End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 11-12, 2014

End Times Prophecy Report Headlines: Bible prophecy in Today's headlines.
Bible prophecy in Today’s headlines.

End Times Prophecy Report
October 11-12, 2014

CommentaryAnd OPINION


RUSSIA: Russia deploying nukes to Crimea

IRAQ: ISIS just eight miles from the Baghdad airport

IRAQ: Photos You Won’t See Anywhere Else

ISIS: Accept no substitutes: Only American ground troops can defeat ISIS – Of course.  Was there any doubt?

IRAN: Iran says it is under attack by ISIS

SYRIA: Airstrikes on Khorasan Group were ineffective according to Officials

PAKISTAN: The Scorpion Hunters Of Pakistan

BRAZIL: Sao Paulo water supply running out? – Water will be the new gold.

MEXICO: Mexican government paying to shield illegals from US deportation – Only in a corrupted, scripted land could such an event take place.

And only in a deluded, deceived citizenry could such a script be believed as not having been scripted.

UK: UK and USA to test big bank collapse in drill

GERMANY: German Colleges Extend Their Free Tuition To International Students

TANZANIA: Seven suspected of witchcraft burned – Burning witches is the modern media’s equivalent of a dunce cap.

World War 3 Watch: October 6, 2014


POLL: Obama approval at 39 percent

POLL: Americans say candidates don’t need negativity to win – Politicians say something completely different.

RECEIVED IN THE EMAIL – Don’t Trust Politicians

2 emails received over the last 24 hours.

One email from “Team Democrat” was titled “Where is Everyone?”

One email from “Tea Party” titled “WE NEED YOU TODAY!”

Many other emails from both sides and their allies received in that time span as well.

The Democrats make it sound like the election is all but lost–but send money anyway.

The Republicans make it sound like the election is too close to call–but please send money.

This writer is tempted to send out an email about the election which sounds like it doesn’t really matter.

Don’t trust politicians.  They lie ALMOST as much as the Corporate Media (Satan’s Mouthpiece).

Don’t send any money.

No charge for that observation.

JOHN BOEHNER: “Obama’s attempt to import Gitmo detainees into the USA another example of the president’s legacy of lawlessness – Because it’s fairly clear to all Americans that John Boehner has served as a shining example of truth, justice and the American way. The Corporate Media has been working on a not-so-subtle theme of equating Obama with “lawlessness.”  When the apostate American Church “restores” so-called American values, there must be a figurehead which even the apostate pew-sitters can feel morally superior to.  Obama has not only been groomed for this role by others, he has been grooming himself as well.

Obama Might Unilaterally Close Guantánamo – If the USA has anything, it’s prisons. We even have prisons in foreign countries. Closing one shouldn’t be that big a deal.

IT’S ABOUT TIME – It won’t be long until the media begins running “White House Leak” stories.  This is how the Corporate Media (supposedly an Obama ally) gets tons of dirty gossip in print.  It pretends to print “leaks” from dissatisfied White House employees while maintaining its image of being Obama’s BFF.

There have been Internet websites which have run fake “insider” leak stories for the last couple of years or so.  In fact, a few places have built their sites around such fake inside information.

Because people don’t mind being duped as long as they feel they’re part of an “insider’s club.”

It works pretty much the same way as the Freemasons and the other secret societies. It was that way almost 2000 years ago with the fables of the gnostics.  It works that way today with the fables of the synagogue of Satan.

How the Clinton White House tried to handle the Monica Lewinsky scandal – Another in the “Tales of an Untold Hillary” collection, in which the Corporate Media thoughtfully provides information on Hillary Clinton which they refused to print while she was in the White House–while pretending at the time that this information was a “conspiracy theory.”

See how that works? When you’re the ones deciding what constitutes a “conspiracy theory,” conspiracy theories help you control the flow of information.

America: Home of the World’s Freest Press!


This Day in the Secret History: October 11, 2014

Better Late… – Interesting story–and it’s very short. Well worth the click.

Indianapolis airport installs customer service robot – The Robot meme has officially replaced the Zombie meme.  Apparently, it’s felt that the zombie meme has been implanted on most Americans’ consciousness.  So, it’s time to move on down the list.

Are quarantines even legal? – Does it even matter?

Quarantines are coming whether the great unwashed want them or not or whether they are “legal” or not. Since when has legality ever stopped the mystery of iniquity from doing anything it wanted?

Freemasonry and the Christian Church – Very good collection of images concerning hand signs and the like.  After a while, even the skeptic has to acknowledge “What’s up with so-called Christian leaders flashing satanic/Masonic hand signs every chance they get?”

Wretched TV and Radio’s Todd Friel flashes so many hand signs, he’s nearly unwatchable in most of his 3-minute video segments.  Of course, Friel owes a lot to his masters for his current station in life–although in his defense, he is entertaining.

The author comes to an intriguing observation in the midst of the article.

John Ankerberg – blue necktie and crossed arms
Proof that discernment ministries are infiltrated

Actually, discernment ministries were mostly creations of the enemy and were compromised from the beginning.  A look back through the archives of most “discernment ministries” or a chat with the head honcho will provide more than enough evidence to confirm this.

The Five most anti-Libertarian TV shows ever – There is something ironic when libertarian rag, Reason, starts putting something–anything!–down for “moral bankruptcy.”  Which this article does concerning the NFL.

“The National Football League isn’t just the most remunerative professional sports league on the planet, it’s the most morally bankrupt.”

Of course, Reason spends millions of pixels and gallons of ink every month advancing the view that morality is in the eye of the beholder and “Don’t you dare shove your morality down my throat–I’m a libertarian!”

The lesson here: Reason can be at least as hypocritically preachy as those it routinely condemns when it suits its purpose.

The Soft Totalitarianism of Principled Libertarians

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16



“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
-–1 Corinthians 15:1-4 – (h/t:B)

Drinking fruit juice daily increases heart disease – Drinking fruit juice doesn’t increase heart disease nearly as much as reading fake medical studies daily in the Corporate Media does.

State of New York pledges $750 million for Buffalo solar plant

“New York state is spending $750 million to open a solar plant in Buffalo, which will create thousands of jobs. Most of those jobs will be shoveling the snow off the solar equipment.”
–Jimmy Fallon

False Watchmen, Merchants of Fear and Antichrist Deceivers

Edward Snowden documentary premieres; a SHOCKING inside look at how he did it – Mr Snowden is playing a part, just as his ultimate target, President Traitor Puppet MomJeans is.  Any truth which come out of his mouth is nothing more than happenstance.  Like President MomJeans, Snowden will say whatever words his handlers put into his mouth.

(VIDEO) Man plays exquisitely on musical glasses – (h/t:F) Impressive indeed!

POLL: Americans want Era of Big Government to end – Oh, it’s going to.  The Bible says the Era of Big (Federal) Government is going to end and the Era of One World Government will begin. Soon.

Do You Know Jesus?

Is Your calling and election sure?

Feds take jobs from disabled Americans and send them to Central Asia

The Snappening: Thousands of kids, some as young as 10, could have nude photos posted online

“The NSPCC found as many as 40% of young children have been swapping sexual images.”

This article would make one sick IF one didn’t realize that the Corporate Media lies while routinely covering for pedophiles–which makes one sick in an entirely different kind of way.

Two “champions of children” are given Nobel Peace Prize – Remember when Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing?  That’s pretty much the way it is almost every year. It’s only the year Obama won, it was more noticeable than usual.

“Bookmakers have listed Pope Francis as the odds-on favorite to win the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. So if you’re placing a bet on the results of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize . . . you have a gambling problem.”
–Seth Meyers

(VIDEO) The entire “Empire Strikes Back” movie as composed by fans – Interesting.  It’s 480 different snippets which make the entire movie.

James Earl Jones To Voice Darth Vader In ‘Star Wars Rebels’ – The most interesting facet of an ABC animated Stars Wars movie is the name and the timing.  The name?  “Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion.”

Just in time to fire Americans up to rebel!

What a coincidence!

“Coincidence is the word we use when we can’t see the levers and pulleys.
Emma Bull

The word ‘luck’ is used in much the same way.

Coincidence is not in the Bible.

Coincidence is one of those little fables the mystery of iniquity has invented to sprinkle on its handiwork when its regular lies have proved ineffective at concealing it.


Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

Ebola crisis sends “conspiracy theorists” into overdrive – Perhaps because many of the government/media’s explanations are simply unbelievable? Because, after all, that is what a “conspiracy theory” is: another explanation which challenges the official version of events.

And the government and the media can’t have that; it’s harder to control people who think for themselves.

And the great majority of the population can’t have that either; it’s harder to ignore and deny what is going on when there is more to think about than the official government line.

QUAKE: 2.6 Oregon

QUAKE: 6.0 Hokkaido Japan

QUAKE: 5.6 Hokkaido Japan


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)?  One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article.  When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master.”  “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events.  Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do.

What is Media Mush?

The Corporate Media

How to make a black hole

(PHOTOS) The Abandoned Communist Nuclear Reactor That Could Have Killed Us All

Caffeine Genes May Explain Why Some People Crave Coffee

This Alabama Judge Has Figured Out How To Dismantle Roe V. Wade – Promises, promises…

The Walking Dead in an Age of Anxiety: Why we’re obsessed with zombies – FIRST, the Corporate Media spends years printing up thousands of articles daily about all things zombie-related. THEN, the government chips in by holding sanctioned “zombie events.”  FINALLY, the Corporate Media writes completely fatuous articles about why, after years of being indoctrinated, “we” are “obsessed” with zombies.  Sweet.

How Cities Are Making Our Rats Smarter And Spiders Bigger

How A Coal Miner’s Autopsy Proved A Top Doctor Wrong

Why 2016 may be Mitt Romney’s year – 2016 might even be as good a year for the Mad Mormon as 2012 was.

Why I’m Giving Wikipedia 6 Bucks A Month – Paying for the right to be deceived.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 10, 2014

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Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

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by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

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