OF INTEREST: Independent Thoughts from Around the Internet May 14, 2014

INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET: Make that "our corner of the Internet"
INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET: Make that “our corner of the Internet”


From the Websites we find of interest (for whatever reason).

Links are given as is, without endorsement, sometimes with comment; sometimes not. Independent thought is usually rewarded, though not always.

May 14, 2014

The Missive “bible” and the gay youth pastor

A Journey to Heaven, Hell and Purgatory – So many are taking journeys to heaven, hell–even nonexistent places like purgatory and Oz.  This is the account of a Catholic priest.  There have been so many people trudging back and forth from heaven lately, it’s a wonder they don’t bump into one another.

The Final Victory Over Sin

Thy Kingdom Come, “Thy Will” be done

Why is not this Gospel Preached today?

This is why the one true gospel is not preached in this day, because the falling away has already occurred, the man of sin has been revealed and many have worshipped the beast and his image and have received a mark on their forehead or on their hand.

Sorry to be the one to break it to you: you ain’t seen nothing yet.  The falling away, when it occurs will be the biggest satanic revival the world has ever seen.  Churches will be filled to over-flowing: the whore churches are just now beginning to take shape very quickly.

No, when the falling away occurs, a discussion over whether it is taking place or not will not have to be held.  It will look like a grand revival.

Have You Left Your First Love?

Modern Pharisees – A false dichotomy was set up long ago for the American Church.  One was either in a “dead” church or one was in a church that was “alive.”

The dead churches wrung the life out of God’s Word with unbelief, form and ritual, as well as substituting the commandments of men for the commandments of God.

The “alive” churches–which were the reaction to one form of apostasy–have wrung the life out of God’s Word by substituting experiences, emotion and feelings for the Truth of God’s Word.  They have become fever swamps of apostasy reacting to apostasy.

The dead churches have many rules, few if any which are Biblical.  The alive churches have few rules and if one brings up a Biblical restriction as they worship their idols, one is a “Pharisee” or “religious” or maybe even that epithet the world uses: a “Bible thumper!”

Both ends of this man-created spectrum are contributing to the whore Church.  Many days, it’s hard to discern which end is contributing the most.

All Sky Fireball Network – May 13, 2014

From Bad to Worse

part 1 – Mark of God?  Beware of False Prophets

part 2 – Who Are LieKillers?

Super Easy, Super YUMMY Garlic Alfredo Sauce!

Mysticism at Major Christian Conference

Why Most Of The Western Half Of The U.S. Is Completely Unsuitable For Strategic Relocation – A very valid point.  One reason this writer is no longer in that area.

Lighthouse Trails ~Warren Smith NEW PRINT BOOKLET TRACT – The Shack and Its New Age Leaven – Are there any true believers who don’t know the Shack is not Christianity?  But if this tract is written for non-believers, then why the reference to “leaven?”  At some point soon, discerning the discernment ministries will become necessary.

A Harlot, an Emergent and a Pope Walked into a Bar…

Marijuana In Uruguay Costs 87 Cents A Gram

Underground Bunkers for the End Times: What does the Bible Say?

MIND CONTROL MICROWAVES: Whistle Blower Laurel Aston Ex CIA Op CHILD Trafficking Victim Exposes CIA [Videos Post 2] Bush OBAMA

The Insignificance of Public Prayer

Do not become dependent on the civil realm for your faith. For the Gospel is found not in the writings of public jurists, but in the words of Jesus the Christ.

PRAYER CIRCLES: Another Pagan Practice in the Church


by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

image: grant cochrane, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.


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Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

22 thoughts on “OF INTEREST: Independent Thoughts from Around the Internet May 14, 2014”

  1. Just off the top of my head here but what do you think St. Paul was referring to in 1 Corinthians 3:15? What is the cleansing with fire at judgement? How can you suffer loss but then still be saved after death?
    Also, where did Moses and Abraham (and all the good people) go after they died if Jesus was the One who opened heaven? Where were all those people hanging out??


    1. Laura,

      Good questions.

      My understanding of 1 Corinthians 3:15 was always one of a man seeing his rewards burn up because he was in error–though he was in error through ignorance, not willful or prideful actions. However, because God is merciful, the man himself would still have his salvation.

      But your question got me thinking. So, I checked a number of commentaries. This is what Albert Barnes, of Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament wrote. It was representative of the whole:

      Verse 15. If any man’s work shall be burned. If it shall not be found to bear the test of the investigation of that day–as a cottage of wood, hay, and stubble would not bear the application of fire. If his doctrines have not been true; if he has had mistaken views of piety; if he has nourished feelings which he thought were those of religion, and inculcated practices which, however well meant, are not such as the gospel produces; if he has fallen into error of opinion, feeling, practice, however conscientious, yet he shall suffer loss.

      He shall suffer loss.

      (1.) He shall not be elevated to as high a rank and to as high happiness as he otherwise would. That which he supposed would be regarded as acceptable by the Judge, and rewarded accordingly, shall be stripped away, and shown to be unfounded and false; and, in consequence, he shall not obtain those elevated rewards which he anticipated. This, compared with what he expected, may be regarded as a loss.

      (2.) He shall be injuriously affected by this for ever. It shall be a detriment to him to all eternity. The effects shall be felt in all his residence in heaven; not producing misery, but attending him with the consciousness that he might have been raised to superior bliss in the eternal abode. The phrase here literally means, “he shall be mulcted,” The word is a law term, and means that he shall be fined ; i.e., he shall suffer detriment.

      The entire concept is very sobering and is the object of much prayer daily by this writer. Especially considering that Matthew 15:14 tells us that when the blind lead the blind, they BOTH will end up in the same place: the ditch.

      Also, where did Moses and Abraham (and all the good people) go after they died if Jesus was the One who opened heaven? Where were all those people hanging out??

      Luke 16:19-31 relates the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Lazarus was in paradise (Abraham’s bosom) while the rich man was in torments. When Jesus was on the cross, he told the thief “Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” Since Jesus didn’t ascend to the Father (who is in heaven) until the third day, to where was Jesus referring? Although there seems to be some minor disagreement, I always took Jesus at His Word.

      Ephesians 4:9 tells us that Jesus first descended into the lower parts of the earth (where torments and paradise were) before he ascended to heaven.

      Moses and Abraham and the rest of the good people were in paradise.

      “Paradise” is also sometimes used as a synonym for “heaven.”

      Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and these thought-provoking questions.

      God bless!


    1. Thanks for taking the time to stop and leave a comment.

      My thought on your article? I liked it.

      It was thought-provoking.

      If I link to an article, generally I like it–though not always.

      Your second paragraph especially provoked a few unique thoughts. Having been raised a Roman Catholic, escaping into a “dead” church for 20 years and then escaping once more (after spending several years as a heathen–and then getting saved!) into a Pentacostal church which morphed before my very eyes into–well, it morphed even further along the spectrum–your second paragraph got me thinking about that entire artificial spectrum that’s been created. That thought ended up being the comment I wrote.

      Your actual article? Lots of thoughts which, as a whole, constituted an accurate critique of what’s going on in today’s American churches.

      Another thought-provoking paragraph was the one in which you described the “special payment plans” for procuring the best seats. That reminded me of a church I attended a few years ago for a prophecy conference. The church was built like a sports arena and hanging in the “outer ring” were pictures of people in the church and their families and the AMOUNT OF MONEY THEY GAVE EVERY MONTH. The pictures were for the “heavy givers.”

      That blew me away. I really couldn’t believe that. But I didn’t address that thought because the point of the “dead vs alive” churches is one I’ve been thinking about lately and this was the first chance to get it down in print.

      I found your site very, very early this morning while surfing around. I can’t remember how I came upon it; I believe I was doing a search of WP sites for something or other.

      Once again thanks for commenting.


      1. You’re welcome. And thanks for replying! I was reared Pentecostal and I’ll never be anything else. But Pentecostal churches are another story. Think a zoo. I currently attend a Southern Baptist church. I never thought about the dead/alive spectrum. For me, it’s like the hot/cold spectrum or Ezekiel prophesying over dead, dry bones…


      2. Good thoughts.

        Yes, a hot/cold spectrum is a very good analogy. “Dead” came to mind because it was the label I always heard attached to other churches which did not worship as “enthusiastically.” But hot and cold also work.

        I started to seek out another church but the whore church is moving very quickly. Over the last six months, more than one discussion (sometimes with pastors, sometimes others) of “Where’s this coming from?” has been engaged.

        In fact, if you had asked me about the “whore Church” seven or eight months ago, I would have referred to Revelation 17 and 18 and wouldn’t have thought I had any experiences which were related. The dangers of the New World Order are fairly well-known and written about, but what comes immediately afterwards (the whore Church) are more dangerous because the dangers are more deceptive and many will be deceived into thinking it is a Christian Church.

        But we have been warned.


      3. Good article “From Babylon to Jerusalem.” I’ve marked the others as I am getting ready to write more on the whore Church; Babylon, naturally figures into it.

        I read your piece on IHOP: Theology and Practice. I hadn’t thought much about the whore Church until fairly recently. It wasn’t until I was reading some of IHOP’s training materials (research for someone else) and what I was read not only lined up with what I was seeing in several churches, but in the Bible as well. It all “clicked into place.”

        God absolutely does answer prayers.

        Yes, Laodicea. Many around me honor Jesus’ words in Rev 3 with their lips.

        I am going to explore the articles on your site. There are a number which appear to be germane to what I’m currently researching.


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