This Day in the Secret History: August 27, 2014

THIS DAY in the Secret History
THIS DAY in the Secret History

SECRET HISTORY: Originally, secret histories were designed as non-fictional, revealing or claiming to reveal the truth behind the “spin”: one such example is the Secret History of the Mongols. Secret histories can range from standard historical revisionism with proper critical reexamination of historical facts to negative historical revisionism wherein facts are deliberately omitted, suppressed or distorted.

AUGUST 27, 2014
On This Day
End Times Prophecy Report


410 – The sacking of Rome by the Visigoths ends after three days. The temporal power of the Roman Empire is fast declining and practically at an end.  In another 60 years or so, the Western Empire (with its capital at Rome) will wind down and, in the process, birth the states which became what we know today as France, Spain, Italy, England, Portugal, Belgium and Netherlands.

Into this power vacuum stepped the Roman Catholic Church, the first of many clever counterfeits of Christianity put forth by the mystery of iniquity to deceive the nations.  1300 years later, the Protestant commentators would contribute to the deception by focusing attention on Roman Church as the end times beast.

The Roman Church will play its dual roles as both a Christian counterfeit and end times focus of deception for over 1500 years.

1593 Pierre Barrière fails in his attempt to assassinate King Henry IV of France. Assassination is a favorite tool of the mystery of iniquity.  It allows the disposal of rulers who were not inclined to “get on board.” In 2014, assassination remains one of their most useful tools–especially for those who swear allegiance to the evil cabal– for a variety of reasons.

1776Battle of Long Island: in what is now Brooklyn, New York, British forces under General William Howe defeat Americans under General George Washington. The independence and establishment of the United States is one of the top priorities of the architects of the New World Order.  In the newly-created country, antichrist religions and ideas have an incubator to grow and take form.  Safe from public outcry and protected by the full lethal force of the federal government, social pathologies are allowed to grow into their present cancerous forms.

1793French Revolutionary Wars: the city of Toulon revolts against the French Republic and admits the British and Spanish fleets to seize its port, leading to the Siege of Toulon by French Revolutionary forces.  The French Revolution and the wars fought over the next 22 years will largely draw the maps of Europe for the next century.  The nations and empires which make up that map are merely transitory, awaiting the World Wars of the 20th century.

Those world wars will then transition the world into its final forms before embarking upon one-world government, which awaits the final world war and the completion of the machinations of evil men.

1813 – French Emperor Napoleon I defeats a larger force of Austrians, Russians, and Prussians at the Battle of Dresden. The Napoleonic Wars are almost at an end and the final conferences will take place in 2 more years which will set the boundaries of Europe for the next 100 years.

1859 Petroleum is discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania leading to the world’s first commercially successful oil well. The oil industry, which has been subject to much manipulation, will be one of the primary means of transferring wealth from the middle and lower classes into the pockets of the ultra-wealthy.

1896Anglo-Zanzibar War: the shortest war in world history (09:00 to 09:45), between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar. Another piece in what will eventually become British East Africa is moved into place.

1918 – Mexican Revolution: Battle of Ambos Nogales — U.S. Army forces skirmish against Mexican Carrancistas and their German advisors in the only battle of World War I fought on American soil.

1921 – The British install the son of Sharif Hussein bin Ali (leader of the Arab Revolt of 1916 against the Ottoman Empire) as King Faisal I. The artificial nation cobbled together by the British was named Iraq.

1928 – The Kellogg–Briand Pact outlawing war is signed by the first 15 nations to do so. Ultimately sixty-one nations will sign it.  This is the first treaty of men outlawing war, but it will not be the last.  There will be another grandiose scheme in the future which men will celebrate by declaring “peace and safety.”

1985 – The Nigerian government is peacefully overthrown by Army Chief of Staff Major General Ibrahim Babangida. In the future, Nigeria will be a country plagued by violence and bloodshed.

by Mondo Frazier

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Primary source: August 27.

Author: M. Frazier

Just a simple blogger with a bag on his head.

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