End Times Prophecy Headlines: August 24-25, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
August 24-25, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION

Today, it’s Syria.  Egypt was so Yesterday.  What’s tomorrow?  North Korea or Iran?  China?  Japan? Russia?

This is what’s known as “building tension.”

SYRIA: Chemical weapons use by government forces alleged.
SYRIA: Chemical weapons use by government forces alleged.

Hundreds of American troops and CIA operatives have entered Syria – From March 2013, but still useful to keep in mind…

By happenstance, I received this in the email this morning after already including the previous headline.  Here’s someone who dusted off the above article and posted it as if it had been written today–five months later: War looms–Hundreds of American troops and CIA operatives have entered Syria.

Hagel: Obama asks for Syria military options

Pentagon is ‘preparing for missile strike on Syrian government’ as evidence piles up that Assad lunched chemical attack that killed at least 1,000 – Most of the evidence just so happens to come from the Syrian “rebels”…

Obama, advisers weigh response to Syrian attack; military action is among options

U.S. Forces move closer to Syrian Border – And, it might have added, “Russia’s red line.”

Russia Draws a “Red Line”: S-300, MiG 29s and MiG 31s for Syria

CBS: U.S. Preps for Cruise missile attack on Syria – Is this another dry run?  Or is it part of the kabuki theater necessary before a domestic terror attack–which will likely propel the USA into a Middle Eastern war?

Flashback: Yahoo Uncovered Syria Chemical Weapon False Flag in January

Syria accuses rebels of using chemical weapons

Israeli Minister Says Syria Used Chemical Weapons

Syrian Kurds Find More Than a Refuge in Iraqi Kurdistan – Syrian Kurds stream into Iraq by the tens of thousands.

NORTH KOREA: The tyrant who forces mothers to drown their babies: Survivors of brutal North Korean regime reveal the chilling truth about the world’s most horrific torture camps

SOUTH AFRICA: Babies stolen from hospitals, sold on black markets

Army sergeant who admitted to slaughtering 16 Afghan villagers is sentenced to life in prison – but victims’ relatives are furious he’s done deal to escape the death penalty – They hate us for our freedoms…

[Transcript of President Bush’s speech September 21, 2001]

Americans are asking “Why do they hate us?”

They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.”

One more from 2011: Sergeant denies killing villagers, admits cutting off their fingers

These are the few which make it into the American news.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly Blames Coptic Church Burnings on Egypt’s Pervasive Fuel, Match Culture

U.S. Secretary of Health Sebelius visits Philadelphia: “A brand new day is coming!”  – And it’s right around the corner.  Do You Know Jesus?

The Surprising Reason Americans Are Far Less Healthy Than Others in Developed Nations – Just a guess, but perhaps it has more to do with the next two linked articles than with what the writer in this post posits. The claim here is “inequality.”

University panel discusses cutting off food, bioweapons to reduce the population

Edible Vaccine Inventor Jokes about Culling Population with GMO Virus

Residents in rural Colorado county discover that State won’t leave them alone; to vote to secede from the State – For a long time, rural residents and those living in towns and small cities ignored the evil because it hadn’t affected them yet.  Those days are over.

The incredible interactive map that plots the racial profile of every individual living in America… and the remarkable divides it reveals – Compiled with data from the U.S. Census Bureau!

“With 308,745,538 coloured dots, this is the incredible interactive map that plots the racial profile of every single person living in the United States of America.

The map itself is here: The Racial Map

Gay Lawmaker to Christians: We’ll take your children – Only if the King of Kings allows it.  This WND article covers for Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) by offering a false choice for Christie’s motivation in signing a recent bill.

“The governor is one of three things. He is either: 1) ill-informed, 2) politically motivated or 3) stupid. I don’t know, I guess he could be 4) all of the above.”

How about a fifth, more accurate, choice?

How about 5) knows exactly what he is doing and is a puppet-boy for moving along he agenda of the same ones who control the Corporate Media which offer false choices and cover for political “leaders”?

χάρις ἔλεος εἰρήνη σοι, – Greek for “Grace, mercy and peace.”

Living the high life: One flight attendant’s evocative photos that capture glamor and excitement of the golden age of air travel  –  Interesting because the third pic down has a woman performing two hand signs for 666 upside down.

USA INFLATION: Up, up and away!
USA INFLATION: Up, up and away!

80% are paying more for groceries now than a year ago – When this writer wrote of the coming inflation–and of the engineered hyper-inflation–in 2010, so many other writers rushed to correct him.

“Oh, no!  You have it all wrong!  It’s DEFLATION we have to worry about.  We NEED to print more money!”

That seems so long ago…

Like so many things in the NWO playbook, it’s all being recycled from Germany 1920-1939.

ABC shows commercial featuring two nude actors at 8 am; Mother is shocked – TV is vile and perverse.

8-year-old boy shoots 90-year-old relative in back of head after playing video game – Then he claimed it was an “accident.”

Killings for Fun – Terrifying Trait of the Week

This Day in the Secret History: August 23, 2013

Conforming the Church to the New World Order –  Good article from 2000 about the one-world religion which the string-pullers have feverishly worked on for decades.

It’s interesting to read about these developments having the benefit of being 13 years into the future from when the article was written.  The worker bees have been busy; of the six goals outlined in the article, all have been moving along nicely.

The one that stood out to this writer was Equate Biblical truth and evangelism with hate and intolerance.”

That goal is about 85% of the way there.

The other “goal” that has really made great progress, especially in the last year, was “Hold Christians accountable to global standards for mental health.”

But it’s not just Christians: gun-owners, preppers, home-schoolers, other undesirables are also being placed into the mental health box.

MORE: New World Order One-World Religion: 25 Quotes by those who know

This has been going on for a long time.  The key is to eliminate Jesus–then all religions can flow into one.  But that can’t happen until Jesus is gone.  They have been at work on this for years.

Here’s a story from 2008 about a “pastor” eliminating “Jesus Christ” from the hymns in her church.  ‘Glorious Hope’ has Risen Today

Mexico police exhume decomposing bodies from mass grave they believe may be group of a DOZEN young people kidnapped from a bar

Roman Road: Eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ

US pair ‘plotted to murder police’

(VIDEO) Godzilla roar is actually a leather glove being dragged down the strings of a bass. – 42 seconds of Well, I didn’t know that!

THE OCCULT and the CHURCH:  Science teams with the occult and both have infiltrated the church.
THE OCCULT and the CHURCH: Science teams with the occult and both have infiltrated the church.

Your Thoughts Can Release Abilities beyond Normal Limits;  Better vision, stronger muscles—expectations can have surprising effects, research finds– (h/t:SQ) This is an article from August 13 in Scientific American.

By happenstance, this writer recently read several articles about the pagan/New Age technique of “visualization” and it’s infiltration into the Christian Church.

2012 and Fantasy-Driven Faith

Quantum Mysticism in the Church: COSMS, CODES, AND CRYPTOLOGIES  PART 1: Crossing the Boundaries of Reality and Scripture

[Bold and underline by this writer.]

Amazingly, almost 27 years ago, Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon warned of this very quantum deception in The Seduction of Christianity, naming Dali by name:

…science and sorcery will become more difficult to distinguish from each other. In our opinion, the confusion between science, scientism, and sorcery will be an important factor in the growing seduction [of Christianity]. The major premise behind occult methodologies, that mind creates reality, is now considered by a number of top scientists to be implied by quantum mechanics.

And wouldn’t you know it?  Here’s Scientific American, offering an article on the very subject!

Your Thoughts Can Release Abilities beyond Normal Limits; Better vision, stronger muscles—expectations can have surprising effects.”

Expectations factor large in the coming deception.

It’s not only scientists who are pushing this idea, but end times Christians as well.  Not so very long ago, this actualization of imagination would have likely been recognized and called out for what it is: occultism.

But today?  “Christian” TV is full of Word of Faith teachings.  WoF is characterized by incantations and spells prettied up for use by Christian audiences.  The “Prosperity Gospel” is another gospel; a self-actualization technique more at home in voodoo or magic.  “Name it and Claim it” and “Positive Confession” are other names for Word of Faith.

From the book, Voodoo Rituals: A User’s Guide:

One of the basic requirement for magic work is a well trained imagination–an ability to envision things in all of their detail and see them vividly with the inner eye.”

The Next Step: Speaking things into Existence – A book of magick.

“The Egyptian magician understood the awesome power of words. YOU CAN NOW EXPLOIT THIS HIDDEN POWER! No harm can befall you.”


“No magick words are supplied, what you speak is your own tongue: but you will be shown the ASTONISHING POWER OF SPEECH. When you speak in a certain way-invoking-your-desire-the Universe listens! The Egyptians believed it!”

Word of Faith is a cancer that has spread throughout the Body of Christ.   And it appears Word of Faith, New Age visualization, magic and science have all entered into a polygamous relationship!

Do You Know Jesus?

What’s Witchcraft?  6 misconceptions about Wicca – By coincidence, here’s something hot off the presses from Live Science. We truly live in an age of spiritual science

“Wicca is recognized by the U.S. government as an official religion, with the observation of Wiccan holidays varying from state to state.

For example, the New Jersey Department of Education recognizes eight Wiccan holidays (including Mabon, which marks the beginning of autumn and is celebrated Sept. 23) and excuses Wiccan children from attending school on those days.”

Who would have guessed that a science publication would offer Wiccan apologetics?

Scientists achieve true information teleportation on a computer chip exploiting quantum spookiness

Quantum Paradox Seen in Diamond

Notre Dame begins accepting illegals – Who would expect them to do any differently?  Football is not the only thing they cheer at ND.

Applicants for jobs at Florida hospital tested for nicotine

Scientology purchases Nation of Islam for $2.3 million–or is it an alliance? – Good pic of NoI’s Louis Farrakhan at a Scientology bash.

51% Say the Value of their home is worth more than they owe on it – Think about that for a moment…

Homeless man robs bank of $1; waits on police in effort to get health care

(VIDEO) Holland dairy cows released to pasture after a long winter  – 30 seconds of frolicking!

Heresy Trial Transcript – From 381 AD.

“It is important to note that a trial like this, if held today, would be mocked and ridiculed and condemned not only by the world but by many people who call themselves Christian. Yet, the document reproduced below demonstrates just how deadly serious the ancient church was about heresy and their zeal in obeying God’s Word regarding false teachers. Their obedience stands in stark contrast to the modern church’s disobedience and I reproduce it here, in part, as an indictment against the church today.”

Did the ancient church torture and burn the heretics (as the Roman Catholic Church was so fond of doing to Bible believers)?  No, they were defrocked and excommunicated.  Which is the NT way of doing things.

BuzzFeed considering more Rules (censorship) because readers don’t want to be informed about abortion’s consequences – At least that’s what the site’s leadership is claiming.

BuzzFeed’s new motto:  “Free speech you can agree with!”

Where has the passion for Doctrine Gone? – Replaced by feelings, emotions and buzzwords like “Love” and “Believe!”

Homo Tyranny Is Coming, If We Don’t Stop It – Interesting piece.  The author comes wants to come off as a Christian (several times referring to “us”).

HOWEVER, as is the case in the media, he never once mentions the name of “Jesus.”

He does mention “St. Paul.”  Is he a Roman Catholic? The RCC lists 894 saints–including John Paul II and other interesting choices.

Tom Coburn Townhall Video: Once Feared Constitutional Convention Now Has Great Fear of Not Having One – A constitutional convention is what happens to the USA after decades of public miseducation has left millions of Americans hopelessly ignorant–and proud to be that way!

Driven by the Corporate Media, paid shills like Coburn and various hangers-on and wannabees, another constitutional convention is exactly what the USA deserves.

Striking images from space of the massive Yosemite wildfires raging out of control over 128,000 acres as San Francisco is threatened with power cuts

50 Large Wildfires burning in the WestGrey Terror!

STATE OF EMERGENCY- Massive Yosemite Blaze Threatens SF’s Power Grid – A new twist on the wildfires…

Santiaguito volcano (Guatemala): partial dome collapse generates strong explosion and pyroclastic flows

QUAKE: 3.7 Washington state

QUAKE: 4.2 Off coast of Southern California

QUAKE: 5.7 Tonga region

QUAKE: 2.8 Pine Valley, California

QUAKE: 4.5 Barbuda

(VIDEO) Powerful Tidal Wave catches hundred of Chinese spectators off-guard, sweeps past barrier and carries them away

(VIDEO) Massive Sinkhole in Louisiana swallows trees  –  Pretty impressive!

Drug-resistant TB spreads – Pestilence

This Duck Dynasty “Sermon” Nails It! – What an odd post.  It’s by Bristol Palin.  Remember that Drama Queen?  It  appeared on Patheos, which bills itself as a “spiritual” site, but is this writer’s favorite places to go to see what the atheists are chattering about.

Patheos also hosts these regular features: Christ Path Seminar, Conversations with God, A Goddess in LA, Your Inner Healer, Naked Mystic, Quest for Meaning, A Happy Medium, Spirituality and Consciousness, you get the picture.  It’s the same old, same old of a dash of pretend christianity and a bucketful of everything else in the world.

It should tell us what times we are living in when some Christians are turning to something called Duck Dynasty for spiritual nourishment.

Disney brings lesbian moms to TV

Churches changing bylaws after gay marriage ruling

SYMBOLS and their Meaning – Maybe this isn’t important?!?  Many Christians buy stylized crosses to adorn their selves or their belongings not aware of the occult roots of what they have purchased.  Handy chart of popular symbols and their origins.

Spotted on a supposedly Christian T-shirt the other day: a “Star of David” (the menorah was traditionally the symbol of Jews), a Celtic Cross and a half moon and star.

Some may question: why does this matter?  If you’re wearing a shirt to proclaim a belief, doesn’t it make sense that the belief you are proclaiming is the same one you think you’re proclaiming?

There are other reasons.  A “Warning about Symbols” is at the end of the linked article.  It details other reasons to be aware of the tools of the enemy.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT YESTERDAYEnd Times Prophecy Headlines: August 23, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: August 17-18, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
August 17-18, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION

EGYPT: A call for daily protests as dozens dieCHAOS!

Violence out of control in Egypt. Over 700 dead. Upwards of 40 churches burned.

Israel Keeps a Wary Eye on Turmoil in Egypt

Analysis: It’s official, military chief Sisi is new king of Egypt

Egypt considers outlawing the Muslim Brotherhood – Oh, you mean like when Egypt outlawed them from 1948 until the  1970s?  Any brief history of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is replete with accounts of hundreds of MB members being tortured and killed.  This does not justify any later atrocities on the part of the MB; it merely provides a bit of background on why the MB is seen differently in Egypt than in the U.S. Corporate Media.

Why The Mideast Peace Talks Will Not Work – (h/t:L)

US weapons experts claim North Korea’s arsenal of missiles that ‘could reach US’ are FAKE – IF there’s one thing we have all learned over the years, it’s that experts are never wrong.

Book Review: The West without Water – Do tell!  More clues about what is coming.

Switzerland Opens Drive-in Sex Boxes to make Prostitution Safer – The Swiss are a mechanically ingenious people: always working to solve problems!

Chris Christie to give children easier access to medicinal marijuana after emotional plea from father – What a guy.  He’s doing it all for the kids!

Oregon Christian Bakers Persecuted After Refusal to Bake Gay Wedding Cake – (h/t: T)

52% realize the USA spends more on the Military than any other nation – That doesn’t mean we’re safer–only that we spend more.

English: Anne M. Gorsuch, Administrator of EPA
English: Anne M. Gorsuch, Administrator of EPA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

EPA denies petition to change the source chemicals for the fluoridation of water – The article reports that the EPA denied the petition because it was “too expensive.”

Think about this for just a moment.  The EPA has shuttered industries–even entire communities.  When did cost EVER become a factor in the EPA making a decision that proved destructive?

The government agency’s long and well-known history has betrayed them on this decision.  The real agenda of the EPA has become increasingly publicized over the last five years.

When the EPA did essentially NOTHING to stop the spraying of the poisonous “dispersant” called Corexit over the Gulf Coast states after the BP Oil-Deepwater Horizon disaster, the agency stood revealed for what it really is: an excuse for getting rid of industry–and the resultant jobs–and communities, not a way to actually protect Americans from the abuses of Big Corporations.

The EPA now joins the FDA and other alphabet agencies exposed: as agents of creating problems–not solving them.

The Revolution to Restore the Republic of the United States – (h/t:T) The announcement claims that people will march on DC to “to arrest all members of congress, the president, and all supreme court justices where they will be held without bond until a full independent investigation and trial have been completed.”

This, like the Adam Kokesh armed march that was scheduled for July 4, most likely will fizzle.

BUT, it will continue to plant the idea in the minds of many Americans that this idea will work–IF ONLY enough people would join in and march on Washington.  They will eventually play TV spots of the biggest protests in Washington of years past.  One day in the near future–a big march will take place.

It will not be a pretty sight.

Pennsylvania judge bars enforcement of Voter ID law – (h/t:T) Isn’t it odd how judges have become the excuse why our system of government no longer responds to the will of the people?  One person in the judiciary can paralyze the government?!?

This reminds one of the Polish Sejm.  The 460-member legislative body was blamed for thwarting not only the will of the people, but for preventing any useful government action at all–much like today’s judicial system is used.

In the Sejm, the ‘liberum veto‘ was in effect.  That meant that all 460 members had to agree or there could be no governance in Poland.

“Additionally, if the envoys were unable to reach a unanimous decision within six weeks (the time limit of a single session), deliberations were declared void and all previous acts passed by that Sejm were annulled. From the mid-17th century onward, any objection to a Sejm resolution, by either an envoy or a senator, automatically caused the rejection of other, previously approved resolutions. This was because all resolutions passed by a given session of the Sejm formed a whole resolution…”

This is much the same principle as the American system, where ONE judge can effectively shut down what were inconvenient votes by the people (the people of California twice voting down homosexual marriage) or preventing previously-passed laws from taking effect.

Judges in 2013 America take the place of the senators and envoys in the Polish Sejm.  They paralyze the country from making changes– but the illusion that the system set up 237 years ago works is still preserved for a little while longer.

Explosion Reported On Manhattan’s Queensboro Bridge In NYC (PHOTOS

BLOOMBERG: Fingerprint all public housing residents – How insidious!  Just as what’s left of the American economy is about to tank, the calls for anyone receiving ANY type of assistance (that means YOU, Mr and Mrs Soon-to-be-unemployed-worker) to give up all privacy in their lives increases.

This will be a good demonstration of the principle that the string-pullers know to be true: people will give up anything–ANYTHING (including their privacy and dignity)–when they or their families are threatened with hunger or loss of housing.  Or, in Modern America, even a loss of convenience.

Judge arrested for planting drugs on ex-lover’s husband – Mingo County, WV used to be considered a “world apart.”  Not anymore.  It’s now a reflection of the world.

Man decapitates roommate; tells cops “things got a little carried away” – Florida crime is in a class by itself some days…

McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets found to contain mysterious fibers, hair-like structures; Natural News Forensic Food Lab posts research photos, video

Hardy Elementary School embraces the Power of Prayer – (h/t:L)

GOP votes to ban NBC, CNN from their debates– And soon, the Dems will vote to ban Fox. For what it’s worth.  Eventually, the debates will be EVEN more of a professionally-produced show than what they currently are.

At some point, maybe the candidates will have to show off their dancing skills ala Dancing with the Stars?

The debates are carefully-staged events the media puts on to herd Americans into thinking that they have made a choice.
Americans are conveniently provided Media-produced polls, Media-produced debates and media-produced 24/7 cable networks on which elite talking heads chatter.  Before the largely-imaginary votes are even cast, the imaginary opponents have dropped out, withdrawn and otherwise left the American people with the desired choices: two preselected, media-produced candidates.

The Corporate Media will then confirm the “choices” and provide narratives (scripts) why this or that happened.  And most Americans will swallow it; all the while cheering on our GREAT system while grumbling that the candidates they are convinced they have picked are always lousy.

American elections have devolved into a “choice between the lesser of two evils.”  Which is exactly what it has become.  Most Americans believe this has happened inadvertently.  Some of us, however, can see that it is entirely intentional.

39% think that Elections are Fair – So maybe more Americans than this writer is aware of the way things are?!?

Museum of Idolatry – A pretty impressive (over 1500) exhibit of  videos and pix documenting idolatry in the visible church.

Particularly impressive: the photo collage (the video is no longer available) of “pastor” Rod Parsley zip-lining into his pulpit; the Worst Easter Promo  Ever (unintentionally hilarious); and, a video of Ozzy Osbourne’s Crazy Train in in the “Praise and Worship” set at church.

Two of the most over-the-top (and this writer saw less than 100 of the exhibits) were:

Marinating: Pickling in God’s Presence – This one by “new apostle Todd Bentley.

Prophetic Tattoo & Piercing Interpretation?!? also made the “highly surprising” grade…

Unfortunately, this is a small sample of the heresies invading the last days church.  And not only invading–but being INVITED IN, presented and cheered.

Your 12-hour Road Trip would have taken 6 weeks in 1800

Atheists ‘have higher IQs’: Their intelligence ‘makes them more likely to dismiss religion as irrational and unscientific’– Sure they do!  And they are better looking and have a lower percentage of body fat and they NEVER lie.  All the coolest kids are atheists!

Power companies dangle free nights and weekends

JUDGE: Foreigners can sue U.S. pastor over sermons

Nursery Rhyme Facts!

47% think a random group could do a better job than Congress – If the number reaches 100%, that would mean that public education is no longer available.

AD for CompuServe in 1983 (they copyrighted the word ’email’)

(VIDEO) Oprah denies that there is only one way“There can’t possibly be one way!” T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen have joined with Oprah at Mega-Fest August 29 in Dallas.  When one preaches the other gospel of prosperity, it matters not whether you take the stage with a prime promoter of the New Age.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
–2 Corinthians 6:14

With such speakers as New Age Priestess Oprah Winfrey, who famously said when referring to Jesus, “There couldn’t possibly be just one way!” T. D. Jakes, and Joel Osteen, one thing people attending will not find is the gospel.
Oprah and Friends

“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name.”
–Psalm 29:2 (h/t:B)

QUAKE: 6.5 New Zealand

QUAKE: 5.8 New Zealand

QUAKE: 5.9 New Zealand

QUAKE: Papua Indonesia

QUAKE: 6.1 Southwest Indian Ridge, off the coast of Africa

Residents evacuated, vacationers flee Idaho’s massive fire

Protests continue over toxic St. Lucie River

Children and SmartPhones: What’s the Right Age? – One of the most elemental techniques when making a sale is giving the customer a choice–instead of a “yes” or “no” answer.  That’s the basis behind this story.  Instead of “SHOULD your children have a SmartPhone?”  it becomes, “What’s the Right Age?”  This assumes that they have the right to have a SmartPhone.  This also assumes that it is even in the kids’ best interest to have such a device.

But the government/Corporate Media’s motto seems to be: Start ’em young! 

Any parent standing against this tsunami is outnumbered by kids, culture, and constant advertising pressures from media, government and “helpful” articles such as this one.

EXPLOSIONS! Caution: Russian "meteor" ahead...
EXPLOSIONS! Caution: Russian “meteor” ahead…

Russian Meteor Explosion’s Dust Cloud Lingered In Atmosphere for Months – One more way that Americans are fed disinformation is via the “explanatory” article–such as this one.

Initially, there were some ‘inconvenient’ facts surrounding the  Russian “meteor.”  Such as, since when did “meteors” start sporting vapor trails?  Also, the quotes from at least one member of the Russian parliament, inconveniently blaming the USA for the “meteor” disappeared after the initial reports.

This article purports to explore the “dust cloud.”  While droning on about the “dust cloud,” the article will shape and sculpt the narrative being pushed on the public: that what the public saw was a “meteor”–and nothing more.

In the guise of science, the weight of accumulated articles such as this, will set the narrative desired by TPTB in the public’s mind.

Each succeeding article will concentrate on various pieces of the narrative and remain silent on any facts, figures or photos that do not fit the narrative.  After a while–voila!–people will believe that they have an accurate idea of what happened.  Instead of a carefully crafted script of events.

Michael Savage taking Sean Hannity’s afternoon radio slot – This is on the Cumulus radio stations that dropped Hannity.  Now Cumulus listeners will get Savage’s unique mixture of vitriol, relentless self-promotion, plain speaking and gibberish in the afternoon on their drive home!

Look for road rage to increase in Cumulus markets.

‘I get women ready for their illicit dates. . . and then get them ready to go back to their husbands’: Confessions from the blow-dry bar – Waxing worse and worse in many different ways…

We must remember why ‘In God We Trust” is on our money – (h/t:T)  Here’s a idea: why not put “In Jesus we Trust” on our money!  Oh, because that name would never be approved.  “God” is very nebulous.

Christians can pretend that the Federal Reserve means the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Muslims can believe that is means “Allah.”  Luciferians can believe that god refers to their guy.  Hindus can substitute their candidate and so on.

Did America suddenly become an incredibly Christian nation in 1956? Because that’s when this change to our money was made.

In God we Trust.”

On the back of the one-dollar bill, it’s above the occult, all- seeing eye of Lucifer (or Horus) on the great seal.

[NOTE – This writer has noticed that several sites useful for research have disappeared or been shut down over the last few weeks.  Hopefully, these sites will soon be available once more.  It would have been helpful to have had them available for commenting on this article.]

The Three-Day Sugar Detox: How to banish sweet stuff from your life to look younger AND lose weight – The media attacks on sugar have really intensified over the lasts
three weeks.  You’d think the media was talking about Christianity…

Forty Pythons found in motel room – It was either Satan’s playground–or a snake-handler’s convention…

IN THE EMAIL – (h/t:T)  Titled “Falcon nesting in tree”


I’ve received many remarkable nature photographs over the years but this photo of a nesting Falcon is perhaps the most remarkable nature shot that I’ve ever seen. 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Nature is truly

<a href=”http://i.imgur.com/YW6Fufm.A FALCON NESTING IN A TREE

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT YESTERDAY: End Times Prophecy Headlines: August 16, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: July 13-14, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
July 13-14, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION


BREAKING: Russia Mobilizes 160,000 Troops After US Officials Confirm Israel Took Out Russian Missiles At Latakia Arsenal in Syria, The Most Ambitious Since 1991 Military Exercises In The Far East – So what is this saying?  That Putin didn’t know about the Israeli strike until he saw it confirmed on CNN?  That’s ludicrous.

US to media: Israel struck Latakia arsenal last week. Will Putin and Assad make good on threats of reprisal?

New Front Opens in Syria as ‘Rebels’ say al-Qaeda attack means war

Pentagon warns that soon China, North Korea and Iran will be able to strike the U.S. – If the Chinese can send a rocket into space, don’t you think they might be able to send one to the USA right now?

Nigerian Islamic extremist leader: We will burn down schools, kill teachers but not children

Arizona Pastor arrested for holding Bible study in his home – Land of the Free, baby! [NOTE: This story is from a year ago.  Originally, I thought this was a different case; it was not.  Still, the original case was bad enough.]

Airman Punished for Objecting to Gay Marriage in Military Chapel

WARNING: America’s Next False Flag:SENATE Bill let’s president shut down the Internet – Rest assured: when the Internet goes, there likely won’t be electricity to run it.  Here’s two important questions: 1-Do you think the government will shut down one of its primary ways to spy on you? 2-Do you think that the government will shut down one of its primary ways to feed propaganda to you?  No, me neither.

English: President Barack Obama confers with F...
English: President Barack Obama confers with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke following their meeting at the White House. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Inflation is too low?  Are you kidding us Bernanke?  – No, Ben Bernanke is not kidding: he’s rubbing the middle class’s face in it.

Much of what Washington politicians will say in the coming months is meant to anger Americans.  They want you in the streets.

Saves them the trouble of having to find you later.

New Pope; Same Old Deception – Hard to improve on this headline…

EPA regulations force utility to close coal-fired plant rather than revamp it
– Everyone is forced into their actions these days.  No one is responsible because the “government made me do it.”  The devil might be getting jealous.

Senators inept while questioning Nuland on Benghazi – Don’t believe it.  The senators were NOT inept.  The senators are complicit.  But politicians will always–ALWAYS–plead incompetence instead of criminal actions.  They are happy to cop to being “inept.”  And, happy when those in the media willingly help them in their deceptive pleadings.

(VIDEO) 3 minutes of the Funniest Laughing Babies


Negative magnitude Earthquake strikes Western Washington


Typhoon hits China after killing 1 in Taiwan

Worst Flooding In India in 50 years

Why So Many Wildfires? Half The Country Is Turning Into An Intensely Hot, Bone Dry Burn Zone

Severe heat-wave grips Japan: 12 dead

Mysterious Manatee and Dolphin Deaths in Florida Confound Scientists

Devastating Virus hits U.S. Hog Farms – pestilence

United Arab Emirates reports its first MERS case – more pestilence

Foreign Parasite Infects 80 People in Iowa and Nebraska

Biological Hazard – Cambodia, Province of Prey Veng, [Kantha Bopha Hospital ] : A three-year-old boy from Cambodia’s eastern Prey Veng province has been confirmed positive for the avian influenza H5N1  –  still more pestilence

CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine – More man-made pestilence.

“According to The Washington Post, the NSA has been monitoring phone
calls and emails of people in Mexico. So apparently it’s not enough to
spy on American citizens, they feel they have to spy on FUTURE American
citizens as well.”

–Jay Leno

(VIDEO) Boatlift: an Untold Story – (h/t:L) Well worth the 11 minutes it takes to watch this untold story…

An entertainment-driven church? – Sad but true.  If Elvis was alive, he might be King in many churches in America 2013.

Obama is embarrassed by ObamaCare – This is such a huge load of disinformation, it almost makes you laugh.  Phyllis Schafly was known for her anti-feminist bent in the 70s and 80s.  She should leave the disinformation on ObamaCare to the experts.  Although, one has to admit: she is entertaining.

CDC admits that there is no benefit in reducing salt – Wonder if CDC will tell NYC Mayor Bloomberg?  If they tell him, how many readers believe it will matter?  I though so too…

Demon Exorcised: Polish Exorcisms Available for Internet Addicts – If Catholics knew their Bible, they would have no need of a middleman.  That’s one of the reasons why that church discourages their members from reading the Bible.

Report: Napolitano to Resign – If this is true, readers will know by the time this is published. As this is included around noon on Friday July 12.  UPDATE: It was true.  The names change, but the New World Order agenda marches on…

MORE: Napolitano Stepping Down as Homeland Security Chief

PayPass: The RFID Credit card you don’t swipe: you “tap” it – It looks as if all McDonalds, CVS Drug Stores and most large chains take them. IF the Mark of the Beast is a card, chip or similar device, it will be marketed as a way to save people a few seconds–and they will line up; fighting to get one…

“Residents of northeast Colorado, which is much more rural than the
rest of the state, don’t think they’re properly represented so they want
to break the state into two pieces.  The idea is to divide Colorado into two
states, and they want to call the new state North Colorado. If you’re
going to go to the trouble of creating a new state, give it a cool name
like Danger Zone, or Colorado 2: The Reckoning.”

–Jimmy Kimmel

666 Alert: The 666 Surveillance System
666 Alert: The Surveillance System is being put into place.

The 666 Surveillance System

In Audio Recording, Department of Justice Official Urges Protesters to Seek ‘Justice’ for Trayvon Martin – The ramping up of racial tensions on both sides proceeds…

ANGRY BLACK MOB VIOLENCE ON ZIMMERMAN VERDICT: POLICE OFFICERS ALREADY TRAINING FOR POSSIBLE BLACK VIOLENCE, DOESN’T MATTER IF ZIMMERMAN IS NOT GUILTY, THEY JUST WANT ‘JUSTICE’ – And wouldn’t you know it, just by coincidence, this story–which originated at WND, of course–hits the Angry Black Mob trifecta in its headline.  It uses “Angry,”  “Black Mob” AND “Violence”–all in the first four words!  This is the umpteenth article hyping the “Angry Black Mob meme from ABM Central: WND.  Hope they’re getting paid by the word for this…  Both sides are stoking
black-white tensions and WND is one of the most shameless.

The media has been throwing the gasoline and there will be paid provocateurs to make sure it finds its way to the fire.  Do You Know Jesus?

Kingdom of God

Student Loans “$22b Dilemma” Still No Agreement Amongst Legislators – Student loans are another way to enslave Americans–yet the appetite for enslavement keeps growing?!?

Tea party petition to prosecute Eric Holder nears 1 million signers – The country of petitions has been long gone.

The Bahai Faith, Religion of the New World Order

(VIDEO) Human-powered Helicopter makes aviation history – Kinda neat, but I’m not sure I’d want to depend on it to get me any where?!?

A Live Stream from something titled the Pike’s Peak Prophecy Conference –  Many of the superstars from the well-greased Modern American Prophecy Industry machine will be there.  Making merchandise of their entertaining, sci-fi version of the end times–with “Christians” lapping it up without so much as a question…

Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin – A message from a Christian using a quote from Gandhi.  We have to love the sinner enough to tell them of their sin, for none are good, no not one.  God loves the sinner–right up until the moment they die: then the Perfect Judge will judge them.

We all deserve hell–but Jesus came and made a way for us, that we might enjoy eternal life!  NOW, that’s a message of hope!

Do you know Jesus?

Brad Pitt, Family, and Faith – There are no end of those who will attempt to defend the indefensible.

25 Must Have Survival Foods: Put Them In Your Pantry Now

When Constitutions go Bad

Tea Party Says Time For IRS is Over –  Where was the Tea Party 60 years ago?

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT YESTERDAY: End Times Prophecy Headlines; July 12, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson

–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 5, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report: Headlines, News Commentary
Bible Prophecy in Today’s headlines

End Times Prophecy Report
June 5, 2013

English: Signature of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Thi...
English: Signature of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This signature is usually seen on documents which are made public, his official signature is a bit different. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Gulf sources: ‘Accidents’ to Ahmadinejad, Jalili were attempted assassinations – There were also stories/rumors from Iran last month that Ahmadinejad had been jailed.

New World Order: 37 Quotes on The New World Order, One-World Government and One-World Religion – It is by no means a new topic of conversation among the rich and powerful of this present world.  Though the quotes featured are mostly from the 20th century, the work toward this end has proceeded for hundreds of years…

North Koreans officers join Syrian army troops – There were North Korean workers killed back when Israel bombed a suspected Syrian nuke site in 2007…

Middle East powder keg: North Korean officers reportedly aiding Syrian fighters in war zone

Does China Plan To Back The Yuan With Gold And Make It The Primary Global Reserve Currency? – Why, I think they have it!

EARTHQUAKE–M5.6 – 54km SE of Pahala, Hawaii

Caffeine withdrawal is now a mental disorder – We now live in a country of the absurdly surreal…

(VIDEO) Most Amazing Tennis Shot in History – It is pretty awesome

One-third of the world is infected with some kind of disease – pestilence

A Modern Day Example of False Teaching

55 Reasons you should homeschool

Free Home Schooling Deals

What if I Had No Money for Homeschool Curriculum?


The first Ferris wheel from the 1893 World Col...
The first Ferris wheel from the 1893 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

China unveils the world’s largest ‘spokeless’ Ferris wheel… but would YOU ride in it?

A conversation with Christian Syrian refugees in Amman

State police investigating Massachusetts Aqueduct tampering – From a weird story a few weeks ago about some arrests concerning this case.  Regardless, it all likely has to do with “Water is the new Gold.”

Water is flowing in a parched Rio Grande riverbed near Las Cruces NM for the first time this year – complete with a nice photo gallery of what severe drought looks like in the SW USA…

Philippines: earthquakes in Mindanao to last for months, volcanic anomalies reported underground

El Reno tornado, at 2.6 miles across, was widest on record

Oklahoma braces for possibly more tornadoes

Flash flood warning along Mississippi River

The earth’s magnetic field is due to flip

“Actor Steven Seagal is now in Russia. He is meeting with Vladimir Putin. Is this what American foreign policy has come down to? Dennis Rodman is in North Korea. Steven Seagal is in Russia. What’s next? Are we air dropping Gary Busey into Syria? Maybe Snooki goes to Iraq?”
–Jay Leno

Pope: Financial reform along ethical lines – For an overview of the pope’s speech, see the next headline…

The Pope joins the chorus in blaming free markets  –  Of course.  The pope blames the free market for the world’s financial  troubles and when the free market falls, he can say, “I told you so.  Oh, and by the way, I have a better plan.  One that involves a one-world currency.”

Nazi Germany, USA: Both Got the Leaders That Reflected the Voters

DNA Seizure Allowed by Supreme Court Ruling – This is only one of the first public steps.  Readers may ask, “”Toward what, exactly?”  To be continued…

First Genetically Modified Babies Are Born – Here’s another step (mentioned in the last headline commentary)

Your DNA belongs to the State – The article insists that the Supreme Court is shredding the Constitution.  It should read in the past tense, “has shredded…”  WARNING: Those who do not realize that they are no longer protected by a Constitution will be forced to suffer the consequences of their willful ignorance.

New Jersey considering bill to slash food assistance to the poor – Remember that phrase you used to hear all the time: “the safety net?”  It is being shredded as you sit reading this.

Christianity being eradicated from the Middle East countries

Heracleion Photos: Lost Egyptian City Revealed After 1,200 Years Under Sea

Another sinkhole in Florida forces another home evacuation

Mumbai to Ban Lingerie Mannequins in Bid to Stop Rape Epidemic

Over 1000 drivers stopped at DUI checkpoint; Zero were drunk – Silly rabbit, the DUI checkpoints were only tangentially about curbing drunk drivers.  They were mainly about setting up checkpoints and getting Americans trained to obey them.  Mission Accomplished!

SC Could Become 1st State to Restrict Enactment of Obamacare

A Modern Day Example of False Teaching

“This latest California wildfire is getting pretty scary. But Governor Jerry Brown has it under control. He said he is going to tax and regulate the fire until it gets fed up and moves to another state.”
Jay Leno

Horror at the school homecoming dance: Girl, 16, ‘gang-raped by up to TWENTY men and left for dead’ in brutal attack that stunned Californian town – It’s a sick world out there–and getting sicker by the minute…

(VIDEO) Experiment: What happens when a dump truck going 50mph hits a military-grade concrete barrier? – Wow!

Woman Conceived in Incest: Please Don’t Kill Children Like Me in Abortion

Syria’s chemical weapons program was built to counter Israel

(VIDEO) The Things that God Hates, part 4

“A new study found that drinking soda is just as bad for your teeth as using meth. However, soda is still less likely to make you live under a bridge with a guy named Snake.”
–Jimmy Fallon

Mystical Sites: The U.S. Capitol Building – Another good article which explores the many hidden symbols on display in public at the heart of the USA: the Capitol Building in Washington DC (Den of Corruption)…

Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, TX with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March – Hear that?  It’s the rumblings of a coming revolt. That giant “THUD!” you hear afterwards is the sound of a heavy military boot crushing said action…

Warner Bros is not only hoping you notice the Superman comparisons to Christ: they’re counting on it – Sad and tragic if it weren’t taken so seriously by those involved…

Turkey’s Violent Protests in Context

Dating & Marriage 101: A Proverbs 7 Woman – Is She Marriage Worthy?

The Student Loan Delinquency Rate In The United States Has Hit A Brand New Record High – “Millions upon millions of young college graduates are entering the “real world” only to discover that they are already financially crippled for decades to come by oppressive student loan debt burdens.”

A WiFi Brain? Mind Control? – Right now, it looks cool: manipulating video games and toy helicopters using only your mind.  But tomorrow?

11 People still missing in Mass Kidnapping in Mexico City – Does this signal the final assault of anarchy (The drug cartels) on the capital of Mexico?

Another Gospel, part 4 – Watchman broadcast Audio of ‘Another Gospel, Another Spirit, Another Jesus’

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.