard among children and young people of strong, free, courageous womanhood; to combat the idea that women are inferior to men, and to inspire girls to self-confidence and achievement in athletics, occupations and professions monopolized by men” because “the only hope for civilization is the greater freedom, development and equality of women in all fields of human activity.” Marston put it this way: “Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world.”

Why the military may be best at containing EBOLA

How Does Food Influence Our Dreams?

How ISIS Works

Stop the ISIS war before it gets worse

Why Greenland’s ‘Dark Snow’ Should Worry You

Pride In Science – Pride is a sin.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 17, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.


World War 3 Watch: September 8, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Ukraine-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Ukraine-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Ukraine-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-ISIS-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

September 8, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations – Ukraine – ISIS

NEWS about World War 3.
Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

September 8– A week ago marked  the 75th anniversary of the beginning of World War II. That day has come and gone and the world is still not at war. For those few who still are wearing rose-colored glasses, world war has happened before.  The Bible says it will happen once more before Jesus returns.

It was a “down” week for Ukraine and actual violence was down. Iraq and ISIS took back the headlines as the Corporate Media concentrated on the Islamic State narratives. Libya was back in the news and there are rumblings of the Baltic States being pressured to join in Russia’s Soviet Reunion.

The uneasy lull that settled in before the Labor Day weekend has continued. The actual violence has leveled off  but the speculation over World War III in the media increased.

Lulls in the action usually take place for 7-21 days, then a BIG event surprises and moves the world closer to the commencement of World War III.

While chances for a domestic terror attack are up (due to increased media activity warning of an impending terror attack) in the near future, it is suspected that the IMMEDIATE chances of a domestic terror attack are in a holding pattern awaiting one more escalation of the pre-war propaganda campaign that has been taking place in the US Corporate Media over the last month.

Once more: for a little while longer, the regular media cycle will predominate.

1- An event takes place which could spark war; 2- The media covers said event 24/7; 3- Speculation continues about the event and its likelihood of causing World War III; 4- An uneasy return to “normal” until the next event.

Events in Ukraine will serve as distractions for actions in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. The current news cycle concerning Ukraine has just about outlived its usefulness. If Ukraine is to continue in this manner, new, more violent actions will have to take place in Ukraine. Those violent actions appeared to take place this past week with Russia allegedly moving tanks into eastern Ukraine.

The Ebola threat continued to be magnified by the media this past week. As did the constant media threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack.

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

Again, regardless of what hot spot the media is featuring this week, one suspects that when WW3 does finally begin, it will begin in that most volatile of regions, the Middle East.

THE CALL: The only thing moving faster than the seemingly-unstoppable victories of ISIS is the Western pre-war propaganda campaign.

The Corporate Media will continue to keep the focus on the Islamic State (ISIS) with Ukraine serving as a convenient distraction. Events in Syria have continued to morph from a civil war narrative to a tale of massive chaos not unlike a pro wrestling Battle Royal event.  One suspects that ISIS will be the last man standing in the Syria storyline.

THE BAD NEWS: The propaganda campaign, which is necessary to prepare a country for total war, continued to escalate this past week. This marked a full month of full non-stop pre-war propaganda in the US Corporate Media.

THE GOOD NEWS: Asia has continued to be quiet.  It is about time for a flare-up in one of  the traditional Asian hot spots (North and South Korea, Japan, China) sometime in September.

What will this coming week bring?

UPDATES [September 8, 2014]

  1. World War III is here and there’s nothing we can do about it
  2. World War 3 Rumors: NATO to oppose Russian aggression, Obama states
  3. Is it World War III or just Twitter?
  4. Obama’s Russian Paradox: Why he just threatened World War III in order to prevent it
  5. An Open Letter to Barack Obama: World War III is here
  6. Europe commemorates the outbreak of Second World War
  7. The Blueprint for World War III
  8. From World War II Nazis to World War III jihadis
  9. Investors in defense and aerospace can win as World War III erupts
  10. Fundamentally Freud: From World War II Nazis to World War III jihadis
  11. 10 Minutes to World War III
  12. Is Ukraine worth fighting World War III over?
  13. The (Western) March toward World War III continues

Ukraine – Continues to simmer. Events are on an up-and-down pattern. This past week, violence was DOWN. However, these events are distractions EVEN THOUGH full-scale war may break out in Ukraine, it will be a preliminary event, not the MAIN EVENT.

Baltic States (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia) – Attention has been slowly shifting to the Russian threats to the Baltic States (as was predicted here in the spring). These threats will escalate. Again, these are distractions before the main event.

LIBYA: Chaos and violence in Libya continues to slowly increase in the power vacuum left by the USA/NATO bombing campaign which deposed long-time ruler Mohamar Ghaddafi.

IRAQ: Media chatter over the Caliphate continues. The world seems powerless to stop ISIS. Bombs don’t seem to stop them. It’s looking like only a full-scale war will do it.

GAZA: Israel and Hamas continue to kill each other’s civilians.

SYRIA: Chaos and violence continue in Israel’s next-door neighbor.

There’s a 42% chance of World War III; which is steady%.  This is NO CHANGE from last week.  This is the immediate likelihood of the commencement of World War 3. The long view is 100%. The number is due to the continued strong prewar propaganda push targeting the USA.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack before October 2016 leading to war in the Middle East : [+77%}. That’s No Change. Continued talk in the media of a Muslim terror attack, terror cells already in the USA and terrorists coming across the purposely porous US southern border. The tone of the pre-war propaganda escalated sharply the past three weeks. Expect this number to gradually increase until the actual attack.

Asia continues “Quiet.”

Africa – quiet.

Nothing has changed over the last year in the following assessment: The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.

TENSION ASSESSMENT: September 8, 2014

  1. North Korea – down
  2. Ukraine – steady
  3. Syria – up slightly on media talk of a Syrian front in the ISIS war
  4. Jordan – down
  5. East Africa – steady – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – down
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – up slightly in Libya, which has had renewed outbreaks of violence.  New storyline this week: jiahdis stole airliners from the Benghazi airport, raising media fears of another 911.
  9. Russia – steady, with continued interest in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq, and the Baltic States.
  10. USA – steady with Iraq and Syrian war talk. Government interest in Ukraine is minimal; interest in Israel/Gaza is hands-off.
  11. Israel – steady. Ground war in Gaza grinding on.
  12. Egypt – steady with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – Steady, though action of elite Iranian units in Iraq were reported.
  14. NATO – quiet
  15. Iraq – constant level of violence. Continued chaos by “ISIS.” USA talking of resuming war.

The world is on a steady march to World War 3. There will be periods of calm, periods of violence. Even during the periods of quiet, nothing will deter the beginning of World War 3. It’s only a matter of timing.

The one question that never gets asked: How did the media know the latest events will lead to World War 3? The WW3 headlines began back last year in 2013.

In May of 2013 this writer had a conversation with a fellow about the media using the term “World War 3.” The fellow claimed “I haven’t seen it.” The response? “It’s just beginning.” At that time, the question was asked “How does the media know the events will lead to World War 3? Why is this outcome written as if it’s a foregone conclusion?

September 8, 2014 – Iraq continues to be the main focus of World War III speculation but Syria has entered the picture as well. The Corporate Media is presenting the events in Iraq and Syria as the beginning of an Islamic juggernaut that will take total war to stop.

The pre-war propaganda concerning ISIS continues to escalate which is significant for World War 3 watchers.

SPECULATION: Ukraine continues to have violence, but this is a decoy. Even war in Ukraine will not bring about WW3. One suspects that there will be violence and chaos erupting soon from the Baltic States as well. Iraq and Syria are where events in a future start to WW3 will center, after, it’s imagined, a terror attack on the USA happens.

Overall Tension Assessment: Ukraine has heated up; Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are about to join Ukraine as pieces of the Soviet Reunion. Libya periodically erupts into violence. Iraqi violence continues. Syria is opening up as a front. Israel-Gaza is churning. It is suspected that Syria, Libya, Iran and China will take turns leading the World War III discussion before war actually breaks out.

The theft of 11 airliners in Libya this past week raised fears that a repeat of 911 may occur. It’s fairly safe to say it won’t.  The coming terror attack will be unexpected and it will feature something new; perhaps a bio attack or more likely an “EMP.”

The next major domestic terror attack will likely see the introduction of auto check points throughout the USA, as well as further government controls on cash, movement and liberty.  In the meantime, the US government pretends it is powerless to stop the “flood of jihadis” coming across the USA southern border.  This is, of course, part of the narrative.

The world is still relatively quiet but time is running out. The media continues to stoke war fear. People are clearly nervous about the potential for World War 3. Enjoy the relative peace for at a little while longer.

The most disconcerting item which happened is the lull surrounding Labor Day. Will Tuesday bring bad news? We’ll see.

Do You Know Jesus?


World War 3!

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. III World War?
  6. World War III
  7. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?



World War 3 Watch: August 18, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Ukraine-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

August 18, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations

NEWS about World War 3.
Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

August 18 – As has been the case for the last three months, Corporate Media stories centering around the theme of “World War 3” or “World War III” is now a normal part of the news.There have been some significant changes over the last seven-ten days for dedicated World War 3 watchers however. Several of the “markers” which this writer has on his list of things to look for prior to World War 3 have started to take place.

What are these markers?  Here are several which we have been looking for since the middle of last year.  We felt that World War 3 would not “start cold;” i.e., before the beginning of worldwide war, several events would have to happen.  Some of those events are now happening.

Again, what are these events?  Here are a few on our list.

1- A horrendous terror attack on the USA.  The Corporate Media/government will blame a Muslim terror organization. As an added bonus, there will perhaps be a domestic “extremist” group also blamed; perhaps one with Christian ties.

2- The level of propaganda prior to the USA marching to war will  be elevated.  This will call for the nuking/elimination of Muslims in the Middle East; perhaps all Muslims.

This began last week with a new story ran on a Tea Party News website.

3- The creation of a formidable Muslim enemy; e.g., the Caliphate.  The constant media coverage of ISIS and atrocities claimed by the media is to educate Americans of the danger of the Caliphate.  Amazingly, the USA and the rest of the world seems paralyzed while ISIS continues to expand across Iraq and Syria. Yet, when the time comes, America will go to war with the goal of accomplishing what couldn’t be accomplished prior to the war?!?!  How does that work?

3- Propaganda blaming a possible loss of the war on “traitors” in the government (secret undercover Muslim president Barack Obama?) will escalate.  This propaganda will question whether Obama can lead the USA into war against Muslim nations.

This also began last week with a story questioning whether the USA would rally behind Obama when (not if) the “next 911” happened.

4- “If we don’t get them first, they will get us!” This propaganda justifies almost any atrocity against the future opponents.  It throws suspicion on any Muslims living in the USA.

This is already taking place in the U.K.

But for a little while longer, the regular media cycle will predominate.

1- An event takes place which could spark war; 2- The media covers said event 24/7; 3- Speculation continues about the event and its likelihood of causing World War III; 4- An uneasy return to “normal” until the next event.

The twin hot spots of Ukraine and Iraq continue.  The feeling around here is that Ukraine’s happenings are more of a distraction.

The Ebola threat  was still being played up this past week. As was the constant media threat of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack.

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

Again, regardless of what hot spot the media is featuring this week, one suspects that when WW3 does finally begin, it will begin in that most volatile of regions, the Middle East.

THE CALL: Event will continue to escalate in Iraq and Syria concerning the new foil for American war: ISIS.  Propaganda will escalate faster than the events.

The last two weeks (World War 3 Watch: August 4, 2014 and World War 3 Watch: August 11, 2014), the following observation was made:

“The violence in Iraq has not gone away, it has merely been shifted lower down the priority list for the Corporate Media. The same applies to Syria, and to a lesser extent Libya, as well. The events in the Middle East and ISIS will soon make a return to the top of the news.”

And so, the claims that ISIS is “cutting the heads off of children” is significant. It represents a notable escalation in the propaganda war against Muslims in general. The “formation of a Muslim Caliphate” which will be the “21st century equivalent” to the Ottoman Empire (which most forget used to be called “The Sick Man of Europe” when it was a going concern) are both phrases which the media will increasingly use as we get closer to World War III.

Oddly enough, no World War III media coverage has focused on the Israeli war in Gaza. Ukraine continues to bubble. An aid convoy, armored Russian vehicles and rocket launchers and accusations from both sides keep this eastern European pot boiling. One suspects there will be further bloodshed in Ukraine to pull the attention of the media to this eastern European nation.

THE BAD NEWS: The propaganda campaign, which is necessary to prepare a country for total war, continued to escalate this past week. Expect a continued media focus on Muslim atrocities and Christian persecution.

THE GOOD NEWS: Once again, Asia and all of the other “hot spots continue to be relatively quiet last week. North Korea did test fire three missiles this past week.

What will this coming week bring?

UPDATES [August 18, 2014]

  1. World War 3 impending? Ukraine says army enters rebel-controlled city
  2. World War 3 talk again: Ukraine attacks Russian convoy
  3. World War 3 averted?  Ukraine says Red Cross can enter war-torn area
  4. World War 3 impending? UN says Ukraine death toll doubles in two weeks
  5. BREAKING: The first shots of World War III just may have been fired
  6. World War III?
  7. The Causes of World War III
  8. Russian Orthodox official: World on brink of World War III

Ukraine – Continues to simmer. Events are on an up-and-down pattern.  This past week, violence was UP.  However, these events are distractions.

IRAQ: The hand-wringing over a Caliphate continues.  The world seems powerless to stop ISIS. Bombs don’t seem to stop them.  It’s looking like only a full-scale war will do it.   The escalation of the propaganda involving ISIS and Iraq this past week continue last week’s ominous turn.

GAZA: Israel and Hamas continue to kill each other’s civilians.

There’s a 40% chance of World War III; which is up 2%. This is the immediate likelihood of the commencement of World War 3. The long view is 100%.  The uptick is due to the continued strong prewar propaganda push targeting the USA.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack before October 2016 leading to war in the Middle East : [+75%}. That’s up 5%. Continued talk in the media of a Muslim terror attack. The tone of the pre-war propaganda escalated sharply the past two weeks. Expect this number to gradually increase until the actual attack.

Asia continues “Quiet.”

Africa – quiet.

Nothing has changed over the last year in the following assessment: The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.


  1. North Korea – steady
  2. Ukraine – up slightly
  3. Syria – steady
  4. Jordan – steady
  5. East Africa – steady – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – steady
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – up slightly. Libya, has had renewed outbreaks of violence
  9. Russia – steady, with continued interest in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq.
  10. USA -Up sharply with Iraq war talk up.  Government interest in Ukraine is minimal; interest in Israel/Gaza is hands-off.
  11. Israel – Up. Ground war in Gaza grinding on.
  12. Egypt – steady with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – Steady, though action of elite Iranian units in Iraq were reported.
  14. NATO – quiet
  15. Iraq – Up sharply. Continued chaos by “ISIS.” USA talking of resuming war.

The world is on a steady march to World War 3. There will be periods of calm, periods of violence. Even during the periods of quiet, nothing will deter the beginning of World War 3. It’s only a matter of timing.

The one question that never gets asked: How did the media know the latest events will lead to World War 3? The WW3 headlines began back last year in 2013.

In May of 2013 this writer had a conversation with a fellow about the media using the term “World War 3.” The fellow claimed “I haven’t seen it.” The response? “It’s just beginning.” At that time, the question was asked “How does the media know the events will lead to World War 3? Why is this outcome written as if it’s a foregone conclusion?

August 18, 2014 – Iraq continues to be the focus.

The pre-war propaganda concerning ISIS continues to escalate which is significant for World War 3 watchers.

For almost the last year, our SPECULATION has been:

SPECULATION: Look for something big in 2015 leading to something bigger in 2016 with full-blown World War by 2017.

We will continue to hold to this SPECULATION until events prove us right or wrong.

Due to the sharp escalation in propaganda, an event could possibly take place prior to 2015. The next five months bear increased scrutiny. Usually, before any big war, there is at least one “dry run”–which is an event which look like “war for sure.”  Then, things quiet down before the war begins.

One question: Before the USA goes to war, will it go through the drama of gathering UN support as it has for the last 23 years?

Overall Tension Assessment: Iraqi violence continues. Ukraine violence also. Israel-Gaza is churning. It is suspected that Syria, Libya, Iran and China will take turns leading the World War III discussion before war actually breaks out.

The world is still relatively quiet. But the media continues to stoke war fear. People are clearly nervous about the potential for World War 3. Enjoy the relative peace for at a little while longer.

Do You Know Jesus?


World War 3!

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. III World War?
  6. World War III
  7. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?

World War 3 Watch: August 11, 2014

WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations
WORLD WAR 3 WATCH: Syria-Ukraine-Middle East-Iran-Israel-Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Russia-China-USA-North Korea-South Korea-Japan-Yemen-Egypt-European Union-United Nations

August 11, 2014
End Times Prophecy Report


Syria – Middle East – Iran – Israel – Iraq – Afghanistan – Pakistan – Russia – China – USA – North Korea – South Korea – Japan – India- Yemen – Egypt – European Union – United Nations

NEWS about World War 3.
Are we on the road to World War 3? How much time do we have? Is there anything we can do about the events which are soon to overtake those living on the earth?

August 11Corporate Media stories centering around the theme of “World War 3” or “World War III” is now a normal part of the news. THIS WEEK, however, an extraordinary article came out which signals a new beginning in the media campaign to prepare the world (and especially America) for World War 3.  This article and its significance will be discussed later in this WW3 Watch.

As a result of this article, the normal media cycle has now changed. That cycle (which will still predominate for yet a little while longer):  1- An event takes place which could spark war; 2- The media covers said event 24/7; 3- Speculation continues about the event and its likelihood of causing World War III; 4- An uneasy return to “normal” until the next event.

The MH-17 chatter has almost completely ceased. Which means that its almost time for the next event. When these events cease, THEN is the time for World War III watchers to become nervous. The Ebola virus intruded into the media realm of “catastrophic stories” for about a week.  That meme is now dying on the 24/7 media rotation–until the next Ebola event.

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

Most of the “World War 3” talk in the media continues to center around the events in Ukraine. However, one suspects that when WW3 does finally begin, it will begin in that most volatile of regions, the Middle East.

If World War 3 is to begin and primarily take place in the Middle East, then there are a few “markers” for which one should watch.  The first “marker” was spotted this very weekend. We will discuss it in the “Assessment” section.

THE CALL: While the world will end up eventually in World War III, the events in Ukraine these past month will not provoke it. Ukraine seems to be one of those decoys the media uses to divert attention away from where the real war will eventually break out.

This does not mean there will be no other consequences from the Ukraine. On the contrary, events in Ukraine appear to be a set-up to accent the weakness of President Barack Obama (President MomJeans) the designated weak U.S. puppet.

The following observation was made last week (World War 3 Watch: August 4, 2014):

“The violence in Iraq has not gone away, it has merely been shifted lower down the priority list for the Corporate Media. The same applies to Syria, and to a lesser extent Libya, as well. The events in the Middle East and ISIS will soon make a return to the top of the news.”

And so, the claims that ISIS is “cutting the heads off of children” is significant. It represents a notable escalation in the propaganda war against Muslims in general.  The “formation of a Muslim Caliphate” which will be the “21st century equivalent” to the Ottoman Empire (which most forget used to be called “The Sick Man of Europe” when it was a going concern) are both phrases which the media will increasingly use as we get closer to World War III.

Oddly enough, no World War III media coverage has focused on the Israeli ground offensive in Gaza which resumed this week after a short ceasefire. But a new ceasefire has been announced to begin today. It’s very confusing.

Ukraine continues to bubble. One suspects there will be further bloodshed to pull the attention of the media to this eastern European nation.

THE BAD NEWS: The propaganda campaign, which is necessary to prepare a country for total war, took on a more shrill tone this past week.  Which is one of the markers of World War.  The other is a terrorist attack on US soil.

THE GOOD NEWS: Once again, Asia and all of the other “hot spots continue to be relatively quiet last week.

What will this coming week bring?

UPDATES [August 11, 2014]

  1. World War 3 Averted?  Ukraine rebel leader wants aid, ceasefire
  2. Imagining World War 3–in 2034
  3. World War III triggers: Russian invasion of Ukraine looms, 20000 troops on border – NATO
  4. World War 3 Incoming? Russia hits back after West’s sanctions amid Ukraine Crisis
  5. Just how likely is another World War?
  6. World War Three? Russian bombers with nuclear weapons buzz California, Alaska claims United States
  7. World War 3 Coming? Hagel says threat of Russia invading Ukraine
  8. World War on Russia’s Mind when US duels over Urkaine
  9. World War III investments: Nickel
  10. There’s only one way to defeat ISIS…and we won’t do it

Ukraine – Continues to simmer. Events have quieted down but could take over the front pages at any time.  However, these events are distractions.

IRAQ: This is the area to which attention must be paid. The USA resumed bombing for “humanitarian” reasons.  The actions of “ISIS” continue.  The escalation of the propaganda involving ISIS and Iraq this past week took an ominous turn.

GAZA: Israel resumed its  ground offensive against little resistance. The killing on both sides will continue.  Innocents on both sides will die, particularly in the Palestinian areas marked for “cleansing.”  Both sides have civilians caught between the machinations of corrupt leadership. Another ceasefire to commence today (Monday) was announced. How many ceasefires does this make on the 38th day of the Gaza War?

There’s a 38% chance of World War III; which is up 4%. This is the immediate likelihood of the  commencement of World War 3.  The long view is 100%.

A continued chance of a domestic terror attack before October 2016 leading to war in the Middle East : [+70%}. That’s up 2%. Continued talk in the media of a Muslim terror attack. The tone of the pre-war propaganda escalated sharply this past week. Expect this number to gradually increase until the actual attack.

Asia continues “Quiet.”

Africa – quiet.

Nothing has changed over the last year in the following assessment: The Middle East and North Africa remain a tinderbox awaiting a spark.


  1. North Korea – steady
  2. Ukraine – steady
  3. Syria – steady
  4. Jordan – steady
  5. East Africa – steady – This includes South Sudan
  6. China – steady
  7. Japan – continued downward trend over last few weeks
  8. North Africa – up slightly. Libya, has had renewed outbreaks of violence
  9. Russia – steady, with continued interest in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq.
  10. USA -Up sharply with Obama ordering the resuming of  bombing in Iraq. Government interest in Ukraine is minimal; interest in Israel/Gaza is hands-off.
  11. Israel – Up. Ground war in Gaza resumed after a 72-hour ceasefire. Though this “cleansing action” was  predicted in the media to be over fairly quickly, Israeli announcements appear offensive actions could be extended for weeks. Body counts continue to mount.
  12. Egypt – steady with continued pockets of unrest
  13. Iran – Steady, though action of elite Iranian units in Iraq were reported.
  14. NATO – quiet
  15. Iraq – Up sharply. Continued chaos by “ISIS.”  USA resumed bombing.

The world is on a steady march to World War 3. There will be periods of calm, periods of violence. Even during the periods of quiet, nothing will deter the beginning of World War 3. It’s only a matter of timing.

The one question that never gets asked: How did the media know the latest events will lead to World War 3? The WW3 headlines began back last year in 2013.

In May of 2013 this writer had a conversation with a fellow about the media using the term “World War 3.” The fellow claimed “I haven’t seen it.” The response? “It’s just beginning.” At that time, the question was asked “How does the media know the events will lead to World War 3? Why is this outcome written as if it’s a foregone conclusion?

August 11, 2014 – “After a few weeks of relative calm, expect at least one place to flare up in the next week. That’s been the usual pattern.”

That what we have said for some time, and sure enough: Iraq was back at the top of the Corporate Media headlines this past week.  This writer has been looking for two events which will signal the immediate onset of World War 3.

The first is the escalation of the Corporate Media propaganda campaign against Muslims. Before heading to war against the Middle East, Americans will have to be programmed with a more intense  bombardment of anti-Muslim propaganda.  That escalation began this week with two separate reports which rose above the normal run-of-the-mill anti-Muslim media chatter.

This normal propaganda includes the regular barrage of media pieces on the danger of a Muslim caliphate, the atrocities attributed to various Muslim groups (ISIS, al Qaeda, etc.), threat of Muslim terror attacks and the sub-humanity of Muslims in general.

This week, the tone sharply accelerated with the appearance (at a Tea Party website) of There’s only one way to defeat ISIS…and we won’t do it.

This piece not only repeated the claims that ISIS was “cutting off the heads of children” but that they were then “sticking the heads on poles.” And while that is an escalation to be sure, the REAL signal that the media propaganda is getting more ominous is the following.

There is no evil, no act or lower point of depravity they will not implement. They are evil incarnate. They are beheading children and placing their heads on sticks.
We should form a coalition. If we cannot do that, we should go it alone. Iraqi leaders be damned. We should enter with 300,000 troops and with overwhelming force and kill them all.

Every last one.

This is the first call for extermination of the Muslims this writer has seen. Calls in the media for nuclear annihilation (“Nuke ’em!”) has been predicted for some time. Americans must be screaming for total revenge before World War 3 can begin.

The second marker before the USA will march off to World War 3 is a domestic terror attack which will be laid at the feet of a Muslim extremist group and which will make 911 look like a Sunday school picnic.

Keep on eye on the Gaza war. There’s always the chance of a “surprise” taking place. Events in the Middle East tend to spiral to war as quickly as any on earth.

SPECULATION: Look for something big in 2015 leading to something bigger in 2016 with full-blown World War by 2017.

We will continue to hold to this SPECULATION until events prove us right or wrong.

Overall Tension Assessment: Iraq has flared up. Ukraine has quieted. Israel-Gaza is churning. It is suspected that Syria, Libya, Iran and China will take turns leading the World War III discussion before war actually breaks out.

The world is still relatively quiet. But the media continues to stoke war fear. People are clearly nervous about the potential for World War 3. Enjoy the relative peace for at a little while longer.

Do You Know Jesus?


World War 3!

“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.”
Revelation 6:4



  1. World War III
  2. Occupation of Amerika has begun
  3. World War III
  4. III World War?
  5. World War III
  6. World War III on the horizon?

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

World War 3: Is Ukraine the beginning of World War 3?