End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 13, 2013

End Times Prophecy Report: Headlines, News Commentary
Bible Prophecy in Today’s headlines

End Times Prophecy Report
May 13, 2013

Strong 6 magnitude Iran quake near Strait of Hormuz kills child, causes damage

6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes Tonga region


“Syrian Rebel” cuts out soldier’s heart and eats it in video – (h/t:E)

Demonic Cannibalism in Syria

Over 80,000 dead in Syrian “civil war;” 10,000 missing

Farmer faces over 2 years in jail and $10,000 fine for feeding community

Ice Tsunami plows into dozens of Canadian homes

Don’t forget about North Korea–war is still in play

‘Brazilian Atlantis’: Scientists discover traces of sunken continent under Atlantic Ocean

Department of Education to Eliminate ‘Mother,’ ‘Father’ From Federal Student Aid Forms

Russia will not tolerate further attacks on Damascus

Tenants: Rattlesnakes invade Scottsdale apartments

Wall of ice destroys Manitoba homes, cottages

Eternal Flame at John F. Kennedy's gravesite
Eternal Flame at John F. Kennedy’s gravesite (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Mystery of New York waterfall’s eternal flame – (h/t:E) “Thousands of eternal flames” across  the USA?  “No explanation.”  See below for what “mystery” in a Corporate Media article means.

Hundreds of eternal flames reveal gas sources?

Hidden meaning of eternal flames

Mexico raises alert level for Popocatepetl volcano

World’s Largest Steelmaker Urges Europe To Declare Trade War On China

Have Americans been abducted by aliens? – The sudden death of a Harvard researcher leaves behind “mysteries.”  HINT: Any time the Corporate Media uses the word “mystery,” readers can figure that the demonic is somehow involved

Incurable disease threatens to wipe out U.S. Citrus crops.

Holocaust of Christians in the Muslim World on the Horizon –  “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”  –Matthew 24:21-22

It’s almost showtime…

World War 3 approaching Middle East

Cold, drought cripples U.S. winter wheat crop

Australian media: UnVaccinated children should be raised as outcasts

Globe grows darker as sunlight diminishes

Black violence surges from DC rail line to Masters

DHS exercise portrayed home schoolers as “terrorists”

Taxpayers must report personal medical ID info to IRS in 2014

Anti-Christian war raging at Pentagon – False.  The war has been over.  The winners have been implementing their changes over the last several years.  It is only now apparent to the public.

by Jeremiah J. Jameson


Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

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