OF INTEREST: Independent Thoughts from around the Internet August 13, 2014

INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET: Make that "our corner of the Internet"
INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET: Make that “our corner of the Internet”


From the Websites we find of interest (for whatever reason).

Links are given as is, without endorsement, sometimes with comment; sometimes not. Independent thought is usually rewarded, though not always.

August 13, 2014

You Don’t Need Church Tradition ( by Jeff Weddle)

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association assisting people BACK to Roman Catholic skull cap, human heart, and mummy worship August 15-17, 2014

So let’s understand what the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) means by their actions –

As long as you believe in Jesus and receive forgiveness of sins, you can go where they worship skull caps, human hearts, and mummies.

This question needs to be asked to Greg Laurie since he is on the BGEA board.

To this writer’s knowledge, Billy Graham has never repented of his nationally-televised proclamations that there are more ways to heaven other than Jesus.  Graham has a lot of which to repent.  Believers should pray that he rejoins the Body of Christ while he still is able.

American Rebel or Child of God: Make Your Choice

It’s suspected there’s a time coming when American Christians will be forced to make a choice: either be an American rebel, fighting against the civil authorities (which the Bible expressly forbids) OR be a Christian and submit to civil authority, whether one agrees with it or not.  Americans want to have it both ways–but they will be forced to make a choice.

Fullness of the Gentiles – Worth a look and a listen.

Hold dear the cross of Christ

Show Me the Evidence – This writer likes the site the linked article appears on, but it’s a dangerous step to base one’s faith on “evidence.”  If there was evidence, it wouldn’t be faith.  It would be something else.

“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”
2 Corinthians 5:7

There will be an entire world full of people in the near future who will be deceived by the counterfeit miracles and lying wonders of the man of sin. These deceived souls will be sitting in churches, congratulating each other on the “powerful move of God” that is taking place and heading to eternal damnation because they have “evidence” in the form of supernatural power.

That is the judgment of the sight-walkers.

Faith No Longer Needed in American Church: The Sight-Walkers

The entire premise of this article is wrong. What the person quoted in the article said was right–if applied to a hard science.  If the premise referred to science or mathematics, then it would not be wrong. When the leap was made to apply the standards of the world to Christianity in order to validate it, then the author veered off into grave error.

There’s certainly enough of that going around these days.

Especially at the misnamed “discernment ministries.”

The Purpose of Trials, part 2

It is love that tests our faith through trials, making it stronger, and more grounded, before the enemy has a chance to attack and attempt to destroy us. The love of God tests our faith to teach us discipline, to teach us obedience, to teach us dependence, so that when we engage the enemy we are not infantile in our thinking or our strength, but soldiers of Christ in the truest most complete sense of the word.

Missionary Quotations: Jackie Pullinger2

NOTE: As the time wind down on this present world, it’s helpful to practice what Jesus commanded believers to do in Mark 13:37.

“And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”


For what are we watching?  Our redemption at some point will draw nigh.  But before all of the “main events” begin to commence, there are a few other things to watch for.  One of the items on this writer’s list is to watch the watchmen.

Most of the so-called “discernment ministries” seem to be corrupted.  The closer we get to the main events, the more they are revealing themselves with pieces no Christian could have written.  These include (but are not limited to): attacks on preaching to the gospel; that preaching the gospel is somehow disobedience to the Great Commission; assurances that a person can take the mark of the beast and still be saved; hints that Muslims should be annihilated; calls for peace, unity and brotherhood at the price of truth; and other doctrines which expose their true agendas.


God’s Deliverance

Madame Guyon: Catholic, Mystic, Apostate – Mystics of all stripes are deceivers–especially in the times in which we now live.  Guyon died almost 300 years ago, but her cult still lives.

Secular Israel vs Biblical Israel: Are they the Same?

Pedophelia the next “normal”? – Pedophilia has been normal in some circles for quite some time.  But the pedophiles are about to come out of the dark. It’s the spirit of lawlessness; it’s the season for the children of disobedience.

Check Yourself – It very difficult to argue with the opening.

Listen, it doesn’t matter if you preach a grace message, or hellfire and brimstone. The world will never like Christians. Period.

This is true.  However, most church-goers today are convinced that they can live in the world and be friends with the enemies of God and still call themselves by His name.  They can.  But will He?

Cooperation: Should We All Get Along? (Part 1)

The John Hagee Deception: Jesus not the Messiah for the Jews

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

Faith: Belief in God



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

image: grant cochrane, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-14. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-14. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.


Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

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