U.S. Financial Industry to Replace Dollars with Food Stamps


U.S. financial industry to replace dollars with food stamps.
Because they Care: U.S. Financial industry to replace dollars with food stamps.

US Financial Industry to Replace Dollar with Food Stamps

Food stamps for dollars
Mr. Moneybags: Dollars for food stamps; Food stamps for dollars!

As experts ponder the implications of America’s stepping-back from world political leadership, finance professionals are openly discussing what the world will be like without the US dollar as the primary unit of international and domestic trade. In the meantime, American businesses are considering the benefits of a new economy based on food stamps.

“While the dollar’s future is glum, the food stamp is on its ascendency,” said Melanie Carnegie, a senior financial analyst at the non-partisan Cloward-Piven Strategy Institute in Washington, DC. “We at Cloward-Piven are actively working with big corporations, such as J.P. Morgan and Xerox, to get them into Food Stamp distribution programs. We also assist them in lobbying Washington politicians to qualify all citizens for food stamps as a replacement for dollars in terms of purchases and even savings.”

Barack Obama: The Food stamp president
Barack Obama: the food stamp president!

Barack Obama: The Food Stamp President

According to Carnegie, the number of food stamp recipients in the last three years increased by over 15 million and now represents well over 10% of US households. “More and more people are becoming comfortable with food stamps, and soon I think the public will be willing to give up cash in favor of the EBT card,” she said. “This is the change we’ve been waiting for.”

The change is obvious: once relegated to the poor and stigmatized, the Food Stamp is not just becoming more accepted, it is looking very lucrative for many US businesses struggling with a slow recovery and a large pool of potential customers sidelined from the market by unemployment.

MORE AT: US Financial Industry to Replace Dollar with Food Stamps

From The People’s Cube


Aer773 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What’s sad is that very soon, most people will desperately need assistance.  Many of these people will be formerly well-off, middle-class Americans who have been wiped out by the criminal classes now operating in Washington DC.

Tragically, at a time when ex-middle class Americans could use some help, the government’s ceaseless fountain of benefits for the indigent will no longer be flowing.  Those Americans will suffer and have to look somewhere other than the government for help.

Do you know Jesus?

Near Bakersfield, California. Applicants for s...
Near Bakersfield, California. Applicants for surplus food stamp grants by Farm Security Administrati . . . – NARA – 522181 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

posted by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–from information contained in an email to Mondo Frazier

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

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