End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15, 2023

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End Times Prophecy Report
June  15,  2023testifyCommentary


“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4

NEWS“The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky


UKRAINE: Putin claims Ukraine counter-offensive is failing

RUSSIA: Putin admits Russia lacks drones, other weapons in war against Ukraine

RUSSIA: Russia Turns Oil Tap for North Korea Back On as US Warns on Weapons

MORE: Russia and the USA: End Times Members of Team Dragon

SOUTH AFRICA: US lawmakers ask Biden administration to punish South Africa for alleged support for Russia

CHINA: China could match nuke prowess of Russia, US in decade: SIPRI

MOLDOVA: U.S. Sanctions Leading Members of Russian Intelligence-Linked Group Plotting to Destabilize the Government of Moldova

EUROPEAN UNION:  The EU Could Ban Imports Of Russian Natural Gas By Pipeline

World War 3 Watch: October 2, 2017

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan

CLIMATE CHANGE: The End of the World According to Satan

End-of-the-World Scenarios according to Satan



AMERICAN SCHOOLS: Public Education is public indoctrination.

There is a primary reason the USA has traditionally provided free COMPULSORY schooling for those between the ages of 6-16.

That reason has NOTHING to do with teaching the students any subject information.

That reason is indoctrination by the state.

Home schooling is also the chief method of getting around such mandated indoctrination–for now.

Home schooling skyrockets in America – Americans are finding out what the elite and many teachers have known for decades: Public schools in America are lousy.

The way it works: Most Americans agree that the public schools are HORRIBLE–unless the conversation turns to the schools which THEIR CHILDREN attend.

Then, they feel that those schools are “outstanding.”

This is nonsense.

But if those people admit that THEIR SCHOOLS are horrible also, it means they would have to do something about it–or admit that they don’t care a whole lot about their own kids (in general) OR their own kids’ education (in particular).

They may even have to home school!

What would the neighbors think?

They may even have to quit their job!

Oh no!  This can’t be happening!

Not in America!

Home schooled children (many times) get a LARGE dose of subject matter too risque for today’s public schools.

But that’s another article for another time.

MORE: SCHOOLS: Indoctrination Stations


511 days until Election Day 2024

Days left in Joe Biden’s Term: 587

“Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
H. L. Mencken

SATAN’S MOUTHPIECE: The Corporate Media

Inside the Biden White House’s intentionally quiet response to Trump’s federal charges

Poll: Biden’s independent voter trouble and a hypothetical contest against Wes Moore

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Will Voters Blame Biden For Trump’s Indictment?

After Manchin drama, Senate confirms Biden chief economist

“President Trump said that during the North Korea summit, he will not focus on human rights abuses. Trump said, “My marriage is no one’s business.”
–-Conan (2018)

“President Obama said he welcomes a national debate over our surveillance policies. He said that’s a debate we wouldn’t have had five years ago. Five years ago? It’s a debate we wouldn’t have had two weeks ago if they all hadn’t gotten caught.”
–Jay Leno (2013)

Donald Trump Prophecy?

“I can understand why mankind hasn’t given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners; two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.”
-—P.J. O’Rourke

QUOTES: A Few Thoughts on Voting

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Winston Churchill

Others might insist that a five-minute conversation with one of the political puppets is the best argument against democracy.

Things of This World: Faith and Trust in Politics

“But actually, he thought as he readjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
–On changing government statistics – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

POLLS: Another Way to Lie

Do you believe the media? Then why do you believe their lying polls?

“Political campaigns today are all side shows, all honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches. These are for the most part unrelated to the main business of studying the party scientifically, of supplying the public with party, candidate, platform, and performance, and selling the public these ideas and products.”
Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

POLLS: The Fiction of Polls and Public Opinion

“There is no public opinion. There is only published opinion.”
–Winston Churchill

The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Polls

“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
John 20:31

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
Romans 1:16power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-Christ


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. ”
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
-—1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The Gospel is Hidden to Those who are Lost

MAY 2022



The world–particularly the end times world–is a dark, dark place.

The darkness is caused by DECEPTION.

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.”
–1JOHN 5:19

[One of the deceptions is the Satan-approved Bible translations which change 1JOHN 5:19 from “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” to “the whole world lies in the Wicked One.” But ANYONE who has studied the verse in the original Greek KNOWS that the original KJV translation is the CORRECT ONE.]

“For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”
–Isaiah 60:2

Though the world be covered in the darkness of deception, Jesus is the light of the world.

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
–John 1:5

“…he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.”
–Daniel 2:22

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
–John 8:12

Time is growing short.

Follow Jesus Christ.

Follow the light.


ALL Who Call Upon the Name of the LORD

Putin’s major admission about Russian military as Ukraine launches counteroffensive

Freedom Caucus adds new members in the wake of House floor rebellion

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt

Trump claims ‘political persecution’ in speech after arraignment

“The new PlayStation 4 is going to allow gamers to record their gaming and share it with friends. All the gamers would need is an Internet connection and friends.”
–-Conan (2013)

US military says Syria helicopter accident leaves 22 troops injured

First People Sickened By COVID-19 Were Chinese Scientists At Wuhan Institute Of Virology, Say US Government Sources

TRIBULATION is the Believer’s End Times Bag of Bricks



PROMISES, PROMISES: The world promises a "New You!"

He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
–John 15:23

The world HATES Jesus Christ.

That is one reason it is always trying to offer its own NEW, IMPROVED version of Jesus Christ.

Can all religions be true: Keeping Jesus, Letting go of Christian Exceptionalism – It’s always interesting to see what those selling another Jesus will say.

This sounds like ObamaCare: “If you like your old Jesus, you can keep your old Jesus!”

OR a used car commercial.

“We’ve got a new, improved Jesus! Our new Jesus comes with an unconditional guarantee that the world will love both you and Him! Try our Jesus for just 30 days and if you don’t like Him, you can have your old Jesus back!”

The world truly hates Jesus Christ.

That’s why it so badly wants another version.

That is also the reason the world HATES the followers of Jesus Christ.

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.”
John 15:18

MORE: End Times Tolerance: New! Improved! Tolerance

Wheat and Tares

75 Most Important ETPR Articles

IF the End Times Cause Nervousness in BOTH Believers and NON-believers, Then What is the Advantage of Siding With God?

‘I moved to Germany and regret it’

Better than 1999

Does intramuscular fat predict risk of cognitive decline?

Pay raises just caught up with inflation for the first time in 2 years

“Facebook has announced a new page called “Memories” that will show users photos from the past. It’s better than the original title for the page, “When You Were Thinner.”
–-Seth Meyers (2018)


Everyone LOVES to hear and see DRAMA, right?

And really: what is more exciting than manufactured drama?

And what is more dramatic than an apparent feud among the beautiful people, right?

Particularly if the “feud” is between celebrities, politicos or royal nabobs?

IN FACT, the rich and celebrated almost never disagree: they engage in feuds–sometimes for decades after they have ceased being celebrated for anything else.

What would the beautiful people do with themselves if not for their never-ending feuds?

Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) has always had a problem: what to do when too many of the rich and celebrated have NOTHING “newsworthy” to do. When the media gets tired of reporting what the rich and celebrated are wearing, they turn to the tried-and-true method of of fake “feuds” to generate cheap, plastic “news.”

One popular singer’s entire marketing campaign over the years seems to have been based on engaging in one “feud” after another. But, as the “victims” appear to be primarily the singer’s “fans,” it’s hard to get too worked up over the ruse.

Sports, politics and celebrity culture, European royalty–wherever the rich and celebrated congregate: these are the arenas where readers can most often find stories of “feuds.

Oh–and pro wrestling…

One can depend on those who labor for the mystery of iniquity to act, in not only an EVIL manner, but also in a very repetitive one as well.

Case in point: when two followers of Satan are working together, one of the first things they do is establish that they 1-do not like each other; 2- they hate each other; or, 3- are fighting against one another.

Democrats and Republicans, Russia and the USA, members of the same family who toil together for evil ends, famous celebrities who are “feuding” with each other: it happens so often, one occasionally has to wonder, “Does Satan have a university or school where he teaches his followers these tricks?”
—-University of Satan

WWE Grand Slam Champions reveals his favorite feud ruined by COVID-19

SOME Are More Concerned With Their COMFORT Than Being Effectively Prepared For the End Times

Insects During the End Times



How it Begins?

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.”
–T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men

The world has taught the masses to hate, particularly in the Ground Zero for Deception: the United States.

This willingness and capacity to hate will prove quite useful for Satan and his many workers in the end times.

50 Slain in Gay Nightclub, Worst Mass Shooting in US History – This story, as all such narratives do, changed over the first ten-twelve hours.

For a while, there was a good deal of early Internet chatter that the gunman was a Christian extremist. The US population has been the subject of nonstop anti-Muslim propaganda for the past 20+ years. Over the past 2 years, this propaganda has been a particularly virulent strain.

Once the population has been indoctrinated to hate against one particular group, it is no great thing to then change

(substitute) targets (Christians for Muslims).

Orwell wrote that in the future, the government would sponsor daily TWO MINUTES HATE sessions.

At some point, it would not be surprising to hear from the government/media that ‘extremist Christians‘ and ‘Muslim terrorists‘ are acting together.

That would prepare the way for widespread government crackdowns against anyone professing to follow Jesus Christ.

This is CERTAIN to happen.

The only question is “Exactly WHEN will it take place?

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”
–2Timothy 3:12

MORE: End Times Persecution of Christians and Non-Christians

MORE: Persecution, Tribulation, Troubles, Trials: What the Bible says to Christians

“Til I’m Gone…”

NYC Office Occupancy Hits 50% For First Time Since Covid Crash

NYC’s Police Commissioner Abruptly Resigns; Days After Baltimore’s Top Cop’s Sudden Departure

There is a Japanese pop band whose members are all over 80 years old. The band is known for their No. 1 hit song, “Where Am I?”
–-Conan (2018)

New Jersey Bill Would Deny Funding To Schools If Their Libraries Remove Pornography

Is housing a human right? California voters could decide

Walmart Builds New Beef Plant To Bolster Meat Supply Chain

Last Days’ Weapons of Our Warfare: Spiritual, NOT Physical




What Anthony Bourdain Understood About Authenticity – The Corporate Media (Satan’s Mouthpiece) drones on and on and on about how Anthony Bourdain–a TV foodie–after supposedly checking out of life; after demonstrating he did not know how to deal with life–had so many answers about LIFE!

Of course, the media makes heroes out of those who supposedly killed themselves.

Anthony Bourdain was NOT the first to be exalted in such a manner.

He will certainly not be the last.

MORE: Suicides of the Rich and Celebrated


Severe storms to keep rumbling across South

Teens who lost weight after bariatric surgery had weaker bones afterward, study says

Dallas neighborhood complains construction of flood control project is causing more flooding

Toyota shareholders reject proposal demanding better performance on climate change

MORE: Climate Change or Word of God: Make Your Choice

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
H. L. Mencken

Climate change has fueled larger wildfires in California, scientists say

Climate change” is responsible for almost ANYTHING!

IF it is hot, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is cold, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is dry, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is wet, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

“Heads I win, tails you lose.”

MORE: Climate Change: Fake It Until They Make It

“I’m old enough to remember when the air over American cities was a lot dirtier than it is now.”
–P. J. O’Rourke

…and now that it’s cleaner and more clear, the elite spin their fables, trying to create fear over “climate change.”

It’s Too Late to Prevent Global Warming, but Maybe We Can Fix It

MORE: Global Warming: What does the Bible Say?

Water is precious in California

MORE: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet?

MORE: Water shortages, Drought: End Times Signs

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

End Times Survival, End Times Preparation

end times topics

WEEK OF 6-11-2023

“You witch, you’re that freak”: Winona Ryder Reveals Her $74M Movie With Batman Star Michael Keaton Made Her Life Miserable

Texas Tech University Offers Cool Course on Black Magic, Witches and Bruxas

Her date told her to ‘look pretty’ and not ‘like a goth witch.’ Her response is legendary.

Megan Fox Claps Back At Accusation That She Forces Her Son To Wear “Girl Clothes”

An Experience of the Gods that Left Me Floored


Megan Fox Makes Witch Joke After Accusations Made About Her Children

‘Expend4bles’ Actress Megan Fox Admits To Being A Witch, Appears To Threaten To Perform “Carcass-Eating Ritual”

LEGO Ideas 21341 Hocus Pocus brings Disney’s famous witches to the brick

York to host first ever annual witches coven – complete with prizes and surprises!

Broken pagan statue of Greek god Pan unearthed at early church ruins in Istanbul

Denmark is turning pagan again, mission organisation says

‘Witch’ Megan Fox responds to ‘desperate’ claims that she forced sons to ‘wear girls clothes’

‘Modernization of Witchcraft’ and Evangelical Throwbacks in Africa

‘Witches’ seen on camera, cocaine hot dogs and a chance to buy a Texas town: This week’s weirdest headlines


Renewing Foundations

Pat Robertson helped make intolerance a plank for the Republican Party

‘Rather insensitive’: Fife council to remove menacing witch mural

No, Your Witch Bottle is NOT going to Hex You

Myth of the Witch

“You get witch for body; I no sure say I fit do deliverance for you” – Pastor tells man (Video)

Bewitched – the classic TV series starring Elizabeth Montgomery as a witch – will be adapted into a children’s animated series

When Young Winona Ryder Was Bullied For Her ‘Gothic’ Appearance In Tim Burton’s ‘Beetlejuice’: “It Made Things Worse At School… They Called Me A Witch”


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)? One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article. When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master. “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events. Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do. ALL political “news” is narrative.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

MORE: The End Times Lie of Staged Newscasts

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

REBRANDING EVIL: The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece

Corporate Media: Satan’s Mouthpiece is the Author of Confusion

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
H.L. Mencken

“Things are never quite what they seem. Events are seldom close to how the media and history portray them.”

“It is a free press…There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
–Mark Twain, speech: License of the Press

“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it.”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

Journalists” are story-tellers. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, there is an element of truth in their stories, but truth is not a requirement of what they do.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

HOW seeing corpses reduces the lifespan of flies

MORE: Modern Man Loves a Good Story

HOW a 3.2-million-year-old human relative named Lucy walked


NASA says microorganisms could be hiding in the south pole of the Moon

MORE: End Times Lies: Tell Me a Story

Photosynthesis can make life in space, on Mars, Moon sustainable – study

MORE: MEN WANT TO BE LIED TO: Lie to Me. Please.

HOW did Earth get its water? New clues discovered in an asteroid sample

MORE: Bedtimes Stories from Outer Space

‘Smartphones’ for sharks: Scientists upgrade sensors to keep track of Cape Cod’s white sharks

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

Stowers scientists investigate the evolution of animal developmental mechanisms, show how some of Earth’s earliest animals evolved

MORE: When Men Cease to Believe the Truth, They will Believe Anything



crash test dummies



This is the sort of word that people without principles regularly use in order to make others believe they have principles which they value.

These sort of people like to flatter themselves by often self-identifying as “pragmatic.”

“Pragmatists” DO have one principle: a duty to do everything possible to advance one’s self.

No principles?

No problem!

Just say you are being “pragmatic.”

Pragmatist are concerned with the market (as in what the market will bear).  Perhaps this is why they are usually ALWAYS testing the water?!?

Pragmatist” is sometimes such a hard word to remember.

That’s why the rest of us just call them “compromising sell-outs.”


End Times False Prophets


false prophets and false Christs abound

“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”
–Matthew 24:11

Someone once asked “WHY are false prophets (especially those on “Christian TV“) so wrong so many times about so many things?”

Men scheme and plan and labor behind the scenes to bring about the evil of the end times.

But, even though these men are at the top of the food chain on earth; even though they may be rich and powerful: they still are NOT in control. They only IMAGINE they are in control.

These men are not even in control of their own affairs.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
–Ephesians 6:12

Principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places: demonic powers are pulling the strings to make the men at the top of the food chain dance.

And dance they do.

Be that as it may, God Almighty–the Creator of ALL–is still in control of EVERYTHING.

No matter what deluded men may believe, demonic entities are weak tea when compared to the LORD of hosts.

These entities are NOT in control.

The LORD God Almighty is in control.

Which is WHY there are so many false prophets.

The familiar spirits and demons (and the various men who foolishly follow such deceptive beings) cannot do anything without the approval of God Almighty. For quite some time, they have stage-managed the discussion for the end times events foretold in the Bible.

But those events’ ultimate starting times are determined by God Almighty and God Almighty alone.

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
–Matthew 24:36

Those who have familiar spirits; those who listen to such evil sources of information; those among men who have planned the earthly schedules: may all THINK they know when the action of the end times begins.

But they don’t.

False prophets get their information from familiar (evil) spirits. But the evil spirits do not know: they only can pull the strings on their puppets and wait on God Almighty.

So the false prophets make their predictions based upon what their familiar spirits know. But because their spirits do not know, the false prophets do not know.

BUT, familiar spirits do not tell the men whom they have enslaved “I do not know.”

Instead, they lie.

And, men believe their lies.

Clever though they be, they are still lies.

Which is why the false prophets are so spectacularly WRONG so often: they believe the lies of their familiar spirits.

And the God of heaven and earth laughs at them all.

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.”
–Psalm 2:4-5

And now the reader knows.


ONE YEAR AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15, 2022

TWO YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15, 2021

THREE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15, 2020

FOUR YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 14-16, 2019

FIVE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15-17, 2018


SEVEN YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15, 2016

EIGHT YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15, 2015

NINE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 14-15, 2014

TEN YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 15-16, 2013

World War 3 Watch: June 15, 2015


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: June 14, 2023

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Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

Updates, corrections and late additions to this information 24/7 at END TIMES PROPHECY REPORT


35 Most Important ETPR Articles



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

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3-  Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net
5- Image by Лечение Наркомании from Pixabay/.com
6- Wikimedia Commons/pd
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“Jesus is the Light” – Photo by David Tomaseti on Unsplash.com

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-2023. © Mondo Frazier and End Times Prophecy Report, DBKP 2007-2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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para fine tempis - Prepare for the end times

Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

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