Noah the Movie Review: Hollywood vs the Bible

NOAH THE MOVIE: Noah and his ark return to Hollywood.
NOAH THE MOVIE: Noah and his ark return to Hollywood.



NOAH the Movie: Those familiar with the Biblical text of Genesis could spend hours pointing out all of the obvious errors in director Darren Aronofsky’s script. Although, it is coming from an atheist who does not believe in God’s Holy Word to begin with.

Aronofsky called his movie “the least biblical biblical film ever made.”

Paramount responded to the derision that followed by issuing a release stating that the film was inspired by the Biblical story from Genesis, but that “artistic license had been taken.”

The story begins with Noah’s childhood and quickly transitions to his adult life in a world that has by spoiled by human sin. Noah (Russell Crowe) is warned by God in a dream that the earth will be destroyed by a flood. Noah’s wife (Jennifer Connelly) and Methuselah (Anthony Hopkins) both confirm God’s message and Noah’s mission to save the animals and his family through the ark.

Noah goes from his Biblical characterization, as the man God chooses to safeguard the best of humanity, to a man obsessed with the idea of killing every human being possible — including his freshly-born twin granddaughters.

The portrayal of Noah during this movie is so dark that you do not like him. It is hard to relate this character with the “righteous” man described in Genesis 6 or the man of “faith” described in Hebrews 11.

There is no record of anyone attempting to kill Noah in the Bible, but we can read of a world beyond saving, with so much wickedness that Noah and his family represented the only good people.

NOAH THE MOVIE Review: Save your money, buy the Book.
NOAH THE MOVIE Review: Save your money, buy the Book.

And in Tubal-Cain’s (Ray Winstone) village, we witness murder, rape, sacrifice, and open graves filled with dead bodies’ right next to the walkways. All manner of evil is seen in these people, and Noah sees it and loses hope for humanity.

If the movie studio wanted to spin a yarn about mythical beasts, epic battles, homicidal sea captains, and a pagan Earth god, they could have done so. They could have called it anything and told their own story. But they called it Noah because they knew that the supposed connection to the Bible would create fascination and controversy.

And controversy sells.

However Aronofsky scored a secular movie hat trick: he padded Noah with enough action movie clichés to draw interest from secular crowds, while hiding the outright blasphemy well enough to please gullible Christians –and he mocked Biblical theology blatantly enough to delight the critics.

Noah is rated PG-13, but it’s violence and intensity may be able to bump up the rating to R.

CONCLUSION: Noah is like a beached whale: the movie flops around for awhile and winds up with a thoroughly unsatisfying ending.

Save your money, buy the Book.


by Liz Kaye

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© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. © Liz Kaye, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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Author: lizkay04

Reporter. Photographer. Loves Jesus. Gym Rat. Movie Fanatic. Traveling. Camping. Outdoors. Loves my boyfriend and puppy. Coffee.

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