End Times Prophecy Headlines: February 24, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
February 24, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


VENEZUELA: Chaos: Opposition rallies grip Venezuela

UKRAINE: Chaos: Revolution in Kiev; West and Russia Square off

UKRAINE: Billionaire “savior” of Ukraine is ‘ruthless’ and ‘corrupt’ – Isn’t that way it always turns out with billionaire saviors?

UKRAINE: Ukraine’s new leaders order arrest of Yanukovych on mass murder charge

NEW ZEALAND: Hundreds turn out for record-breaking naked ocean swim

ISRAEL: Israel surrendering Holy Site to Vatican? – Just a quick question: how many times have we seen this same story over the last 30 years?  It’s been too many times for a quick count–so that means this may a good topic for an article.


Air Force reveals spy satellites watching neighborhoods

Corsi: Tell Obama to Stay Out of the Newsroom – This is such a media-generated bag of days-old garbage.  The government and its intelligent services have been in American newsrooms for decades.  As most of the well-paid media commentators are well aware. The CIA acknowledged Operation Mockingbird to have begun in the mid-1940s.  American Corporate Media news agencies openly admit employing CIA, military and intelligence operatives as talking heads.

Ex-US Rep. Mel Reynolds deported from Zimbabwe

Pentagon to propose shrinking Army, scrapping some jets: Report – Straits Times – The numbers may shrink, but the Pentagon’s bill to taxpayers NEVER does.

Pentagon Plans To Shrink Army To Pre-World War II Level – Key word: “PLANS.”  The US Army on September 1, 1939 (the day Germany invaded Poland and started WWII) had 174,000 soldiers.  The US military as a whole spends about 40% of the world’s expenditures on military spending.

Climate case at Supreme Court looks at EPA’s power


(VIDEO) Inside a Japanese Cat Cafe – Only 1000 yen for the first hour.

Yahoo Aims to More Deftly Blend Ads With Content – The “blending” of FILL IN THE BLANK with content is the full-time job of many who work for the mystery of iniquity.

Egyptian Hieroglyphic Typewriter – In case the reader ever wanted to see what their name looked like in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics

Breast Cancer Deaths Not Decreased by Mammograms? – Gee, this story comes out just in time for ObamaCare to not cover mammograms…

Ombrophiles are those who have a passionate love for rain.

Pluviophile (n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. – This person is looking for peace of mind in all the wrong places.

Do you know the One who guarantees peace of mind?

Do You Know Jesus?

Biggest Tsunami of All Time – Was in Alaska in 1958.  Very, very, very big…

The year that smoking will die out around the world: Table – Uh huh.  If sin could have been extirpiated by logic or by worldly will power or by government decree, it would have disappeared long ago.

‘What kind of gun blows someone’s head completely off? I gotta get me one of those’: Kansas Senate hopeful and radiologist exposed for posting photos of real patients’ fatal injuries online with jokey descriptions – This writer used to receive emails quite regularly from Wolf beginning in 2009 as ObamaCare was moving forward.  Wolf–a self-proclaimed “cousin of Barack Obama”–was a vocal opponent of ObamaCare.  Wolf parlayed his lineage and opposition to ObamaCare into regular media appearances and has now moved into the world of politics.

Wolf’s name has always appeared to be apt.

MOREPrimary challenger to Pat Roberts found to have some curious Facebook postings; Update: Wolf statement added

“A newspaper has three things to do.  One is to amuse, another is to entertain and the rest is to mislead.”

Earnest Bevin, British Foreign Minister, London Conference of Foreign Ministers, February 10, 1946

Buddhist sect protests Dalai Lama’s US visit – The Dalai Lama is in complete thrall to the mystery of iniquity.

Watch Openly Gay NBA Player Jason Collins Make Sports History (VIDEO) – One of the ways the Media justifies almost anything is to call it “historic.”  Americans are suckers for being told they are a part of history.

CANNABIS: A brief history of Marijuana in the USA
LEGAL POT: We’re in the money!

Colorado High State Rolling in Tax Revenue From Recreational Pot – These are the types of articles the antichrist media runs to justify sin.  Remember back when gambling was a localized, still-criminalized social pathology.  Articles about how gambling profits were paying for all sorts of jobs, schools, programs for old folks, etc appeared in newspapers of areas about to vote on legalizing gambling.

Years later, when the promises of the gambling lords failed to materialize, they reached into their never-ending bag of excuses to explain why.  But the damage was already done: gambling was already entrenched.

Same for legal pot.  The glories of legalized marijuana will be a regular media feature until the entire USA has legalized the drug and the effects are too big to hide.

THEN, the excuses will begin.

The Police State wants its citizens enslaved by sin.

It’s easier to control slaves.

Chick-fil-A managers turn detectives and track down teen runaway and 19-year-old man she met online before driving her 200 MILES home to her worried parents – Is there anything Chick-fil-A can’t do?

Pope to Kenneth Copeland: Catholics and Charismatics must unite – The pope and Kenneth Copeland share this attribute:  both are admired by those they have deceived–and only by those who are deceived.

UK Man wins court victory over BBC for 9/11 coverup broadcast – One of the most bizarre moments of 9/11 happened when the BBC and other media outlets broadcast that Building 7 (which had not been hit by any planes) had collapsed–when the building was still standing behind the reporters doing the broadcast.  The building remained standing for 20 minutes after the news agencies reported it had collapsed.

Divorce rate up 15% since Great Recession – Is this implying that many marriages may be nothing more than economic arrangements?  How unromantic!

IN THE EMAIL:  A discussion of when the “70th week of Daniel” was first mentioned.  When surveying church doctrines outside of the Catholic Church, the much-taught 70th week was nowhere to be found until the 20th century.*  But then, Protestant and Evangelical readings of Daniel 9:24-27 were completely different from what is now taught in the 21st century.

(Strangely enough, 7th Day Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the best-known groups holding onto this older Christian eschatology–which has tended to discredit these more-traditional teachings in the eyes of evangelical Christians.  It makes one wonder why, among all of the well-known heresies of these two groups, they chose to adhere to the Bible on these important points of eschatology?)

The “70th week” started to enter Evangelical Christian awareness in 1909 with Sir Robert Anderson and continued with Scofield’s Reference Bible in 1911.  It was popularized by Hal Lindsey’s 1970 Late Great Planet Earth. Daniel’s 70th week was cemented in many Christian minds by the Left Behind (1995-2007) series, but a lot of contemporary Christian end times doctrines made their popular debut in 1970 due to Lindsey’s book.

* – A book by Plymouth Brethren writer J.A. Seiss, Voices from Babylon: A commentary on Daniel, mentions the 70th week in 1879.  Coincidentally, many of the teachings found in the 21st century Christian eschatology made their Protestant debut among the Plymouth Brethren— a group which originated in Catholic Dublin.

John Nelson Darby (1800-82) is generally credited with being the first to teach a 7-year tribulation based on Daniel’s 70th week, but his teachings were almost totally rejected outside of the Plymouth Brethren until the 20th century.

Darby and the Plymouth Brethren were introduced to the Jesuit teachings on the end times in the late 1820s by Edward Irving, who had translated Jesuit writings into English.  Irving did not invent his doctrines but merely passed along the Jesuit ones he had translated to the Brethren and to Darby, apparently in the early 1830s.

Irving was excommunicated in 1830 from London and in 1832 in Scotland for heresy.  Irving’s preaching and teaching were used as the cornerstones to found the Catholic Apostolic Church (an early type of Pentecostalism) beginning in 1832. Edward Irving died in 1834 at the age of 42.

In the 20th century, the prophecy teachings of Darby were picked up by Scofield for inclusion in the notes of the popular Scofield Reference Bible (1911).  From there, they gradually spread among American churches until Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth (over 20 million copies) in 1970 popularized them among the masses of Christians.

These end times doctrines were further popularized in the public and Christian imagination by the Left Behind series (64 million copies).

Kids, five, found having sex in kindergarten bathroom by teacher now facing the axe – “200 people came out to support the ‘much beloved teacher.'” 

Here’s the paradox: many parents think public schools are horrible.  Except for the public schools their kids attend.  Their schools are Great!

Because once they admit that there is a problem with the schools their kids attend, they would be forced to do something about it–and that might entail quitting their job or other inconveniences–or ignore it and the effects it would have on their children.

Far easier to just become cheerleaders for their public school system.  It absolves them of any later guilt.

Air Pollution a Global Health Concern – One suspects that there will be many global health concerns in the months ahead.

George Washington: Boozehound – There are a LOT of ways to view the information in this article.  This involves the timing of this article as well.  The information has been available for years.  So why is it coming out now?  This question also pertains to many facts of America’s past: they have been known for years.  So why is the Corporate Media–which kept this info hidden from the public for decades–publicizing them now?

Maybe it’s another of those coincidences we hear so much about?!?


5 Children in California infected by polio-like illness

Britain: A spate of sinkholes have opened up across the country as floodwater dissolves the underlying rock, a “second wave” is likely to appear as the rain stops and the ground begins to dry, the British Geological Survey warns

Recent Caribbean Earthquakes Spark Concern

Just as you were about to put your winter coat away as the east basks in warm temperatures… another blast of arctic air is set to freeze the country next week – It’s not cold in winter anymore: it’s arctic cold.  And all winter weather is now caused by the sinister-sounding “polar vortex!”

QUAKE: 2.7 central California

QUAKE: 5.5 northern Chile

QUAKE: 5.8 Kuril Islands

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: February 22-23, 2014


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.