End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2022

2022 ETPR Headlines

End Times Prophecy Report.com
October 24, 2022



“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4


UKRAINE: At least half Ukraine’s thermal power capacity hit by Russian attacks – minister

RUSSIA: US restores defense talks with Russia but sees no interest in ending war

RUSSIA: Russian mothers are turning deadbeat fathers over to Putin’s military draft: ‘My ex-husband died as a person a long time ago’

RUSSIA: U.S. sees no evidence Russia is interested in ending Ukraine aggression – Blinken

MORE: Russia and the USA: End Times Members of Team Dragon

CHINA:  China’s Communist Party amends constitution, cementing Xi’s status as ‘core’ of the party

UNITED KINGDOM: Liz Truss Resigns: Who will be next UK PM | Rishi Sunak or Boris Johnson Latest (VIDEO)

FRANCE: France calls on UN to investigate whether Russia used Iranian drones in Ukraine

ITALY: Italy’s far-right Meloni becomes country’s first female PM (VIDEO)

World War 3 Watch: October 2, 2017

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan

CLIMATE CHANGE: The End of the World According to Satan

End-of-the-World Scenarios according to Satan


743 days until Election Day 2024

Days left in Joe Biden’s Term: 819

“Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
H. L. Mencken

SATAN’S MOUTHPIECE: The Corporate Media

Federal appeals court HALTS Biden’s student loan forgiveness program to consider request from GOP states to block the plan

Biden Says First Lady Doesn’t Want Him to ‘Walk Away’ From Job – A reader can know a U.S. president is in trouble when he appeals to his ‘wife.’

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Biden says he has reduced the deficit by $1.4TRILLION this year, rejects claims Democrats are ‘big spenders’ as tax revenue and LESS spending reduce deficit

“The big story of the debate was Donald Trump saying he might not accept the results of the election. Honestly, I didn’t know you could do that. I didn’t know you could just not accept things. If that’s the case, I’ve decided not to accept the results of my last acting audition.”
–James Corden (2016)

“Of course, Hillary also had her moments at the last debate. Here’s what she said about her tax plans: “We are going to go where the money is.” And she knows where the money is. It’s where she gives her speeches.”
–Stephen Colbert (2016)

Donald Trump Prophecy?

Hillary Clinton is ‘America’s ex-wife.'”
P.J. O’Rourke

QUOTES: A Few Thoughts on Voting

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Winston Churchill

Others might insist that a five-minute conversation with one of the political puppets is the best argument against democracy.

Things of This World: Faith and Trust in Politics

“But actually, he thought as he readjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
–On changing government statistics – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

POLLS: Another Way to Lie

Do you believe the media? Then why do you believe their lying polls?

“Political campaigns today are all side shows, all honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches. These are for the most part unrelated to the main business of studying the party scientifically, of supplying the public with party, candidate, platform, and performance, and selling the public these ideas and products.”
Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

POLLS: The Fiction of Polls and Public Opinion

“There is no public opinion. There is only published opinion.”
–Winston Churchill

The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Polls

“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
John 20:31

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-Christ


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.”
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
-—1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The Gospel is Hidden to Those who are Lost

MAY 2022


LIGHT IN THE DARKThe world–particularly the end times world–is a dark, dark place.

The darkness is caused by DECEPTION.

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.”
–1JOHN 5:19

[One of the deceptions is the Satan-approved Bible translations which change 1JOHN 5:19 from “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” to “the whole world lies in the Wicked One.” But ANYONE who has studied the verse in the original Greek KNOWS that the original KJV translation is the CORRECT ONE.]

“For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”
–Isaiah 60:2

Though the world be covered in the darkness of deception, Jesus is the light of the world.

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
–John 1:5

“…he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.”
–Daniel 2:22

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
–John 8:12

Time is growing short.

Follow Jesus Christ.

Follow the light.


The FUN! Fallacy: The Futility of FUN!

Sen. Lindsey Graham asks the Supreme Court to block a subpoena from an Atlanta grand jury investigating 2020 election interference

Republicans launch rescue mission in Oklahoma governor race

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt

Trump subpoena: Former president ordered to testify to January 6 committee

Trump to hold rally in South Texas two days before early voting

“Scientists are reportedly testing a new anti-aging drug that could lengthen the lives of dogs. Wouldn’t that be great? And even better, shorten the lives of cats.”
–Conan (2015)

US Forest Service employee arrested in Oregon over spread of prescribed burn

CDC mulls polio vaccine that contains LIVE virus to contain outbreak in New York – but there is a tiny risk recipients could become infected – It depends on WHO is incurring the risk as to whether it is described as “tiny” or not…

What Does One Do When Something In Which One Does NOT Believe Turns Out to Be Completely Real?



Moderns place a GREAT DEAL of their hopes in medicine.

Medicine is supposedly what will cure what is wrong with you, health-wise.

Moderns are told REPEATEDLY that the medical field is nothing but a bunch of selfless folks whose ONLY concern is for you to get better (if you are not feeling well).

Years ago, it was pointed out that “Medicine does not work the way you are told it works.”

AT THE TIME, this observation set off an argument of EPIC proportions with ALL those in listening distance.

“Medicine made me better when I had heart problems!”

“I trust medicine more than I trust politicians!”

“A person has to believe in SOMETHING!  I choose to believe in the medical field.”

HOWEVER, about five years later, one of the folks present when that observation was made, said something that TOTALLY surprised this writer (who heard it).

The person who said the surprising thing was a member in good standing of the medical profession: a registered nurse.

The person was in bed because of some malady and, faced with a slew of pills, exclaimed, “All of this medicine?  I’m not taking all of this medicine all at once!”

This was surprising because only five years or so before, the person had faithfully defended the medical field–including personnel and medicine.

“But you believe in medicine! This will help get you back on your feet.”

“I told you: I’m NOT taking all of this medicine at one time!”

As the woman was adamant, there was nothing to do but give her smaller doses.

The question which went unasked–but which SHOULD have been posed:

“Did you see something which changed your mind?”

The question will remain unasked because that person is no longer with us.

Once again, medicine does NOT work the way the reader thinks it works.

MORE: Not Everything is a Physical Cause-and-Effect Relationship: Great End Times Deceptions

Regardless of the Many Warnings in God’s Word, Modern Man Believes He Will Survive the End Times Because He is Special

‘I’m a Psychologist, “Sleep Divorce” Could Save Your Relationship’

Will Ron DeSantis run for president in 2024?

Joe Biden’s Secret Six

“A diet pill endorsed by Dr. Oz was found to be based on bogus scientific research. Yeah, people are shocked that you can’t trust a TV doctor named after a lying wizard.”
–Conan (2014)

Scientists Found a Way to Predict Your Death by How You Walk

Personality is not genetically wired

The Far Left Could Be In Trouble in Big Cities



ANOTHER GOSPEL: The churches only preach other gospels.

The Near-Beer Gospel: the Search for Pale Substitutes – This is from 2007.

Has the situation improved or deteriorated in the last (nearly) 10 years?

The churches have found many substitutes for the gospel of Jesus Christ at either end of the spectrum.

One is lukewarm; one is a smoldering heap.

ONE is the “seeker sensitive” movement with it’s “purpose-driven,” bean-counting and its go-along-to-get-along philosophies where the gospel message is pretended to be an afterthought.

It isn’t.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is hated by the seducers and wolves who operate this Church of the Tares–which is why it’s not preached.

THE SECOND is the “experience-driven/sign-wonder/end times ‘revival‘” movement where the gospel of Jesus Christ is expanded until it becomes another gospel.

MORE: Modern Church Revival: Sideshows for Satan

This substitution for the gospel of Jesus Christ is also intentional: the evil men and ministers of Satan DO NOT want the gospel of Jesus Christ preached.

They hate it.

Not surprisingly, the Bible warns of both of these approaches in the end times.

BEWARE! The churches only preach other gospels.


Why Do the Government/Media’s Lies Work?

5 Strange Things Millionaires Do With Their Money, But Most of Us Have Never Tried

Treatment For Depression Changes The Very Structure of The Brain, Scientists Find

What would happen if the world suddenly went vegetarian?

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”
–1TIMOTHY 4:1,3

China, ‘factory of the world,’ is losing more of its manufacturing and export dominance, latest data shows

“The popularity of Congress is at an all-time low, according to a recent poll that says Americans like head lice more than they like Congress. But you know, I think the real story here is that some Americans like head lice.”
–Conan (2013)


Everyone LOVES to hear and see DRAMA, right?

And what is more dramatic than an apparent feud among the beautiful people, right?

Particularly if the “feud” is between celebrities, politicos or royal nabobs?

IN FACT, the rich and celebrated almost never disagree: they engage in feuds–sometimes for decades after they have ceased being celebrated for anything else.

What would the beautiful people do with themselves if not for their never-ending feuds?

Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) has always had a problem: what to do when too many of the rich and celebrated have NOTHING “newsworthy” to do. When the media gets tired of reporting what the rich and celebrated are wearing, they turn to the tried-and-true method of of fake “feuds” to generate cheap, plastic “news.”

One popular singer’s entire marketing campaign over the years seems to have been based on engaging in one “feud” after another. But, as the “victims” appear to be primarily the singer’s “fans,” it’s hard to get too worked up over the ruse.

Sports, politics and celebrity culture, European royalty–wherever the rich and celebrated congregate: these are the arenas where readers can most often find stories of “feuds.

Oh–and pro wrestling…

One can depend on those who labor for the mystery of iniquity to act, in not only an EVIL manner, but also in a very repetitive one as well.

Case in point: when two followers of Satan are working together, one of the first things they do is establish that they 1-do not like each other; 2- they hate each other; or, 3- are fighting against one another.

Democrats and Republicans, Russia and the USA, members of the same family who toil together for evil ends, famous celebrities who are “feuding” with each other: it happens so often, one occasionally has to wonder, “Does Satan have a university or school where he teaches his followers these tricks?”
—-University of Satan

Conor McGregor Pulls Petr Yan Into Hasbulla Feud

Cora Jade And Roxanne Perez’s WWE NXT Feud Is Inspired By Sasha Banks’ Rivalry



Was involved in an EXTREMELY interesting discussion with a couple of heathens this past week.

The discussion’s MAIN topic was TOP DOGS–but the conversation flitted here and there, touching on a NUMBER of barely-related thoughts.

IF MEMORY SERVES, the discussion began as an observation.

“When one is a top dog–especially when one is a top dog for a LONG time–one gets used to that circumstance. ” 

IF a person was at the head of a pecking order for any length of time, then that person grows accustomed to the perks which go along with being the top dog.  When one slips further down the food chain, one is VERY upset (usually) with the diminished circumstance in which the former top dog is NOW forced to live.

“When one is a top dog, one normally gathers a LOT of pride: it goes with the territory.”

“When the nights are cold, his pride will keep him warm.  When his belly growls because he is hungry, his pride will fill his innards.”

“I’m not sure I understand what all that means.”

“People use pride as a substitute. Pride is a substitute for a LOT of things.  SOME of those things are needed to live.”

“Yeah, but can pride be used as a substitute for when a top dog is upset that he is no longer a top dog?”

“Good question.  Like what?”

“Like America is used to being the top dog.  When the country is no longer top dog and Americans are upset at their reduced circumstance, will pride make them whole?”

“Probably not. Why you ask?”

“Because America will not be top dog much longer.”

“Maybe after I’m dead and gone–but the country has only slowed down a little.”

“That’s what I would have said when I was deceived.”

“What’s that?”

“America will be here long after I’m gone.  That’s what I would have said years ago.”

And then, the discussion moved on to other topics.

BUT, it was an interesting discussion–while it lasted.


pile newspapers




The Alien/ET/UFO media chatter is one of the longest-running propaganda campaigns: about 70 years.

In total, involving entertainment, news, government, science, education, popular culture: in short, every tool at the command of the mystery of iniquity has been used in this important end times deception.

Where in the Solar System is it Possible for Alien Life?

Alien life, ETs and UFOs are VERY important Corporate Media themes. It’s very important for the mystery of iniquity to indoctrinate mankind on these end times deceptions.

Which is why Big Media, Big Government, Big Entertainment, Big Science and all parts of the mystery of iniquity have churned out a steady, never-ending stream of information on aliens since the late 1940s.

Humanity and sanity in space – More fables about space, space travel and WHAT IFs.

One trick the Corporate Media uses to great effect: when a movie is released (The Martian), someone in the media writes AS IF the movie were a true story.

In this way, the media tempts readers to thoughtfully consider speculation and daydreams as reality.


The Modern Equation

Idiot’s guide to the apocalypse: Four horsemen – Pestilence

The 10 Best Movies That End With The Apocalypse, According To Reddit

Could you handle them all? 20 films that made people vomit, pass out, and worse at the cinema – Marketing…

“Did you see where William Shatner just became the oldest man in space? The whole thing was very over-the-top. The launch was narrated by Amazon employees. It felt less like a rocket launch and more like a North Korean news broadcast.”
–Jimmy Kimmel

What is Armageddon?

Apocalypse Soon

Why Do Some of Us Look Forward to the End of the World?

75 Most Important ETPR Articles



When one scans dozens of newspapers and magazines each day, looking for interesting headlines, one begins to notice a few things about the media that (mis)informs us.

One of the MOST noticed points is that the media TAKES ITS TIME WHEN IT IS DECEIVING ITS CUSTOMERS.

Other than WAR or NATURAL DISASTER/CALAMITY, the media RARELY puts the bad news out all at once.

The media–on MOST topics–operates on the “slow-but-steady-wins-the-race” principle.

The media RARELY uses all of its ‘heavy equipment’ at the beginning of a story.

The media uses the drip-drip-drip method of misinforming its users.

In this manner, the media may take longer to misinform–but the misinformation usually sticks with the person who is misinformed.

Drip-drip-drip is the way that water wears down a MUCH harder rock.

Flood won’t damage a hard rock–but the drip-drip-drip of erosion will.

Propaganda works much the same way.

Propaganda MUST be CONSTANTLY repeated to be effective.

“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

SO, successful propaganda ALSO works on the drip-drip-drip method–and each drip is a repetition of the first one.

The reader may want to keep this in mind the next time he is greeted with a media story which ushers in CHANGES.

The story will RARELY begin with a bang.

BUT, the reader will still PROBABLY be reading that story–or various aspects of it–a YEAR later.

Harry Callahan Vs The Modern World

Caruso’s huge ad campaign seems to be paying off in LA mayor’s race

U.S. judge: Passengers in fatal Boeing 737 MAX crashes are ‘crime victims’

“President Biden pardoned all prior federal offenses for simple marijuana possession. The move stops short of full decriminalization, which will probably have to wait until we have a President Woodrow Harrelson or something. But it is the most cannabis-friendly decision by a US president yet, and I for one am just glad Willie Nelson is alive to see this happen.”
–Jimmy Kimmel (2022)

More questions than answers surround the deaths of four friends found dead in an Oklahoma river

Ethan Crumbley expected to plead guilty for fatal shooting at Oxford High School, prosecutors say

First Texas state law enforcement officer fired amid probe into Uvalde school shooting response

The End Times Will NOT Wait


Sweeping Cold Front To Bring Much-Needed Rain, Snow To West (VIDEO)

Flu season is off to an early start in the U.S. One group that often avoids the worst of it could get hit hardest

Ian flood insurance payments at $113M

The Effects of Climate Change on Cardiovascular Health

MORE: Climate Change or Word of God: Make Your Choice

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H.L. Mencken

Climate change the greatest threat the world has ever faced, UN expert warns

Climate change” is responsible for almost ANYTHING!

IF it is hot, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is cold, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is dry, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is wet, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

“Heads I win, tails you lose.”

MORE: Climate Change: Fake It Until They Make It

“I’m old enough to remember when the air over American cities was a lot dirtier than it is now.”
–P. J. O’Rourke

…and now that it’s cleaner and more clear, the elite spin their fables, trying to create fear over “climate change.”

Here’s WHY small degrees of global warming matter

MORE: Global Warming: What does the Bible Say?

Drought is touching nearly every corner of Idaho

MORE: Water shortages, Drought: End Times Signs

MORE: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet?

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

End Times Survival, End Times Preparation

end times topics

WEEK OF 10-23-2022

We All Have a Little Witch In Us—These Wellness Rituals Will Help Bring Out Yours

Conversations with a Witch

Roseville cemetery cold spot contains witch

Morro Bay’s ninth annual Witches’ Paddle to draw out hundreds of participants

Sold out ‘Witch Paddle’ event to bring hundreds to Colorado lake this month

The weather witch lives on in coastal Delaware


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)? One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article. When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master. “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events. Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do. ALL political “news” is narrative.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

MORE: The End Times Lie of Staged Newscasts

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

REBRANDING EVIL: The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece

Corporate Media: Satan’s Mouthpiece is the Author of Confusion

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
H.L. Mencken

“Things are never quite what they seem. Events are seldom close to how the media and history portray them.”

“It is a free press…There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
–Mark Twain, speech: License of the Press

“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it.”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

Journalists” are story-tellers. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, there is an element of truth in their stories, but truth is not a requirement of what they do.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity reaches intriguing salty site after treacherous journey

MORE: Modern Man Loves a Good Story

China moon mission samples upend theories of lunar volcanism


Will Mars finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

MORE: End Times Lies: Tell Me a Story

Scientists spar over underground lakes on Mars

MORE: MEN WANT TO BE LIED TO: Lie to Me. Please.

Hubble shows view of ‘unexpected’ twin tail created by NASA spacecraft slamming into asteroid

MORE: Bedtimes Stories from Outer Space

Why do mosquitos attack some folks and ignore others? Science has an answer

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

Derbyshire fossil study reveals insights into Peak District’s 12 million year-old climatic past

MORE: When Men Cease to Believe the Truth, They will Believe Anything




fake, phony, counterfiet

Woman Charged For Faking Cancer To Raise Money – IF all those who faked dread disease–and other fictitious calamities–to raise money were caught, the prisons would have no more room.




POLL: Do voters agree with President Obama’s Afghanistan plans? – Amazingly, Obama’s plans turn out to be the same ones as the man he replaced, George W. Bush.

What a coincidence!

The faces change but the policies stay the same–regardless of the relentless propaganda barrage in the Corporate Media to convince Americans that there is a GREAT difference between the puppets at the top.

Afghanistan is a war that has been dragging on for over 14 years. And everyone who dies for the USA is a ‘hero.’

Whether it’s from friendly fire or a plane crash.

President Peace Prize has fought the war in AFGHANISTAN for a longer time than George W. “Warmonger” Bush.

Perhaps there are other reasons to consider for US boots to still be on the ground in Afghanistan?

[2021 NOTE: Does the reader think that the USA will NEVER return to Afghanistan?  Then the reader is deceived and most likely believes whatever he reads.]




Fingerprint Readers Are Now Essential – Okay, the Corporate Media is concentrating on biometrics, electronic spying, drones.


Are they concerned about the privacy of Americans?

One guess is that IF Americans are focused on the techno-spying and sci-fi snooping they’ll miss the extensive networks of informers which permeate every neighborhood in the Land of the Free™.

America Beware: Lies, Propaganda and End Times Deception




US Constitution
Many Americans bow and worship the US Constitution.

It will prove to be a god who failed its followers.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Ebola Travel Ban constitutional – Good to see that all of the different sides of the same coin are falling in line when needed.  Was there ever any doubt?

Dershowitz, a reliably “liberal” mouthpiece, is weighing in on the constitutionality of Ebola travel bans involving noncitizens to the USA?

It is a very, very short walk to Ebola travel bans involving citizens within the USA.

“The Congress has the power, as does the president, to protect the public health by banning travel by noncitizens to the United States,” Dershowitz told J.D. Hayworth on “America’s Forum” on Newsmax TV Tuesday.

Why would there even be a doubt about the constitutionality of a ban involving noncitizens attempting to come to the USA?

>Answer: No, there would not be. Non-citizens outside the USA have no US constitutional rights to come into the USA.

But to most of the great zombified unwashed masses, staring blankly into their smartphones, one travel ban is much like another.

To all of those tempted to yell, “Conspiracy theorist!” ?

We’ll see.

Ebola trumps the constitution: it’s that simple.  Does the reader believe that three weeks of non-stop indoctrination of FEAR of EBOLA will be wasted on something so trivial as “educating the public” or the “public’s right to know?”  We’re all adults here.

As stated a few weeks ago: Checkpoints are coming to the USA.  You heard it here first.  Oh, and there will always be a good reason when Americans get more of their precious “rights” taken away from them.

They will never run out of reasons.

Of course, the entire EBOLA episode does have one positive side to it.  It IS a valuable educational experience about just how sacred both the US constitution and the rights it “guarantees” are.

The loss of rights are NOT the endgame here.

The endgame is not even the provoking of Americans into rebelling–and their getting mowed down for great loss of life and the creation of tremendously great chaos.

The endgame is that there will come a man who will promise RELIEF from the bloodshed and chaos.

The man of sin IS the endgame.

As is the vehicle of the man of sin: the worldwide system which will control the earth for 42 months.

The scrap of paper will protect the world from the man of sin.

Including the US constitution.

MAN OF SIN: The Man of Sin is Coming

Have you worked out your salvation with fear and trembling?

Is you calling and election sure?


ONE YEAR AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22-24, 2021

TWO YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 23-25, 2020

THREE YEARS AGO:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2019



SIX YEARS AGO:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2016

SEVEN YEARS AGO:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24-25, 2015

EIGHT YEARS AGO:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2014

NINE YEARS AGO:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2013

This Day in the Secret History: October 22, 2016

World War 3 Watch: October 24, 2016


The DISCUSSION: One Year Ago

  1. Rumours of the End?
  2. That Which is Learned When One Is Young
  3. The Home Library
  4. Reminiscence
  5. Our Father, Who Art In Heaven
  6. Where Does It Stop?
  7. The Diminishing Marginal Utility of Sin

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21-23, 2022

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

Updates, corrections and late additions to this information 24/7 at END TIMES PROPHECY REPORT


35 Most Important ETPR Articles



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

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5- Photo by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral on Unsplash.com
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7- ETPR/Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash.com/ETPR
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para fine tempis - Prepare for the end times

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22-24, 2021

ETPR headlines 2021
End Times Prophecy Report
October 22-24, 2021

testify 3 banner


“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4

NEWS“The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky


BRAZIL: Brazil’s President Bolsonaro accused of crimes against humanity over COVID

INDIA: India celebrates 1 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses with song and dance

RUSSIA: Russia scrambles fighter jets to escort U.S. strategic bombers over Black Sea

MORE: Russia and the USA: End Times Members of Team Dragon

AFGHANISTAN:  Taliban leaders are welcomed in Moscow for discussions on Afghanistan as Russia seeks to exert influence over new regime

AFGHANISTAN: Regional powers rally behind Taliban’s request for humanitarian aid

CANADA: An underwater mystery on Canada’s coast

WORLD: The booming business of knitting together the world’s electricity grids

World War 3 Watch: October 2, 2017

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan

CLIMATE CHANGE: The End of the World According to Satan

End-of-the-World Scenarios according to Satan


1110 days until Election Day 2024

Days left in Joe Biden’s Term: 1186

“Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
H. L. Mencken

SATAN’S MOUTHPIECE: The Corporate Media

White House releases plans to vaccinate 28 million kids aged 5-11 against Covid using smaller needles: Children could be fully vaccinated with double Pfizer shot before Christmas

Big changes in White House ideas to pay for $2 trillion plan – Basically, IF the HUGE SPENDING PLANS of presidents ‘paid for themselves,’ there would be NO need of politicians in The DC to continue rounding up tax dollars…

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Birthday girl Kamala Harris, 57, coos with delight as Biden presents her a bunch of flowers and a picture of them together before Capitol staffers surprise her and sing Happy Birthday

Kamala’s Controversial, Embarrassing Birthday

“The big story of the debate was Donald Trump saying he might not accept the results of the election. Honestly, I didn’t know you could do that. I didn’t know you could just not accept things. If that’s the case, I’ve decided not to accept the results of my last acting audition.”
–James Corden (2016)

“Of course, Hillary also had her moments at the last debate. Here’s what she said about her tax plans: “We are going to go where the money is.” And she knows where the money is. It’s where she gives her speeches.”
–Stephen Colbert (2016)

Donald Trump Prophecy?

“One of the annoying things about believing in free will and individual responsibility is the difficulty of finding somebody to blame your problems on. And when you do find somebody, it’s remarkable how often his picture turns up on your driver’s license.”
-—P.J. O’Rourke

QUOTES: A Few Thoughts on Voting

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Winston Churchill

Others might insist that a five-minute conversation with one of the political puppets is the best argument against democracy.

Things of This World: Faith and Trust in Politics

“But actually, he thought as he readjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
–On changing government statistics – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

POLLS: Another Way to Lie

Do you believe the media? Then why do you believe their lying polls?

“Political campaigns today are all side shows, all honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches. These are for the most part unrelated to the main business of studying the party scientifically, of supplying the public with party, candidate, platform, and performance, and selling the public these ideas and products.”
Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

POLLS: The Fiction of Polls and Public Opinion

“There is no public opinion. There is only published opinion.”
–Winston Churchill

The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Polls

“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
John 20:31

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-Christ


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.”
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
-—1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The Gospel is Hidden to Those who are Lost


Following Jesus Christ Will Cause Some Discomfort

Religious exemptions pose new challenges to COVID vaccine mandates

MORE: The Triumph of Religion–and Satan–in the End Times

Democrats may be forced to SCRAP plans to tax the rich because of Kyrsten Sinema’s opposition, report claims

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt

Trump announces he is launching his own social media platform called TRUTH Social to ‘stand up to the tyranny of big tech’: Ex-president’s enterprise will also create ‘non-woke’ subscription video service

Republican candidates can ignore Trump — but he won’t go away

“Scientists are reportedly testing a new anti-aging drug that could lengthen the lives of dogs. Wouldn’t that be great? And even better, shorten the lives of cats.”
–Conan (2015)

US defense chief says Russia is an ‘obstacle to peace’

160 GOP reps warn Joe Biden to fix supply chain crisis before pushing his spending plans they say is slowing America’s COVID recoverySupply chain!

The Reckoning



ANOTHER GOSPEL: The churches only preach other gospels.

The Near-Beer Gospel: the Search for Pale Substitutes – This is from 2007.

Has the situation improved or deteriorated in the last (nearly) 10 years?

The churches have found many substitutes for the gospel of Jesus Christ at either end of the spectrum.

One is lukewarm; one is a smoldering heap.

ONE is the “seeker sensitive” movement with it’s “purpose-driven,” bean-counting and its go-along-to-get-along philosophies where the gospel message is pretended to be an afterthought.

It isn’t.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is hated by the seducers and wolves who operate this Church of the Tares–which is why it’s not preached.

THE SECOND is the “experience-driven/sign-wonder/end times ‘revival‘” movement where the gospel of Jesus Christ is expanded until it becomes another gospel.

MORE: Modern Church Revival: Sideshows for Satan

This substitution for the gospel of Jesus Christ is also intentional: the evil men and ministers of Satan DO NOT want the gospel of Jesus Christ preached.

They hate it.

Not surprisingly, the Bible warns of both of these approaches in the end times.

BEWARE! The churches only preach other gospels.


No Heroes Among Men During the Last Days

Goodbye, Columbus: Vikings crossed the Atlantic 1,000 years ago – See how easy it is to change the stories that history tells?

Surgeon transplants a pig’s kidney into a brain-dead human in groundbreaking surgery (VIDEO)

HOW Affection Heals

“A diet pill endorsed by Dr. Oz was found to be based on bogus scientific research. Yeah, people are shocked that you can’t trust a TV doctor named after a lying wizard.”
–Conan (2014)

Colleges Are Now PAYING Students to Be COVID Rats

The Cannabis Industry is Rife with Fraudsters. The FDA is AWOL.

‘I Was Stabbed Through The Eye By a Fencing Sword’

Witches: Condemn or Pray For?



Recently, a likable acquaintance stopped by.

Although the purpose of the visit (of a person NOT seen in over three years) was ostensiblybecause I was in the area and wanted to see how you were,” almost the entire discussion focused on a plea for rebellion.

[And this is one sure way a follower of Jesus Christ can tell a pretender: the pretender does NOT obey the Word of God; the pretender advocates rebellion–and God’s Word is CRYSTAL CLEAR about where God stands on the subject of rebellion.

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”
–1SAMUEL 15:23

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”
Romans 13:1-2, 6-7

“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.”
1 Peter 2:13-16

“The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government [authority]. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.”
2 Peter 2:9-10

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
1 Timothy 3:1-2

MORE: DISOBEDIENCE and REBELLION: The Wisdom of Man OR the Word of God?]

Most of the discussion (as has been stated) centered around joining into a (what the man claimed was a ‘coming’) rebellion against the civil authorities.

The discussion was not very clever.

One quoted 1SAMUEL 15:23 and the other would answer with the words of man.

“But the Bible says that rebellion is the same as witchcraft.”

“Yeah, but are you a man or a timid mouse?”

“Well, God’s Word says rebellion is the same as witchcraft.”

“But it’s not really rebellion if the leaders are worthless.”

And so it went for perhaps fifteen minutes or so.

FINALLY, 1SAMUEL 15:23 was answered by what was apparently considered the crown jewel of arguments on this topic.

“Rebellion is the same as witchcraft.”

“Yeah, but where does it stop? At some point, you have quit talking and take action!”

“Where does it stop?”

BUT–as was pointed out that day (and which FINALLY ended that topic of conversation)–“Where does it stop?” ALSO can be asked of those who advocate rebellion.

“Rebellion: where does it stop?”

The ULTIMATE rebellion is against God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

MORE:  End Times Apostasy is Rebellion Against God Almighty and Jesus Christ

Does the rebel acquire a taste for rebellion once he starts?


One can either be a follower of Jesus and OBEY and SUBMIT to the civil authorities.

OR, one can be a follower of men (and Satan) and preach revolt and rebellion.

One cannot be both.

MORE:  American Rebel or Child of God: Make Your Choice

To warn the reader: God is VERY clear about how he treats the rebellious man.

“An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.”
–Proverbs 17:11

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Supply chain crisis not seen since WWII when ‘there were submarines sinking commercial traders’ will bring retail DISASTER for Christmas: Resellers jack up toy costs by as much as 400% as goods fly off shelves and freight remains stranded

Reporter who alleged Manchin was mulling exit from Dem party doubles down: It’s not ‘B-U-L-L,’ it’s ‘T-R-U-E’

The World’s Rich and Powerful Are Stashing $500 Billion in This Tax Haven

Billie Eilish poses with glowing skin to reveal her eponymous debut fragrance in an ethereal new ad: ‘This is my favorite smell in the WORLD’  – Doesn’t the reader want to smell like Ms Eilish?

“The popularity of Congress is at an all-time low, according to a recent poll that says Americans like head lice more than they like Congress. But you know, I think the real story here is that some Americans like head lice.”
–Conan (2013)


Everyone LOVES to hear and see DRAMA, right?

And what is more dramatic than an apparent feud among the beautiful people, right?

Particularly if the “feud” is between celebrities, politicos or royal nabobs?

IN FACT, the rich and celebrated almost never disagree: they engage in feuds–sometimes for decades after they have ceased being celebrated for anything else.

What would the beautiful people do with themselves if not for their never-ending feuds?

Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) has always had a problem: what to do when too many of the rich and celebrated have NOTHING “newsworthy” to do. When the media gets tired of reporting what the rich and celebrated are wearing, they turn to the tried-and-true method of of fake “feuds” to generate cheap, plastic “news.”

One popular singer’s entire marketing campaign over the years seems to have been based on engaging in one “feud” after another. But, as the “victims” appear to be primarily the singer’s “fans,” it’s hard to get too worked up over the ruse.

Sports, politics and celebrity culture, European royalty–wherever the rich and celebrated congregate: these are the arenas where readers can most often find stories of “feuds.

Oh–and pro wrestling…

One can depend on those who labor for the mystery of iniquity to act, in not only an EVIL manner, but also in a very repetitive one as well.

Case in point: when two followers of Satan are working together, one of the first things they do is establish that they 1-do not like each other; 2- they hate each other; or, 3- are fighting against one another.

Democrats and Republicans, Russia and the USA, members of the same family who toil together for evil ends, famous celebrities who are “feuding” with each other: it happens so often, one occasionally has to wonder, “Does Satan have a university or school where he teaches his followers these tricks?”
—-University of Satan

Has AEW Forgotten About Christian Cage After His Kenny Omega Feud?

75 Most Important ETPR Articles




The Alien/ET/UFO media chatter is one of the longest-running propaganda campaigns: about 70 years. i

In total, involving entertainment, news, government, science, education, popular culture: in short, every tool at the command of the mystery of iniquity has been used in this important end times deception.

Where in the Solar System is it Possible for Alien Life?

Alien life, ETs and UFOs are VERY important Corporate Media themes. It’s very important for the mystery of iniquity to indoctrinate mankind on these end times deceptions.

Which is why Big Media, Big Government, Big Entertainment, Big Science and all parts of the mystery of iniquity have churned out a steady, never-ending stream of information on aliens since the late 1940s.

Humanity and sanity in space – More fables about space, space travel and WHAT IFs.

One trick the Corporate Media uses to great effect: when a movie is released (The Martian), someone in the media writes AS IF the movie were a true story.

In this way, the media tempts readers to thoughtfully consider speculation and daydreams as reality.


The Halloween Season

Imported Mexican onions are blamed for salmonella outbreak that has sickened more than 650 people across 37 states and left at least 129 requiring hospital treatment

What experts say was likely cause of mysterious fireball that lit up sky across Metro Detroit

“Did you see where William Shatner just became the oldest man in space? The whole thing was very over-the-top. The launch was narrated by Amazon employees. It felt less like a rocket launch and more like a North Korean news broadcast.”
–Jimmy Kimmel

Supply chain cargo ships backlog is causing traffic chaos in LA with trucks gridlocking city’s streets while trying to pick up goods from backed-up port

Charges filed against owner of escaped zebras in Prince George’s County

Furious parents blast ‘inhumane treatment’ after California school district told parents to send children in with ‘warm jackets’ and forced them to eat their lunch in the rain ‘due to COVID restrictions’

Halloween 2021 Reading List


Drought-Stricken California, West Braces For Flood, Debris Flow Threats From Parade of Atmospheric Rivers Into Next Week

New strain of Delta variant suspected as COVID-19 cases rise across U.K. (VIDEO)

A Drone Will Rescue Three Dogs Trapped by La Palma Volcanic Eruption

Climate change: Fossil fuel production set to soar over next decade

MORE: Climate Change or Word of God: Make Your Choice

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H.L. Mencken

Climate change is bad for your health. And plans to boost economies may make it worse

Climate change” is responsible for almost ANYTHING!

IF it is hot, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is cold, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is dry, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is wet, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

“Heads I win, tails you lose.”

MORE: Climate Change: Fake It Until They Make It

“I’m old enough to remember when the air over American cities was a lot dirtier than it is now.”
–P. J. O’Rourke

…and now that it’s cleaner and more clear, the elite spin their fables, trying to create fear over “climate change.”

Extreme heat in cities a growing problem as climate warms, study finds

MORE: Global Warming: What does the Bible Say?

Level 5 atmospheric river to unleash flooding across drought-stricken California

MORE: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet?

MORE: Water shortages, Drought: End Times Signs

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

End Times Survival, End Times Preparation

end times topics

WEEK OF 10-17-2021

Smells like witch spirit: How the ancient world’s scented sorceresses influence ideas about magic today

New exhibit aims to reclaim the word ‘witch’

It’s Time to Cast a Spell and Find Out Which Famous Witch You Are Based on Your Zodiac Sign

New Seattle-based, super-natural haircare potions from Style Witch

Experts discuss how to stay safe this Halloween

All Hallow’s Eve

Bangor Witch Walk is Canceled, But Now Watch the ’19 Witch Dance

On the Job with a Local Witch and Psychic


Take a tour of the Beverly Hills Witch’s House for spooky Halloween thrills


The Laurel District celebrates Halloween

Fact check: Witches weren’t burned at the stake in American colonies, historians say


Scottish witch who sees Halloween as her Christmas reveals why she won’t cast love spells – even though her powers can scare off men she dates

Here’s where your kids can meet a real-life witch in Bognor this Halloween

Shelly Lillibridge, the Queen of Halloween

Ghosts, Ouija boards, and the line you don’t cross

These three priests fought against witch paranoia

Witch-Craft festival at Paradise Lake Campgrounds in Hammonton

You can attend a LIVE virtual tour of the notorious Salem Witch trial house this weekend

NYCC 2021 Brought Back the Magic with Witches, Graphic Novels, and “Harry Potter” Ornaments

Labels, Names, and Magical Community

Pagan Community Notes: Week of October 11, 2021

Canyon Lake witches have all kinds of fun

‘Pink Witches Night Out’ in Denville benefitting woman diagnosed with breast cancer

Kourtney Kardashian Looked Like A Sexy Witch for Date Night With Travis Barker

Witchcraft is Cheaper Than Therapy


MNCH conjures up a spellbinding exhibit on medieval magic


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)? One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article. When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master. “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events. Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do. ALL political “news” is narrative.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

MORE: The End Times Lie of Staged Newscasts

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

REBRANDING EVIL: The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece

Corporate Media: Satan’s Mouthpiece is the Author of Confusion

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
H.L. Mencken

“Things are never quite what they seem. Events are seldom close to how the media and history portray them.”

“It is a free press…There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
–Mark Twain, speech: License of the Press

“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it.”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

Journalists” are story-tellers. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, there is an element of truth in their stories, but truth is not a requirement of what they do.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

NASA: China and Russia leading the race to Mars – Back in the 1960’s, there was a ‘race to the moon.’

MORE: Modern Man Loves a Good Story

NASA’s Lucy asteroid probe settles into Earth-orbiting cruise as engineers tackle solar array glitch


Zone Out To The Eerie Sounds Of Planet Mars

MORE: End Times Lies: Tell Me a Story

NASA spacecraft will visit eight asteroids (VIDEO)

MORE: MEN WANT TO BE LIED TO: Lie to Me. Please.

NASA video hypes future of space travel: Sci-fi skydiving, kayaking

MORE: Bedtimes Stories from Outer Space

China is working on a way to extract oxygen from the moon’s surface

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

Remains of a crab discovered in 100 MILLION-year-old amber is the oldest modern-looking crustacean ever found and the first that lived among the dinosaurs

MORE: When Men Cease to Believe the Truth, They will Believe Anything



fake, phony, counterfiet

Woman Charged For Faking Cancer To Raise Money – IF all those who faked dread disease–and other fictitious calamities–to raise money were caught, the prisons would have no more room.




POLL: Do voters agree with President Obama’s Afghanistan plans? – Amazingly, Obama’s plans turn out to be the same ones as the man he replaced, George W. Bush.

What a coincidence!

The faces change but the policies stay the same–regardless of the relentless propaganda barrage in the Corporate Media to convince Americans that there is a GREAT difference between the puppets at the top.

Afghanistan is a war that has been dragging on for over 14 years. And everyone who dies for the USA is a ‘hero.’

Whether it’s from friendly fire or a plane crash.

President Peace Prize has fought the war in AFGHANISTAN for a longer time than George W. “Warmonger” Bush.

Perhaps there are other reasons to consider for US boots to still be on the ground in Afghanistan?

[2021 NOTE: Does the reader think that the USA will NEVER return to Afghanistan?  Then the reader is deceived and most likely believes whatever he reads.]




Fingerprint Readers Are Now Essential – Okay, the Corporate Media is concentrating on biometrics, electronic spying, drones.


Are they concerned about the privacy of Americans?

One guess is that IF Americans are focused on the techno-spying and sci-fi snooping they’ll miss the extensive networks of informers which permeate every neighborhood in the Land of the Free™.

America Beware: Lies, Propaganda and End Times Deception




US Constitution

Many Americans bow and worship the US Constitution.

It will prove to be a god who failed its followers.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ: Ebola Travel Ban constitutional – Good to see that all of the different sides of the same coin are falling in line when needed.  Was there ever any doubt?

Dershowitz, a reliably “liberal” mouthpiece, is weighing in on the constitutionality of Ebola travel bans involving noncitizens to the USA?

It is a very, very short walk to Ebola travel bans involving citizens within the USA.

“The Congress has the power, as does the president, to protect the public health by banning travel by noncitizens to the United States,” Dershowitz told J.D. Hayworth on “America’s Forum” on Newsmax TV Tuesday.

Why would there even be a doubt about the constitutionality of a ban involving noncitizens attempting to come to the USA?

Answer: No, there would not be. Non-citizens outside the USA have no US constitutional rights to come into the USA.

But to most of the great zombified unwashed masses, staring blankly into their smartphones, one travel ban is much like another.

To all of those tempted to yell, “Conspiracy theorist!” ?

We’ll see.

Ebola trumps the constitution: it’s that simple.  Does the reader believe that three weeks of non-stop indoctrination of FEAR of EBOLA will be wasted on something so trivial as “educating the public” or the “public’s right to know?”  We’re all adults here.

As stated a few weeks ago: Checkpoints are coming to the USA.  You heard it here first.  Oh, and there will always be a good reason when Americans get more of their precious “rights” taken away from them.

They will never run out of reasons.

Of course, the entire EBOLA episode does have one positive side to it.  It IS a valuable educational experience about just how sacred both the US constitution and the rights it “guarantees” are.

The loss of rights are NOT the endgame here.

The endgame is not even the provoking of Americans into rebelling–and their getting mowed down for great loss of life and the creation of tremendously great chaos.

The endgame is that there will come a man who will promise RELIEF from the bloodshed and chaos.

The man of sin IS the endgame.

As is the vehicle of the man of sin: the worldwide system which will control the earth for 42 months.

The scrap of paper will protect the world from the man of sin.

Including the US constitution.

MAN OF SIN: The Man of Sin is Coming

Have you worked out your salvation with fear and trembling?

Is you calling and election sure?




There is a world of difference in the many versions of the Bible.

These various “translations” demand that the Christian STUDY the Bible–as opposed to “reading the Bible” as recommended by the churches.

The King James Version is generally faithful to the original text, though it is NOT without its errors in translation. HOWEVER, compared to the newer, diabolical translations, the KJV is perfect.

There are several errors in the King James.

But the newer translations change the clear meaning of many verses into something else.


“Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.”
John 8:34 (King James Version)

Compare this to

“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”
John 8:34 (New International Version)

Compare the following two verses.

“For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.”
Romans 6:20 (KJV)

“When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness.”
Romans 6:20 (NIV)

A slave is much different than a servant.

What is the difference?

IF the reader cannot answer this question (as it pertains to the above versions), it’s extremely likely he will be satisfied with a corrupt version of the Word of God.

ONE HINT: IF the lost were truly slaves to sin, they would not be able to repent (change direction).

They not only couldn’t be saved from eternal torment, they could not be blamed for their supposed inability to change.

MORE: New World Order Bible Versions: A Review




Hundreds of migrants in U.S.-bound caravan cross Mexico-Guatemala border – Has the reader ever crossed an international border?

Does his experience sound like the experience the media is presenting for the infamous “migrant caravan“?

Does the reader imagine that nations let thousands of law-breaking foreigners loose inside their countries because they have formed a “caravan“?



alternate reality

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled? And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you”
–Mark 13:3-5

The end times–as anyone who has spent any time examining them is aware–is a period marked by GREAT deception.

One of the greatest deceptions is the number of false realities which are suggested to moderns as an explanation for how the world operates.


Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent, as opposed to that which is only imaginary.

Those who control the world offer many false explanations, stories, narratives and deceptions about the ways modern life functions.  Those who closely examine modern life KNOW that the stories and explanations they are provided are incorrect.

MORE: Suggested False Realities For the Deceptive End Times


ONE YEAR AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2020

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 23-25, 2020

TWO YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2019

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 23, 2019

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2019

THREE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2018

FOUR YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20-22, 2017

FIVE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22-23, 2016

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2016

SIX YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2015

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 23, 2015

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24-25, 2015

SEVEN YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2014

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 23, 2014

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2014

EIGHT YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2013

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 23, 2013

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 24, 2013

This Day in the Secret History: October 22, 2016

World War 3 Watch: October 24, 2016


The DISCUSSION: One Year Ago

  1.  Before Social Distancing
  2. The Modern Marriage Ceremony
  3. What Are the People of God to Do?
  4. The Deceived Become Angry When Confronted by the Truth
  5. For the Workers of Iniquity, It’s All About Being Led By the Blind
  6. What Must One Do to Gain God’s Approval?
  7.  God Has No Faith?

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2021

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Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

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35 Most Important ETPR Articles



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

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para fine tempis - Prepare for the end times

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2020

2020 ETPR Headlines headerEnd Times Prophecy Report
October 21, 2020


CommentaryAnd OPINION

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4



CHINA:  China-Taiwan tensions erupt over diplomats’ fight in Fiji

SWEDEN: Swedish cites finally face coronavirus lockdowns… but authorities say they will be VOLUNTARY with ‘strong recommendations’ to stop going to bars and doing non-essential activities – Expected.

UNITED KINGDOM:  Wales will go into a national 2-week ‘firebreak’ coronavirus lockdown from Friday

RUSSIA: Russian cyber-attack spree shows what unrestrained internet warfare looks like

MORE: Russia and the USA: End Times Members of Team Dragon

INDONESIA:  Indonesia rejected U.S. request to host spy planes – officials

FRANCE:  France Vows to Root Out Islamist Extremism After Beheading of Teacher Samuel Paty

CHINA:  Zookeeper dies after being mauled by a group of black bears in front of horrified visitors at Chinese wild animal park

World War 3 Watch: October 2, 2017

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan

CLIMATE CHANGE: The End of the World According to Satan

End-of-the-World Scenarios according to Satan


Days left in Trump’s term: 91

12 days until Election Day 2020 – Will it happen?

“Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
H. L. Mencken

SATAN’S MOUTHPIECE: The Corporate Media

‘I know people that would have locked Joe up weeks ago’: ‘Angry’ Trump lashes out at Biden’s ‘corruption’ and says ‘he’s lucky’ that AG Barr is ‘a nice man’ during back-to-back Arizona rallies

Exxon after Trump fundraising comment: ‘Just so we’re all clear, it never happened’

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Trump says Sudan will be dropped from state sponsors of terrorism if it pays $335 million to terror victims

‘I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people’: 50 Cent endorses president after rejecting Joe Biden’s 60 percent-plus tax plans for anyone earning over $400K in some states

“Big news from the White House: Federal agents will no longer go after patients taking medical marijuana or their suppliers under new guidelines by the Obama administration. President Obama figures he couldn’t appease the left by withdrawing from Iraq, closing Gitmo, or repealing “Don’t ask don’t tell.” And this way they will be too stoned to care.”
–Jay Leno (2009)

“Every four years Scholastic News Magazine sponsors a mock election where kids from all over the country cast a vote for president. The results have been correct in every election since 1964 and this year Hillary Clinton won in a landslide; she beat Trump 52-35. The other 13 percent voted for SpongeBob.”
–-Jimmy Kimmel (2016)

Donald Trump Prophecy?

“Wherever there’s injustice, oppression, and suffering, America will show up six months late and bomb the country next to where it’s happening.”
-—P.J. O’Rourke

QUOTES: A Few Thoughts on Voting

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Winston Churchill

Others might insist that a five-minute conversation with one of the political puppets is the best argument against democracy.

Things of This World: Faith and Trust in Politics

“But actually, he thought as he readjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
–On changing government statistics – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

POLLS: Another Way to Lie

Do you believe the media? Then why do you believe their lying polls?

“Political campaigns today are all side shows, all honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches. These are for the most part unrelated to the main business of studying the party scientifically, of supplying the public with party, candidate, platform, and performance, and selling the public these ideas and products.”
Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

POLLS: The Fiction of Polls and Public Opinion

“There is no public opinion. There is only published opinion.”
–Winston Churchill

The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Polls

“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
John 20:31

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-Christ


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. ”
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
-—1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The Gospel is Hidden to Those who are Lost


The Righteous Have Reason to be Bold

US supreme court denies Republican bid to limit Pennsylvania mail-in-voting

SCOTUS denies GOP’s bid to BLOCK extended period for counting ballots in crucial swing state of Pennsylvania after Chief Justice Roberts sides with court’s three liberals – Wasn’t Roberts appointed by a Republican president?

He sure was.

And wasn’t Roberts promoted as a reliably conservative Justice?

He sure was.

The moral of this story?

WHATEVER it takes to get the right number of votes will be done, regardless of what was claimed beforehand.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt

Heard ANY Biden jokes recently? Biased late-night shows told 97 percent of their gags about Trump in September and almost NONE about Democrat candidate

10 steps toward better presidential debating – AS IF the presidential debates were some sort of unplanned wordfest….

Biden’s tax plan will lead to a combined rate of at least 62% for those making more than $400k in some states – the highest increase in three decades

Democrat Operatives Admit Growing Concern that Trump May Win

“News out of India. A 96-year-old man became the world’s oldest father. His wife gave birth to a beautiful 62-year-old baby boy.”
–Conan (2012)

Trump’s campaign accuses Debate Commission of being ‘swamp dinosaurs’ and claims members will try to silence questions on Hunter Biden at Thursday’s debate

MORE: Drain the Swamp: A Pretty Story for Our Times

CDC advises booting travelers who refuse to wear masks on planes, trains, buses, other transportation




Something which has been noticed for a LONG time in these parts by more than one person: whenever the deceived or workers of iniquity get challenged on the world’s version of ANY of its stories, they get angry.

Another way of putting it might be,

“The workers of iniquity and other deceived persons get angry when exposed to the truth of a matter.”

Actually, there was MUCH wondering why this should be.  After all, by exposing a deceived person to the truth, one is merely giving them more options.

Usually, more options is considered a GOOD THING.

In fact, it has been noticed (more than once) that one way you can tell the deceived is by their reaction to the truth of a circumstance.

Many times, they grow angry.

We’re not the only ones who have noticed this.

The following is a commentary on the lies that people believe and get angry over when someone challenges the official version of some event.

But that is not the main reason that people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to [the Government’s Official Conspiracy Theory] … What primarily motivates them is fear.

But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if [they are] able to pull off such an outrageous [event] before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?

That is what scares the hell out of people and prevents them from even considering the possibility that they could have been so thoroughly duped. It’s not being lied to about [the event] that people have a problem with, it is the realization that comes with that revelation: if they could lie about that, they could lie about anything.
Dave MacGowan

Recently, a non-believer put forth an idea which could be on the right track.

Hey, ‘the truth hurts.’

“MAYBE this is an example of that?

“MAYBE that’s why they get angry?”


“It Works For Me!”

WHY Leftist Judges Play Politics And Truly Conservative Judges Don’t – That’s certainly some story!

Facebook’s Effort to Suppress the Hunter Biden NY Post Story Gave it Half the Reach of Major Anti-Trump Scoops

NY Times Keeps the COVID Panic Porn Going but Admits ‘Pandemic Fatigue’ Has Set In

“The FDA has announced plans to clamp down on food labeling that may mislead consumers into thinking food is more nutritious than it really is. Is that going to work? Are Americans going to change their eating habits by reading that? “Oh look at the label Honey; turns out these chocolate doughnuts aren’t as nutritious as I thought they were.”
–Jay Leno (2009)

Taking Back Our Privacy – There is little privacy in modern life–as privacy is understood by the public.

Central banks and the problem with playing God – A HUGE problem with playing God: there’s only one God.

Do You Know Your Blood Type? It May Affect Your Coronavirus Risk

75 Most Important ETPR Articles




History is just another tool used to indoctrinate the masses.

Palin’s SarahPAC only donates 5 percent of contributions to candidates – IF truth in advertising laws applied to the schemes and machinations of politicians, many of our “leaders” would be in jail.

This includes our leaders from the past.  The stories which comprise that grand narrative we call “history” have done a splendid job of whitewashing the grim fact that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and company were first and foremost, political animals.

Anyone who has read the private letters and public proclamations of our founding fathers cannot deny this basic fact. They were primarily concerned, like all politicians, with wealth, power and personal gain.

Like all politicians, they cloaked their personal ambitions and desire for earthly gain with talk of “the public good” and “serving.”

They were no better or no worse than the leaders the USA has today.  The politicians of yesteryear DO have the advantage of 200+ years of a nonstop PR machine we call American History.

IF the USA was to last another 200 years, one suspects that even President MomJeans, Barack Obama, would be portrayed as a shining example of American leadership who overcame insurmountable odds to carry out the wishes of the American people–who were ALL in love with him and shed tears of sadness when he left office.

It’s been said that “History is written by the winners.”

It’s more accurate to say “History is written by elites who rule to ensure they stay in power.


Neil deGrasse Tyson warns asteroid could hit Earth the day before the election – Won’t take long to find out.

MORE: Near-Earth Objects: Where We are Headed

Millennials lose faith in democracy: Less than half of adults under-35 are satisfied with political system, study suggests – Only Millennials?

The US Pastor Who Preaches Climate Change Denial – John MacArthur may be preaching ‘climate denial,’ but he’s dead wrong about anything that has to do with Christianity.

MORE: John MacArthur and the Mark of the Beast: Last Days Apostasy

MORE: Tinfoil Hat Theology, John MacArthur, Conspiracy Theories and Tangled Webs

Cleveland Clinic doctor weighs in on the small difference in symptoms between COVID-19 and the flu – Next, the good doctor could weigh in on the small difference between COVID-19 and pneumonia.

Then, COVID-19 and lung cancer.

“Lindsay Lohan has to go back to court after showing up more than an hour late for community service. But her lawyer says she’s got a good excuse. She forgot to steal a watch.”
–Craig Ferguson (2011)


Everyone LOVES to hear and see DRAMA, right?

And what is more dramatic than an apparent feud among the beautiful people, right?

Particularly if the “feud” is between celebrities, politicos or royal nabobs?

IN FACT, the rich and celebrated almost never disagree: they engage in feuds–sometimes for decades after they have ceased being celebrated for anything else.

What would the beautiful people do with themselves if not for their never-ending feuds?

Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) has always had a problem: what to do when too many of the rich and celebrated have NOTHING “newsworthy” to do. When the media gets tired of reporting what the rich and celebrated are wearing, they turn to the tried-and-true method of of fake “feuds” to generate cheap, plastic “news.”

One popular singer’s entire marketing campaign over the years seems to have been based on engaging in one “feud” after another. But, as the “victims” appear to be primarily the singer’s “fans,” it’s hard to get too worked up over the ruse.

Sports, politics and celebrity culture, European royalty–wherever the rich and celebrated congregate: these are the arenas where readers can most often find stories of “feuds.

Oh–and pro wrestling…

One can depend on those who labor for the mystery of iniquity to act, in not only an EVIL manner, but also in a very repetitive one as well.

Case in point: when two followers of Satan are working together, one of the first things they do is establish that they 1-do not like each other; 2- they hate each other; or, 3- are fighting against one another.

Democrats and Republicans, Russia and the USA, members of the same family who toil together for evil ends, famous celebrities who are “feuding” with each other: it happens so often, one occasionally has to wonder, “Does Satan have a university or school where he teaches his followers these tricks?”
—-University of Satan

Sheamus Teases WWE RAW Match, Comments On His Feud With Jeff Hardy

Elias has big plans for his feud with Jeff Hardy

The Primary Reasons the Lost Stubbornly Remain Lost


blind men and elephant

It has been remarked more than once about how the workers of iniquity KNOW the words of the Bible–BUT they do NOT understand those words.

Just as Satan knows God’s Word, but doesn’t have a clue what it means.

This point has been illustrated down through the years–particularly when one of the workers of iniquity are trying to make a point about God’s Word.

God’s Word explains clearly why this is.

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Fortunately for the workers of iniquity–particularly those who toil in the churches–the people they are leading ALSO do not grasp God’s Word.

Someone once compared the natural man (worker of iniquity/the lost/wicked/foolish) and his trying to understand the Bible to the pagan story of the blind men and the elephant.

A group of blind men heard that a strange animal, called an elephant, had been brought to the town, but none of them were aware of its shape and form. Out of curiosity, they said: “We must inspect and know it by touch, of which we are capable”. So, they sought it out, and when they found it they groped about it. The first person, whose hand landed on the trunk, said, “This being is like a thick snake”. For another one whose hand reached its ear, it seemed like a kind of fan. As for another person, whose hand was upon its leg, said, the elephant is a pillar like a tree-trunk. The blind man who placed his hand upon its side said the elephant, “is a wall”. Another who felt its tail, described it as a rope. The last felt its tusk, stating the elephant is that which is hard, smooth and like a spear.

Because they are trying to uncover the crux of a SPIRITUAL matter by using WORLDLY techniques and logic, they are in the same position as the blind men trying to uncover what an elephant really looks like using their hands feeling one part of the elephant and trying to reach a conclusion based on their VERY incomplete information.

Jesus addressed problem of blind leaders leading their blind followers and what happens to BOTH groups.

“And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
–Matthew 15:10-14

Because they do NOT understand God’s Word (neither are they able), the wicked/lost/foolish attempt to discern its meaning by using the worldly methods and information at their disposal

THIS is a recipe for disaster (for the lost/wicked/foolish).

It is also one of the ways believers may easily identify the tares–regardless of the claims they may loudly make or the number of deceived people falling for such stories.

But the workers of iniquity usually follow their blind methods because it is the only thing their blind leaders know and can teach them.

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”
–Matthew 15:10-14

ALL is Vanity

Intel sells NAND memory chip business to SK Hynix for $9 billion

Fall COVID-19 surge has arrived in Pennsylvania and US, health experts say

“One in seven people worldwide use a smart phone. Hopefully, one day we will never have to look up and into another person’s eyes ever again.”
–Jimmy Kimmel (2012)

Criminal charges dropped against Michigan barber who fought Gov. Whitmer’s coronavirus orders

MISSISSIPPI: Gov. Reeves announces mask mandate for 9 counties

Maryland man accused of shooting at truck of Trump supporters after they honked at him – What fortuitous timing: just as the media’s pro-Trump pre-election tsunami is cresting!

Wake Up! OR Wake Up?


Rounds of Snow and Cold Through the Weekend (VIDEO)

Trump trashes Fauci and makes baseless coronavirus claims in campaign call

All clear given after massive 7.5 magnitude earthquake off Alaska coast forced residents to evacuate amid tsunami fears

‘It was a pretty good shaker’: 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Pacific Ocean prompts short-lived tsunami scare for Alaska, Hawaii

Tiny beetles a bellwether of ecological disruption by climate change

MORE: Climate Change or Word of God: Make Your Choice

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H.L. Mencken

Climate change scientists take MORE work and leisure flights than colleagues in other fields, study finds

Climate change” is responsible for almost ANYTHING!

IF it is hot, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is cold, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is dry, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is wet, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

“Heads I win, tails you lose.”

MORE: Climate Change: Fake It Until They Make It

“I’m old enough to remember when the air over American cities was a lot dirtier than it is now.”
–P. J. O’Rourke

…and now that it’s cleaner and more clear, the elite spin their fables, trying to create fear over “climate change.”

How Biden would use trade agreements to fight global warming

MORE: Global Warming: What does the Bible Say?

Is a flash drought in the forecast? – “Flash drought.”

So many who labor for Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) want to be the one who coins the next big phrase.

MORE: Water shortages, Drought: End Times Signs

MORE: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet?

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

End Times Survival, End Times Preparation

end times topics

WEEK OF 10-18-2020

WHY Do Witches Ride Brooms? The History Behind the Legend

I Make £3,000 a Month as a Professional Witch

8 of Halloween’s Most Hair-Raising Folk Legends

An Appalachian Witch Forager on the Magic of Plants

When Is Your Paganism Cultural Appropriation?

Mindfulness Meditation: Don’t Go To Work Without These Quick And Simple Practices

Dancing Witches group casting a spell on Upper Peninsula

A Magical Market

Scotland’s ‘witches’ were not usually mentally ill, but were tortured into delusions and false confessions – Dr John J Marshall – That’s one attempt to explain away all of the confessions.

BUT, what of the stories told by the witches?

Why did “torture” make them ALL tell the same stories the world over?

Harry Potter and witchcraft: The history of magic throughout pop culture

Pagan & Shinto News: Convenience Store Employee Accused Of Discrimination Against Wiccan

Don’t cancel Halloween: some ‘spooky’ tips on how to stay COVID-safe this All Hallows’ Eve

The Witches Cast Explains How To Identify A Witch

17 Witch Podcasts That’ll Completely Enchant You

Mayor of Salem, famous for 1692 witch trials, urges visitors to avoid city this Halloween

Link Tank: The Most Popular Pop Culture Witches in America

Brooklyn Paranormal investigators talk ghost hunting and their most terrifying adventure

No stress at Halloween–Just fun


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)? One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article. When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master. “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events. Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do. ALL political “news” is narrative.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

MORE: The End Times Lie of Staged Newscasts

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

REBRANDING EVIL: The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece

Corporate Media: Satan’s Mouthpiece is the Author of Confusion

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
H.L. Mencken

“Things are never quite what they seem. Events are seldom close to how the media and history portray them.”

“It is a free press…There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
–Mark Twain, speech: License of the Press

“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it.”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

Journalists” are story-tellers. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, there is an element of truth in their stories, but truth is not a requirement of what they do.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

Why doctors may start prescribing nicotine to help beat disease: New research shows the addictive element of cigarettes may be a potential treatment for Parkinson’s, dementia and even Covid-19

MORE: Modern Man Loves a Good Story

Cheaters don’t always win: Species that work together do better


Driver Identified of the Largest Mass Extinction in the History of the Earth

MORE: End Times Lies: Tell Me a Story

NASA chooses Nokia to build first ever cellular network on the MOON ahead of the 2024 Artemis mission

MORE: MEN WANT TO BE LIED TO: Lie to Me. Please.

NASA mission will touch down on asteroid Bennu today

MORE: Bedtimes Stories from Outer Space

Betelgeuse, the unusually dimming star, shares new secrets with scientists

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

24 million-year-old nursery for baby megasharks discovered in South Carolina

MORE: When Men Cease to Believe the Truth, They will Believe Anything



Paul Ryan

The promise of Paul Ryan was–and continues to be–ALWAYS much more than the reality.

And Ryan is fine with that: it’s the part Paul Ryan has chosen to play.

Paul Ryan to run for speaker if House Republicans will rally behind him -So, Paul Ryan is such an epic leader that he now sets conditions?!?!

This is the media myth of the “reluctant leader, who has to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to grab control of the levers of power.”

It also serves as the PR campaign to make Ryan palatable for conservatives who know his voting record.

Not long after Ryan ascends to power, he will make John Boehner look like a gifted, reasoned statesman.

Paul Ryan’s new partner: Obama – Sorry, Obama’s been Ryan’s partner for years. Take a look at almost every single item on the Obama wish list in 2009: Ryan voted for them.

But since neither the ‘conservative’ media or the ‘liberal’ media will talk about Ryan’s voting record, it’s a secret.



Republicans = Democrats = Libertarians = Communists = Whatever: There are no political solutions to spiritual problems.

GOP leaders to push massive Obamacare bailout – This headline would not make a very good campaign slogan for Republican congressional candidates.



ANOTHER GOSPEL: The churches only preach other gospels.

The Near-Beer Gospel: the Search for Pale Substitutes – This is from 2007.

Has the situation improved or deteriorated in the last (nearly) 10 years?

The churches have found many substitutes for the gospel of Jesus Christ at either end of the spectrum.

One is lukewarm; one is a smoldering heap.

ONE is the “seeker sensitive” movement with it’s “purpose-driven,” bean-counting and its go-along-to-get-along philosophies where the gospel message is pretended to be an afterthought.

It isn’t.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is hated by the seducers and wolves who operate this Church of the Tares–which is why it’s not preached.

THE SECOND is the “experience-driven/sign-wonder/end times ‘revival‘” movement where the gospel of Jesus Christ is expanded until it becomes another gospel.

MORE: Modern Church Revival: Sideshows for Satan

This substitution for the gospel of Jesus Christ is also intentional: the evil men and ministers of Satan DO NOT want the gospel of Jesus Christ preached.

They hate it.

Not surprisingly, the Bible warns of both of these approaches in the end times.

BEWARE! The churches only preach other gospels.





The Alien/ET/UFO media chatter is one of the longest-running propaganda campaigns: about 70 years. i

In total, involving entertainment, news, government, science, education, popular culture: in short, every tool at the command of the mystery of iniquity has been used in this important end times deception.

Where in the Solar System is it Possible for Alien Life?

Alien life, ETs and UFOs are VERY important Corporate Media themes. It’s very important for the mystery of iniquity to indoctrinate mankind on these end times deceptions.

Which is why Big Media, Big Government, Big Entertainment, Big Science and all parts of the mystery of iniquity have churned out a steady, never-ending stream of information on aliens since the late 1940s.

Humanity and sanity in space – More fables about space, space travel and WHAT IFs.

One trick the Corporate Media uses to great effect: when a movie is released (The Martian), someone in the media writes AS IF the movie were a true story.

In this way, the media tempts readers to thoughtfully consider speculation and daydreams as reality.



ONE YEAR AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2019

TWO YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 19-21, 2018

THREE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20-22, 2017

FOUR YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2016

FIVE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2015

SIX YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2014

SEVEN YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2013


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20, 2020

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35 Most Important ETPR Articles



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

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para fine tempis - Prepare for the end times

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2019

Bible prophecy in today’s news headlines

End Times Prophecy Report
October 21, 2019


CommentaryAnd OPINION

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4



SYRIA: Turkey’s Erdogan warns Trump he has 120 hours to get Kurdish fighters out of Syria or he will restart attacks

SYRIA: Erdogan warns Kurds as Syria ceasefire gets off to rocky start

FRANCE: France Foils “Sept. 11-Style” Terrorist Attack

RUSSIA: U.S., Russia and Europe Hold Back-to-Back Nuclear War Games Across Globe

MORE: Russia and the USA: End Times Members of Team Dragon

AFGHANISTAN: Bombing at Afghan mosque kills more than 60 worshippers during prayers 

LATIN AMERICA: Mexico and Argentina: A Tale of Two Countries

CHILE: President Declares State of Emergency in Santiago

KOREA: I Have a Plan to Get North Korea to give up its Nuclear Weapons

World War 3 Watch: October 2, 2017

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan

CLIMATE CHANGE: The End of the World According to Satan


Days left in Trump’s term: 457

378 days until Election Day 2020 – Will it happen?

“Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
–H. L. Mencken

SATAN’S MOUTHPIECE: The Corporate Media

Trump’s Dallas rally showed how untethered from reality his impeachment pushback is

Trump lashes out at Nancy Pelosi as impeachment case approaches – ‘She is crazy’

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Trump shouldn’t be sending troops to Saudi Arabia

The Trump Administration Is Starving Ordinary Iranians of Food and Medicine

“Big news from the White House: Federal agents will no longer go after patients taking medical marijuana or their suppliers under new guidelines by Obama administration. President Obama figures he couldn’t appease the left by withdrawing from Iraq, closing Gitmo, or repealing “Don’t ask don’t tell.” And this way they will be too stoned to care.”
–Jay Leno (2009)

“Every four years Scholastic News Magazine sponsors a mock election where kids from all over the country cast a vote for president. The results have been correct in every election since 1964 and this year Hillary Clinton won in a landslide; she beat Trump 52-35. The other 13 percent voted for SpongeBob.”
–-Jimmy Kimmel (2016)

Donald Trump Prophecy?

“Everybody wants to save the earth; nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.”
-—P.J. O’Rourke

QUOTES: A Few Thoughts on Voting

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
Winston Churchill

Others might insist that a five-minute conversation with one of the political puppets is the best argument against democracy.

Things of This World: Faith and Trust in Politics

“But actually, he thought as he readjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
–On changing government statistics – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

POLLS: Another Way to Lie

Do you believe the media? Then why do you believe their lying polls?

“Political campaigns today are all side shows, all honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches. These are for the most part unrelated to the main business of studying the party scientifically, of supplying the public with party, candidate, platform, and performance, and selling the public these ideas and products.”
Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

POLLS: The Fiction of Polls and Public Opinion

“There is no public opinion. There is only published opinion.”
–Winston Churchill

The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Polls

“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
John 20:31

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-Christ


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. ”
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
-—1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The Gospel is Hidden to Those who are Lost


Cutting and Self-Harm

Toys ‘R’ Us Rises from the Dead

‘All roads lead to Putin’: Pelosi questions Trump’s loyalty in White House clash

Democrats’ hope for a quick impeachment is looking a bit more complicated

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt

Beto O’Rourke Announces Support for Menstrual Equity Act on National Period Day

Tulsi Gabbard calls Hillary ‘queen of warmongers’ and ’embodiment of corruption’ and dares her to run AGAIN in Twitter tirade after 2016 loser accuses Hawaii rep of being a ‘Russian asset’ groomed to cost Dems the 2020 election

“I Stand Against Everything She Represents” – Gabbard Hammers Tired, Sick, Fragile Hillary

Marianne Williamson and Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Co-Chair Support Tulsi Gabbard

“News out of India. A 96-year-old man became the world’s oldest father. His wife gave birth to a beautiful 62-year-old baby boy.”
–Conan (2012)

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot proposes doubling city’s tax on food and drinks at restaurants

The tax Lightfoot wants to raise is but a fraction of the levy Chicago diners pay every time they eat out. The sales tax in Chicago is 10.25 percent, one of the highest in the nation. The current .25 city tax is on top of that, as is a a 1% food and beverage tax for the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority that is levied at downtown restaurants as well as the two airports.

US doomsday plane designed to survive a nuclear war suffers $2MILLION damage and is temporarily grounded by a BIRD-STRIKE

Faith and Idols


One way to know a person is a tare (counterfeit Christian; a pretender;) is what the person focuses on.

IF a person emphasizes this present world, the things of this present world and/or an actions’ consequences in this present world: that person is a tare.

True believers do not dwell on this present world: this world will soon enough pass away.

“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.”
–Isaiah 65:17

This point was emphasized several years ago during a conversation with a pastor of a small church.

The conversation had to do with God, God’s power and God’s power encompassing both good and evil which happens in this world.

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
–Isaiah 45:7

“God has nothing to do with evil!”

“But that’s not what the Bible says. Yes, God is holy but God created EVERYTHING.  If God did not create evil, then who did?”

“You’re telling me that God somehow brings about the crash of a plane when there’s little babies on board? God somehow caused the death of those LITTLE BABIES?!?”

“If not God, then who?”

“God is not responsible for the deaths of LITTLE BABIES!”

FORGET that the man supposed himself to know more than God.

FORGET that the man ignored the clear words of God’s Word.

REMEMBER that the man focused on this world and the consequences which occur in this world.

Tares: they might hide in the church pulpits, but it’s all about what they emphasize.

The Automobile Age: Short and Sweet

Why Do People Carry a Blue Bucket on Halloween?

PG&E May Sporadically Cut Power To Californians For A Decade

Mark Zuckerberg’s reckless idea of free speech

The point that Zuckerberg returned to over and over again is that he believes more speech is better, and that erring on the side of more expression is always preferable.

Those who believe that LESS speech is better are almost always those who control how much speech is allowed, as well as what kind of speech is allowed.

“The FDA has announced plans to clamp down on food labeling that may mislead consumers into thinking food is more nutritious than it really is. Is that going to work? Are Americans going to change their eating habits by reading that? “Oh look at the label Honey; turns out these chocolate doughnuts aren’t as nutritious as I thought they were.”
–Jay Leno (2009)

Google Maps will now let users share the locations of police speed traps

Dr Sarah E Hill: ‘We have a blind spot about how the pill influences women’s brains




History is just another tool used to indoctrinate the masses.

Palin’s SarahPAC only donates 5 percent of contributions to candidates – IF truth in advertising laws applied to the schemes and machinations of politicians, many of our “leaders” would be in jail.

This includes our leaders from the past.  The narratives which comprise that grand narrative we call “history” have done a splendid job of whitewashing the grim fact that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and company were first and foremost, political animals.

Anyone who has read the private letters and public proclamations of our founding fathers cannot deny this basic fact. They were primarily concerned, like all politicians, with wealth, power and personal gain.

Like all politicians, they cloaked their personal ambitions and desire for earthly gain with talk of “the public good” and “serving.”

They were no better or no worse than the leaders the USA has today.  The politicians of yesteryear DO have the advantage of 200+ years of a nonstop PR machine we call American History.

IF the USA was to last another 200 years, one suspects that even President MomJeans, Barack Obama, would be portrayed as a shining example of American leadership who overcame insurmountable odds to carry out the wishes of the American people–who were ALL in love with him and shed tears of sadness when he left office.

It’s been said that “History is written by the winners.”

It’s more accurate to say “History is written by elites who rule to ensure they stay in power.

Deceptions and Lies

FIVE asteroids will whizz past Earth Friday coming within two million miles at speeds of up to 53,000 miles per hour

MORE: Killer Asteroids, Near Earth Objects and Other Scary Stories of Men

MORE: Near-Earth Objects: Where We are Headed

Dream of Becoming a Navy Seal or Part of Delta Force? Here is the Ultimate Guide to U.S. Special Forces.

When the media protects the powerful – Make no mistake: media IS the voice of the powerful.

There may be, from time-to-time, occasions when the media pretends to speak for those without power, but those opportunities are only show-and-tell, used to gain the public’s trust.

6 Warning Signs That Civil Unrest Is Imminent

“Lindsay Lohan has to go back to court after showing up more than an hour late for community service. But her lawyer says she’s got a good excuse. She forgot to steal a watch.”
–Craig Ferguson (2011)


Satan’s Mouthpiece (the Corporate Media) has always had a problem: what to do when too many  of the rich and celebrated have NOTHING “newsworthy” to do.  When the media gets tired of reporting what the rich and celebrated are wearing, they turn to the tried-and-true method of of fake “feuds” to generate cheap, plastic “news.” One popular singer’s entire marketing campaign over the years seems to have been based on engaging in one “feud” after another.  But, as the victims appear to be primarily the singer’s “fans,” it’s hard to get too worked up over the ruse.

Sports, politics and celebrity culture, European royalty–wherever the rich and celebrated congregate: these are the arenas where readers can most often find stories of “feuds.

Oh–and pro wrestling…

One can depend on those who labor for the mystery of iniquity to act, in not only an EVIL manner, but also in a very repetitive one as well.

Case in point: when two followers of Satan are working together, one of the first things they do is establish that they 1-do not like each other; 2- they hate each other; or, 3- are fighting against one another.

Democrats and Republicans, Russia and the USA, members of the same family who toil together for evil ends, famous celebrities who are “feuding” with each other: it happens so often, one occasionally has to wonder,

“Does Satan have a university or school where he teaches his followers these tricks?”
—-University of Satan?

Arena Advertisement Reveals Seth Rollins’ Feud With The Fiend Won’t Be Ending At Crown Jewel

Booker T On Why Big E Should Feud With Brock Lesnar



Of all the many aspects of BEING A HUMAN, perhaps the one which offers the most variety is human speech.

So, offered for the reader’s edification: a few (from among many) items–both great and small–which concern human speech.

1- Sometimes a person uses a phrase which inspires those who hear it desire to know more about the phrase itself.

During the past several years, a discussion took place in which such a phrase was employed.

“You’re always so unreasonable!”

“How can you say that?  I’m a MOST reasonable person!”

“No, you’re not!  You do so many unreasonable and unforgivable things, it’s hard for me to remember them all!”

“I am probably the MOST reasonable person you will ever meet.  However, I do NOT suffer fools gladly!”

Suffer fools gladly.

to be kind to and patient with people who are annoying or bothersome usually used in negative statements

To “NOT suffer fools gladly” is to be brusque with those who are annoying or bothersome.

Which later prompted a question which is STILL not completely answered:

Is someone unreasonable who does not suffer fools gladly?

2- A few years ago, the following conversation ensued between two acquaintances concerning a another, mutual acquaintance.

“He drinks a lot, doesn’t he?”

“He does.”

“A lot?”


“He usually has been drinking a lot before he sees me, doesn’t he?”

“I suppose he does.”

I never tell other people he drinks a lot.  I say ‘he’s under the weather.’

“‘Under the weather’: that’s a good way of putting it.”

And so the first person was thought to be clever, as “under the weather” is a phrase which usually describes someone who is ill or acting grumpy or contrary.

HOWEVER, one day several years AFTER the conversation took place, it was discovered that one of the usual meanings of “under the weather” is

Somewhat intoxicated or suffering from a hangover.

This 1- was suprising; 2- caused the conversation from several years earlier to be brought to mind; and, 3- made the first person in the conversation appear much less clever in the eyes of the second person.

3- Overheard recently was the following commentary.

“She passed away almost two weeks ago.”

This brought to mind the many phrases which one hears when humans refer to the death of another.

  1. Passed away
  2. Croaked
  3. Bought the farm
  4. Had their ticket punched
  5. Lost his/her battle with cancer (or some other disease)
  6. Bit the big one
  7. Bit the dust
  8. Gave up the ghost
  9. Was called home
  10. Kicked the bucket

There are others.

The conclusion?

When the subject is not pleasant, humans will discover ways to talk about it without talking about it.

4- All of this thinking about human speech brought to mind the biblical account of the fracturing of human speech.

“And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

“And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
–Genesis 11:1-9

There are a number of stories concocted by men attempting to explain the world’s different languages.

NONE of those stories present the entire picture of human speech–except the Genesis account.

For some reason, the above references to human speech brought the following proverb to mind.

“The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him”
–Proverbs 10:24

(The discussion over this last biblical reference is for another time, another article.)

Three Clues Concerning Propaganda

“Click to Pray eRosary” – wearable smart device to pray the rosary for peace – (h/t:WN)

For today’s on-the-go, modern tare.

Why Is The Elitist Establishment So Obsessed With Meat?

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”
–1TIMOTHY 4:1,3

15 US cities where wealthy families pay the least in taxes

The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

Johnson’s Republican adversaries in Congress accused him of defying the law, acting like a king, and speaking and acting in a way that was unbecoming of the presidency.

“One in seven people worldwide use a smart phone. Hopefully, one day we will never have to look up and into another person’s eyes ever again.”
–Jimmy Kimmel (2012)

Forget your old history book: World War I did not end in 1918

NO life on Mars! NASA shuts down claim by former employee that agency found evidence of aliens on the Red Planet in 1976

75 Most Important ETPR Articles



Paul Ryan

The promise of Paul Ryan was–and continues to be–ALWAYS much more than the reality.

And Ryan is fine with that: it’s the part Paul Ryan has chosen to play.

Paul Ryan to run for speaker if House Republicans will rally behind him -So, Paul Ryan is such an epic leader that he now sets conditions?!?!

This is the media myth of the “reluctant leader, who has to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to grab control of the levers of power.”

It also serves as the PR campaign to make Ryan palatable for conservatives who know his voting record.

Not long after Ryan ascends to power, he will make John Boehner look like a gifted, reasoned statesman.

Paul Ryan’s new partner: Obama – Sorry, Obama’s been Ryan’s partner for years. Take a look at almost every single item on the Obama wish list in 2009: Ryan voted for them.

But since neither the ‘conservative’ media or the ‘liberal’ media won’t talk about Ryan’s voting record, it’s a secret.


From this past weekend: digital reading



One of the questions a believer is frequently asked is “How do you know what you believe is right?”

Other similar questions which are asked almost as much are “Why do you believe what you believe? Don’t you have any doubts? Aren’t you afraid you might be wrong?”

Many times has this writer been asked, “How do you know what you believe is true?”

The answer is always the same.

“Many infallible proofs.”

Very few press any deeper, although very occasionally, someone’s curiosity will be piqued.

“What kind of ‘infallible proofs?’

There a number of them, some when this writer became a Christian and some in the time before when he was still a heathen.

Someone who was present for two of the–what can only be called miraculous–happenings said this  when the topic would arise.

“There are  LOT of things which happen which have no explanation. I think we have to just say that about these two events and let it go at that.”
Many Infallible Proofs

Another answer which generally appears to satisfy curious non-believers is “I’ve been given MANY reassurances.”

Of course, further questioning about EXACTLY WHAT are those reassurances might be usually ensues.

Which almost always leads to the following type of give-and-take.

“It would not do any good to tell you of the many reassurances I’ve received: you would not believe.”

I might.” (or “I would too.”)

“No, you wouldn’t.  For a couple reasons.  1- If you believed, you’d be a believer–and you are not. 2- You don’t have the same experiences as me, so how could my reassurances be the same as what you would classify as “reassurance”?”

What might seem strange to the non-believer is that the believer receives many of his reassurances AFTER he had become a believer, not before.

That’s probably why they call it “faith“?

Words of Warning

Zantac is finally pulled from US and Canada: Popular heartburn drug is recalled from North America a MONTH after it was found to contain cancer-causing chemicals

Plant closures give GM flexibility to make $7.7B investment

GM’s operations flexibility would come from closures at three U.S. plants and associated reductions in fixed costs, excess plant capacity and engineering expense. Baltimore Operations in Maryland, Lordstown Assembly in northeast Ohio and Warren Transmission in southeast Michigan were not spared in the national contract talks.

Indiana driver, 24, convicted of reckless homicide after plowing into 4 children boarding school bus, killing 3

Qantas Airlines Plans to Set Record for World’s Longest Commercial Flight

Last Seen In 1986, Halley’s Comet Will Make Its Presence Known This Week With Shooting Star Show

The Struggle Between Awareness and the Distractions of the World


Tropical Storm Nestor forms, threatening US Gulf Coast

Tropical Storm Nestor: Tornado Watch Issued for Several Florida Counties

Winter 2019-20 Will Likely Be Warmer Than Average in Southern U.S. & Colder Than Average in Parts of Northern TierWhat a risky forecast!

This flu season looks deadly. Yet much of Michigan won’t get its shot.Time to line up for your shot! (At least those in control are still asking…)

Scientists: Movement Detected Along California Fault That Could Cause an 8-Magnitude Earthquake

‘There’s No More Later Left’: Wisconsin Launches Climate Change Task Force

MORE: Climate Change or Word of God: Make Your Choice

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H.L. Mencken

What climate change will do to three major American cities by 2100 – How many more months of dire climate stories until the announcement is made that the governments will “do something” to fight it?

And  “it” refers to climate change, NOT dire climate stories.

Climate change” is responsible for almost ANYTHING!

IF it is hot, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is cold, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is dry, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

IF it is wet, scientists claim it to be “climate change.”

“Heads I win, tails you lose.”

MORE: Climate Change: Fake It Until They Make It

“I’m old enough to remember when the air over American cities was a lot dirtier than it is now.”
–P. J. O’Rourke

…and now that it’s cleaner and more clear, the elite spin their fables, trying to create fear over “climate change.”

For the Philippines, a warming world means stronger typhoons, fewer fish

MORE: Global Warming: What does the Bible Say?

More Than 75 Million Americans Are Currently in a Drought — and It’s Getting Worse

MORE: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet?

MORE: Water shortages, Drought: End Times Signs

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

End Times Survival, End Times Preparation

end times topics


WEEK OF 10-20-2019

Welcome October, Welcome New Witches!

Occult Trump opponents plan Halloween spell to bind him

Paperback magick: Augusten Burroughs reveals he is a witch

Stars who have dabbled in the occult – Hollywood regulars do more than “dabble.”

It doesn’t matter whether you are a good witch or bad one

How an Amazon Pagan Rite Brought 48 Years of Demonic Torment, Until Christ Freed Me

Celebrating Grace Sherwood when it’s easy to remember her as the ‘Witch of Pungo’

Dress like a witch and day drink for a cause this weekend

A royal obsession with black magic started Europe’s most brutal witch hunts – Actually, the royal obsession was that the citizens did NOT focus their attention on the royals.

Practicing Love Spells? These Witches Say You Should Reconsider

Calling all witches: Brooms become bikes for annual ride

Witches on the Way: Charity rides planned in St. Andrews, Bay Point, South Walton

Halloween Beauty Ideas For When You Can’t Even With A Costume

Do You Know the Origins of Halloween?

Liquid Death’s Cursed Canned Water Makes You a Demon Magnet


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)? One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article. When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master. “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events. Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do. ALL political “news” is narrative.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

MORE: The End Times Lie of Staged Newscasts

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

REBRANDING EVIL: The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece

Corporate Media: Satan’s Mouthpiece is the Author of Confusion

“American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
H.L. Mencken

“Things are never quite what they seem. Events are seldom close to how the media and history portray them.”

“It is a free press…There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
–Mark Twain, speech: License of the Press

“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it.”
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda

Journalists” are story-tellers. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, there is an element of truth in their stories, but truth is not a requirement of what they do.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

Nationwide cancer drug shortage sparks fear among parents, doctors

MORE: Modern Man Loves a Good Story

European glass eels have a MAGNETIC internal compass which helps them navigate their way across the Atlantic Ocean


Hailey Bieber will dress up and eat candy ‘for the glory of God’ to celebrate Halloween, she says – While she’s at it, perhaps Bieber will celebrate Halloween by the sacrifice of a child ‘for the glory of God’ as well?

MORE: End Times Lies: Tell Me a Story

US Army cannon capable of shooting projectiles from Nashville to New York set for testing in 2023

MORE: MEN WANT TO BE LIED TO: Lie to Me. Please.

Earth-like planets may be ‘common’ throughout the universe: Scientists spot signs of rusting iron on space rocks which point to worlds with the ingredients for life

MORE: Bedtimes Stories from Outer Space

Ancient Hominin DNA Helped Melanesians Survive in Tropical Environment

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

Radioactive chlorine gas is STILL leaking out of Antarctica’s ice sheets after nuclear bomb tests in the Pacific Ocean 60 years ago

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

Early Earthlings May Have Watched the Galaxy’s Center Explode 3.5 Million Years Ago

MORE: When Men Cease to Believe the Truth, They will Believe Anything



Republicans = Democrats = Libertarians = Communists = Whatever: There are no political solutions to spiritual problems.

GOP leaders to push massive Obamacare bailout – This headline would not make a very good campaign slogan for Republican congressional candidates.



ANOTHER GOSPEL: The churches only preach other gospels.

The Near-Beer Gospel: the Search for Pale Substitutes – This is from 2007.

Has the situation improved or deteriorated in the last (nearly) 10 years?

The churches have found many substitutes for the gospel of Jesus Christ at either end of the spectrum.

One is lukewarm; one is a smoldering heap.

ONE is the “seeker sensitive” movement with it’s “purpose-driven,” bean-counting and its go-along-to-get-along philosophies where the gospel message is pretended to be an afterthought.

It isn’t.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is hated by the seducers and wolves who operate this Church of the Tares–which is why it’s not preached.

THE SECOND is the “experience-driven/sign-wonder/end times ‘revival‘” movement where the gospel of Jesus Christ is expanded until it becomes another gospel.

MORE: Modern Church Revival: Sideshows for Satan

This substitution for the gospel of Jesus Christ is also intentional: the evil men and ministers of Satan DO NOT want the gospel of Jesus Christ preached.

They hate it.

Not surprisingly, the Bible warns of both of these approaches in the end times.

BEWARE! The churches only preach other gospels.





The Alien/ET/UFO media chatter is one of the longest-running propaganda campaigns: about 70 years. i

In total, involving entertainment, news, government, science, education, popular culture: in short, every tool at the command of the mystery of iniquity has been used in this important end times deception.

Where in the Solar System is it Possible for Alien Life?

Alien life, ETs and UFOs are VERY important Corporate Media themes. It’s very important for the mystery of iniquity to indoctrinate mankind on these end times deceptions.

Which is why Big Media, Big Government, Big Entertainment, Big Science and all parts of the mystery of iniquity have churned out a steady, never-ending stream of information on aliens since the late 1940s.

Humanity and sanity in space – More fables about space, space travel and WHAT IFs.

One trick the Corporate Media uses to great effect: when a movie is released (The Martian), someone in the media writes AS IF the movie were a true story.

In this way, the media tempts readers to thoughtfully consider speculation and daydreams as reality.





Woman Charged For Faking Cancer To Raise Money – IF all those who faked dread disease–and other fictitious calamities–to raise money were caught, the prisons would have no more room.


ONE YEAR AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 19-21, 2018

TWO YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20-22, 2017

THREE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2016

FOUR YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2015

FIVE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2014

SIX YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2013


The DISCUSSION: One Year Ago

  1. The Important Deception of Lying to One’s Self
  2. Life is Not Fair?
  3. Repent
  4. Those Who Cry ‘Lord’
  5. Inventions of Iniquity
  6. The Hard Way
  7. Chastening or Judgment: Man’s End Times Choice

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:  End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 18-20, 2019

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

Updates, corrections and late additions to this information 24/7 at END TIMES PROPHECY REPORT


35 Most Important ETPR Articles



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

1- ETPR/xedos4, Danillo Rizutti, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR
2- ETPR/Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.com/ETPR
3- ETPR file/pd
4- Photo by Reimond de Zuñiga on Unsplash
5- Wikimedia Commons/pd
6- hywards, FreeDigitalPhotos.net
7- Image by Lisa Caroselli from Pixabay.com
9- ETPR/ETPR file/pd
10 ETPR file/pd
11 Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net
12 ETPR/Free Vectors, Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.com/ETPR

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-19. © Mondo Frazier and End Times Prophecy Report, DBKP 2007-2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

[NOTE: The following articles are from a service. We neither endorse nor at times have much control over them–although we do, of course, enjoy articles originating from this website on this service. Some articles illustrate points made in ETPR articles; some are merely for the reader’s edification or education.

ALL such links appearing in End Times Prophecy Headlines, such as those below, should originate at ETPR.

RE: our link disclaimer: there are links, from time-to-time which appear on this site which we neither approve nor endorse. The frequency of these types of links will no doubt grow worse. All effort is made to remove such links when we become aware of them.]

para fine tempis - Prepare for the end times

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20-22, 2017

Bible prophecy in today's news headlines
Bible prophecy in today’s news headlines

End Times Prophecy Report
October 20-21-22, 2017

CommentaryAnd OPINION

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.”
Matthew 24:4


SPAIN: Spain Sets Stage to Take Control of Catalonia in Independence Fight

SPAIN: Bank Run Imminent: Catalan Separatists Urge Supporters To Pull Cash From ATMs On Friday Morning

NORTH KOREA: US carrier patrols off Korean peninsula in warning to Pyongyang

NORTH KOREA: North Korea threatens to unleash ‘unimaginable’ nuclear strike on US – More blah-blah-blah in a made-for-media production.

Perhaps one day, the string-pullers will see fit for North Korea to do more than issue big, Trump-sounding threats.

But that day is not today.

NORTH KOREA: North Korea warns the US it faces an ‘unimaginable strike at an unimaginable time’ 

NORTH KOREA: White House Divided Over Whether Trump Should Visit Kim Jong Un’s Doorstep During Asia Visit

SOUTH KOREA: USS Ronald Reagan Joins South Korean Navy For Latest Round Of ‘War Games’

RUSSIA: Putin says Russia has ‘caught up with US missile capabilities’ and will respond if America quits Cold War arms treaty

RUSSIA: Vladimir Putin: “Don’t Back North Korea Into A Corner”

MORE: Russia and the USA: End Times Members of Team Dragon

CHINA: China’s Plan to Buy Influence and Undermine Democracy

World War 3 Watch: October 2, 2017

World War 3 Watch: February 6, 2017

Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say?

USA War against the Muslims: Almost Time

Nuclear Holocaust: The End of the World According to Satan

CLIMATE CHANGE: The End of the World According to Satan


Days left in Trump’s term: 1188

1109 days until Election Day 2020 – Will it happen?

“Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
–H. L. Mencken

SATAN’S MOUTHPIECE: The Corporate Media

Without Saying ‘Trump,’ Bush and Obama Deliver Implicit Rebukes

Incredible drone footage shows five of the eight Mexican border wall prototypes completed as construction is underway for remaining three in a bid to fulfill Trump’s great campaign pledge – Remember when Trump campaigned on his pledge to “build the prototype“?

That being said, there will be a wall-perhaps several walls built.

BUT their purpose will not be to keep illegal immigrants out of the USA.

First look at prototypes of Trump’s ‘big, beautiful’ border wall

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Donald Trump Didn’t Create Danger Of Presidential Dictatorship… He Inherited It

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Donald Trump is not the first president to send someone a check

“Meet the new boss…same as the old boss.”
–The Who, Won’t get fooled again

Obama calls on Americans to reject ‘politics of fear’ in return to campaign trail

Obama hits the campaign trail for the first time in nearly a year as he stumps for Democrats in New Jersey and Virginia governor elections

Donald Trump Prophecy?

“People who are wise, good, smart, skillful, or hardworking don’t need politics, they have jobs.”
-—P.J. O’Rourke

QUOTES: A Few Thoughts on Voting

Things of This World: Faith and Trust in Politics

“But actually, he thought as he readjusted the Ministry of Plenty’s figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another. Most of the material that you were dealing with had no connection with anything in the real world, not even the kind of connection that is contained in a direct lie. Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version. A great deal of time you were expected to make them up out of your head.”
–On changing government statistics – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

POLLS: Another Way to Lie

Do you believe the media? Then why do you believe their lying polls?

POLLS: The Fiction of Polls and Public Opinion

The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Polls

“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
John 20:31

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
-–Romans 1:16power-of-salvation-the-gospel-of-Jesus-Christ


“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. ”
1 Corinthians 15:1-8

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”
-—1 Corinthians 1:18-19

The Gospel is Hidden to Those who are Lost


Living in the End Times: 10 Observations

This Day in the Secret History: October 20

Colorado State student, two others killed in shooting

Victim in Maryland workplace shooting had complained about suspect’s anger, family says

The military ‘does not leave its troops behind’ says DefSec Mattis – Actually, the history of the US military doing EXACTLY that–leaving its troops behind–is extensive and well-documented.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt

Jobless claims plunge 22,000 to hit more than 44-year low

MORE: Encouraging Happy Talk about the U.S. Economy Will Grow More As Job Prospects Grow Less

GOP leaders to push massive Obamacare bailout – This headline would not make a very good campaign slogan for Republican congressional candidates.

Former FEC Chair Demands Internet “Disinformation” Crackdown In Major Threat To Free Speech

Where the Opioids Go – Many Americans DO have a taste for narcotics.

OF COURSE, many Americans have developed a number of debased tastes.

Gospel of Jesus Christ: Making a Choice



picking, choosing, God's people

Irish bookmaker already paying out on Clinton win – This usually means that Trump is the 2016 selectee.

Husband of killer clown suspect says she is innocent of shooting dead his first wife 27 years ago and says it is ‘unfair’ she is being blamed for the murder

In October 2016, the “creepy killer clown” campaign was pushing most other “news” off the front pages of newspapers and the evening TV newscasts.


New study suggests insect populations have declined by 75% over 3 decades – IF the reader is concerned, he need not be: the next “study” may find that insects have INCREASED by 75% over 3 decades.

Insects Are In Serious Trouble

My mother, Bette Davis, a DRUNKEN MONSTER who cost cast a demonic curse on her own family

Bette Davis (left, center and right) would probably have been burned as a witch if she had lived two or three hundred years ago.

[Davis’ daughter stated] her manipulative and hard-drinking mother Bette (right with her husband William Grand Sherry on their wedding day in 1945) did indeed believe she was a witch, and would cast spells on her enemies from her bed. Not only that, she claims she once saw her mother transform into an ‘evil, demonic presence’

Davis would have had PLENTY of company: Hollywood has always been a satanic hotbed.

Is It Bad That I Don’t Remember My Dreams? Here’s Why Scientists Think It May Be A Red Flag – It’s being promoted as “dream deprivation” and a “sleeplessness epidemic.”

Manchester, one of the many epicenters of opioid epidemic, saw nearly 120 overdoses last month

The empire comes home: Counterinsurgency, policing, and the militarization of America’s cities



ANOTHER GOSPEL: The churches only preach other gospels.

The Near-Beer Gospel: the Search for Pale Substitutes – This is from 2007.

Has the situation improved or deteriorated in the last (nearly) 10 years?

The churches have found many substitutes for the gospel of Jesus Christ at either end of the spectrum.

One is lukewarm; one is a smoldering heap.

ONE is the “seeker sensitive” movement with it’s “purpose-driven,” bean-counting and its go-along-to-get-along philosophies where the gospel message is pretended to be an afterthought.

It isn’t.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is hated by the seducers and wolves who operate this Church of the Tares–which is why it’s not preached.

THE SECOND is the “experience-driven/sign-wonder/end times ‘revival‘” movement where the gospel of Jesus Christ is expanded until it becomes another gospel.

MORE: Modern Church Revival: Sideshows for Satan

This substitution for the gospel of Jesus Christ is also intentional: the evil men and ministers of Satan DO NOT want the gospel of Jesus Christ preached.

They hate it.

Not surprisingly, the Bible warns of both of these approaches in the end times.

BEWARE! The churches only preach other gospels.


SATAN: Forget about the gospel.

Spam theft and black market sales forcing shop owners to hide product

Spam is being kept locked in plastic cases in Hawaii stores after several heists of the tinned meat

MORE: FAKE NEWS: Product Placement, Staged Events as “News”

China and Russia: Full Steam Ahead Towards a Cashless Society


Has the Supreme Court Legalized Public Corruption?



PHARMAKEUS: End times sorcery

“And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 21Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries [pharmakōn], nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”
–Revelation 9:20-21

New Big Pharma scandal as price of crucial leukemia drug is hiked 40% to $200,000 a year

Lawmakers have slammed a pharmaceutical company for raising the price of a crucial leukemia drug by 40 per cent in less than a year.  Bernie Sanders is leading the interrogation into ARIAD Pharmaceuticals in the latest battle between government and big pharma firms.  ARIAD produces Iclusig, which is used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia in some patients.

In reality, the “battle between government and big pharma firms” is a pillow fight between two old friends.

[Pharmakon and pharmakeia [which in Galatians 5:20 is translated as “witchcraft“] also have meanings (determined by context) of “medicine,” “drugs” or “poison.”]

MORE: BIG PHARMA: Mad about Drugs, Sorcery and Poison in the End Times

MORE: Pharma and Sorcery in the End Times

A Woman Went Blind After Stem Cells Were Injected in Her Eyes

Adios, California

A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse.

California is not alone.

Could Too Much Exercise Be Bad for Men’s Hearts? – The media will not tire of portraying that which is good as bad–and vice versa.

“Let me just say something as a Mets fan. The Yankees may have more World Series rings than anyone but they’ll never have what the Mets have, a mascot with a giant baseball for a head. That belongs to us.”
–Jimmy Kimmel

Mysterious ‘pyramids’ are spotted on the ocean floor off the coast of the Bahamas

Although the ancient pyramids were constructed by humans, Mr Waring says ‘Only aliens could accomplish makings such a massive structure’.

MORE: Mysteries of the Pre-Flood Civilization

MORE: Pre-Flood Civilization and the End Times: 10 Important Observations

When the World Outlawed War  – War will continue as it has until the return of Jesus Christ.

“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
–Isaiah 2:4

Until then, mankind will only experience the lying words of men…

…and war.

End Times Marriage: Seven Thoughts About Marriage in the End Times


Report: Pollution Kills 3 Times More than AIDS, TB And Malaria Combined – Reports are like experts and studies: they say whatever it is the government/media wants them to say.

Great ShakeOut,’ World’s Largest Earthquake Drill, Helps Millions Prepare for Disaster – No drill will prepare the world for the earthquake which the Bible declares will soon strike.

“And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.”
Revelation 16:18,20

Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.”
Ezekiel 38:19-20

Climate change at work? Weather Service calls for third straight mild winter.

4 Questions about Climate Change and the California Fires

MORE: Climate Change or Word of God: Make Your Choice

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H.L. Mencken

World Hunger is increasing, thanks to war and climate change

MORE: Climate Change: Fake It Until They Make It

“I’m old enough to remember when the air over American cities was a lot dirtier than it is now.”
–P. J. O’Rourke

…and now that it’s cleaner and more clear, the elite spin their fables, trying to create fear over “climate change.”

MORE: Global Warming: What does the Bible Say?

Drought conditions return to Massachusetts

MORE: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet?

MORE: Water shortages, Drought: End Times Signs

Ebola in America: What does the Bible Say?

End Times Survival, End Times Preparation


“How can the reader know when the Corporate Media is lying to him (never mind the fact that the media is Satan’s Mouthpiece and Satan is the father of lies)? One easy way to tell is the use of “Why” and “How” in the headlines of an article. When the reader sees “Why?” or “How?” in the headline–occasionally “What” is used–that which follows will be a fairy tale, a narrative, a bedtime story spun by the media for the benefit of the media’s master. “Why” usually denotes an on-going narrative; “How” signifies a story line which explains past events. Not all narratives begin with “How” or “Why.” However, the most in-your-face, over-the-top ones usually do. ALL political “news” is narrative.

The Corporate Media

What is Media Mush?

MORE: The End Times Lie of Staged Newscasts

Puppet Masters of Public Opinion: The Corporate Media

REBRANDING EVIL: The Corporate Media is Satan’s Mouthpiece

Corporate Media: Satan’s Mouthpiece is the Author of Confusion

“Things are never quite what they seem. Events are seldom close to how the media and history portray them.”

“It is a free press…There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
–Mark Twain, speech: License of the Press

Journalists” are story-tellers. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, there is an element of truth in their stories, but truth is not a requirement of what they do.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
–Adolf Hitler, Propaganda, the Big Lie and Adolf Hitler: 20 Hitler Quotes on Propaganda

Lunar cave could give astronauts shelter on the moon

MORE: Modern Man Loves a Good Story

Will the World’s Most Worrying Flu Virus Go Pandemic?

H7N9 study finds virus poised to become more lethal, resistant to treatment – Like zombie walks, it is about that time of year when the flu horror stories will begin to make their annual appearance.


What Happens After You Die? The Brain Keeps Working Long Enough for Thoughts to Form – And they measured and replicated the data on this exactly, HOW?

“All those whose mind has quit working, raise your hand.”

“All those whose minds are still forming thoughts, do not raise your hands.”

MORE: MEN WANT TO BE LIED TO: Lie to Me. Please.

Scientists have discovered a new link between sugar and tumor growth

MORE: Science: A Collection of Stories

Dyslexia may be caused by an eye deformity

MORE: When Men Cease to Believe the Truth, They will Believe Anything


ONE YEAR AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20, 2016

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2016

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 22, 2016

TWO YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20, 2015

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2015

THREE YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 20, 2014

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2014

FOUR YEARS AGO: End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 19-20, 2013

End Times Prophecy Headlines: October 21, 2013

This Day in the Secret History: October 20

World War 3 Watch: October 20, 2014


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: End Times Prophecy Headlines: September 29-October 1, 2017

ARCHIVES: End Times Prophecy Report Article Archives

Eternal Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Salvation Messages from End Times Prophecy Report

Updates, corrections and late additions to this information 24/7 at END TIMES PROPHECY REPORT


35 Most Important ETPR Articles



by Jeremiah Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

1- ETPR/xedos4, Danillo Rizutti, FreeDigitalPhotos.net/ETPR
2- Stuart Miles, FreeDigitalPhotos.net
3- ETPR file
4- ETPR file
5- amenic181, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-17. © Mondo Frazier and End Times Prophecy Report, DBKP 2007-2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Link Disclaimer: inclusion of links to other blogs/websites is not necessarily an endorsement of all content posted in those blogs/websites.

[NOTE: The following articles are from a service. We neither endorse nor at times have much control over them–although we do, of course, enjoy articles originating from this website on this service. Some articles illustrate points made in ETPR articles; some are merely for the reader’s edification or education.

ALL such links appearing in End Times Prophecy Headlines, such as those below, should originate at ETPR.

RE: our link disclaimer: there are links, from time-to-time which appear on this site which we neither approve nor endorse. The frequency of these types of links will no doubt grow worse. All effort is made to remove such links when we become aware of them.]