End Times Prophecy Headlines: March 24, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
March 24, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION

NOTE: Inclusion of an article link does not necessarily indicate approval of the site from which the article appeared.


UKRAINE: Ukraine fears Russia “ready to attack”

UKRAINE: Ukraine Foreign Minister: Chances of War are growing

UKRAINE: Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible say?

SYRIA: Turkey shoots down Syrian plane; claims it violated its airspace

RUSSIA: Vladamir Putin, Russia’s spy-in-chief

RUSSIA: Losing our illusions about Russia

RUSSIA: What is Russia’s next move?

MEXICO: Mexico see Russian gambit in Ukraine as a chance for American land grab

UGANDA: Obama pressures Uganda to aid gays – IF ONLY the government was as concerned about the millions upon millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans….

EGYPT: Egyptian court sentences 529 Muslim Brotherhood members to death

ISRAEL: Netanyahu allocates nearly 3 billion for Iran attack

GERMANY: Germany seizes cocaine-filled condoms addressed to the Vatican


Taking Photos in a Public Place is not a crime: Analysis – For any reader who is stopped on a highway at 2 am and the police officer tells them to put away their camera.

Don’t hand the officer a copy of the linked article instead of your drivers license.

This is so much blah-blah-blah.  At 2 am on a city street, whatever the police say is, at that moment, the law of the land.  Sure, the courts can “sort it out later.”  And occasionally, they do sort it out.  But the American court system, once a dice game is now a rigged dice game with little satisfaction for the ordinary, non-wealthy, non-lawyered-up American.

The fact that we’re even having the conversation about taking photos in public places demonstrates the depths of slavery under which the people of this country labor.

And for any doubters: having the conversation doesn’t demonstrate any great “freedom” we’re granted.

It merely serves as a facade behind which the slavery hides.

“Talk all you want, just keep working…”

High court to weigh the limits of religious freedom in ObamaCare case

MITT ROMNEY: Our national esteem has fallen under Obama“National esteem?!?”  “NATIONAL ESTEEM?!?”

Truly, only a fake candidate from a pseudo-party in a sham system who is part of a false religion could bring up such a non-issue as “national esteem.”

“I voted for the Democrats because I didn’t like the way the Republicans were running the country.  Which is turning out to be like shooting yourself in the head to stop your headache.”
–Jack Mayberry

Why does MIchelle Obama’s mother live at the White House? – To keep her company?

Obama tells young Americans that buying into ObamaCare is “Part of Growing Up”

Jimmy Carter: Obama never calls me

Hillary Clinton distances herself from Obama – Too late


Lyndon B. Johnson behind John F. Kennedy’s assassination: – Interesting piece.  So many Americans want to look at the JFK assassination as a “good vs evil” narrative.

Almost 51 years later, the two most practical ways to view the event are:

1- In 2014, it’s a distraction from other, more important events; and,

2- Instead of viewing it as “good vs evil,” it probably should be viewed as “the resolution of an internal disagreement between the string-pullers and their puppets.”

There are no heroes at the international level of power politics.

Nor has there been for centuries.

“His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”
Luke 22:44 – (h/t:B)

Satan: What does the Bible say about Satan, the Devil?

Railing Against the Devil: What does the Bible say?

Carbon Dioxide in atmosphere at highest peak ever – Which should be great news for the plants, which have to have CO2 to survive.  But in the environmental movement, such news is always “Heads I win, tails you lose.”

World’s largest super-collider abandoned – Before the European Hadron super-collider, there was the American Superconducting Super Collider in Texas.  Remember that? Miles and miles and miles of underground tunnels in Texas, supposedly for the world’s largest super-collider?  Suddenly abandoned in 1993 after the USA spent billions on its construction?

That was soooo 1980s.  But, wonder what the government is doing with all of those miles and miles and miles of underground tunnels–and whatever else was constructed?

Probably nothing.


Common Core Spawns Widespread Political Fights

John McCain plans his first Arizona reelection fundraiser

NOAH epic awash in criticism about green agenda and taking liberties with the Bible – Stories such as this one will continue to provide millions of dollars of free publicity to the deceptive flick.

Colorado House to consider controversial vaccination law

Ten Reasons why pathetic pastors stay silent on serious issues – This writer will speak in defense of the “pathetic pastors.”

This article is by another in a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG line of those who want the Church to be involved in politics and other earthly matters.  It really upsets these types of writers whenever they think that there is an unorganized vote somewhere, somehow that is not turning out for one of their favorite secular causes.

They completely miss the purpose of the Church.  It is NOT an extension of the Republican or Democratic Parties.  It is not a convenient place for the earthly-minded to meet and plan strategies on how to achieve a kingdom here in this world.  The Church is not a bloc of votes or leg workers.  It is not a another mountain to be conquered for the glory of man.

IN 2014 American, endless appeals are made to the Church to “Be more like the world!” or “Be more like a political action committee!”  Be a man!  Rise up!  Are you a man or a mouse?!”

Where are the appeals to “Be more like Christ?”

One suspects that such biblical appeals are not nearly as exciting to those who chase after earthly power.  In any case, the rhetoric used by the earthly power pushers has definitely been ratcheted up.  Those who pursue Christ in lieu of a kingdom on earth are labeled as “pathetic,” “spineless,” “gutless” and worse.

The author of the piece, from the picture posted at the top of the site, believes in the power of firearms over the power of Jesus Christ.  He attacks the idea of the Rapture as part of a “Last Days Madness” used by “impotent” pastors.

What’s the take of the piece?

IF ONLY everyone in the Church would follow the same false doctrines the author has swallowed: everything would peachy-keen and America would become the Land of their Imagination.

In the Christian Church today, a great many people sit in churches all over America who are not born again; who have not experienced the amazing transformation of the new birth.  For decades, this writer could be counted among their number.  That is truly a sad situation.

But among those pretend Christians, a few take up their pen and write ungodly words not found in the Bible.  Jude called such as these “clouds that are without water.”

That is sad beyond words.

But the appearance of these people in the Church is also a warning to all who would take heed.

But many will not take heed.  The Bible says as much.  Most of those sitting in pews will follow along behind the words of the pretend Christians and their gospel-less pretend Christianity.

And that is not just sad.

That is a tragedy.

Spineless Christians and the War on Values – (h/t:B)

The Apostate American Church will win over every nation and tongue

ObamaCare turns 4-years-old – Ain’t it cute?

What Happens if the Keystone XL Pipeline Isn’t Built?

The Counterfeit Church and its Feel-Good Gospel: Berit Kjos

Spontaneous Human Combustion – Interesting article on SHC.  Inclusion of this link–or any link–in no way indicates approval of the site on which the article appeared.

Missing Jet Plane: Pilot received untraceable call before the flight

MISSING JET MYSTERY Search teams race weather as new object spotted

IN THE EMAIL: An epistle from the Tea Party asking folks to “RISE UP!  Americans are gathering in Washington DC”

18 percent say their home is worth less than when they bought it – This is not the American Dream.  The American Dream is “More, more more!”

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.”
Matthew 16:4

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
–John 8:32

Not power; not a Presence; not signs; not wonders: The Truth is what shall set men free.

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
–John 8:36

(VIDEO) Chemtrail pilots spraying blood

Famous last words on ObamaCare by former Congressmen who supported it


Arctic weather is returning to the midwest – Translation: It must be cold enough to snow somewhere.

50 dead in Ebola outbreak in Guinea

QUAKE: 5.1 Beaufort Sea

QUAKE: 2.9 Baja California Mexico

15 Earthquakes recorded in Oklahoma since Friday

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: March 22-23, 2014

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives


by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 23, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
December 23, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION


SOUTH SUDAN:  South Sudan Capital Receives U.S. Citizens Transported From Bor Amidst Intense Violence

RUSSIA: U.S. nuclear general drank too much, misbehaved in Russia

CHINA: China pressures press to tone down cash crunch stories

NORTH KOREA: North Korea sends very threatening message.  By fax.

SYRIA:  Syrian helicopter bomb raids kill 42 in Aleppo

EGYPT: Lives of fear for Egypt’s Christians


75 percent think parents should decide if there is prayer in their child’s school

What Does a Healthcare.Gov Bureaucrat Have to do to Get Fired?

Krauthammer: A nation finally wakes up to the true radicalism of ObamaCare and the deception behind its passage – Not even sure what he means here.  This writer seems to recall crowds of Americans massed around the House of Representatives, urging, begging the House in 2010 to NOT PASS OBAMACARE.

Krauthammer is just rubbing people’s noses in ObamaCare here–which is his suspected intent.

22 percent think the federal government needs more tax money

Obamacare’s signup deadline on Monday has its exceptions


Report: 20 cases of child human trafficking investigated in Kentucky in four month periodAnd the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11

Mass. police find heroin stamped with ‘Obamacare’

Shock: Houston grand jury won’t indict abortionist for twisting heads off of newborn babies

Meet the enemy of killer fungus that turns ants into zombies – Daily Zombie Link

Persecution, Tribulation, Troubles, Trials: What the Bible Says to Christians

DUCK DYNASTY: More nonstop DD media coverage
DUCK DYNASTY: More nonstop DD media coverage

EXCLUSIVE – ‘Hung out to dry’: Duck Dynasty star and family hit out at A&E for letting his controversial interview go public and for suspending him for homophobic comments – Bizarre headline.  Family is upset at A&E about Phil Robertson’s interview?!?

The Duck Dynasty media blizzard is one of those non-events beloved by our Corporate Media.  As it is not very important–except to Phil Robertson’s and A&E’s bottom line–in a very short while, everyone will have forgotten about many of the specifics.

Oh yeah. Did anyone mention that Phil Robertson just happens to have a new book coming out? What a coincidence!

Duck Dynasty: A&E, Cracker Barrel Cave – The question to all Christians who exalt Duck Dynasty: Is DD furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ? It’s understood that some good feeling accrue to DD due to the “Any port in a storm” theory–and there’s some merit in that.  But there’s a problem with using TV shows as substitutionary morality.

After the Robertson family announced publicly that it would be unthinkable for them to continue with the top rated show without their patriarch Phil Robertson, the suits at A&E and Disney, who owns them seem to have had a change of heart…especially after feeling the heat from their viewers, ( a ‘boycott A&E’ Facebook page received over 1.5 million likes in a matter of a couple of days) and very likely after consulting with their lawyers about what their violation of Robertson’s civil and First Amendment rights was likely to cost them in court.

Since when is it a “violation of Robertson’s civil and First Amendment rights” to appear on an A&E TV show?  In short, it isn’t.  Americans are not guaranteed a right to appear on TV. Phil Robertson was perfectly within his rights to say anything he wished in a media interview.  A&E was perfectly within their rights to decide if what Robertson said met the needs of their TV property on which Robertson appears.

This is just ignorance of the American government and/or judicial system.  But this is what 2013 America is about: ignorance.  Oh, and holding up the objects or people of this world as worthy of our extravagant respect or admiration or devotion.

Which just happens to be one of the definitions of “worship.”

So no, no one violated any of Phil Robertson’s “rights.”

Unless of course, A&E put a gun to Robertson’s head and forced him to sign that very lucrative contract to have A&E broadcast their half-hour Duck Commander infomercial every week.  Did A&E do that?  If they did–and Phil Robertson appeared on the Duck Dynasty show against his will–then perhaps there is a “civil and First Amendment rights” violation at work here.

Phil Robertson’s suspension is apparently over, and he will return to the show in January.No word on whether a fifth season is in the works, but if it works out contractually and the Robertsons are no longer obligated to A&E, don’t be surprised if Duck Dynasty appears on a different outlet.

Further proof that the entire manufactured media controversy of the Duck Guy at Duck Dynasty was publicity-driven (as we wrote here: Duck Dynasty: Phil Robertson’s Duck Media Obligation).  And it worked like a charm.  More Americans are now aware of Duck Dynasty as a brand and a TV show.  More Americans, from this point on, are now emotionally invested in what the Duck Guys say on moral issues.

It will be useful to remember this in the future.

And in the end, did the entire media frenzy benefit both Phil Robertson and Disney?

Why, I believe it did.

RELATED: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes may soon find out that the First Amendment doesn’t guarantee anyone their own show on cable


Miss Duck Dynasty?  Try Quack Dynasty with the Obamas

Corsi: Time to Duck Dynasty Barack Obama out of the White House – Even (especially?!?) the Tea Party has climbed on the DD bandwagon.

Unruly crowd causes commotion at Salvation Army toy distribution in Pittsburgh – Many Americans no longer exhibit that fruit of the Spirit called “temperance” (self-control).  In fact, many Americans celebrate having no self-control.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23

Man holding 3-year-old leaps from 52 story building

Peppermint provides surprising results for digestive problems, physical performance and weight loss

Colorado Officials Thwart New High School Shooting as Previous Victim Dies


Received in the Email:  Two items.  #1 –

As you are aware, West Virginia and Ohio are implementing Obamacare via Medicaid expansion and the heavy cost will hit both States in a few years when the Federal Government reduces payments as they have done repeatedly in the past.

In light of the Obamacare disaster unfolding before our very eyes it is rather shocking that our State officials are willing to plunge the people into such huge long term debt.

West Virginia is all in with Obamacare but Ohio had some opposition to this morally offensive law. Unfortunately the Ohio Supreme Court ruled against the people and Ohio will now join West Virginia and plunge Ohioans into long term debt.

The legal argument of the case is explained below:

Lawsuit: Ohio’s Attempted Medicaid Expansion Unlawful

#2 – (h/t:G)

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life. As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the Nova Scotia back country.

As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn’t stop for directions.

I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late.

I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.

And as I played “Amazing Grace”, the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished, I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head was hung low, my heart was full.

As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, “I never seen nothing like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.”

Hospitals Suffering From Mass Layoffs Thanks to Obamacare – Articles like this have been a feature of 2013–not just the last part of 2013.  Still, hospital employment for 2013 is up(?!?) according to this report.

Doctor, Nurse Vacancies Soar Amid Obamacare Rollout – So, if hospital jobs are being cut, then how are vacancies of doctors and nurses “soaring”?

Boston Children’s Hospital Controversy After Court Denies Parents Custody of Child

Check out these healthy gluten-free alternatives to white flour

America’s Not So Bright Future ~~~ J.D. Longstreet

What Jesus says about homosexuality – When the world starts citing the Bible, nonsense ensues.

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
1 Corinthians 2:14

Did Jesus condemn homosexuality?  – Hate using WND as a source, but the article is good and to the point.

The Next Detroit?  Atlantic City and Las Vegas both facing catastrophic collapse

The Cowardly Lions – Another look at DD.

Is Christmas purely a pagan holiday? – Agreed: Christians should celebrate Christ’s birth.  Because we don’t know the exact date is no reason not to celebrate it.  However, that being said, Christians don’t have to use pagan means to celebrate the birth of Jesus.


Chaos: Severe and strange weather sweeps U.S., threatens holiday travelers – Don’t see it, but this writer is not a weather person.

ICE AND SNOW FRUSTRATE US HOLIDAY TRAVEL RUSHWeather extremes: December snowfall breaks 112-year record in Calgary

QUAKE: 3.8 Nevada

QUAKE: 3.3 Baja California Mexico

QUAKE: 5.2 southeast Indian Ridge

QUAKE: 5.5 Marianas Islands region

QUAKE: 5.0 Marianas Islands region

Government estimates 23,000 would be killed in 7 mag. earthquake beneath Tokyo

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 21-22, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

Duck- phanlop88, FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Email-jscreationzs, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 19, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
December 19, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION


SAUDI ARABIA: Saudi Arabia to go it alone on Syria

ISRAEL: Nuclear checkmate heightens Israeli-Saudi covert war

NORTH KOREA:  Kim Jong Un: Serious You Guys, I Didn’t Execute My Wife!

INDIA: Kerry expresses regret over Indian diplomat’s case

INDIA: Kerry expresses regret over strip search of arrested Indian diplomat

SOUTH AFRICA: Mandela’s Legacy: The Free-fall of South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA: Reporter’s Notebook: South Africa still struggles with racial reconciliation

CHINA: China says all okay with US-China sea incident


Asian trade treaty will destroy America – Who’s worse at sensationalism: WND, Canada Free Press or Before it’s News?  Right now, WND is in the lead, BIN is 2nd and CFP is on the outside looking to make up ground.  CFP gets an “A” for effort on this headline, though.

EPA official, who pretended to work for CIA, sentenced to 32 months – Question: who ‘pretends’ to work for the CIA?

(VIDEO) Lazy, fake CIA agent bags $1 million

IN THE EMAIL: A national Tea Party group wants to send Congress a Pink Slip to spur them to impeach President Obama.  Only $29.99!

The first item on the Pink Slip?

“Forcing National Health Care/ObamaCare on the nation.”

Excuse me.  But weren’t many of the Congressman and Senators who are now in Washington DC, there earlier when CONGRESS passed ObamaCare?  Why, I believe they were!  So how effective will it be to remit $30 to send these same politicians a form letter demanding that they impeach the president for something they voted for?

State Dept. Warns of New Terrorist Group Posing Threat to U.S. Interests in Africa

Obama adviser Podesta apologizes for calling GOP ‘a cult worthy of Jonestown’

Deadline for January health insurance just days away – Tick, tick, tick…  Come January: as numerous as the sands on the shore will be the number of the stories of woe.

Four days.If you don’t already have a health insurance plan for next year, and if you don’t think you can afford to live without one for even one month, these next four days will be crucial.

That’s how long you have until the Dec. 23 deadline to pick a health insurance plan on HealthCare.gov and get coverage starting

Jan. 1.

US Plan gives Jerusalem Holy Sites to Vatican – (h/t:BB) Lots of deception in these last days.

Social Security Disability will be bankrupt in three years – The media has already begun agitating that we no longer need this program.

Do you know Jesus?

Do you have perfect Peace of Mind?  The peace that passeth all understanding?

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
–Matthew 11:28


Reverse osmosis, distilled, spring or ionized? Experts weigh in on water

New England PURITANS and CHRISTMAS Celebrations
New England PURITANS and CHRISTMAS Celebrations

Christmas was suppressed in Puritan New England for over 200 years – (h/t:SL)

Christmas celebrations in Puritan New England (1620–1850?) were culturally and legally suppressed and thus, virtually non-existent.  The Puritan community found no Scriptural justification for celebrating Christmas, and associated such celebrations with paganism and idolatry .

New England finally gave in and joined the party circa 1850–when Christmas Day became a federal holiday.

The Plymouth Pilgrims put their loathing for the day into practice in 1620 when they spent their first Christmas Day in the New World building their first structure in the New World – thus demonstrating their complete contempt for the day.[4]

A year later on December 25, 1621, Governor William Bradford led a work detail into the forest and discovered some recent arrivals among the crew had scruples about working on the day.[1][3] Bradford noted in his history of the colony, Of Plymouth Plantation:

“On the day called Christmas Day, the Governor called [the settlers] out to work as was usual. However, the most of this new company excused themselves and said it went against their consciences to work on that day. So the Governor told them that if they made it [a] matter of conscience, he would spare them till they were better informed; so he led away the rest and left them.”

When the Governor and his crew returned home at noon they discovered those left behind playing stool-ball, pitching the bar, and pursuing other sports.[4] Bradford confiscated their implements, reprimanded them, forbade any further reveling in the streets, and told them their devotion for the day should be confined to their homes.

Evolution lessons will stay in Texas biology textbook, board says – Evolution is one of the government-protected, state-sanctioned religions of the USA.

In Texas, Search Warrants can now be based on predictions of Future Crime – The USA is moving closer to a judicial model of crime based, not on one’s behavior, but based on what one is capable of doing; what one might do. That moves closer to the real goal: Everyone is guilty.

IF everyone is guilty, then anyone can be picked up and jailed at any time without the inconvenience of laws, courts, Miranda Act, etc.  This is the ultimate in police state scenarios.  All based on pre-crime.

This action by a Texas court only confirms where the USA is moving.

(VIDEO) How to turn left in MIchigan’s Upper Peninsula – Amusing–unless you’re the one driving the car…

The Corporate Media creates a modern-day TV martyr out of a Duck Dynasty guy – And the homosexual community will oblige by doing what they do best: being offended and “shocked” and put out.  Even though gays have the power of the state, the media, the entertainment and culture behind them, they are so traumatized by criticism one would think they are a species of hothouse flower.

Because tolerance in the NWO police state will only be a one-way street.

Phil Robertson, ‘Duck Dynasty’ patriarch, off show after after condemning gays as sinners – This is a little modern morality play, winding its course through the Corporate Media.  This 2013 Americanized version is to teach folks the consequences of “intolerance” as defined by the the Keepers of the New Age Flame.

In 2013 American, there will be consequences for those who don’t bow down to the Big Gay Idol.  No one will be exempt–NO ONE!  Not even the beloved Duck Guy from media-beloved Duck Dynasty.

But, like the Roman Catholic Church during the Dark Ages, IF the Duck Guy recants and speaks the saving words (“I Love the Gay!”), all will be forgiven and Duck Guy will be back on the Sacred TV Screen in time for season five.

Of course the law should tolerate plural marriages – The libertines..I mean, libertarians have their say.  We’re on the fast track to Anything Goes, Baby!

Nine states propose 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 2013 to protect public against poison – Decades late.  Question #1: what is it that we know in 2013 that wasn’t known 60 years ago when most of these fluoridation programs were installed?  Answer: nothing.

Question #2: Then why is the media just now publicizing this?  What’s the goal?  Is it because the Corporate Media cares so much about people and their health in 2013 than they did in the 1950s?

STUDY: People in vegetative states DO recognise friends and family: Brain scans reveal patients react emotionally to familiar faces

Satanic display deemed ‘grossly offensive,’ barred from Florida Capitol – Thanks, founding fathers!

The state Department of Management Services on Wednesday denied an attempt by “Satanists” to put up a display in the Florida Capitol, which currently showcases a Nativity scene, a Festivus pole made of beer cans, posters from atheists, and a crudely made Flying Spaghetti Monster.

54 percent will send Christmas Cards this year

Five lifestyle behaviors lower dementia risk by 60 percent, way more than any drug or allopathic advice – (h/t:L)

Devil's Horns hand sign
Devil’s Horns hand sign

The Drudge Report continued in its tradition of displaying photos of elites/celebrities using occult hand signs.  On Wednesday, it was a picture of B. Obama using one of the satanic devil horns signs, mainstreamed into popular culture over the last 10 years as the “call me on the telephone” sign.

This is one of Obama’s favorites.  Since he frequently flashes the sign when he obviously is not saying “Call me,”  an alternate explanation had to be contrived by the Corporate Media.  Lately, it’s been called the “shaka sign” and is supposedly a Hawaiian hand sign which means “hang loose.”

Which is why Barbara Bush flashed it back in the day–she was a little-known but huge surfing enthusiast.

6 Ways to Winterize Your Body

Barbara Walters: We Expected Obama to be the ‘Next Messiah’ – In no way implying that Barbara Walters is among the elect–though she could be…

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Matthew 24;24


What you mean ‘WE’ Kemosabe?

Oh so very sad–to the point of being utterly pathetic–but not unexpected: the world is hungering for a messiah.  And one will come.

(VIDEO) Barbara Walters: We thought he was going to be the next Messiah – They’re still waiting…

MORE: News legend: We thought Obama was ‘messiah’

“Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.”
Joel 2:13 – (h/t:B)

Bloomberg stared down 9/11 woes, recession to transform city – No mere mortal, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg was a super-hero!  At least according to this puff piece and hagiography from the New York Daily News.

Americans think the cult of personality which surrounds North Korean leader, Kim Jung-Un (and his father and grandfather before him) is hilarious.  We, in the USA also have those who lead cults of personality.  The current resident of the White House is one; George W. Bush was another.

While the American media is not so clumsy as to say “He makes the sun shine” as they do in North Korea, our media tells its own share of tall tales–though they are a bit more sophisticated.

(VIDEO) The Weather and the Walking DeadDaily Zombie Link

What the Bible plainly says–and what many Christians have been taught that it says–are two completely altogether different things.

U.S. use of death penalty declining – Lawlessness.

Allergies and cancer on the rise due to GM foods

The 9/11 Commission Report Revisited

(VIDEO)  A State Trooper Recalls Christmas Eve – (h/t:B) Nice story.

The Selling of ADHD: Diagnoses, Prescriptions Soar after 20-year marketing effort by Big Pharma

(VIDEO) Would you Jump 170 feet after hanging from your toes?


Increasing seismic activity, red alert issued for Indonesia’s Sinabung volcano

Eruption from Italy’s Mount Etna volcano closes Catania airport

QUAKE: 5.0 Banda Sea

QUAKE: 5.1 southeast of Honshu Japan

QUAKE: 5.3 Kuril Islands

QUAKE: 5.2 Svalbard region

QUAKE: 5.2 Santa Cruz Islands

QUAKE: 4.9 Kermadec Islands region

Mystery illness kills four in Houston area

‘Superbugs’ found breeding in China’s sewage plants

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 18, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 17, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
December 17, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION


RUSSIA: Russia has stationed Iskander missiles in Western region

CANADA: Industry Minister apologizes for child poverty comment – Says it was ‘taken out of context.’

“”Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s child? I don’t think so,” he was quoted as saying.”

What additional “context” is needed in order to understand this quote to mean other than what it appears on the surface to mean?

ISRAEL: Troops shot on Israeli-Lebanon border

JAPAN: Japan to bolster military, boost Asia ties to counter China

IRAQ: Scores killed ahead of Shia holy day

COLUMBIA: Anti-coca spraying halted in Colombia after 2 U.S. pilots shot down

NORTH KOREA: North Korea marks Kim Jong-il death

Mandela Memorial Fake Sign Language Interpreter: Wasn’t His First Time

“Did you see NBC’s “The Sound of Music” last weekend? They’re going to show it again on Saturday, and this time they have added that phony sign language interpreter guy.”
–David Letterman


U.S. Military retirees: You betrayed us, Congress – One valuable lesson learned by various Roman emperors after seeing so many assassinations by those who guarded the emperor: keep the Praetorian Guard happy.

Fine print: State can seize your assets to pay for care after you’re forced into Medicaid by Obamacare – By happenstance, this very subject was entertained by a small discussion group containing this writer.

Do You Know Jesus?

No Big Deal, Just Vice President Joe Biden Groping a Female Reporter at the White House

Why no one has been fired over ObamaCare – This article doesn’t state it, but the most important reason no one has been fired over ObamaCare: this is exactly as they had it planned.  The chaos, misery and destruction that occurs after the first of the year will be attributed to “incompetence.”  But really, think about it: isn’t that what they always say?

REPORT: Hillary Clinton tied to terrorism

U.S. judge says phone surveillance program likely unlawful

58 percent opposes ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate


Australian researchers grows mini kidney in lab

‘Robot dragonfly’ is the smallest and lightest self-navigating drone

Ho ho no: Santas brawl on the streets of NYC – 2013 is notable for one reason: after reading the headlines of 2013, it’s very hard to be shocked.  In other words, we’ve become jaded.

‘I AM a real person!’ The high-tech telemarketing robot that will DENY it’s a machine

Two Congressmen claim secret report on 9/11 pins the blame on Saudi Arabia – By the greatest coincidence, one Congressman is Democratic, one is Republican.  The media and the government every day goes about finishing the foundation upon which our future attack on the Middle East will depend.

The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder – Actually, ADD does exist: it is and has been exacerbated by the educational system.

GALLUP: Honesty and Ethics of Clergy hit new lows – Any alternate source of authority outside of government and the Corporate Media are being challenged and attacked.

Harvard: Bomb threat closes four buildings

Gnostic Christians: Knowledge is Power
Gnostic Christians: Knowledge is Power

Toxic Devotion: A review of Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling – The apostasy surrounds us.  One proof is not the number of “Christian” books which are warmed-over New Age Oprah-speak and/or paganism.  The proof is the number of people self-identifying as “Christians” who buy such books.

The proof is in the number of Christians who hunger for more than God’s Word–and are willing to substitute emotions and experiences for faith.  The pursuit of mysticism seemingly dominates Christianity in these last days–the Bible warned us it would–when there is a hunger to create an elite class of Christians who walk not by faith, but by their special knowledge gained from experience.

Gnostics labored to create a special class of believers based on gnosis–enlightened, special knowledge.  These Gnew Gnostic Christians labor to create a special class of believers based on experiences.

The Presence.

Faith is no longer enough: in 2013 America, we must have more.  If we don’t get more, then our walk with God is somehow deficient. It was this audience that Sarah Young targeted by writing Jesus Calling.  It is to these folks that Young pitches The Presence.  Pay no attention that the “Presence” isn’t in the Bible and is a New Age buzzword; it’s been Christianized!

We do it: therefore, it’s okay. It been perfectly sanctified by ourselves.

So many practices that originate outside the church, are being brought into the church and made “holy” by the fact that Christians are now engaged in those practices.  And it keeps getting more and more bizarre; the number of extra-biblical practices that are, because they’re found within the four walls of a church, “sanctified” by man.

Or because someone writes a book about them and slaps “Christian” on the cover.

One can always discern another Jesus or another spirit or another gospel: what is said will not line up with God’s Word.  And so it is with Jesus Calling.  Sarah Young’s Jesus says:

“Most of mankind’s misery stems from feeling unloved. (August 1)”

 This idea is common in pop-psychology but is not biblical. The problems of humanity stem from sin and rebellion, not the failure to feel loved.

Just as a deceptive spirit will contradict the fruit of the Spirit, another Jesus will not  agree with the Word of God.

There is no longer contentment with God’s Word.  2013 American Christians want more. It can be demonstrated by what takes place in the church.

And in books such as Jesus Calling which target the Christians sitting in the church.

The New Gnostics

Gnostic Christians: A Different Way to be Christian – But is there a “different way?”

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 14:6

But it is never enough.

What is Christian Gnosticism?

10 Cities that could Run out of Water – It was 11 in the last article like this.  This one is from Weather.com, so maybe 10 is the real number we have to worry about?  Cleveland, Ohio didn’t make this latest list.

Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?  Time to find outDaily Zombie Link

Light Bulb Ban set to take effect in 2014

Angry Christians trying to overthrow Muslim President – ACRR  = Another Call for Revolt and Rebellion.  This is AARR, which is “Another Article about Revolt and Rebellion.

Corsi: WARNING – YOUR 401K AND IRA ASSETS ARE AT RISK – It’s been five years since this writer first wrote a similar piece.  Not much has changed, really, in those five years…

Do vitamins block disease? Some disappointing news

“Political correctness is in full swing this holiday season. Kids can’t even call Santa’s helpers “elves” anymore. They have to be known as “undocumented little people.”
–Jay Leno

And nowhere is political correctness more “in full swing” than in Leno’s joke.  “Holiday season?”

Small businesses claim US government stealing their ideas – Why not?  It steals enough else without consequence.

FDA: Anti-bacterial soaps may not curb bacteria – Oh no!

(VIDEO) Door to Hell: 42 years and still burning!


Florida tries to map its home-swallowing sinkholes

QUAKE: 2.8 offshore Northern California

QUAKE: 2.6 Central California

QUAKE: 5.3 central Mid-Atlantic Ridge

QUAKE: 4.3 Kansas

QUAKE: 5.0 South Georgia Island region

QUAKE: 5.6 off coast of South Island, New Zealand

QUAKE: 5.0 Fiji Islands region

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 16, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier


LIGHT BULB MAN – savit keawtavee, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 10, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
December 10, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION


GREAT BRITAIN: UK looking to test every infants’ DNA at Birth –  The government says it’s to help identify diseases.  Oh, well, then…that should be okay…

CHINA: Sino-Japanese War to Break out in January? (w/VIDEO)

JAPAN: Impending Japan-China War has the makings of a Clancy classic

ANTARCTICA: Coldest temperature ever recorded on earth: 135.8 below

SOUTH AFRICA: Snipers stand guard at Mandela memorial

SOUTH AFRICA: More on Wednesday.  Looking for under-reported, verified information.

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: US orders Military to transport troops into Central African Republic

ISRAEL: Tension escalating week-by-week on Temple Mount

SOUTH KOREA: North Korea’s ‘reign of terror’ worries South’s leader
– Eventually, the top will blow off of the Korean peninsula.  And when it does, almost 30,000 US military will be in the middle of the shooting.

Which seems to be the point.


OBAMACARE OPEN TO WI-FI ATTACK! – Okay, don’t sign up at Starbucks…

33 percent support the government’s ObamaCare insurance requirements

BARACK OBAMA is not the antichrist.
BARACK OBAMA is not the antichrist.

(VIDEO) 10 Reasons that Barack Obama is NOT the antichrist – This six-minute video is a good example of using a larger theme (Obama is not the antichrist) to reinforce modern teachings which have little backing from the Bible itself.

Christians are in a constant battle with the flesh, the world and Satan.  All three are whispering: “There’s plenty of time.  You’ve got years left.  Live a little first!”  This video’s doubly reinforces the notion that we have lots of time: first, in the comments offered; and, by offering prophetic landmarks which will not appear.

Especially in seasons of relative calm–such as we in America have enjoyed over the last several months (and yes, these are seasons of relative calm.  Enjoy them.)–it is easy to forget the chaos that surrounds the entire world or the vile state of the culture that surrounds American Christians.

Of course, there are those who disagree.  In which case: please, kick off your shoes, play some X-box and have another cookie.

That being said, it’s hard to disagree with the theme of the video.  It’s also hard to disagree with the parting sentiment: pray for Obama’s salvation.   A true Christian is commanded to do this–regardless of what wrongs Obama has done or will do.

And no, Psalm 109:8 doesn’t qualify as “praying for Obama’s salvation.”

“Let his days be few; and let another take his office.”
Psalm 109:8

A Diabolical plan is being pushed forward by the Democrats & the Republicans – No fooling?  You mean they both might be playing for the same team?  I don’t believe it!

66 percent think a long-term budget deal to avoid another shutdown is unlikely – Maybe the other 34% didn’t understand the question?

Xbox Live among online game services targeted by UK, USA spy agencies – Wonder if it will curtail any of the online activity among gamers?  Nahhh, I didn’t think so either…


The Devil is Coming to Oklahoma – The “satanic shrine” is getting a lot of coverage in the Corporate Media.

(VIDEO) Elephant paints a self-portrait with its trunk in under 8 minutes.  (h/t:A) Fairly amazing…

Sarah Palin gets new TV reality show

Selfie Scriptura – It’s all about ME

Youngstown, 1910s: Central Square and Viaduct ...
Youngstown, 1910s: Central Square and Viaduct (view looking south). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Youngstown Ohio Businessman Sam Moffie Files Lawsuit – An interesting story of crime and reactions in Youngstown, Ohio. Even if you know nothing of the particulars–as was this writer’s case–it becomes interesting after about the first sentence or so.

BNN is a repository for many articles which are or were under-reported by the Corporate Media.

For anyone who enjoys reading, spending some minutes rummaging around in BNN’s archives turns up a great many articles well worth reading.

If someone wanted to destroy America on Purpose... – IF?  IF?  You mean like they’ve been doing for the last–oh, say 25 years or so?  Oh, I see…you thought they didn’t mean to do what they have done.

“My people shall dwell in quiet resting places.”

Isaiah 32:18 – (h/t:B)

Mayor Bloomberg forces all NYC children to get vaccines

Lung Cancer Might Not Be as Lethal as Once Believed

HISTORY QUIZ: The Inklings, an informal group of intellectuals associated with Oxford University, produced C.S. Lewis and this other well-known writer.

  • Thomas Handy
  • J.R R. Tolkien
  • Philip Larkin
  • D.H. Lawrence

Answer at Daily Quiz for December 10, 2013

Couple, four children missing in frigid Nevada mountains after trip to play in the snow

(VIDEO) Coffee creamer poured into a cup of coffee at 2000 FPS – Oddly fascinating…

STUDY: Exercise a significant factor in reducing risk of dementia

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
Romans 12:2

RESEARCH: Mental health disorders may improve by treating the immune system

Learning the tricks of the trade at Santa School – “Tricks of the trade?”

Step away from your cameraphone: Constantly taking photographs STOPS our brains remembering what happened

Mayra Rosales: Texas Woman Fattest on Record 1036 Pounds – The Incredible Husband – Bernie Rosales  – Over half a ton is a pretty big person!

Was the Bible correct that pork is truly an unclean meat? – Actually, the article is referring to the Old Testament part of the Bible.  The New Testament says eating pork is just fine.  Which is great news for bacon-loving believers.

Federal Judge Says California Attorney General Kamala Harris Wrong on Gun Control Laws

Dissing those who do the hard work of parenting


States of Texas and Oklahoma rattled by 3.7 and 4.5 magnitude earthquakes

QUAKE: 5.3 San Juan province, Argentina

QUAKE: 5.4 Volcano Island, Japan region

QUAKE: 5.2 southern Sumatra, Indonesia

QUAKE: 5.2 near east coast of Kamchatka

Botulism Befalls Waterbirds on Lake Ontario

Killer winter storms predicted to impact UK for next 30 years

11 Additional Pilot Whales Found Dead in Florida Keys

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 9, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 5, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
December 5, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION

Even though events are bubbling just below the surface, a calm appears to have settled in over the USA and, to a lesser extant, the world.

Don’t let that fool you.


SLOVAKIA: River of Blood: Slovakian villagers shocked at river turning red overnight

CHINA: Is this the world’s thinnest building? Shanghai house where residents cannot even fit a chair by the window<

The Coming Global Wealth tax – In 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama introduced legislation in the Senate (one of the only times).  His legislative project–which never materialized while he was a senator?  The Global Poverty Act (S.2443).  This was a bill to transfer untold billions of dollars of US wealth to poor countries using the power of the IRS to extract that wealth from the pockets of all Americans.

Obama’s idea of transferring wealth from the middle class to the “poor”–actually, into the pockets of the political elite of the poor countries.  The poor themselves, as is usual, would see very little of the money being raised in their name.  This is legalized theft and, at some point, it is likely to be enacted and one suspects it will be one of the contributing factors to the many calls for “revolution.”

SOMALIA: 9 killed by car suicide bomber in northern Somalia

AUSTRALIA: Indonesia, Australia agree “hotline” to resolve diplomatic spat

>NETHERLANDS: Amsterdam Has a Deal for Alcoholics: Work Paid in Beer – Always helpful!

How the Police State uses sin to create Slaves


40 percent are less likely to vote for an ObamaCare supporter; 38 percent are more likely

Oil capped near $97 on oversupply possibility

Biden: I was ‘very direct’ with China president over air defense zone “Direct” doesn’t mean what most Americans take it to mean.  “Direct” could mean Biden told the Chinese, “Hey!  Go ahead, do it!  We do not care what you do.  I mean it!”

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ri...
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar and Committee member Barack Obama at a base near Perm, Russia. This is where mobile launch missiles are being destroyed by the Nunn-Lugar program. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Team Obama appears to change course; accept China’s new air defense zone – The only difference between the two American political parties is the speed with which they operate in different areas of American life.

The Democrats will destroy the country faster using oppressive tax laws and ineffective defense; The Republicans use over-effective defense (war) and wealth transfers by other means.

Are you looking for a political solution for a spiritual problem?  Then you are destined for disappointment.

Turn to the One that never disappoints.

Cry out to God: turn to Jesus.


New NYC mayor inspires “Leftist Revolution”

Actor Russell Brand calls for Revolution

NYC Union Leader calls for Revolution after De Blasio win – Lot of that going around these days

Bret Michaels to star in new NBC post-apocalyptic show: Revolution

Donald Sutherland: I want Hunger Games to stir up a Revolution

Is this a Revolution?

Expert testifies to Congress that Obama ignoring laws could lead to overthrow of government

Cato Institute expert talks Revolution in testimony before Congress -At some point, Americans might recognize that they’re being set up with all this increasing talk of “revolution”–especially Christians.  One hopes and prays for that point to be reached before people are in the streets and the predicted chaos is down around their ears.

It’s all fun and games and rhetoric until the shooting starts

Do you have the peace that passeth all understanding?

Will Evangelical Conference Blame Israel?

End of high-speed car chases?  Engineers invent system that disables a car’s engine using remote radio beams

BREAKING NEWS: Student shot at Florida high school – suspect still at large

History Channel eyes drama about “Jesus the Lost Years” that may involve exorcism – If it’s on History and its about Christianity, exorcism will be the least of a Christian’s worries.

Pope calls for Revolution of Tenderness

The History of Homeschooling – Interesting infographic history

Homeschooling Information and Statistics
Interesting infographic info

The Ultimate Christmas pastry! New festive Cronut flavor is made from chocolate, Champagne and GOLD DUST


Mark of the Beast: The Complete Guide to the Mark of the Beast, 666 – Everything else is just speculation and the imagination of man.

John MacArthur and the Mark of the Beast: Last Days ApostasyTeaching that one may take the mark of the beast and still be redeemed–in clear contradiction of scripture.

GM to largely pull Chevrolet from Europe

Mysterious, massive China-themed city planned for Catskills – Must be a coincidence, huh?  “Coincidence” is a word used by people as a SLEEP AID.  It allows them to put their heads back into the sand and continue sleeping.

The American population–especially the component of the population that labels itself “Christian”–should be an especially well-rested people.

Scientists discover radiation ‘bomb’ that could wipe out HIV – Promises, promises…

US Pregnancy rates near record lowsPregnancies indicate two things: 1- hope in the future; and, 2- affordability of the essentials needed for a family to economically survive.

Neanderthals were neat freaks: Inside the original man caves


-40 below in Midwest Arctic Cold Blast; DOT advises no travel along 1-90 as snowstorm lashes Midwest

Precipitation declines in U.S. Pacific Northwest Mountains

Cold Snap felt in Western half of USA

QUAKE: 5.7 south of Fiji Islands

QUAKE: 5.0 east of Kuril Islands

QUAKE: 5.2 Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi

QUAKE: 4.9 Santa Cruz Islands

QUAKE: 5.2 Unimak Island region, Alaska

QUAKE: 3.3 Central California

QUAKE: 5.1 Tonga Islands

QUAKE: 5.0 Santa Cruz Islands

QUAKE: 5.2 Kuril Islands

Ancient Roman tunnels could cause dangerous sinkholes

Bacteria-killing protein the answer to SuperBugs?

Earth’s gravity altered by 2011 Japanese Tōhoku earthquake

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 4, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 3, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
December 3, 2013

CommentaryAnd OPINION


JAPAN: U.S. deploys submarine-hunting jets to disputed air defence zone over East China Sea as tensions in volatile region mount

JAPAN: Biden urges Japan, China to lower tensions over air defense zone – That should help…

JAPAN: State Secrets Bill Meant to Suppress Fukushima News-Japan Public Stunned

FRANCE: French soldier accused of cannibalism claimed to be suffering PTSD from Afghanistan – Sure, that would make anyone develop a taste for human flesh, right?

IRAN: Enough enriched uranium in Iran for 4 nuclear weapons. N-Bomb awaits Saudis in Pakistan

ISRAEL: Violence from Syria spills over into Israel

ISRAEL: Jewish activity on Temple Mount raising alarm in Muslim world – Beware of end times deceptions…

UKRAINE:  Ukraine on the brink: Thousands besiege government headquarters in Kiev

CHINA:  China is 50 million women short–and that may end its economic boom

SYRIA: The US airman shot down by Syria – 30 years ago…

SYRIA: Massive evidence links Syrian regime to war crimes, UN official says – The best defense anyone could ever have is being accused of wrong-doing by the UN…

World War 3 Watch: December 2, 2013


51 percent Oppose ObamaCare’s contraception mandate

Terrorism Danger Still Very Real for United States, Says Senator Dianne Feinstein

56 percent expect Health Care system to get worse under ObamaCare – They’re learning…

Obama to Netanyahu: Can you chill out on complaining about my Iran deal?

High court ends Liberty University lawsuit over ObamaCare

White House holds Youth Summit to talk about how great ObamaCare is


Americans are LESS safe than two years ago: Intelligence agency claims terror threat is RISING  – Sounds like a set-up…

INTERFAITH! One big happy Interfaith worldwide family...
INTERFAITH! One big happy Interfaith worldwide family…

Interfaith Leaders Celebrate Achievements but See Difficult Year Ahead – Tough to see how “interfaith” could have a “difficult year ahead.”  This is the season of interfaith: of watering down doctrines for the sake of holding hands and swaying back and forth, celebrating oneness.  Interfaith, brotherhood and unity are on the way up in the world.  Old paths, the Bible and Jesus Christ are sliding down at an ever-increasing pace.

The Bible promises the “saints of the most High” shall be worn out and delivered into the hand of the enemy for a season.  But God has all under His control and believers are to remember the promise of Jesus that “the gates of hell shall not prevail” against His church.

Wow – The Holiday Shopping Season Is Off To A Horrible Start

Another Jesus calling

(VIDEO) Snow geese tsunami

Perry and Fred Stone recall a visit by the ghost of Al Collins (w/VIDEO & transcript) – By happenstance, this writer had an email discussion about Perry Stone just this last week.  The verdict from my end: Didn’t know much about Perry Stone.  Came across this today in the course of looking for something else.

NOW I do know something about the popular TV and book guy.  Perry Stone embraces Necromancy which the Bible forbids.  He prefaces the episode on his TV program (video at link) by announcing this is one of a series where they have been talking of the  “supernatural things of God.”  The segment also displays a graphic which reads “Supernatural Encounters in the Last Days.”

Now I know something else about Stone: he is deceived.

Man, 28, who raped three teenage girls during voodoo exorcism sessions is jailed for 14 years in France

Israeli scientists discover substance that may fend off aging, Altzheimers – People keep falling for that same old lie:

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:”

Why US baby-boomers are retiring in South America – It great!–until the chaos hits.  Then, suddenly, you’re the one outsider with a lot of money and material possessions amidst millions of have-nots.  Why not go down and paint a big target on your back?

Pope send Swiss guards into Rome to help poor and homeless – Did he send them with some of Vatican’s untold billions?

Pope Francis: I was a club bouncer before joining the Catholic church – Hey, this is Vladamir Putin’s schtick!

Sex and the Single Priest – Will the pope let priests marry?  Will the RCC finally do away with this “doctrine of demons?”  If they do, it will be another proof of the time in which we live.

Energy drinks ‘change the way the heart beats’ –  Our culture is obsessed with “energy.”

Forget salt and pepper, this shaker contains CAFFEINE to perk you up – but is it safe? – Does it matter?  People would probably buy bottled typhoid if it had “ENERGY” on the label…

Critics of Common Core see educational folly

RISE OF THE DRONES CREEPY IDEAS FROM AMAZON:Amazon testing drones for deliveries  – The mainstreaming of drones into normal, everyday American life continues…

Spin around a mountain in super speed like Superman – Well worth the click…

DAYS OF LOT: Army extends new benefits to soldiers’ same-sex spouses

The Rapture, Enhanced Teaachings and the Endgame
The Rapture, Enhanced Teaachings and the Endgame

THE RAPTURE, ENHANCED TEACHINGS and WHERE IT’S ALL HEADED – There is much that is extra-biblical being  taught for doctrine in the churches today.  Man’s enhancement of what is in the Bible is rampant.  God’s word is no longer good enough, American Christians have an obsession with adding to God’s word and teaching it for doctrine.

Perhaps no where is this more apparent than the many and sundry teachings about the rapture.  What the Bible has to say about this event and what is taught are two different things.  Several of these theories have become overwhelmingly popular in America over the last 50 years or so, helped along by the Christian mass media.

While much could be said about all of the theories–where they originated, their purpose, why today’s popular teachings were not previously taught in the church–it is not the intention of this piece to address any of those particulars. The nagging question of today is: where are these enhanced teachings leading those in the church; what is the endgame?

The many discussions about the rapture–many relating to the Bible in only the most tangential of ways–which have occurred over the last 20 years are giving way to another new, disturbing teaching: that of the rapture as a myth, a deception, a tool of the enemy.  That is absolutely not true.  Although not a lot is said in the Bible, it is crystal clear that a rapture will take place at some point.

Much of the noise for this “no rapture” position is coming from the New Apostolic Reformation/Dominionist camp.  The suggestions that ‘the rapture is a myth’ began as long ago as the late 1980s.  For a while, it was drowned out by the Left Behind craze. .  But now, it is getting louder and more articles on the subject are beginning to find their way into the Christian’s hands.

A few quotes might be in order.

“… the doctrine of the Rapture was a great and effective ruse of the enemy to implant in the Church a retreat mentality … already this yoke has been cast off by the majority in the advancing church, and will soon be cast off by all.”
Rick Joyner, The Harvest, 1989

Joyner is not alone in this thinking.

“Christ cannot and will not come back until we have demonstrated the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the earth. That task demands a mature church, which will have become an alternative to the kingdoms of the world. That is what the church is all about and Jesus Christ’s return is up to us.”
Earl Paulk, The Great Escape Theory

There are literally hundreds more quotes–many by the modern “apostles” and “prophets” who are forging earthly alliances for earthly power.

My, how quickly things can change.

This is basically the position of the fastest-growing segment of Christianity.  Check the comments at various sites and the commenters are not only talking “the rapture is a myth”–they are saying “the rapture is an Illuminati lie!”  A variety of others are piling on.

United Church of God: The Rapture: A popular but false doctrine

Demonbusters: There will be no rapture

Patheos: Why there will be no rapture

Biblical Prophets: Is the Rapture biblical doctrine?  No and here’s why

And many others.  Plug in “no rapture” and almost 41 million results come back in Google.  Try “no rapture in the Bible” and 7.6 million results show.

Now, to the believer, it makes little difference what others are saying.  Believers stand on God’s word: the Bible.  But what about popular teachings that have infiltrated the churches and have little basis in the Bible?  Believers will have trouble standing on those teachings which depend on the imagination of man; on man’s enhancement, not what is clearly stated in the Bible.  These doctrinal houses were built on sand and are easily enough demolished by any clear reading of scripture.

And that is what is happening.  Many of the rapture teachings had more basis in popular Christian books and films than they did in the Bible.  They are being bulldozed to make room for new teachings: teachings where the rapture is an inconvenient truth.

This latest turn in the rapture discussion illustrates the problem with holding up extra-biblical teachings as doctrine.  So much in these teachings has been “enhanced,” added to by man’s imagination and speculation.  They are passed down to  a few generations who knew not the “old paths” and what was once “of man” is now gospel.

But then a still younger generation comes along; one which has not been indoctrinated with these enhancements–which are easy enough to overturn using the Bible itself.  Since these teachings were vigorously defended instead of closely examined by searching the scriptures; since they relied a great deal on their popularity instead of their biblical support:  their adherents will have little recourse when these teachings are no longer popular.

Unfortunately many American Christians exchanged reading their Bibles themselves for what popular teachers told them was in the Bible.  Others supplemented their Bibles with extra, man-pleasing additions.  Most of this group will basically be defenseless when popular teachers begin telling them a new thing.

When the cry becomes “The Church Establishes the Kingdom Now!“–and that is where the focus has turned–those enhanced rapture teachings are no longer needed.  They served their ear-tickling purpose.  Various rapture teachings offered their proponents an easy out, an escape, an alternative to trusting their God.  These new teachings trump that by offering their listeners power: power to do signs and wonders, power over their earthly opponents, power over demonic opponents; power for the church to conquer the planet.

With power, this new church will be calling the shots.  Why escape?

And the Bible does confirm that an end times religion will not only conquer the earth, but will think it serves God by killing those in the body of Christ.  It’s all starting to fall into place.

“God is not a man that He should lie.”
Numbers 23:19

Many of the same people who are proclaiming “no rapture” are the same ones who proclaim “a new thing.”

It should be no surprise when this latest “new thing” (no rapture) turns out to be as unbiblical as the “new thing” it replaced.

Rights Group Sues to Have Chimp Recognized as Legal Person

Truth and God’s Word: Bible verses on the Truth of God’s Word

Newtown to release Sandy Hook school shooting 911 calls on Wednesday – It been a year now.  One would imagine that’s plenty of time to get the 911 calls straight.  Still, it’s suspected that there will be a few ‘oops!” moments scattered among these audio releases.  There always is.

How Big Business Targets Children brainwashing and modern death cult of shopping – A few thoughts on 2013 America and American culture by a Brit.

Peace on Earth

The Reason 200 Million Girls have ‘vanished’ – The USA is not the only source of evil in the world.

Nissan rolls out Electric Self-Driving Car onto the highway

Broken promise of Obamacare to haunt Dems congressional campaigns – Promises, promises…


Mystery booms, distant rumblings in Washington

45 Sinkholes open up in Nepal

QUAKE: 5.0 Easter Island region

QUAKE: 4.8 near east coast of Honshu Japan

QUAKE: 3.7 Northern California

QUAKE: 2.8 Northern California

DNR investigates fish kill in lake near St. Paul

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: December 2, 2013

by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.